Sample driver training program

The HR officer needs an internship certificate: form. It is no secret that in some cases drivers must undergo internships. Their organization traditionally raises many questions. Despite the fact that many specialists are familiar with the concept of an internship, the rules for conducting it are often not completely clear. One of the questions that causes difficulties for HR officers is: where to download the internship form: word form. Especially for readers, our specialists have prepared a form of this document, which can be downloaded for free on the website.

Features of the event

The internship is divided into these stages:

  1. Testing to check knowledge of theory.
  2. Arrivals at the site.
  3. Driving along the route in the presence of a responsible driver with sufficient experience.
  4. Driving with cargo or passengers.

The internship involves the appointment of a responsible person who will instruct the driver. There are a number of requirements for it. In particular, this person must have extensive driving experience.

The duration of the internship depends on the future work and experience of the driver. However, unlike the probationary period, in any case it will be short-lived. As a rule, this is 4-8 hours. The internship is paid time. The salary amount is determined by the provisions of the employment contract.

Documentary support

The internship is accompanied by the preparation of these documents:

  • Regulations for the event.
  • Order on admission to internship.
  • Training program.
  • Order on admission to work without a mentor.

An employee is admitted to internship on the basis of the relevant order. It should contain the timing of the event, information about the driver and his mentor.

Sample order

Order on internship No. 88

November 22, 2021

To ensure safe operation of the vehicle, in accordance with the standards of clause 7.2.4. GOST 12.004-90, TC, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003

1. Driver Ivanov T.L. be admitted to an internship for a period of 2 shifts from November 24 to November 26 under the guidance of mentor A.R. Gromov. 2. Responsible for traffic safety Zaytsev O.O. organize an internship in accordance with the Internship Program of Autocentre LLC. 3. Record the results on the internship completion sheet. 4. Responsibility for the execution of the order shall be assigned to O.O. Zaitsev.

Director Gromyko O.L. (signature)

The following have been familiarized with the orders:

Ivanov T.L. (signature) Zaitsev O.O. (signature) Gromov A.R. (signature)

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 59 dated March 11, 2016:

3.1. Driver training includes instruction and practice.

3.2. The briefing is carried out to provide the driver with information about the specifics of performing labor functions related to the transportation of passengers and cargo. The briefing is combined with additional testing of drivers’ knowledge and skills for compliance with qualification requirements.

3.3. The practice is carried out to confirm the compliance of the driver’s skills with the qualification requirements for independent driving of a specific vehicle under the control of a driver-mentor and includes driving a vehicle without leaving and driving on public roads.

Driver internship program.

5.1. Briefing. Theoretical part of the internship. Testing professional knowledge.

5.1.1. Repetition and self-learning.

For all categories of drivers subject to internship, the employer provides the opportunity to:

— repeat the rules of the road;

— study vehicle operating manuals, including features of braking systems and steering;

— study the manuals for the design and operation of special equipment installed on vehicles (if the driver will service this equipment);

— study the rules for operating tires and batteries;

— study the rules for placing and securing cargo;

— study the rules for transporting passengers in cars, buses, trolleybuses and trams;

- study the rules for transporting mechanics - repairmen in bodies - vans;

— study fire safety rules on vehicles;

— learn that you can’t use your phone while driving while holding it in your hand.

We recommend that you read the description of technical means that allow you to negotiate on the phone without using your hands.

5.1.2. Knowledge testing on the theoretical part of driver training, after repetition and training, is carried out by a specialist of the subject of transport activity, responsible for ensuring road safety.

5.1.3. The duration of the internship, its theoretical part together with the knowledge test, can practically range from one to three work shifts.

Regulations on driver training at the enterprise: sample

There is no need to develop a separate provision on practical training for small enterprises that own 2-3 vehicles. But if the vehicle fleet differs in both the number and variety of brands and modifications, it is necessary to develop a separate provision. One order will not be enough.

Practical training programs must be developed for each type of vehicle. In this case, the regulations must indicate the duration of the educational process, which is set strictly individually each time, depending on the level of professional education and experience working on a specific vehicle.

The required internship period in practice is determined based on the work record book, driver’s license, from the words of the person hired, taking into account the employee’s length of service, his skills, including driving vehicles equipped with cranes, semi-trailers, etc.


primary occupational safety in the workplace

1. General information about the nature of the work performed and the vehicle used: the production environment at the workplace, the nature of the labor process (tension and severity):

Practical part of the internship.

6.1. Internships for driving course graduates and current drivers are carried out under the direct supervision of a driver-mentor.

A driver-mentor can be appointed from the staff of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, or brought in from outside.

The requirements for a driver mentor are set out in paragraph 16 of Order No. 59 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2021 and they are as follows:

- have not had any traffic accidents due to your fault in the last year of work;

- have at least three years of work experience (experience) on the relevant type of vehicle (with an internship in a passenger taxi or truck);

- have at least five years of experience working on the relevant type of vehicle (with an internship on a bus, tram or trolleybus).

The mentor driver must always be in the vehicle next to the trainee.

6.2. Driving vehicles without entering public roads.

In the territories of subjects of transport activity (in-park areas), trainees, under the guidance of a driver-mentor, carry out the following actions:

a) study in practice the controls and features of the design and operation of the vehicle, as well as the special equipment installed on it;

b) study the traffic pattern on the territory of subjects of transport activity;

c) duplicate the application of practical techniques used in the management, maintenance and operation of a vehicle;

d) operate in internal territories passenger cars and trucks (special vehicles) and vehicles for the transport of passengers (buses, trolleybuses and trams) without passengers.

The duration of the internal parking internship is one work shift (recommendation).

6.3. Internship on cars and trucks on public roads.

For buses and trucks - different experience

Indeed, in some cases, drivers must undergo an internship upon employment (clauses 13-22 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 11, 2016 No. 59).

Internship is required under the following circumstances:

  • the employee gets a job immediately after graduation;
  • employment occurs after a break in work lasting more than a year;
  • an employee gets a job on a mountain route;
  • the employee will work on a new type of vehicle or a new route of passenger transportation.

The internship supervisor is the driver-mentor. His candidacy is selected from the company’s drivers who meet the following conditions:

  • the mentor has not committed any traffic accidents through his own fault over the past year;
  • has suitable experience driving the relevant vehicle (passenger taxi or truck - at least 3 years; bus, tram, trolleybus - at least years).

Please note that the driver’s probation form must contain information about the driver’s driving experience.

The driver's internship is carried out by the employer, determining the content and setting the required number of training hours in accordance with the internship program. Let us add that if the company has the opportunity, the internship should be carried out on a vehicle of the type and model in which the employee will work.

Internship program for a car driver

N p/pSection nameTime spending
2Study and understand the requirements for safe technical operation and maintenance of a vehicle.
Requirements of the Road Traffic Rules in the Russian Federation.

Requirements for the driver to undergo a pre-trip medical examination.

Requirements for checking that the vehicle is equipped with a spare tire, fire extinguisher, first aid kit and tow rope.

Requirements for the availability of serviceable tools and accessories (jack, starting handle, portable lamp, tire inflator, etc.).

The procedure for carrying out maintenance and rules for storing cars in garages and open parking lots.

Causes, methods of detecting and eliminating malfunctions that arose during the operation of the car.

Rules for the operation of batteries and car tires.

Rules for the transportation of perishable and dangerous goods.

Rules for transporting people.

4 shifts
3Requirements of the Rules on labor protection in road transport, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02/06/2018 N 59n.
Movement around the territory of the organization, preparation for departure and work on the line.

Operation of vehicles in the winter season.

Driving on ice roads, in off-road conditions, crossing water bodies.

Loading, unloading and transportation of goods.

4 shifts
4Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 “On the fire safety regime.”
Primary fire extinguishing agents. Types of fire extinguishing agents used at the facility. Terms of use.

Training on evacuating workers from premises in case of fire. Evacuation procedure. Evacuation scheme. Alert signals.

2 shifts
5Measures to provide first aid to victims of accidents.2 shifts
6Evaluation of internship results. Recording the results of the internship. After completing the internship
TOTAL:12 shifts

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Occupational Safety and Health

On-the-job training program for forklift driver

The internship is carried out under the direct supervision of experienced and qualified

employees and specialists of the enterprise who are appointed by order of the enterprise.


During the internship, an employee must learn:

— basic knowledge about the structure of serviced forklifts and loading and unloading mechanisms and their units;

— instructions for their operation, installation, start-up, regulation and running-in;

— characteristics of oils and lubricants;

— causes of malfunctions and methods for eliminating them.

During the internship, under the guidance of a qualified employee, an employee must learn:

Supervises tractor loaders and unloaders, car loaders and all special cargo equipment and devices during loading; loading, moving and stacking various cargoes under the guidance of a highly qualified driver.

Participates in scheduled preventive maintenance of loading and unloading and load-handling mechanisms and devices.

In addition, the internship program includes employee familiarization;

  • With a workplace.
  • With the territory adjacent to the workplace.
  • With equipment, devices, tools that are used in work.
  • Instructions with safety requirements of manufacturers of equipment on which the employee will work.
  • The main production factors that arise during this technological process.
  • Dangerous zones of machines and mechanisms on the site.
  • Instructions of the enterprise on labor protection.
  • Instructions of the enterprise with fire safety.
  • Enterprise instructions on electrical safety
  • Explicit means of individual and collective protection.
  • Requirements of internal labor regulations.
  • Location of fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Location of the medical first aid kit.
  • Place for emergency disconnection of equipment from the electrical network.
  • Safety requirements when working with lifting equipment.

During the internship, the employee must:

  • Learn and practice safe techniques and methods for preparing the workplace.
  • Learn and practice safe methods and techniques in the process of performing work.
  • Learn and put into practice safe techniques and methods of work after finishing the main job.
  • Learn and master safe techniques and methods of action in case of fire and emergency situations.
  • Learn and master safe methods and techniques for freeing a victim from the effects of electric current and providing first aid.
  • Learn the device and understand the principles of operation of primary fire extinguishing agents and learn how to use them.
  • Practically master safe techniques and methods of work without violating labor protection requirements.
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