Requirements for online mortgage documents

Documents for obtaining a loan at Sberbank

To apply for a consumer loan at Sberbank, you need to collect the necessary package of documents depending on the category of the borrower.
To apply for a loan, the borrower fills out a Form, which includes all personal data, place of residence, registration address, information about income, the presence of registered property of the borrower, and also indicates the amount that the client needs and the card number to which the approved amount will be credited and from which The monthly loan fee will be charged. The borrower can fill out this form independently, downloading it from the Sberbank website, and directly at the branch, together with a specialist. Correct completion of the application form plays a big role in loan approval.

If the form is filled out for a military serviceman, then in the column where registration is indicated, permanent registration must be indicated, as well as temporary registration at the place of service.

Identity documents

As a rule, the main document confirming the identity of the borrower is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. A citizen living and registered in Russia has the opportunity, at his place of registration, to apply to the nearest Sberbank branch to receive a loan. If the client does not have a permanent residence permit, then it is required to provide a temporary residence permit, for the duration of which the loan will be issued.

Documents confirming income

As already mentioned, each category of borrower must provide an individual package of documents.
To confirm income, working individuals must provide a 2-personal income tax certificate. The certificate must contain information about income for at least the last six months. The certificate is valid for 30 days from the date of its receipt.

If a Sberbank client is on a salary project, then providing this certificate is not required: Sberbank independently monitors the amount of credits to the borrower’s wages. If for some reason wages have not been credited to the card within 6 months, the client is required to provide a 2-NDFL certificate in accordance with the terms of Sberbank. It is worth understanding that some employers credit wages to a Sberbank card without concluding an agreement with the bank; the accounting department credits wages using the account number provided to it, which is not tied to the salary project. In this case, the client is credited with the status “other credits”, while the salary client is credited with the status “salary credit”. If such a situation occurs, then it is necessary to provide documents on general terms.

Pensioners who receive a pension on a Sberbank card are also not required to provide a 2-NDFL certificate. If a pensioner does not receive a pension on a Sberbank card, it is necessary to provide an extract from the Pension Fund of Russia on receipt of a pension for the last month. This certificate is also valid for 30 days from the date of its issue. If the client has another type of income that he can document (in order to increase the amount of loan approval), then in this case the provision of certificates is necessary.

  • Working pensioners must provide a certificate from their place of work if their income is not credited to their Sberbank card. In this situation, when filling out a form indicating the borrower’s income, you will need to indicate one thing: either apply for a loan as a pensioner or an individual receiving a salary.
  • If a working pensioner receives both a pension and a salary on a Sberbank card, then registration is carried out according to the category of the borrower where the income is higher, and other official enrollment will be taken into account as additional confirmed income.
  • If the borrower is an individual entrepreneur, then in his case it is necessary to provide a tax return depending on the type of reporting. If the declaration is submitted quarterly, then information is provided for two reporting periods (two quarters), and if the declaration is annual, then information is provided for the previous year.
  • If the client is a military man, then the same conditions apply to him as for a working borrower, namely, a 2-NDFL certificate. Military personnel can also be on the Sberbank salary project. In this case, no certificates are required.

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Help on the Sberbank form

If a Sberbank client is not able to provide proof of his income in the form of a 2-NDFL certificate, then Sberbank offers to fill out a certificate using the Sberbank form.
This certificate also states the place of work, the organization’s landline telephone number, income, position of the borrower and the legal address of the company. When checking the provided certificate, the security service compares the income stated in the certificate with the average income in the region for a similar position. If the income is overstated, the application for this client is rejected.

The certificate on the Sberbank form can be downloaded from the official website. An employee of the organization who has the official right to do so is required to fill out the certificate, this is either the manager or the chief accountant. The certificate must be certified by the signature of the head of the organization, the person filling out this certificate, as well as a seal.

Documents confirming employment

To confirm employment, you must provide the following documents:
A copy of your work record book.

A copy of the work book must comply with the requirements of Sberbank, namely, a copy of the work book must be certified on each sheet as follows:

  • Copy is right;
  • Full name of the person certifying the work book;
  • Date of;
  • Signature;
  • Seal.

On the last page of the work book you must write down the following:

  • Copy is right;
  • Full name of the official;
  • Signature;
  • The phrase “works to date”;
  • Date of;
  • Seal.

If at least one point is missing, the work book will be invalid.

  • For individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to provide the organization’s TIN and OGRN. These certificates must be provided in the original, and you must also have copies of these documents with you.
  • For military clients, it is necessary to provide a certificate of military service, which should indicate the duration of the contract.
  • For pensioners who do not receive a pension on a Sberbank card, it is necessary to provide a pension book;
  • For clients on the Sberbank salary project, providing a certified copy of documents is not required. All data about the borrower’s place of work is transferred by the organization’s accounting department to the accounting department of Sberbank for opening a salary account;

Borrowers providing a certificate in the Sberbank form are also required to provide a certified copy of their work record book in accordance with Sberbank requirements.

Requirements for scans and correctness of photocopies of originals

Submitting documents for a mortgage online involves the first stage of document review. For this purpose, all originals must be scanned correctly. An important requirement of a financial institution is readability and maximum visibility. Therefore, if numbers, personal data, and numbers are not visible on the copy, the lender has the right to refuse to consider the application. The main requirements include:

  • Modern technologies allow you not only to make a high-quality scanned copy yourself, but also to prepare the finished document. If the document is not readable, you need to make a file extension. During the procedure, the document must be placed in a vertical direction along clearly indicated demarcation lines. When scanning, it is important to use the clearest possible settings. Correct settings will minimize any inaccuracies.
  • Photocopies that must be submitted to the financial institution after confirmation of the application must be officially certified. The work record book is certified by the HR department, at the place of work, or by a notary. The labor document is certified and stitched.
  • Scanned and photocopied documents with stamps must be clearly visible.

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After preparing the documents for the online application, you must correctly enter all the requested data in the application form itself. A preliminary detailed study of lending conditions, interest rates, and debt repayment terms will allow you to make an informed decision when choosing a lender and a profitable loan program.

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Maria Yurievna Sokhan

Date of publication July 3, 2018 August 11, 2018

Additional documents for individuals

Additional documents are provided depending on the type of loan for which you are applying.

  • If an application for a mortgage is submitted, then additional documents of co-borrowers and guarantors are required. If the loan is approved, then there is an additional list of documents related to the registration of the purchased housing.
  • If an application for a car loan is submitted, then Sberbank is provided with a title, a purchase and sale agreement for the car, a certificate confirming the payment of the down payment and confirmation of the issuance of a CASCO policy.
  • If the request is for a credit card, then the package of documents is the same as for consumer lending.
  • To apply for a consumer loan, in addition to a passport, certificates confirming income and employment, Sberbank may request additional documents, for example, SNILS or a driver’s license. Using the SNILS number, Sberbank can check mandatory deductions, and using the series and number of the driver’s license, unpaid traffic police fines.

How to apply for a loan at Sberbank

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Sberbank offers its clients several options for obtaining a loan - this is through the Sberbank mobile application, through a personal account, through the Sberbank website, and also when visiting the nearest office. Each borrower has the right to choose a more convenient method of submitting an application.

The first method is to apply for a loan through the Sberbank mobile application. If you do not have this application, then you need to download it. As soon as the application appears on your phone, you should register, which will take no more than one minute. After registration, click on the “loans” tab, select “apply for a consumer loan” and fill out the form. After all these fields have been filled out, you must click on “send application”.

You will receive an SMS code with a password, which confirms your consent to the processing of personal data, and you will need to wait for a decision on the loan. Before making a decision, they may call you from the security service and check the data you entered in the application. After which you will receive an SMS notification with Sberbank’s decision. If the decision is positive, then here you can either immediately credit funds to your card, or you will be asked to contact the office to provide the original documents.

The second and third methods of submitting an application are no different - this is through the borrower’s personal account or through the official website of Sberbank. To enter your personal account, you need to know your login information, which you can obtain through an ATM or register yourself. To register, you will need a Sberbank card and a mobile phone number linked to it. After registration, you will log into your personal account and repeat the steps to submit an application, as through the mobile application.

The fourth way is to visit a Sberbank branch. To submit an application through the nearest office, you must have with you an identification document, certificates confirming income (if you are not a salary client), and, just in case, an additional document, SNILS or driver's license.


If the loan application was successful, then to avoid delays, it is recommended to enable auto payment.
This service is absolutely free and you can disable it at any time. If you apply for a loan yourself through online services, you must carefully fill out the application. If there are discrepancies with the original documents, Sberbank has the right to terminate the application or simply refuse the loan. The application must provide reliable information, since the application is checked by the security service. If fraud is suspected, you may be blacklisted by Sberbank.

Never give your personal data to anyone, including a Sberbank employee. Do not apply for loans over the phone, even if they call you from the Sberbank hotline and offer to apply remotely.

Registration of work books of different social groups.

An employer, an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur, does not have the right to make entries in the work books of employees, as well as to issue work books to employees who are being hired for the first time. In accordance with Art. 309 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a document confirming the period of work for an individual employer is a written employment contract.

For students, students, graduate students who have work records, the educational institution (scientific institution) makes a record of the time of study in full-time departments (including preparatory) of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. The basis for such records are orders of the educational institution (scientific institution) on enrollment and expulsion from students.

Work records are not kept for notaries and lawyers notaries and lawyers do not have the right to enter into labor relations as employees, with the exception of scientific, teaching and other creative activities. But at the same time, the current legislation does not contain prohibitions on the fact that, at the request of the lawyer who owns the work book, bar associations and law offices can make entries in it about the lawyer’s admission to and departure from the legal profession. Thus, in legal entities that are legal entities (bar associations and law bureaus), work books are maintained in accordance with the established procedure for all persons hired under the terms of an employment contract, including assistant lawyers and legal trainees, as well as upon request An entry may be made in the lawyer’s work book about the lawyer’s admission to the bar and his departure (expulsion) from it.

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