Sample resume for the profession accountant of a budgetary institution

[organizational and legal form, name of organization, enterprise] I approve

[position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description]

[day month Year]


Job description of an accountant of the material desk [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

Structure of a proper resume

The main function of a resume is to present the candidate’s professional competencies, experience, knowledge and personal qualities. The questionnaire should reflect information that corresponds to the interests of the employer, focusing on the skills that are important for a specific position.

Information is presented in a concise, structured form.

The most advantageous resume structure is the classic one, where information blocks are arranged in the following sequence:

  1. Personal information of the applicant, age, place of residence, clearly defined purpose, contact information.
  2. Block “Work Experience” with disclosure of the list of functional responsibilities and professional achievements.
  3. Section “Education” indicating vocational education institutions and information about completed specialized courses.
  4. Professional skills and abilities.
  5. Additional information that is not directly related to the functions of the desired position, but adds additional touches to the candidate’s portrait.

Appearance for an accountant is not as important as for professions where you need to communicate a lot with clients or perform representative functions. However, competent photography can be a significant advantage

. The image of a responsible, pedantic person, attentive to details is created through a neat appearance and business style in clothing.

The following categories of specialists work in the public sector:

accountant-auditor of the first and second categories, accountant of the first and second categories, chief accountant and his deputy.

When filling out the document, you should remember that the employer will only be interested in information that directly relates to job responsibilities. Do not overload the questionnaire with unimportant information. Every word should show your professionalism, experience and competence.


The responsibilities of a materials accountant in a manufacturing or other industry must be fulfilled. If they are violated, different types of liability may arise: disciplinary, material, administrative or even criminal. Financial crimes in modern society are punished severely. An accountant is a person who is called upon to prevent violations in the economic relations of a legal entity and other entities. If shortages are detected, the materials specialist is responsible for covering them.

A materials accountant is a qualified specialist erudite in the fields of law, accounting and economics. An employee interested in his competence and professionalism complies with all requirements for accounting for inventory or inventory, successfully monitoring the movement and use of assets of this group.

Experience as an accountant in a public institution

A non-profit organization is owned by the state or municipality. It can be a state-owned, budgetary or autonomous institution. Such organizations are distinguished by strict targeted funding. The list of expenses is also strictly regulated at the legislative level.

A specialist who comes to the budget from commercial structures will have to deal with specifics regarding the legislative, property and financial framework.

When hiring for accounting positions in non-profit organizations, employers often give preference to candidates with experience in a similar field.

The “Work Experience” section is one of the key points in the resume of an applicant applying for the vacancy of an accountant in a budgetary institution. This block contains information about the specifics of the institution where the candidate worked, general work experience, field of activity, position held, qualification requirements, job responsibilities and professional achievements. If the applicant has had a break in work experience, it is important to show in the resume that the candidate has current knowledge in the field of legislation.

An optimal example of an accountant’s job responsibilities for a resume for a budget organization may look like this:

  • Preparation and submission of budget reports;
  • Work with auctions and tenders;
  • Work with government contracts;
  • Preparation of applications for cash expenses under contracts.

Achievements characterize the candidate as a valuable specialist. For an accountant, this is information about the results of his activities, thanks to which the organization received economic benefits.

Example of work experience for a public accountant:

  • Period:
    06.2015 - present V.
  • Organization:

    GBOU secondary school No. 1001

  • Job title:

    Chief accountant's assistant

  • Responsibilities:

    — Formation of budget policy; — Control over the order of registration of accounting documents; — Work with the state treasury; — Preparation of budget reporting; — Salary calculation.

  • Achievements (over 2 years):

    — Successfully passed 5 tax audits; — Electronic document management has been introduced.

University graduates without experience have a chance to get a job as an assistant accountant in a budget institution.

The resume should draw the employer's attention to the skills and abilities acquired during practical training, focusing on such qualities as quick learning and determination.

If you have a specialized education, your chances increase significantly, since government agencies often experience a turnover of young staff. In addition, there are not many specialists who know budget specifics.


The accountant of the material table has the right:

3.1. to all social guarantees provided for by law;

3.2. demand from the management of the enterprise assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights;

3.3. demand the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.;

3.4. to pay additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an industrial accident and occupational disease;

3.5. get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities;

3.6. submit proposals for improvement of the organization and methods of work performed by the enterprise management for consideration;

3.7. request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor documents, materials, tools, etc., necessary to perform their official duties;

3.8. improve your professional qualifications;

3.9. other rights provided for by labor legislation.

Education of a public sector accountant

Higher education is a prerequisite for the vacancy of chief accountant, his deputy and material group accountant. Candidates for these positions must have a strong theoretical background. To obtain an ordinary position in accounting, a secondary specialized education is sufficient.

Also in this section you should indicate the completed advanced training courses. It is important for a specialist to maintain and deepen knowledge in the profession.

Certificates of international accounting systems, for example, such as ACCA, CIMA, CPA and others, will provide an advantage.

Government accountants are subject to more stringent qualification requirements. They must regularly undergo training in specialized courses developed for budgetary institutions, taking into account professional standards.

Example of specialized education in a resume:

  • Higher education:
    Moscow University of Humanities and Economics
  • Faculty:

    Finance and audit

  • Speciality:

    Economics and accounting

  • Year of ending:


Example of additional education in a resume:

  • Year of ending:
  • Name:

    Changes in the field of budget accounting

  • Conducting organization:

    LLC "Control Center"

  • Year of ending:


  • Name:

    Professional retraining of accountants of budgetary institutions

  • Conducting organization:

    NPO "Budget"

Skills of an accountant of a budgetary institution

This block describes the professional and technical skills that the applicant has.

The main list of skills of an accountant of a budget organization:

  • Organization of accounting and tax accounting;
  • Control of primary documentation;
  • Preparation of a consolidated report;
  • Control and regulation of document flow;
  • Preparation of economic analysis;
  • Calculation of wages and other payments;
  • Inventory;
  • Tax reporting;
  • Knowledge of specialized accounting programs, etc.

According to the professional standard, the main functions of an accountant are record keeping and preparation of financial statements. The priority task of the chief accountant is to organize and coordinate the activities of the accounting department.

The activities of the chief accountant require not only excellent knowledge in the field of accounting and reporting, but also the skill of managing the accounting service of the institution and interacting with senior management.
Therefore, the resume should reflect the ability to manage subordinates and perform administrative work. Key skills for a public accountant:

Document flowSalary calculation
InventoryPrimary documents
Fixed Asset AccountingFinancial planning
Registration of contractsCash discipline
Tax reportingExpense reports
Treasury ServicesFSS, Pension Fund
Tax lawClient-bank
1c accountingMs office

Responsibilities of a materials accountant

A material group specialist, depending on the conditions and requirements of the employer, can account for not only inventories, but also fixed assets, goods, intangible assets, i.e., the entire group of inventories and inventory items or a separate category. Of course, if the company is small, then one accountant can handle the responsibilities. In a large production facility, the material group consists of several specialists.

What actions should a materials accountant perform? This is monthly and continuous accounting of inventories with the implementation of all actions required by its organization:

  • reception of materials and its documentation;
  • calculation of the cost of inventories;
  • control of economical consumption of materials;
  • preparation of primary documentation for processing;
  • reflection of data on the movement of materials on accounting accounts;
  • accrual of payments to the budget;
  • formation and maintenance of databases on accounting at the oil and gas plant site.

In addition, like a specialist in another area of ​​accounting, a materials accountant must comply with general requirements, such as acting in accordance with the law, strict adherence to PBU and accounting instructions, as well as internal orders of the enterprise.

What to write “about yourself” to an accountant

This block of the resume contains additional information that reveals the applicant’s personal qualities and unique features that set him apart from other candidates.

The position of an accountant is labor-intensive, monotonous work with numbers and documents. Accounting has to interact with all departments and divisions and resolve controversial issues. The work of an accountant requires a very special set of personal qualities, decency in any circumstances and the ability to perform large volumes of work. A professional will not leave unfinished documents or leave work during the reporting period.

Employers prefer to see a person with the following qualities as an accountant:

  • Discipline;
  • Scrupulousness;
  • Attentiveness;
  • Performance;
  • Hard work;
  • Honesty;
  • Perseverance;
  • Logical thinking;
  • Ability to self-educate;
  • Skill to work in team.

It is important for an accountant to be able to cope with emotions and maintain composure at critical moments, since the work involves great psychological stress during inspections and conflict situations with counterparties.

Sample block about yourself:

  • Executive, scrupulous, responsible. Analytical mind, I can plan my time effectively. I know HR well. I actively work with legal frameworks.


This section indicates the e-mail address, phone number and one of the instant messengers through which the employer can quickly contact the applicant for the vacancy. It is possible that the interview with the candidate will be conducted remotely, so you should consider the possibility of remote communication in advance.

Contact information in your resume:

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