Characteristics of the employee. Example of correct characteristics

In what cases is characterization necessary?

The request to prepare a reference for an employee is most often addressed to HR department specialists:

  • by the employee himself;
  • government agencies;
  • head of the organization.

In the first and second cases, a ready-made reference from the place of work is needed to present it to some authorities outside the organization in which the employee works (for example, to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities; or to the educational institution in which he studies on the job ; or to a new place of work; or to court). Thus, the characteristic is required by an external customer.

In the third case, certain internal organizational procedures related to the evaluation of the employee are being prepared, and the document will be used within the institution. His customer is internal.

HR specialists are not required to write a character reference themselves, because they cannot know the business qualities of each employee, but they must organize the preparation of such a document: contact their immediate superior, assist him in writing and completing the document.

The content will depend on the purpose of creating the characteristic. Therefore, we will consider various options that are often encountered in practice.

Design rules

A standard neutral reference must be drawn up on official letterhead from the place of employment. If data is supposed to be transferred to government agencies, then the characteristics must indicate where and to whom it is sent.

If an employee independently requests the preparation of a specification, then a line is written in it that the document is suitable at the place of request.

The text must contain the following points:

  • information relating to the employee;
  • professional skills and personal achievements;
  • personal qualities possessed by the employee;
  • other information relating to the characteristics of this particular employee.

The law does not provide a specific form for providing information about an employee.

form and template used is one that has been used in this organization for many years and is successfully accepted by third-party organizations.

You can download a sample general form of characteristics from this link.

Personal data must be included in the description if the employee allows it to be given out in writing. In addition, an important point is the number and name of educational institutions that the employee managed to complete. That is, this is secondary education and the presence of an institute or technical school.

Read our article about the transfer and storage of personal data in an organization.

There is no clear scheme or template according to which such documents would be drawn up. However, the compiler needs to be focused on the body or organization for which information about the employee is provided.

Certain points in professional skills or personal qualities need to be emphasized and emphasis should be placed on achievements , as well as personal qualities.

One of the main rules in drawing up a character reference is to have only reliable information that accurately reflects information about the employee.

Pay attention to the correct and competent composition:

  1. A writing style that should not be characterized by an abundance of emotional words and other characteristics that emphasize a biased attitude towards the employee.
  2. In the text it is necessary to abandon expressions of profanity, abusive and outdated words, as well as colloquial expressions that do not have an informational nature in this kind of document.
  3. The test should be concise and concise. That is, it is necessary to abandon protracted sentences and redundant definitions.
  4. It is advisable to use personal pronouns; they will add richness to the test, and the reader will form the correct opinion about the prospective employee.

There are a number of rules that must be followed when drawing up a document:

  • the characteristics are drawn up by hand or in printed form;
  • the main emphasis should be placed on the basis of the request of the institution where the document will be sent;
  • if necessary, the document is not only signed by the head of the organization, but also certified by the company’s seal;
  • It is important to remember that personal data in the document is indicated only with the consent of the employee of the organization for whom the reference is drawn up.

So, based on the above principles of writing, we can conclude that the reference from the place of work, although drawn up in any form, is still an official document that must be drawn up correctly and without errors in speech patterns.

Examples of positive and negative characteristics

To begin with, let's give an example of a positive testimonial from a place of work. This is the most common option, which lists a person’s strengths and positive professional qualities.

Semyon Ivanovich Nikiforov is a high-profile specialist who has been working at Electrosystems LLC for 15 years. His total work experience is 22 years. During his work at Electrosystems LLC, he established himself as a responsible, qualified employee. Semyon Ivanovich competently, quickly and effectively solves the tasks assigned to him. The electrical systems installation projects entrusted to him were completed with high quality and in a short time. The main positive qualities of Semyon Ivanovich are his responsibility and perseverance in achieving his goals. It is also impossible not to note his ability to competently explain the task to other specialists. Nikiforov Semyon Ivanovich was twice awarded gratitude from the management of Electrosystems LLC.

Now let's give an example of a negative characteristic:

Ivan Ilyich Mitrofanov worked at Electrosystems LLC as a mechanic for 1 year and 3 months. During this time he did not show high professionalism. Despite some positive qualities, Ivan Ilyich is characterized as a poorly disciplined worker. Lack of discipline manifested itself in non-compliance with work deadlines and regular lateness. Ivan Ilyich was twice subject to disciplinary sanctions.

Filling out the form for the examination

An employee of the organization or the ITU can initiate the preparation of documents. In the first case, you will need to indicate the institution at whose request you need to fill out the form. In the second situation, a request from the bureau is required. The characteristics are drawn up on a special A4 format. You need to prepare the paper in 2 copies. A copy remains in your personal file. The original is provided to the employee. Arbitrary entry of information is acceptable. However, it is important to take into account all the requirements. To minimize the risk of errors, production specifications for the 2021 ITU are recommended.

If the citizen continues to be listed as an employee of the enterprise, all information is indicated in the present tense. If there was a dismissal - in the past.

The form must contain at least 13 mandatory items. The exact volume depends on the disease.


The paper prepared for ITU must contain the following information:

  • Full name of the employee. Indicated in the nominative case.
  • Name of the organization. Indicated in full. You have to write down the legal address, department, area where the patient works.
  • Position held and length of service. The period of time during which the person works in this company is indicated. Additionally, assigned qualifications are specified.
  • Main specialty.
  • Information about the employee's qualifications. The name, assigned category, class and rank are indicated.
  • The main type of employment. Information about the work performed by the person is also indicated here. This can be manual or machine labor.
  • The daily routine is reflected. You will need to specify the number of days off and the duration of your vacation. Data about the position in which a person is forced to perform work duties is also recorded here. The employer must reflect the amount of psychological and physical stress, as well as the level of hazards and noise. This section must be filled out with great care. It allows you to get an idea of ​​the adverse factors affecting the body.
  • Information about labor productivity. Output is expressed as a percentage. Additionally, it is indicated whether the citizen copes with the daily norm. If the indicators are low, it is important to indicate the reason that led to this.
  • Data is recorded on the submitted certificates of incapacity for work and the amount of time that was provided as leave. Data is provided for 12 months.
  • The clause specifies the types of benefits available to the employee. This may be the right not to go on business trips, a short working day, or exemption from workload.
  • The employer reflects the ongoing relocation with a change in wages as a result of the deterioration of the employee’s well-being, if such a thing occurred. It is necessary to reflect when the action was performed and where the face was moved. The assigned position is recorded.
  • The manager indicates whether he can provide the employee with a different position taking into account the disability. If a transfer was carried out before, the paragraph states that it will not be possible to carry out the action again.
  • Information is reflected that was not previously specified, but may have an impact on the examination. Here they usually write about the personal qualities of a citizen, his abilities and skills.

Increased attention should be paid to entering information into sections that indicate the difficulty of performing certain loads.

An example of this is point 8. It is important to record the actual amount of work performed, as well as the percentage.

There is no need to reflect the information on the ITU form in too much detail. The information is entered concisely.

It is recommended to write down only data relating to the possibility of moving to another position. There is no point in praising a citizen. The document is not filled out to find a new place of employment. It does not constitute a recommendation. The form is required so that doctors conducting the examination can realistically assess the patient’s condition and the level of complexity of the disease. The finished document is signed by the head of the organization or the head of the human resources department. The paper is certified with a wet seal. If medical personnel are present, they also sign. You can fill out the production characteristics for ITU below.

  • Production characteristics form for ITU (VTEK)
  • Sample of production characteristics for passing the ITU (VTEK)

Characteristics for promotion

Promotion can be initiated by the management of the organization. In this case, the requirements for the procedure can be flexible and determined by local regulations: Internal Labor Regulations, Promotion Regulations, etc. Often, the package of documents for submitting an employee for promotion includes a description of the immediate supervisor.

A sample reference from the place of work for a worker who is planning to be awarded a Certificate of Merit

To choose the right words for a description, you need to think about what qualities in the company are considered the most valuable, and based on this, define the employee. The job description example presented above emphasizes performance skills. However, it is possible that your company especially welcomes:

  • dedication, loyalty to the company and its leaders;
  • or the ability to make decisions, take initiative;
  • or a responsible attitude towards the quality and timing of work;
  • or the ability to build relationships with clients...

But there is another type of encouragement - state awards of the Russian Federation. In this case, there are serious requirements for documents from the place of work (details about this can be found in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 09/07/2010 No. 1099 “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation”, as well as in the Letter of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04/04/2012 No. AK-3560). The Letter contains methodological recommendations regarding the preparation of award documents.

Sample characteristics for an employee to receive a state award

Types of characteristics

The types of characteristics for an employee, depending on the purposes of application, may be the following:

  1. External - can be drawn up at the request of a third-party organization or the employee himself to present this document at the place of request, for example, they can be used for military service in a military registration and enlistment office, in a municipal organization to make a decision on the admission of an employee, if they want to apply various measures to the employee measures of encouragement or punishment, etc.
  2. Internal - they are used for the internal needs of the organization, for example, to impose incentives, disciplinary sanctions on an employee, when transferring between departments to provide complete information to the manager about his future subordinate

In these cases, the document is drawn up according to the general rules, but there are other types of references, for example, references to the court from the place of work, or references from neighbors, which are necessary in the event of an administrative penalty or criminal case being initiated against a citizen. They can play a key role when the court makes a decision, so when writing them, special attention is paid so as not to harm the person. A production characteristic can also be applied to an employee.

Characteristics to the court

During court hearings, characteristics of the defendant (accused) are often added to the case materials: they can be requested by any participant in the trial, including the employee against whom the case was brought. Look at a sample description of the driver from the place of work - it has become a circumstance mitigating administrative liability (decision of the Davlekanovsky District Court dated August 23, 2010, case No. 12-93/2010).

The employer must remember that the document issued by him becomes a kind of testimony, and try to be as accurate and truthful as possible.

Sample characteristics for the court

Use in your work the sample characteristics for an employee from the place of work from the previous section as a template, substituting your own definitions.


This document:

  • drawn up on the organization’s letterhead;
  • includes the employee’s personal data (full name, year of birth, marital status, length of service, position, education, etc.);
  • contains a detailed description of business and personal qualities;
  • ends with a phrase explaining the purpose of drawing up the document (most often “for presentation to court” or “for presentation at the place of demand”);
  • signed by the head of the enterprise;
  • certified by a seal (if available).

Registration requirements

This document is often drawn up on sheets of paper in A4 format. It is recommended to use the letterhead of the organization where the person works. The required element on the reference is the company seal and signature of the person performing managerial functions. The structure of the act is represented by several components.

These include the title part. It is referred to as a header. It reflects the details of the enterprise and the name of the act. It is necessary to indicate the date when the document was published. The first section reflects personal information, including last name and initials, date of birth and current education.

Feedback on an employee for certification: sample

To confirm the compliance of an employee with the position held or the work performed, employees are certified in organizations. The procedure for its implementation is established by labor legislation, other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, local regulations adopted taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers (Part 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In some cases, certification is mandatory. For example, in relation to employees:

  • holding positions of teaching staff belonging to the teaching staff (with the exception of employees with whom the employment contract is concluded for a certain period). Certification is carried out once every 5 years (Part 10, Article 332 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • holding positions as scientific workers (with the exception of scientific workers whose employment contracts are concluded for a certain period). Certification is carried out within the time frame determined by local regulations, but no more than once every 2 years and at least once every 5 years (Part 7 of Article 336.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In some cases, in order to pass certification, it is necessary to submit a review of the employee. Such a review is usually drawn up by the immediate supervisor of the employee being certified and submitted to the certification commission for consideration. We will tell you in our consultation what form to use to write such a review.

Characteristics of the employee

Sometimes an employer needs to write a reference for his employee. It is required, for example, to obtain a visa. Many organizations, when hiring a new employee, request a reference letter from their previous place of employment in an official letter. Also, quite often such requests come from judicial and other government bodies. Well, another characteristic will be needed for the employee subject to certification. Let's understand the nuances of drawing up characteristics

A character reference is an official document issued by an employer (both an organization and an individual entrepreneur) to an employee in various situations. This is a document containing a comprehensive assessment of the employee’s professional and personal qualities identified during his work in the company, as well as conclusions and proposals on his future business purpose, the application of disciplinary measures against the employee, etc.

Since the profile needs to most accurately reveal both the professional and personal portrait of the employee, it is best if it is compiled by the immediate supervisor.

Conventionally, several blocks can be distinguished in the text of the characteristics.

The title part indicates the name of the document (characteristics), the full last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, as well as the position held.

The personal data includes the employee's surname and initials, year of birth, and education. The educational institution and the terms of study in it are written in full. If there are several educational institutions, then they list all of them indicating the specialty received. You can also note your academic achievements: a diploma with honors, an academic degree.

The third part contains data on the employee’s work activity. Typically, this part contains the following information: what year has the employee in question been working and in what position did he begin his activities in this organization, to what positions and to what divisions was he transferred. You can also list the significant results of the employee’s activities (which works he supervised, which he performed independently) and information about advanced training, obtaining additional education, retraining, etc.

Next, you need to evaluate the employee’s business and personal qualities. The indicators by which the assessment is carried out can be quite diverse. Particular attention should be paid to professional competence. When assessing it, take into account work experience, level of knowledge in the profession, as well as the employee’s knowledge of legislative and other regulations relating to his work.

An employee’s performance can be assessed by how active he is in performing his duties, by his ability to organize the work process and perform high-quality work on time. In addition, you can provide information about incentives, if any. Be sure to indicate the employee’s achievements in his position and contribution to the development of the organization. Achievements can be understood as an increase in production thanks to this person, for example, in the workshop, an increase in sales, or assistance provided to them in conducting seminars.

Personal qualities are best demonstrated when communicating with colleagues. Usually, when describing these qualities, they use words such as “friendly”, “communicative”, “conscientious”, “responsible”, “hardworking”, “actively pursuing a career”.

When assessing the business and personal qualities of an employee, it is necessary to determine the level of his knowledge and skills as accurately as possible. He can be:

  • very good, high (for example, “Has a lot of experience,” “Has a high level of knowledge in.” or “Has deep knowledge in the field.”);
  • sufficient (for example, “Has sufficient experience or a sufficient level of knowledge in.”);
  • small (for example, “Is not well acquainted with the issues in the field.”, “Does not have deep enough knowledge in the field.”);
  • low - lack of knowledge and experience (for example, “Does not have skills in the field.”, “Does not have experience in the field.”).

The structure of the document can be divided into introductory, main and final parts. The last part is separated by the word “conclusions”.

The description is written from a third person in the present or past tense. It can use spoken words, but only if they are necessary. Please note that when compiling a description, you need to take into account the specifics of the requesting organization and enter the necessary points in accordance with the request.

It is best if the description is printed in Times New Roman font size 14 with one and a half line spacing (single spacing is also allowed). The average volume of the specification should not exceed one A4 sheet. Printed in two copies. Then the signature of the person (the head of the organization or the employee authorized by order) who issued the reference is affixed, indicating the position, which is certified by the seal of the organization. One copy must be given to the employee, and the second copy, with visas from the head of the department in which the employee works, and the head of the human resources department, must be left with the employer.

It must be taken into account that in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” personal data means any information relating to an individual identified or determined on the basis of such information (subject of personal data), including including his last name, first name, patronymic, year, month, date and place of birth, address, family, social, property status, education, profession, income. Therefore, the characteristics can be attributed to documents containing personal information of the employee. And if so, the employer must comply with the provisions of Chapter 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, by virtue of Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when transferring an employee’s personal data, the employer must comply with the following requirements:

  • do not disclose personal data to a third party without the written consent of the employee, except in cases where this is necessary in order to prevent a threat to the life and health of the employee, as well as in other cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws;
  • warn persons receiving the employee’s personal data that this data can only be used for the purposes for which they were communicated, and require confirmation that the said rule is observed. Persons receiving personal data of an employee are required to observe a regime of secrecy (confidentiality);
  • allow access to personal data of employees only to specially authorized persons, while these persons should receive only those personal data of the employee that are necessary to perform specific functions;
  • transfer the employee’s personal data to employee representatives in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, and limit this information only to those employee personal data that are necessary for the said representatives to perform their functions.

for manager of Romashka LLC

Sidorov Petr Alexandrovich

Sidorov Petr Aleksandrovich, born in 1973, has a higher education with a degree in physics teacher, which is confirmed by a state diploma issued by the Smolensk State Pedagogical University. After graduating from university, he served a year in the army with the rank of lieutenant in the air defense forces. Single (divorced since 2009), has a seven-year-old daughter. Maintains a relationship with his wife.

Before joining Romashka LLC, he changed three places of work - Veter LLC (1998 - 2001), IP Akopyan A.R. (2001 - 2009), CJSC Sistema. Characteristics from previous places of work are positive. He quit his last job of his own free will due to the exchange of common living space with his ex-wife and the move to a new place of residence.

He started working at Romashka LLC on March 16, 2009. He underwent retraining as an agent for the sale of fuels and lubricants. Successfully passed the qualifying exam. He made two rationalization proposals to improve customer service. For one of them he was awarded a valuable gift. In a team, he is sociable and shows the makings of a leader. Professional training meets the requirements. However, discipline is poorly developed - over the past month, cases of being late for work by more than 20 minutes have become more frequent. We train quickly. Open in communication. Always has his own opinion. By nature he is close to choleric. High internal ambitions. Capable of making independent decisions. Responsible for decisions made. Has no bad habits. He loves his daughter and spends his free time with her. He is laconic with others, but correct. Conscientious. Often in need of funds - it is spent on renovating a new apartment. Recommended by the head of the sales department for a cash subsidy. Justifies trust when issuing material resources, preserves entrusted property. A promising specialist with possible further appointment to management positions.

The characterization was issued for submission to the Avtozavodsky District Court of Samara.

10.24.2013 General Director Petrov / V.L. Petrov/

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Feedback form for certified employee

The need for a review for an employee to undergo certification may be provided for by the procedure for conducting it. The commercial organization develops the form of such a review independently. A review of an employee is usually accompanied by an attestation sheet, where the commission enters conclusions about the certification or non-certification of the employee. The review is drawn up in the number of copies provided for by the certification procedure and the relevant internal regulations of the organization. Usually one copy is enough, which must be familiarized with the employee against signature.

The document can be based on the forms of reviews for civil servants provided for by the certification provisions approved by the relevant departments.

Here is an example of filling out a review for a certified employee, developed on the basis of departmental forms:

Prev. / Next

For a review of a municipal employee subject to certification, you can download a sample developed for municipal employees of the Moscow region.

A review form for a certified employee of the PFR system can be downloaded.

And you can download, for example, a review form approved by the Ministry of Economic Development on the performance of official duties by a civil servant subject to certification for the certification period using this link.

Interregional Father's Committee

How to write a character reference A character reference for an employee is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead (A4 sheet format), by his immediate superior or an employee of the HR department and signed by the director or an authorized person. Structure of writing a characteristic: title - details of the organization, date of writing the characteristic, in the center the name of the document (the word CHARACTERISTICS); personal information about the employee - this section will be the first paragraph in the document, it indicates in whose name the reference was issued (full full name of the employee), year of birth, education received by the employee; characteristics of work activity - in this section you need to write the date of employment of the employee in the organization, brief information about career growth, indicate a list of the most significant results that the employee achieved; assessment of various qualities of an employee - namely, assessment of personal, business and psychological qualities, level of performance and professional competence of the employee, as well as information about incentives, rewards or penalties. For example: the personal qualities of an employee can be expressed in his relationships with the workforce, in the level of general culture, etc. To assess professional competence, it is necessary to take into account the employee’s work experience, level of professional knowledge, ability to self-educate, knowledge of regulations and legal acts, general erudition, etc. an employee’s business qualities are assessed based on his analytical abilities, ability to maintain business relationships with colleagues, ability to plan work, exercise leadership functions and control the implementation of assigned work, etc. When assessing an employee’s performance, his activity in performing assigned tasks, his ability to organize the work process, the quality and timing of the work performed, as well as behavior in non-standard (complex, stressful) situations, the effectiveness of decisions made, and the ability to take responsibility based on the results of work are taken into account. conclusion - this point is indicated only in the external characteristics, in which it is necessary to write the purpose of compiling this document. For example: “The characteristic is given for presentation at the place of request.” —————————————————————————————————— Full name characteristics – date of birth, last place of work and position, length of financial activity. During his work, FIO has established himself not only as a disciplined and careful worker, but also as proactive and capable of taking responsibility in making decisions on complex issues within his competence. He has proven his abilities in organizing the work of his subordinates. Constantly monitors current changes in the regulatory framework, and also aims to improve his professional qualifications. Fully adheres to corporate norms and rules, has excellent business communication skills. He is hardworking, has a high capacity for work, and in every possible way supports the work of the company in difficult moments, including after school hours. Based on its personal and business qualities, the full name is a worthy candidate for receiving the qualification certificate of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia “Professional accountant - chief accountant, expert accountant (consultant)”. Full name Signature Seal ——————————————————————————————- CHARACTERISTICS Full name ___________________________, born on ______________, has been working in ________________________ as _____________________________________ since “___”______________ 2010. During the time he worked at our enterprise, he established himself as a specialist who is well versed in his specialty. Applies his knowledge in practice. He approaches his work with initiative and completes it efficiently and on time. Shows a desire to improve the level of his professional knowledge and education. Participates in the social life of the team. He is respected by the team with whom he works directly. In communication he is even and modest. Violations of safety regulations and labor regulations are not permitted. The characteristics are given for presentation to ___________________________________ Director ________________ Full name —————————————————————————————- CHARACTERISTICS for the chief accountant of Horns and Hooves LLC Petrov Petr Petrovich Petrov P.P. born in 1900, graduated from Moscow State University in 1917 with a degree in reindeer herding, has a higher education. From 1918 to the present, he worked at Horns and Hooves LLC in the following positions: secretary to the manager, head of the personnel department. During his work, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist. He is a true professional, skillfully manages the department entrusted to him, and enjoys well-deserved respect among employees. P.P. Petrov constantly improves his professional level: he studies legislative and regulatory documents on issues of working with documentation, reads special literature on issues of working with official documents, takes responsibility and seriousness in fulfilling his official and other duties assigned to him by management. The management of the organization highlights the constant desire of P.P. Petrov to professional growth: this employee is currently receiving a new professional education in the specialty “law”. For his conscientious attitude to work, he was awarded the medal “For the Conquest of Space.” In communication with colleagues he is attentive and friendly. During my work, I introduced specific proposals that had a beneficial impact on the company’s work. The characteristics were issued for presentation at the place of request. General Director D.A. Medvedev ———————————————————————————————————— CHARACTERISTICS Marina Nikolaevna Svetlova worked at OJSC “Publishing House “Luch”” with 04/02/2001 to 12/09/2004 as a senior proofreader. Her responsibilities included the following: proofreading edited manuscripts, reading proofprints, checking the correspondence of the typed text to the original, checking the completeness of manuscripts, ensuring the unification and correctness of the text and other elements of the publication. During her work, M. N. Svetlova established herself as a highly qualified specialist, and was responsible and conscientious in the performance of her official duties. M. N. Svetlova is disciplined and constantly improves her professional level. In 2003, she completed advanced training courses at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts. M. N. Svetlova is friendly, sociable, and enjoyed the well-deserved respect of the employees of the Luch Publishing House. Gene. Director of OJSC "Publishing House "Luch"" Signature E. A. Korobov ——————————————————————————————————— Employee performs a large amount of work, always meets deadlines, and manages to attend all meetings, prepare required reports in a timely manner and get acquainted with the reports received by him. The volume of work he performs demonstrates his high professionalism and dedication to the company. The employee is distinguished by the ability to analyze facts, collect the necessary information and, based on this, make informed decisions. The employee demonstrates the ability to consider different options and make the right decision. He learns quickly and knows how to look “at the root” of a question and separate the important from the unimportant. Even if the manager does not always agree with his decisions, he always treats them with respect. Colleagues rely on the employee's ability to analyze situations and make decisions and often turn to him for advice. The employee knows how to plan his work and set goals. Sets priorities correctly. Rarely leaves things to the last minute. Attentive not only to the task as a whole, but also to the details of the work. As soon as a decision is made in the organization (even if the decision is made in another department), the employee evaluates the possible consequences, clarifies the details and modifies his work plans in accordance with the new requirements. Often his questions and comments turn out to be useful not only for him, but for the entire organization. The employee works well not only in normal situations, but also in stressful situations, and always maintains optimism, self-control and a positive attitude towards work and colleagues. No one has ever seen him “lose his temper.” When things go wrong, he maintains his composure and reassures those around him with his behavior. His maturity and ability to control emotions is one of the reasons why colleagues are eager to work with him on projects.

Characteristics for employee certification sample

Under socialism, the recommendation of the guarantor was replaced by a written description. When you had to choose a job, or were lucky enough to occupy an elected position. It was always necessary to go to the HR department with a reference. Now the characteristics, as before, began to be called a letter of recommendation. In modern realities, the concept of a letter of recommendation has become commonplace. Many people have come across such a term as characteristic. There is a difference between demanding a characteristic and providing it is quite another. We offer a form that will help save time in preparing a decent document.

Characteristics of an employee subject to certification (filling sample) (prepared by consultantplus specialists, 2010) -

The form was prepared using legal acts as of January 21, 2011. The form is designed for the HR Guide. "Certification". Characteristics of the employee subject to certification (filling sample)

Limited Liability Company "Veres" (LLC "Veres") Characteristics for the employee. subject to certification Kravtsov Ivan Sergeevich 1. Last name, first name, patronymic: ———————-. 08/16/1973 2. Date of birth: ———-. Higher

3. Information about education and advanced training: ——professional education, State Educational Institution “Novosibirsk Open University”, ——— 2001, jurisprudence. ------- main

4. Position held, date of appointment to this position: ——-Legal Advisor of the Legal Department, 12/04/2006.

5. Work experience in the specialty: ————-

6. The decision of the previous certification commission, the date of its holding: —— corresponds to the position held, 05/18/2009. ——— (decision of the commission, date of the previous certification) 7. Performance indicators for the period from the date of the previous certification to the present, assessment of professional activity (with the attachment of additional materials (reports, other) if available).

In the period from May 17, 2009 I.S. Kravtsov participated in the development and approval of ——— local regulations, including amendments to the PVTR, in the ——— part relating to the working time of workers engaged in shift work. ———

Prepared a conclusion on the draft Collective Agreement, with the introduction of ——— proposals for finalizing some points (see Appendix No. 1). ——— Represented the interests of the organization in the arbitration courts of Moscow.

With his ——— direct participation in the preparation of materials for court hearings and ——— the sessions themselves, 2,456,089 rubles were recovered in favor of the organization. ——— Consulted employees of the organization on written requests (for example, on ——— pension calculation issues).

—————————- 8. Disciplinary sanctions: none. 9. Incentives (awards): Certificate of Honor, 2009. 10. Appendix: 1. Conclusion on 12 pages to the draft Collective Agreement.

2. Decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated July 17, 2009 N 45-89/9. 3. Request by A.A.

Fomina dated December 25, 2009 on the assignment of a pension, consultation with I.S. Kravtsov at the request of A.A. Fomina.Date of compilation: February 15

10 characteristics “—” ——- 20— Mr. Stogov M.V. Stogov Head of the Legal Department ———- ——————-I.S. has been familiarized with the characteristics.

Kravtsov Kravtsov February 15, 2010 With the information specified in the description: I agree. Kravtsov Kravtsov February 15, 2010 disagrees: _______________________________________ (reasons indicated)

Decision of the certification commission 5 March 01, 10 (Minutes N - dated “—” —— 20—) 5 0 Number of votes for —, against —. Decision of the certification committee, its recommendations: I.S. Kravtsov is suitable for his position. It is recommended to include I.S.

Kravtsov into the personnel reserve for promotion to a higher position. Chairman of the certification commission Deputy General Director A.S. Fadeev Fadeev ———————————— ————- ——————— Secretary of the Attestation Commission Clerk

Morozova A.S. Morozova ———————————— ————- ———————Kravtsov I.S. has reviewed the results of the certification. Kravtsov Chief Legal Adviser ————- ——————— March 02, 10 “—” —— 20—

Sample characteristics for an employee during certification

Approximate scheme of characteristics-feedback for the person being certified 1. Last name, first name, patronymic, age 2. Position, place of work (department, sector, group) 3. Education, total work experience, in this library and in the last position 4. Most and least successful job responsibilities performed, real and possible future causes of difficulties in work 5. Quality and reliability (professionalism) when performing work in difficult situations (under conditions of technology changes, time constraints, personnel shortages, rotation, etc.) 6. Ability to the development and implementation of innovations (idea generator, organizer, implementer) 7. Professional and scientific activity (receiving grants, participation in competitions, conferences, seminars, publication of articles) 8. Advanced training and self-education (specify specifically the number of hours and forms of training) 9 Relationships in the team: with colleagues, subordinates, managers 10. Business qualities and personal work style (responsibility, organization, punctuality, diligence, initiative, ability to cooperate with other people, desire for self-learning, etc.) 11. Personal qualities and character traits (modesty, attentiveness, activity, loyalty to a given promise, sociability, openness, etc.) 12. Implementation of the recommendations of the previous certification 13. List of persons who took part in drawing up the characteristics (colleagues, subordinates, managers) 14. Date of compilation and signatures of the managers who approved the characteristics.

Other sample characteristics

June 09, 2021

Sample characteristics of the director of a cultural center

Important Characteristics of the head of the Rassvetovsky rural House of Culture Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Panevkina. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna has been working at the Rassvetovsky House of Culture for 15 years. Secondary specialized education. Graduated from the Tobolsk School of Arts and Culture named after A.A.

Alyabyev, who specializes in teaching and organizing cultural and leisure events. For 8 years she held the position of specialist in youth work, for 5 years she worked as the artistic director of the Rassvetovsky House of Culture. Since 2012, head of the cultural center. Takes an active part in school, district and regional events. She has proven herself to be a responsible and conscientious worker and leader. The workers of the House of Culture have friendly relations with each other, thanks to her organizational skills and communication skills, she is a mentor, friend and adviser. Lyudmila Alexandrovna enjoys authority and respect among her fellow villagers. The eldest is a student at Tyumen University, the middle and youngest are studying in grades 3 and 8. Tatyana Gennadievna is a caring and loving mother. She actively takes part in the social life of the school. She was elected chairman of the parent committee of the governing council of MAOU Rassvetovskaya Secondary School, an observer at the Unified State Exams and a member of the Voluntary People's Squad, as well as a member of the local Election Commission. Characteristics of a specialist in working with youth of the Rassvetovsky rural House of Culture Tatyana Fedorovna Sozonova. Tatyana Fedorovna has been working at the Rassvetovsky House of Culture for 2 years. Secondary specialized education, graduated from Tyumen Pedagogical College with a degree in primary school teacher. She worked at the Rassvetovskaya school for 26 years, and at the Skazka kindergarten for 2 years. Rassvetovsky Palace of Culture. She has proven herself to be a responsible and conscientious worker. Tatyana Gennadievna is a talented screenwriter and director of cultural and leisure events. He knows how to interest and captivate children in his circle work. He has certificates of honor and gratitude. Artistic. Loves to sing and dance. The workers at the House of Culture have good relationships. Tatyana Gennadievna enjoys authority and respect among her colleagues. The character is sociable, purposeful, cheerful. Favorite activity is sports. He has been playing table tennis for many years. Takes an active part in district, regional and zonal competitions. Has medals and certificates. He writes poetry and enjoys knitting. Married. Relationships in the family are friendly and respectful. Parents and heads of the Isetsky district for raising their children. Tatyana Gennadievna has three daughters. A close relationship has been established between the House of Culture and other organizations. He knows how to interest and captivate children in his circle work. He has certificates of honor and gratitude. Artistic. Loves to sing and dance. The character is sociable, purposeful and cheerful. Married. Relationships in the family are friendly and respectful. Has 2 sons: one goes to the preparatory group of kindergarten, the other is in 5th grade. She is an active assistant in organizing leisure activities in kindergartens and schools. She is a member of the parent committee and was elected as an observer at the Unified State Exams. For two years he has been the chief of staff of the Voluntary People's Brigade. Member of the United Russia party. Characteristics of the methodologist of the Rassvetovsky rural House of Culture Tatyana Gennadievna Bayakhmetova Tatyana Gennadievna has been working at the Rassvetovsky House of Culture for 8 years. Secondary education. She worked on the Lenin collective farm for 18 years. Full name of the organization Where required Legal address Email address Characteristics of Ivan Trofmimovich Ivanov Ivan Trofimovich Ivanov, born in 1961, has been working at the Palace of Culture in the city of N, Leningrad Region, since August 29, 1984. Higher education. In 1984 he graduated from the Institute of Culture with a degree in “Methodologist and organizer of cultural works.” Married. Has two sons and a daughter. Ivanov L.T. hired immediately after graduation as a methodologist. On January 11, 1986, he was appointed senior artistic director. His official responsibilities include: organizing cultural events; organizing and staging concerts; in almost all concerts, Ivan Trofimovich takes on the mission of entertainer. Under his control, concert and performance work outside the city and organization of leisure activities for the population are also carried out. Komogortseva Lyudmila Mikhailovna has been working in the education system of the municipal formation of the city district "Okha" for 29 years, the director of the municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children, the House of Children and Youth of the city of Okha - since 2000. Lyudmila Mikhailovna is a creative, proactive and competent leader. She skillfully and competently resolves issues of the functioning and development of an educational institution. The House of Childhood and Youth is included in the All-Russian Book of Honor register as an institution that, through its activities, contributes to the socio-economic development of the Okhinsky urban district, and in the national register Leading Educational Institutions of Russia - 2009. In 2010, the House of Childhood and Youth became the winner of the municipal competition “Best educational institution in the Okhinsky urban district.”

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