Order for the appointment of a cashier: sample filling, download form

Order on the appointment of the general director as cashier

Further, the order for the appointment of a cashier must contain the last name, first name and patronymic of the accountant who is planned to be assigned the duties of a cashier, and the name of the cash register. The responsibilities of the new cashier should be listed below.

Among others, it is necessary to provide for his responsibility for conducting cash and cash transactions. In addition, provide for the obligation to maintain incoming/outgoing cash orders and at the end of the cash register shift to draw up appropriate certificates.

And, of course, sign all the necessary documents as a cashier. The last phrase of the order should be a mention that an agreement on full financial responsibility was concluded with the employee who will now perform the duties of a cashier.

Any sample order for the appointment of a cashier is certified by the signatures of the director of the organization and the newly appointed cashier.

The standard, generally accepted job description of this employee covers several aspects of the activity:

  • Planning. To support the general director, the commercial director builds strategies regarding production and various economic issues.
  • Analysis. A good commercial director has well-developed analytical skills. He, of course, must react quickly in acute situations, but the main thing is to prevent their occurrence.
  • Finance. The employee is primarily engaged in finding and expanding sales markets and increasing sales volumes.
  • Control. Plans must be implemented. The appointed commercial director is also responsible for this. This is especially true for the financial expectations of the organization.

This is not a complete list of activities of the average commercial director.

Order for the appointment of a cashier: sample filling, download form


Both personally to the leader and indirectly through participation in collective meetings.

  • Providing bonuses to employees independently or recommending this by submitting a petition to the general director, etc.

Components of an order The order has a structure typical for this type of document. The document is laconic, strict, refers to the decision of the sole founder, employment contract, job description. At the top of the sheet are indicated:

  • Full name of the organization, its details.
  • Location of the organization.
  • Date of signing the order.

It is from the moment of signing that the document is considered to have legal force.

Below is the main part of the document. It begins with a mention of the basis (decision of the sole founder or minutes of the general meeting).


The personnel employee or the head of the enterprise himself must take care of filling out the order header.

In the header you need to indicate the registration number of the document, enter the date of preparation of such a document, the name of the enterprise and the form of business activity.

The preamble of the order appointing an employee to the position of cashier must indicate the reasons why this order was issued.


Here you can write about the cashier’s illness, or about a productive need, and so on. Next, we move on to the so-called administrative part, that is, to the main text of the order. You must provide the personal details of the accountant who will act as cashier under this order.

A situation may also arise when the only cashier at the enterprise is temporarily absent. In this case, the chief accountant or accountant has the right to replace him.

In this case, an order for the appointment of a cashier is also issued separately, which will provide for the full financial liability of such a person. This document has a standard form.

Traditionally, it begins with the design of a header, which indicates the place, date and name of the organization in which it was issued, as well as the serial number. The preamble should disclose the reason for its composition.

For example, the appointment of a new cashier due to production needs, illness, vacation or removal from the duties of the previous one. After the preamble, the word “I ORDER” is written in the center in capital letters.

Order for the appointment of a cashier

Corrections Each company has its own specifics of being in this position, which must be reflected in the relevant documents. The order only records the fact of appointment.

In order to be able to make adjustments without redoing the order, you can only refer to the job description.

Then the order will have legal force even if the instructions are changed.

  • Making independent decisions regarding the sale of goods.

To do this, you will need to issue a specialized power of attorney signed by your boss.

Order for hiring in 2021

After the employment order has been drawn up, it is necessary to enter information about the employee’s employment in some other documents:

  • Order log - it is necessary to record the details of the issued order;
  • Work book - this document must contain information about the employee’s employment. The basis for this action is an order, the details of which must also be indicated in the last column;
  • Personal card - this form is issued for each new employee at the time of his employment. Usually the unified T-2 form is used, but the company can also develop its own document form;
  • A personal file is a special archival folder in which copies of all enterprise documents affecting the employee are filed. State and municipal institutions are required to maintain personal affairs, commercial organizations do this at will;
  • Notice of employment of a person liable for military service - issued if the new employee is a citizen liable for military service. Then it is necessary to draw up a notification in a special form and submit it to the military registration and enlistment office.

about the date of completion (column 1); about the department number (column 2); about the cashier's surname (column 3); about the numbers of control counters (columns 4–5); about the numbers of summing counters at the beginning and end of the working day (columns 6, 9); about the amount of cash revenue received per shift (column 10); how much cash was deposited (column 11) and the number of non-cash payments - payment by cards, checks, etc.

After the order to appoint a cashier has been issued, the head of the enterprise is obliged to familiarize the accountant, against receipt, with the regulatory documents that prescribe the procedure for conducting cash transactions. The last paragraph of the order states that an agreement on full financial responsibility was concluded with the employee appointed to the position. The order is certified by the signatures of the head of the enterprise and the employee who was appointed to the position.

But you can provide, for example, that documents older than three years are transferred to the company’s archives. Thirdly, who is responsible for safety (the director himself, the chief accountant, the accountant).

How a power of attorney to receive or deposit cash is certified (7). The regulations must state how the company certifies copies of powers of attorney by which the cashier issues cash from the cash register.

Let us explain what we are talking about. If a cashier gives money to someone by proxy (for example, an employee of a counterparty brought goods and takes cash payment for it), then this document must remain with the company. The cashier applies it to the consumables. But it happens that a power of attorney is issued for a long time.

Or it gives the employee the right to receive cash not from one, but from several different organizations. Then there is no need to take the original power of attorney from him. It is enough to make a copy. It will be with the cashier.

The line “Balance at the end of the day” indicates the amount of cash that remained in the cash register at the end of the working day. If among the balance there is money set aside for the payment of salaries, scholarships and social benefits, then their amount should be indicated in a separate line below. Next, the cashier responsible for filling out the cash book must put his signature and a transcript of the signature (last name and initials).

Do I need an order to assign the duties of a cashier: registration according to the law

Cashier duties may be assigned to the chief accountant if the original employee is temporarily absent for a valid reason or when this position is not available at all. The main thing is to take care of drawing up the appropriate document for this process.

And an important place in this process is occupied by the order assigning cashier duties. The employment contract, together with job descriptions, are also subject to certain adjustments.

Order on assignment of duties: why is it issued?

Assignment of an order to assign duties

The presence of an order to assign duties is a mandatory requirement. This even applies to organizations where there is no separate cashier position, but instructions have been drawn up indicating that all the functions of the corresponding employee can be performed by accountants.

This requirement is related to the terms of cooperation between banks and other organizations. Regulations typically state that interaction is limited to cashiers, who are hired separately or selected from existing employees.

Banks will definitely be interested in whether there is a corresponding order. This is especially true when transactions are carried out with cash, expenditure and receipt orders are drawn up. You need to make sure that the employee is truly empowered to perform certain actions.

Cashier duties can be assigned to any employee. This is especially true when the company employs several specialists occupying a similar position. The only exception is the chief accountant. Such duties can be assigned to him only if he is the only employee with such functions.

Is anything else needed besides an order?

One order is not enough for the introduction of relevant changes to be recognized as legal. There are several schemes that can be used by a manager when such circumstances arise.

The first solution looks like this:

  1. They start by drawing up the order itself.
  2. Then authorized persons sign it.
  3. An agreement is signed with the employee, including full financial responsibility.
  4. The agreement is additionally certified.
  5. The original contract is amended to include additional responsibilities.

But there is another scheme. It involves the formation and drafting of an order along with an agreement. Only amendments are made to the job descriptions of the person who will temporarily perform new duties.

Document preparation: general algorithm

Algorithm for drawing up an order assigning cashier duties

The top of the order will be the header. It must contain the date of preparation of the document along with the name of the paper itself. After the title, you need to write about why the employee who previously performed certain functions is absent. Valid reasons include:

  • the absence of the position itself initially, due to the small size of the enterprise;
  • travel arrangements for the main employee;
  • leave due to the need to care for a child or for other reasons;
  • dismissal of another employee.
  • After the introductory part, the wording “I order” is used. Then you need to list what needs to be done based on the issued order. Do not forget about the need to designate the specific model of cash register that is used in a particular enterprise.

    There are several options for using the device:

    1. AMC 100K. A current option for organizations involved in food products.
    2. An autonomous type of device with ECLZ, fiscal memory of the MERCURY-180K or ORION-100K type.
    3. Mobile terminals supporting a modem or battery type YARUS C2100.
    4. Printers for which a terminal or computer is required. They are also known as “fiscal registrars”. One example is FPrint-5200PTK. There are other analogues.
    5. Receipt printers. Their registration with the tax office is required due to the lack of internal memory.

    Do not forget about the need to describe the employee’s powers in as much detail as possible. A separate confirmation is provided that the employee himself has read the order.

    The line dedicated to the additional payment must definitely be present in the order if this information is not planned to be included in the accountant’s job description. Only the presence of this condition becomes a guarantee that the legislation is fully observed.

    In the case of large organizations

    Assignment of cashier duties in large organizations

    When we mean an individual entrepreneur, the employee should not give his written consent to the assignment of additional duties. It’s another matter if the enterprise has a separate manager, and then a decision is made to make appropriate personnel changes. The employee must agree with the issuance of the corresponding order and changes in job descriptions.

    Most often, controversial situations do not arise because of this, because the employee’s salary should increase if everything is drawn up in accordance with the current legislation. This means that the new cooperation scheme is beneficial to both parties.


    The main thing is that the manager himself approaches the issue of assigning additional responsibilities to employees as carefully as possible. The slightest mistake can lead to the interaction scheme being used being invalidated.

    In this case, additional questions arise not only from ordinary employees, but also from regulatory authorities. And studying incorrect instructions and orders leads to the imposition of fines. The provision for additional payment should also be established only by mutual agreement between the parties.

    Involving experienced lawyers will allow you to comply with all the nuances associated with the procedure for a particular enterprise. And protect the interests of each participant.

    We learn how to draw up documents according to GOST in the following video:

    Select it and press Ctrl+Enter to let us know.

    Source: https://naimtruda.com/otnoshen/prikaz-o-vozlozhenii-obyazannostej-kassira.html

    Order on assigning cashier duties to an accountant: sample

    — Business organization — Personnel — Documents — Order assigning cashier duties to an accountant: sample

    Carrying out transactions with cash and other assets of the company is always a responsible and important job, therefore, in most enterprises, the positions of accountants and cashiers are among the first to be established. However, what if there is no cashier at the enterprise or he is temporarily absent, but he is necessary? An order to assign cashier duties to an accountant will help get out of this situation. In this article, you should understand how to correctly compose this document and what it should reflect.

    In what cases may it be necessary to assign cashier duties to an accountant?

    The absence of a cashier position in the staffing table is not always the main reason for the operation in question. This may be facilitated by temporary disability, for example, a person may be on prolonged sick leave.

    If an organization actively carries out cash transactions, then the issue of the correct functioning of this unit comes to the fore. The problem of a cashier’s absence can be solved by transferring his tasks to the company’s accountant. At the same time, we are not talking about changing the job description. Although an accountant and a cashier work in the same direction, these positions belong to different categories.

    According to the law, if the company does not provide for the position of a cashier, then his duties can be assigned solely on the basis of combining positions, with the assignment of an additional payment in accordance with Art. 151 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    If the employer has a chief accountant who has several other employees subordinate to him, then appointing someone responsible for cash transactions will not be difficult, although until recently there was a restriction related to the transfer of the cashier’s work directly to the chief accountant. The fact is that, according to the previously existing Regulations on Chief Accountants, he could not perform this work. Since this document has lost legal force, the employer now has every right to assign responsibilities for conducting cash transactions to any accounting employee.

    In addition, according to clause 4 of Bank of Russia Directive N 3210-U, cash transactions are permitted not only to an accountant, but also to another employee of the enterprise.

    For this it is important to have:

    • Official appointment as director.
    • A developed job description, with which the appointed employee must be familiarized with signature.

    However, the registration procedure has its own characteristics, which should be discussed in more detail.

    Assigning the duties of a cashier to an accountant: how it is done, what documents need to be drawn up

    Since this personnel operation can be carried out as part of a combination of professions, the manager needs to comply with the legal requirements governing this process. We are talking about obtaining consent to perform new functions and adopt relevant local regulations. To do this you need:

    It will be mandatory to issue an order on combining positions. Without it, the procedure carried out will be unlawful. The form of this document is not fixed by law, so the entrepreneur must rely on the requirements of internal local legal acts.

    When all the listed documents are ready, you should prepare and sign an order assigning cashier duties to the accountant.

    This document is required, since without it problems may arise, primarily with banking institutions, which are likely to refuse to cooperate without it.

    The form of the order to assign the duties of a cashier to an accountant is not included in the list of unified documents, so its preparation largely depends on the organization’s LPA.

    As a rule, the document is created on company letterhead, where at the top there is information about the enterprise, indicating its name, legal address and registration codes.

    Carrying out cash transactions involves interacting with cash registers of various brands and specifications, therefore the text of the order must contain information about the model with which the part-time worker will actually work.

    Below, on the left side of the form, there is a field for the date and document number, and on the right - the name of the locality. Next, below on the left side you can indicate the preamble.

    Under the title of the document there should be a brief plot revealing the reasons for accepting the order, after which the executor lists its main points. They must contain:

    • Information about the company employee who is assigned the duties of a cashier.
    • The date from which the document comes into force. It must correspond to the dates specified in the liability agreement and the additional agreement.
    • The need to submit all organizational and administrative documents related to the performance of cashier functions.

    The order is signed exclusively by the director of the company, after which it must also be signed below by the accountant who is assigned new responsibilities.

    Sample of drawing up an order to assign the duties of a cashier to an accountant

    Moving from theory to practice, we should look at an example of what the described document looks like.

    A completed sample order to assign cashier duties to an accountant will look like this:

    Limited Liability Company "Anagram"

    123456, Vsevolozhsk, st. Stroiteley 12, TIN 123456789,

    OGRN 987654321, checkpoint 123456

    N1234 dated July 13, 2021 Vsevolozhsk

    ORDER No. 321

    “On the assignment of cashier duties”

    Due to the absence of a cashier position in the staffing table of Anagram LLC,

    I ORDER:

    1. To appoint, from 08/01/2018, the accountant of Anagram LLC, Svetlana Sergeevna Sidorova, responsible for conducting cash transactions, working with cash and working with the AMS 100K cash register;

    2. Authorize Svetlana Sergeevna Sidorova to keep a journal for the cashier-operator, draw up certificates and reports of the cashier-operator at the end of the cash register shift, and also sign cash documents on behalf of the cashier and senior cashier;

    3. Introduce Svetlana Sergeevna Sidorova, under her signature, to the Procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation;

    4. Conclude an agreement with Svetlana Sergeevna Sidorova on full individual financial responsibility;

    5. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

    Director of Anagram LLC Petrov P.P.

    I have read the order:

    Accountant of Anagram LLC Sidorova S.S.

    an order to assign the duties of a cashier to an accountant.

    As soon as the order is signed and registered, it will come into force, and after that it will be necessary to fulfill the requirements of all the points listed in it.

    During the combination, the parties to the employment relationship can also cancel the concluded agreements early, but no later than three working days.

    To summarize the above, it should be noted that the procedure for assigning cashier duties to an accounting employee has a clear algorithm and occurs within the framework of combining professions.

    The order to assign cashier duties to an accountant is very important for an entrepreneur, since cash transactions can be carried out exclusively by an authorized person selected from among the company’s personnel.

    This condition is largely dictated by the existing scheme of interaction between banks and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. However, without the contracts and agreements discussed in the article, the order will not have legal force. ( 7 votes, 4.80 out of 5) Loading…

    Source: https://sovetkadrovika.ru/organizaciya-biznesa/kadry/prikaz-o-vozlozhenii-obyazannostej-kassira-na-buhgaltera-obrazets.html

    Document “Order on appointment to a position of an employee of the organization”

    Based on the design recommendations, it is worth visualizing what has been said using an example.

    A completed sample order for the appointment of a cashier for 2021 will look like this:

    Limited Liability Company "Obrazet"

    123456, Yelets, st. Approximate 13, TIN 123456789,

    OGRN 987654321, checkpoint 123456

    March 27, 2021 Yelets

    ORDER No. 123

    "About appointment"

    According to labor agreement N4321 dated March 26, 2018, concluded between Obrazets LLC and Inna Ivanovna Ivanova,

    I ORDER:

    • Appoint Inna Ivanovna Ivanova to the position of cashier of Obrazets LLC from March 27, 2018, for a period of 5 years.
    • Assign responsibility for working with the AMS-100k cash register and conducting cash transactions;
    • Authorize Ivanova I.I. keep a cashier's journal and sign documents within the scope of their competence;
    • To the chief accountant of LLC “Obrazets” Vasilyeva V.V., under signature, bring to the notice of Ivanova I.I., the procedure for conducting cash transactions of the Russian Federation;
    • To the head of the HR department of Obrazets LLC, S.S. Sidorov. by March 28, 2018, against signature, bring to the attention of Ivanova I.I. cashier job description;
    • The order comes into force from the moment of signing;
    • I reserve control over the execution of the order.

    General Director of LLC Obrazet Petrov P.P.


    03/27/2018 Ivanova I.I.

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    Order for cashier

    If the cashier in the institution is absent for good reasons (vacation, illness) or such a position is not provided at all, since the enterprise is still small, then the duties of this employee can be assigned to the accountant. To do this, a corresponding document must be prepared and signed. It is called “Order on assigning cashier duties to an accountant.”

    FILES Download a blank form of an order to assign cashier duties to an accountant .doc order to assign cashier duties to an accountant .doc

    In addition, to comply with all the nuances, some changes will be required in the job description and employment contract. One or two papers must indicate the amount that the employee is entitled to for the additional workload.

    Attention! It should not be less than the amount of additional payments prescribed in the Labor Code (in particular, Article 151).

    Why do you need an order to assign cashier duties to an accountant?

    If there is a need to carry out transactions with cash and draw up cash receipts and debit orders, the bank with which the institution cooperates will definitely inquire about the order.

    Can the chief accountant be responsible for the cash register?

    In accordance with the law, if there are several accountants in an institution, then the duties of a cash desk employee can be assigned to anyone except the chief accountant.

    In the case where the chief accountant is the only one in the organization (and this most often happens), then these functions can be assigned directly to him.

    What will you need besides the order?

    Paper alone is not enough for the full legality of ongoing processes.

    There are several options that the head of an organization can resort to if it is necessary to perform the duties of one employee by another.

    First option. An order is drawn up, signed, and then an agreement on full swearing is concluded with the employee. responsibility, is certified, then changes are made to the employment contract of the accountant (or the chief accounting specialist in the organization, depending on the circumstances), which provide for him to perform all the functions of a cashier. This option is more logical.

    Second option. An order and an agreement are formed and signed, as in the first option, plus amendments to the acting status are made. cashier in the accounting job description.

    Algorithm for drawing up a document

    At the top of the paper there is a header in which the name of the document and the date of its preparation are written. Then, after the title, the reasons for the absence of the employee as such are indicated. These reasons may be:

    • dismissal of a previous employee;
    • going on leave (to care for a child, etc.);
    • business trip of the main employee;
    • the enterprise is small, and the position itself is not provided, and other reasons.

    This is what it should look like:

    After the introductory part, the wording (as in any other order) “I order” is required, followed by a colon. Then comes a list of what needs to be done: authorize an employee (with full indication of full name and position) to perform work with one of the types of cash registers.

    In this case, the model of the cash register must be clearly stated. It could be:

    • AMC 100K – if the organization sells food products;
    • autonomous cash registers with ECLZ and fiscal memory type ORION-100K or MERCURY-180K;
    • mobile payment terminals with a modem and battery type YARUS C2100;
    • printers that do not work without a computer or terminal (they are called fiscal registrars) like FPrint -5200PTK and the like;
    • receipt printers (they do not have built-in memory, which means they do not need to be registered with the tax office) of the types Shtrikh 600, MPRINT R58 USB, etc.

    In short, regardless of the model, the cash register must be registered.

    In addition to appointments, the order prescribes the employee’s authority to keep a journal, draw up the necessary reports, and sign cash documents from the official “cashier” or “administrator.”

    The text should also contain information about the employee’s familiarization with such a document as the Procedure for Conducting Cash Transactions. This review will require an additional signature of the employee who assumes the rights and responsibilities of the cashier.

    Footnote to the agreement on mat. responsibility will also be useful. Without it, the order will also be valid, but it will need to be supplemented with an annex in the form of this agreement.

    At the end of the text of the document there must be at least two signatures: the accountant-cashier and his manager. The date is already at the beginning.

    What else may be contained in the document?

    If it is not planned to make changes to the job description of an accountant (or chief accountant) regarding the performance of the duties of a cashier, then the Order must contain a line (at the end of the first paragraph on the appointment) “with an additional payment in the amount of XXX.” This condition guarantees full compliance with labor laws.

    Is it necessary to compile

    Important! Even if the staffing table does not include the position of a cash register employee and there is a single job description indicating that all cashier functionality is included in the accountant’s list, an order assigning duties is required.

    This is due to the fact that the vast majority of banks licensed in the Russian Federation clearly state the terms of interaction with individual entrepreneurs, LLCs or other legal entities. Under these conditions, cash transactions cannot be carried out by anyone other than a cashier, who is selected from the existing staff or hired separately.

    In large organizations

    If we are talking about an individual entrepreneur, then the employee’s written consent to assign duties is not required. If the company has a separate manager and he makes a decision on such a personnel change, then he is obliged to inform the superior manager about this in writing.

    An employee who is preparing to perform new duties gives written consent that he has nothing against changing the job description, issuing an order and concluding a liability agreement.


    Usually there is no difficulty with this, since the remuneration of such an employee increases in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    First of all, we note that at present there is no special regulatory legal document that would regulate the transfer of cases from one cashier (employee performing his functions) to another.

    In this regard, the relevant rules, including the rules for documenting the transfer of cases, must be developed independently by the organization, guided by the general requirements of regulations governing the procedure for maintaining accounting records in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Source: https://arbatcredit.ru/prikaz-na-kassira/

    Appointment to the position of cashier in 2021 – when is it required, what documents are needed

    For an entrepreneur, the issue of hiring and firing employees should not be new. Mistakes at these stages can be costly.

    The operation of the cash register is of key importance not only in mutual settlements with clients, but, above all, with the company’s personnel. In some companies, the cashier also issues wages to employees.

    Steps to appoint a cashier:

    • Receiving an application and drawing up an employment agreement. The beginning of any working relationship between the candidate and the employer. When hiring a cashier, it is important to carefully study the candidate and assess professional suitability at the initial stage of working with the person. You need to make sure that the future cashier is ready to perform responsible work. The agreement must stipulate financial responsibility.
    • Preparation of an order for appointment to a position. One of the main documents (after the agreement). By this, the head of the company confirms his intention to appoint a new employee to the vacant position.
    • Development and delivery of job descriptions. An optional document (from the point of view of the law) and mandatory if the company’s local regulations directly indicate the need to work with it.
    • Conclusion of an agreement on full financial liability. The final document to be drawn up. It is important to remember that the hired employee must be at least 18 years old. Without an agreement, the employer will not be able to obtain compensation for damages.

    There have been no changes in legislation in 2021, so these are the main documents that a manager will need to appoint an employee.

    It is good when an enterprise has a full-fledged staff of cashiers, where, in addition to ordinary specialists, there is a senior cashier. However, most small firms cannot afford this and one person has to work in this position.

    This is where entrepreneurs face key questions. For example, who will work if the cashier gets sick and goes on vacation? Can responsibilities be assigned to another employee? If yes, what documents are needed?

    By law, the duties of a cashier can be assigned to the chief accountant if the company, apart from the chief accountant, has no other financial sector employees. This will require the consent of the employee and the execution of an order.

    A lot of attention is paid to the appointment of a cashier, since banks, before starting cooperation with a company, are interested in the presence of an employee authorized to draw up cash settlements. This is provided for by the regulations for the interaction of banking institutions with individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

    Order assigning cashier duties to the director - Question of law

    — Business organization — Personnel — Documents — Order assigning cashier duties to an accountant: sample

    Carrying out transactions with cash and other assets of the company is always a responsible and important job, therefore, in most enterprises, the positions of accountants and cashiers are among the first to be established.

    However, what if there is no cashier at the enterprise or he is temporarily absent, but he is necessary? An order to assign cashier duties to an accountant will help get out of this situation.

    In this article, you should understand how to correctly compose this document and what it should reflect.

    Sample order for the appointment of a cashier 2021 – Advice from a lawyer

    — Business organization — Personnel — Documents — Order assigning cashier duties to an accountant: sample

    Carrying out transactions with cash and other assets of the company is always a responsible and important job, therefore, in most enterprises, the positions of accountants and cashiers are among the first to be established.

    However, what if there is no cashier at the enterprise or he is temporarily absent, but he is necessary? An order to assign cashier duties to an accountant will help get out of this situation.

    In this article, you should understand how to correctly compose this document and what it should reflect.

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