Job Description for Advertising Manager

The rapid development of industry at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries contributed to the emergence of new levers of influence on consumers of products of enterprises of various profiles. These new methods include the creation of advertising agencies involved in product advertising and promotion to the consumer market. That’s when the catchphrase appeared: “advertising is the engine of trade.”

Successful business development required the involvement of advertising specialists. The origins of our Russian advertising are the early 20s of the last century, during the NEP. The brightest representative of Soviet advertising was the Rodchenko-Mayakovsky tandem - a poster artist and a master of advertising text. In the modern understanding, Mayakovsky is an advertising manager: he composed advertising texts, found clients, sought financing, looked for profitable orders for his products, and conducted marketing research.

What is the purpose of the work?

The main goal of an advertising manager’s work is to promote the company’s products to the consumer market and increase profitability . A manager is a leader, literally a manager. Its goal is to select a strategy and tools to effectively influence the consumer’s consciousness that it is his product that he needs. Choosing the means to achieve your goal is also the responsibility of the manager. This is not just an advertisement for a product. But also deep marketing research involving all services of the company.

Ways to achieve promotion:

  1. Use of media . Establishing connections with representatives of the “fourth estate” to create a positive image of the company.
  2. Using the company's internal resources . Analysis of the expenditure of advertising department funds. Search for effective product promotion through creating attractive product forms and content. For example, the production of packaging for a product begins with the search for material, size, color, ease of use, that is, the search for all components that contribute to a quick purchase.
  3. Monitor the marketing steps of competitors and develop a strategy for behavior in a competitive environment. Constantly improve the level of customer service. Direct the work of your department towards full interaction with the company’s divisions. Carrying out promotions to study demand.

Basic provisions

The development of a job description for an advertising manager is drawn up on the basis of an employment contract and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor legal relations in the Russian Federation.

The main provisions of this instruction are developed based on the scope of activity of a given enterprise. Work in the media involves finding advertisers, selling space and airtime, and finding funds to retain clients . The main work is aimed at fulfilling the clients' tasks.

Are you preparing a job description for a supply manager? To view a sample, follow the link.

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What is required to register an LLC? Read the article for information.

Working in a trading company, he provides a full range of advertising activities and supports the sales department in increasing demand for goods and rapid sales growth.

The instructions must reflect the requirements for an advertising manager: higher education (specialty in management) or additional professional training based on higher education and at least two years of work experience. This is important because many advertising managers are not, in fact, advertising managers. Their activities are more reminiscent of advertising brokers: buy cheap services on the advertising market, offer them to their company and also receive a commission from their partner.

The job description must indicate a list of documents that the advertising manager must follow:

  • these instructions;
  • legislative and regulatory acts in the field of entrepreneurship, commerce and advertising;
  • collective and labor agreements;
  • orders and instructions of the company’s management;
  • company charter;
  • methodological developments.

The instructions must indicate what the manager should know and what functions are assigned to him. We must proceed from the specifics of the enterprise and identify exactly what is needed. It is necessary to exclude duplication of functions of other specialists. Everyone must do their job and be responsible for it.

Claims Manager

I approve

Director of LLC

(Order No.___ dated “___”______________2010




1.1. The claims manager is classified as a specialist.

1.2. The claims manager is hired and dismissed by order of the director on the recommendation of the commercial director.

1.3. The Claims Manager reports directly to the Commercial Director.

1.4. In his activities, the claims manager is guided by:

— laws, regulations and methodological materials on the work performed;

— charter and internal documents of the organization;

— internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization;

— orders and instructions of the executive director and commercial director;

- this job description.


2.1. A person with a higher (secondary) vocational education in the specialty “management” or a higher (secondary) vocational education of another profile and additional training in the field of theory and practice of management is appointed to the position of claims manager. A candidate for the position of claims manager must have at least six months of experience in similar positions.

2.2. The claims manager must know:

— federal laws and regulations governing business activities in the field of selling consumer goods;

— the basics of entrepreneurship and business, rules and principles of sales;

— fundamentals of a market economy, assortment, classification, features and specificity of goods sold;

— standard contracts used by the organization, the procedure for their conclusion, execution and termination;

— procedure for acceptance and transfer of products and execution of relevant documents;

— regulations on claims and lawsuits in force in the organization;

— psychology, ethics of business communication and telephone conversations;

— structure of the organization;

— rules for working with computers and office equipment.


3.1. The responsibilities of the Claims Manager include:

— acceptance, accounting, consideration of complaints, as well as preparation of responses to claims (claims) received by the organization;

— conducting negotiations with applicants of claims (claims);

— prompt response to claims (claims), other information of a complaint nature coming from clients, and timely bringing it to the attention of the executive director, commercial director and legal service of the organization;

— collection, analysis of documents and information necessary for an objective consideration of claims (claims) and preparation of a reasoned response on behalf of the organization;

3.2. Accounting and statistical work:

— analysis of statistical data on claims (claims);

— compiling and submitting monthly reports to the commercial director on the number of claims (claims) received and the work performed;

— provision of annual reports on the results of work to the commercial director.

3.3. Procedure for consideration of claims (claims).

3.3.1. Quality claims (claims) are considered in the following order:

1) acceptance and registration of a claim (claim) with the secretariat;

2) analysis of the validity of the claim (claim), verification of the attached documents (copies of contracts, checks, warranty cards, invoices and other documents confirming the conclusion of a sales or supply agreement must be attached to the claim or claim, if the claim or claim is signed by a representative, also attached copy of the power of attorney);

3) checking the compliance of the arguments of the claim (claim) with the actual circumstances and current legislation;

4) according to Art. Art. 518 and 475 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, based on the results of consideration of a quality claim (claim) filed by a buyer-legal entity during the execution of a product supply agreement, the claims manager may make one of the following decisions:

— refusal to satisfy the claim (claim);

— proportionate reduction in the purchase price of the goods;

— free elimination of product defects within a reasonable time;

— reimbursement of the buyer’s expenses incurred when eliminating defects in the goods;

- in case of a significant violation of the requirements for the quality of the goods (detection of irreparable defects, defects that cannot be eliminated without disproportionate costs or time, or are detected repeatedly, or appear again after their elimination, and other similar defects) refusal to fulfill the supply contract and refund to the buyer of the amount of money paid for the goods or replacement of goods of inadequate quality with goods that comply with the contract;

5) according to clause 1 of Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, based on the results of consideration of a claim (claim) for quality declared by an individual buyer (consumer) during the execution of a product purchase and sale agreement, the complaint manager may accept one from the following solutions:

— refusal to satisfy the claim (claim);

— free elimination of product defects or reimbursement of expenses for their correction to the consumer to a third party;

— proportionate reduction in the purchase price of the goods;

— replacement with a product of a similar brand (model, article);

— replacement with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;

- refusal to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and return of the amount of money paid for the goods, while the consumer must return the goods with defects (delivery of low-quality goods is carried out at the expense of the organization);

— in the event of a dispute about the reasons for the occurrence of product defects, the complaint manager sends the product for which claims (claims) are made to the manufacturer to determine the quality of the products.

— if the claimant disagrees with the results of the manufacturer’s inspection of the product or files a claim in the prescribed manner, the organization may, at its own expense, conduct a commodity examination or product quality check with the participation of an independent expert. The decision to select an expert organization and pay the costs of conducting an examination or checking the quality of products is made by the executive director of the organization.

- claims (claims) containing consumer demands for the provision of furniture (its components) free of charge for the period of repair or replacement of furniture (its components) are not subject to satisfaction on the basis of clause 2 of the List of durable goods, which are not subject to the buyer’s demands for free provision for the period of repair or replacement of a similar product (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998);

- claims (claims) of consumers for the return or exchange of furniture (its components) of good quality for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration are not subject to satisfaction on the basis of clause 8 of the List of non-food goods of good quality that cannot be returned or exchange for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998);

6) decisions on claims (claims) the amount of which exceeds 20,000 rubles are made only with the consent of the executive director of the organization;

7) the decision on claims (claims) is formulated in the form of a response (review), signed by the director of the organization and sent to the applicant by registered mail (against signature).

3.3.2. Claims (claims) for the delivery of incomplete goods are considered in the following order:

1) acceptance and registration of a claim (claim) with the secretariat;

2) analysis of the validity of the claim (claim), verification of the attached documents (copies of contracts, checks, warranty cards, invoices and other documents confirming the conclusion of sales or supply agreements must be attached to the claim or claim, if the claim or claim is signed by a representative, also attached copy of the power of attorney);

3) checking the compliance of the arguments of the claim (claim) with the actual circumstances and current legislation;

4) according to Art. Art. 519 and 480 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, based on the results of consideration of a claim (claim) for the supply of incomplete goods, declared by the buyer, a legal entity or an individual (consumer) when executing a contract for the supply (purchase and sale) of products, the claims manager may make one of the following decisions:

— refusal to satisfy the claim (claim);

— proportionate reduction in the purchase price;

— completion of goods within a reasonable time;

— if the organization does not complete the goods within a reasonable period of time, the incomplete goods are replaced with a complete one or the sale and purchase agreement is refused and the amount of money paid is returned to the buyer.

5) decisions on claims (claims) the amount of which exceeds 20,000 rubles are made only with the consent of the executive director of the organization;

6) the decision on claims (claims) is formulated in the form of a response (review), signed by the director of the organization and sent to the applicant by registered mail (against signature).

3.3.3. Claims (claims) arising on other grounds (i.e. not provided for in clauses 3.3.1 and 3.3.2) are considered in the following order:

1) acceptance and registration of a claim (claim) with the secretariat;

2) analysis of the validity of the claim (claim), verification of the attached documents (copies of contracts, checks, warranty cards, delivery notes and other documents confirming the conclusion of contracts must be attached to the claim or claim, if the claim or claim is signed by a representative, a copy of the power of attorney must also be attached);

3) checking the compliance of the arguments of the claim (claim) with the actual circumstances and current legislation;

4) decisions on a claim (claim) are made only in agreement with the legal service of the organization

5) decisions on claims (claims) the amount of which exceeds 20,000 rubles are made only with the consent of the executive director of the organization;

6) the decision on claims (claims) is formulated in the form of a response (review), signed by the director of the organization and sent to the applicant by registered mail (against signature).


4.1. The claims manager has the right to:

— if difficulties arise when considering claims and claims, seek advice from the organization’s legal service and (or) transfer all complaint materials to it.

— request personally or on behalf of management from applicants of claims (claims), structural divisions and employees of the organization for documents and information necessary to perform official duties;


5.1. The Claims Manager is responsible for:

— failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s official duties as provided for in these instructions, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

— committing offenses in the course of their activities within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

- causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the organization - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The following have been familiarized with the job description:





Rights and obligations

The employee has the right:

  • get acquainted with draft decisions of management and other officials on the company’s advertising activities;
  • discuss questions about your job responsibilities;
  • make proposals for improving and improving the company’s activities;
  • interact with the management of company departments on advertising campaigns;
  • put your signature on documents (within the limits of your authority);
  • submit proposals for rewarding or punishing subordinates;
  • assist the company management in the performance of their duties.

The job description of a marketing manager includes a section defining the responsibilities of an advertising manager. This section consists of points. The number of items in this section depends on the scale of the company’s activities. Large companies have management and marketing departments and a solid staff of employees.

The task of the company management and department heads is to distribute the responsibilities of each department employee to perform their functions to the maximum extent possible.

The main responsibilities of an advertising manager are aimed at the following:

  • preparation of printed materials (booklets, catalogs of goods or services, banners, souvenirs with the company logo, posters, etc.);
  • drawing up annual, monthly and project budgets, media planning;
  • negotiating and concluding agreements for advertising placement on advantageous platforms, including the media, outdoor advertising, radio, television, Internet);
  • conducting analysis of consumer demand during advertising campaigns;
  • analysis of the activity of competing companies (monitoring methods);
  • optimization of advertising costs;
  • support of documentation in your field;
  • ensuring control over the implementation of everything planned;
  • development of a reporting and control system for activities related to the work of the advertising department.

There are job descriptions for an office manager, a financial manager, as well as for tourism, working with clients and sales development.

Sample job description for advertising manager

A completed sample job description for an advertising manager is very popular. The form is compiled based on a competent example. job description of an advertising manager The proposed sheet is standard and suitable for most organizations.

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