Requirements for placing a smoking area in the open air

At the beginning of the 21st century, this habit was recognized as a global tobacco epidemic. In Russia, in 2001, Law 87-FZ of July 10, 2001 came into force, which directly prohibits smoking in the workplace. Then the emphasis was shifted from prohibitive measures to stimulating ones. In 2008, the country acceded to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to reduce mortality. A new law was passed. It enshrined a complete ban on smoking in all enclosed public places and limited the freedom of smokers outside public spaces to a minimum. The mission of Federal Law-15 dated February 23, 2013 can be clearly understood from its title - “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption.” The position of the legislator has not changed to this day. Despite numerous initiatives, in 2021 the government refused to introduce separate regulation for popular e-cigarettes and vapes. It was decided to leave all alternative “devices” for smoking in the area of ​​direct regulation of 15-FZ. The current legislation is fighting not against smokers, but against smoking.

Smoking areas

If this is a public place, you will have to restrain your desires or use a special smoking room. So, where will cigarettes be banned?

  • In the entrance and elevator. Are you used to fueling yourself with nicotine on the way home? Make sure to do this before you open the front door and enter the building.
  • At work. Even if you work among people who share an addiction to nicotine, in order to smoke at work, you will have to use a specially designated smoking area.
  • In educational and healthcare institutions. Schools and hospitals are tobacco-free zones.
  • Public catering places. If you are used to washing down your next cigarette with a cup of coffee, make sure to book a table in the smoking room.

Carelessness when smoking is the cause of a fire!

Carelessness or negligence when smoking is one of the most common causes of fires in both residential buildings and industrial enterprises.
To prevent fires in the workplace or residential sector, it is necessary to follow fire safety rules when smoking. We still have a lot of smokers, hence the high probability of a fire. You can often observe how individuals, when lighting a cigarette, throw matches and cigarette butts anywhere, smoke in prohibited places, place cigarette butts on wooden objects, near things that can ignite at the slightest contact with fire.

Having caused the smoldering of flammable material, the cigarette butt itself goes out after a while, but the smoldering center formed by it can turn into a fire under favorable conditions. It is very dangerous to smoke while lying down, especially when drunk. Drunkenness has a destructive effect on a person’s personality, causing moral and material damage to others and to society as a whole. Unfortunately, fires caused by negligence due to alcohol abuse are not uncommon. Moreover, all cases are similar to one another: a drunk smoker falls asleep, a cigarette falls, and first the bed and then other furniture in the room catch fire. A fire caused by smoking while drunk, and even in bed, can be called the most dangerous type of fire, because in this case people die from carbon monoxide resulting from combustion products on which a cigarette butt fell. This is also dangerous because this type of fire is difficult, almost impossible, to prevent. It all depends on people's self-awareness. Unfortunately, smokers often do not care about observing the simplest fire safety rules, and often the price of their carelessness is their own lives.

There are cases of fires on the balconies of residential buildings, where residents store household items and various utensils. The cause of fires is unextinguished cigarette butts and matches thrown by residents of the upper floors. In such fires, the fire often spreads into apartments.

Remember that you cannot:

- smoke in bed or sitting in a chair, especially if you have drunk alcohol - it is very easy to fall asleep in this position. And if you don’t put out a cigarette in time, it can cause clothes or furniture to catch fire; - do not throw even extinguished cigarettes into bins with papers and other flammable waste - they can catch fire;

- Do not use paper bags, matchboxes or cigarette boxes as an ashtray;

- under no circumstances should you smoke in the garage - the proximity of a car and flammable liquids can cause a fire;

- It is necessary to ensure that matches or cigarettes do not fall into the hands of small children.

By carelessly handling fire, you expose your home and property to great danger and risk your own life. In the event of a fire, immediately call the fire department by phone - 101 or 112 and indicate the exact address.


Sanitary and hygienic requirements for offices

The dining room

The meal room must have a washbasin, a stationary boiler, an electric stove and a refrigerator. If the company employs less than 10 employees, it is allowed to allocate a place for eating in the dressing room. The area of ​​the space cannot be less than 10 m2. A dining table should be placed in the designated corner.

If the office employs from 30 to 200 people, a canteen and distribution area should be organized. If the number of employees exceeds 200, the employer is obliged to provide office workers with a canteen that uses semi-finished products or raw materials.

Bathrooms and their number

One toilet is installed for 45 men, and the same amount of plumbing equipment is provided for 30 women. There should also be 2 urinals for 45 men and the same number of washbasins for 40 men. For women, one washbasin is installed per 27 employees (SanPiN No. 983-72).

It is allowed to organize a shared restroom if no more than 15 people work in one shift.

Restrooms must be kept clean. To do this, the office must have an employee who constantly keeps the bathrooms clean. Maintenance personnel must be provided with cleaning equipment: brushes, rags, disinfectant solutions. They are stored in specially designated cabinets.

In summer, fly nets are placed on the windows. Restrooms must have soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. Garbage bins are installed in the booths and hooks are hung for personal belongings.

Non-working spaces

Areas of the premises that are not workplaces for employees are equipped in accordance with sanitary standards.

There should be a dressing room with hooks for each office employee (they also add 10-15% for visitors). The size of lobbies and corridors is calculated based on the number of employees in the office. One employee should be allocated 0.2 square meters.

Smoking rooms are equipped if the number of employees exceeds 200 people. The smoking room cannot be less than 8 m2.

Workplace area

If the work requires high nervous tension, then partitions with a height of 1.5-2 meters are installed between employees’ workstations. At least 4.5 m2 is allocated per employee in the office.

Organization of labor with a computer

The workplace area for an employee working on a computer with an LCD or plasma monitor is at least 4.5 m2 (SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03: 3.1).

If the screen is an outdated one, then at least 6 m2 is allocated for one office worker. An area of ​​4.5 m2 is allowed for working with CRT devices. However, only under the condition that the working day does not exceed 4 hours and no additional devices are involved in the work.

The distance between monitors must be maintained at least 1.2 m2.

Office spaces where employees work with personal computers should have both artificial and natural lighting. After every 60 minutes of work, the office space must be ventilated.

REFERENCE! Computer equipment cannot be located in basements.

Workplaces equipped with computers must be equipped with protective grounding. Working with computers in offices where there is no natural light is allowed only after a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

Organization of functioning with copying and duplicating equipment

The photocopier and other office equipment are placed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the floor and the same distance from the wall. One square meter of free space should be left for one type of office equipment.


  1. In summer, the optimal temperature is considered to be 22-24 degrees Celsius.

REFERENCE! If the temperature deviates from the norm, the working day is reduced.

Room humidity depends on air temperature. The optimal indicators are as follows:

  • 70% – at an air temperature of 25°C;
  • 65% – at an air temperature of 26°C;
  • 60% – at an air temperature of 27°C;
  • 55% – at an air temperature of 28°C.

In accordance with sanitary standards, at least 30 m3/h must be supplied per employee in the office, and with a room volume of 40 m3, the volume of incoming air increases to 60 m3.

Read about the norms of humidity and air exchange in office premises here, and here you will learn about temperature norms.


The windows of the room should mainly face northeast and north. For artificial lighting, according to illumination standards, only LED lamps are used.

ATTENTION! The noise level in office premises (including noise from computers and office equipment) should not exceed 80 dB.

Where you can't smoke

Has a cigarette at lunch or during a tense conversation become a habit? Please light up, but only if you are at home. If this is a public place, you will have to restrain your desires or use a special smoking room.

So, where will cigarettes be banned?

  • In the entrance and elevator. Are you used to fueling yourself with nicotine on the way home? Make sure to do this before you open the front door and enter the building.
  • At work. Even if you work among people who share an addiction to nicotine, in order to smoke at work, you will have to use a specially designated smoking area.
  • In educational and healthcare institutions. Schools and hospitals are tobacco-free zones.
  • Public catering places. If you are used to washing down your next cigarette with a cup of coffee, make sure to book a table in the smoking room. If this is not the case, the restaurant most likely has a special smoking area.
  • It is unlikely that you would think of treating yourself to a cigarette while shopping, but nevertheless remember: there is no smoking in shops and shopping centers!
  • Hotels must have smoking areas. There is no tobacco in the rooms!
  • Smoking is prohibited on trains and ships. You cannot light cigarettes on station platforms either.

Smoking in an unauthorized place is fraught with a fine of up to 1,500 rubles. But it’s not even about the money, it’s about the fact that by satisfying your whims, you endanger other people. And the most vulnerable in this case are children. That is why the fine for a smoker for smoking on the territory of a children's playground doubles.

Legislation and smoking: do's and don'ts

If you are an employer, then, regardless of the size of your enterprise, it is useful to know the basic rules of interaction with employees who smoke, the rights and obligations of the parties.

The law and regulations of various departments stipulate in detail the requirements for smoking areas in the enterprise. The latter will be of interest to you if you decide to organize one and it is not expressly prohibited by law. According to the current law, areas where smoking is prohibited based on the provisions of 15-FZ are:

  • territories and buildings of all institutions providing educational services;
  • territories and buildings of cultural institutions, sports and youth organizations;
  • buildings and territories of the medical field, sanatorium and resort complexes;
  • all types of public transport and its infrastructure indoors and in open areas less than 15 meters from the entrance (train stations, airports, metro stations, ports);
  • premises intended for temporary stay of people (hotels, hostels, dormitories);
  • premises and territories of all types of retail outlets;
  • premises of state and municipal authorities, various departments;
  • children's playgrounds, beaches, passenger platforms, gas stations, catering establishments;
  • common areas of apartment buildings.

The rights of non-smokers are protected here by fines. Their size ranges from 500 to 3000 rubles.

It is important for the manager of an enterprise, on the territory and in places where there is no direct ban on smoking, to remember:

  1. If your enterprise employs more than 200 people, you will have to equip a smoking area.
  2. Most likely, there will be several places: indoors and outdoors.
  3. In other cases, the manager may prohibit smoking on the territory of the enterprise by his sole decision.
  4. The Labor Code prohibits refusing to hire smokers. A refusal motivated in this way can easily be appealed in court.

Smoking laws (most important)

1. FEDERAL LAW OF FEBRUARY 23, 2013 No. 15-FZ “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption”

2. ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE RUSSIA N 756/PR, MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIA N 786Н DATED 28.11.2014 “On the requirements for the allocation and equipment of special places in the open air for smoking tobacco, for the allocation and equipment of isolated rooms for smoking tobacco” (came into force on 09.10. 2015, 6 months after publication):

1. Special places in the open air for smoking tobacco and isolated rooms for smoking tobacco, which are equipped with ventilation systems, are allocated based on the decision of the owner of the property or another person authorized by the owner of the property:

a) on ships on long voyages when providing passenger transportation services; b) in common areas of apartment buildings.

2. Special outdoor places for smoking tobacco and isolated rooms for smoking tobacco must comply with hygienic standards for the content of pollutants in the atmospheric air:

a) GN “Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas”; b) GN “Approximate safe exposure levels (MALV) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas.

3. In the process of consuming tobacco products, special outdoor places for smoking tobacco and isolated rooms for smoking tobacco must comply with the sanitary rules “Hygienic requirements for ensuring the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas. SanPiN"

4. Special outdoor places for smoking tobacco are equipped with:

a) sign “Smoking area”; b) ashtrays; c) artificial lighting (at night).

5. Isolated premises for smoking tobacco are equipped with:

a) a door or similar device that prevents the penetration of polluted air into adjacent rooms, on the outside of which there is a “Smoking Area” sign; b) ashtrays; c) artificial lighting; d) a fire extinguisher; e) a supply and exhaust ventilation system with mechanical drive , ensuring the assimilation of contaminants released during the consumption of tobacco products, as well as preventing the penetration of polluted air into adjacent rooms.



Article 6.24. Violation of the ban on smoking tobacco established by federal law in certain territories, premises and facilities (introduced by Federal Law of October 21, 2013 N 274-FZ)

1. Violation of the ban on smoking tobacco established by federal law in certain territories, premises and facilities, with the exception of cases provided for in Part 2 of this article, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand five hundred rubles.

2. Violation of the ban on smoking tobacco on children's playgrounds established by federal law shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 6.25. Failure to comply with the requirements for a smoking ban sign, for the allocation and equipping of special places for smoking tobacco, or failure to fulfill obligations to monitor compliance with legislation in the field of protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption (introduced by Federal Law of October 21, 2013 N 274 -FZ)

1. Failure to comply with the requirements for a smoking ban sign designating territories, buildings and objects where smoking is prohibited, and for the procedure for its placement - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to sixty thousand rubles.


What are the consequences of non-compliance with legislation in this area?

For smokers

According to Art. 6.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for violating the ban on smoking tobacco in public places, the smoker is responsible:

  • for smoking in prohibited places you will have to pay a fine of 500 to 1500 rubles;
  • smoking on the playground will cost from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles;
  • in case of involvement of children in the process of smoking, the fine will be from 1000 to 2000 rubles;
  • If parents teach a child to smoke, they will have to pay from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles for the violation.

For employers

According to Art. 6.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, employers may be held liable. For example:

  • if they ignore the obligations regarding the placement of signs prohibiting smoking, enterprise managers are subject to a fine of 30-60,000 rubles, and officials will pay from 10,000-20,000 rubles.
  • in the event that there is no smoking area at the enterprise, the 2021 requirements for its equipment are not met, the legal entity will have to pay a fine in the amount of 50,000-80,000 rubles, and the official will have to part with an amount of 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.
  • If an individual entrepreneur or other legal entity does not monitor the implementation of the law banning smoking in public places, he will be subject to a fine. For individual entrepreneurs it is 30,000-40,000 rubles, for companies 60,000-90,000 rubles.

Smoking at work: new employer responsibilities

Payment for the maintenance of the smoking room will also fall on the shoulders of the residents of the entrance, everyone, including non-smokers. Photo 5 “Smoking pavilion PC-dv” Project “Compact smoking booths” One of the new developments of Russian engineers is a compact smoking booth that can be installed in any public premises.


It does not require additional fastening to the floor, ceiling or walls, and accordingly, will not make any changes to the architecture of the building. The cabin will operate from a general-purpose electrical network. The cabin capsule is made of lightweight carbon fiber.

Inside there are ergonomic chairs, ashtrays and a plasma panel.

Is it possible to smoke in a summer cafe: administrative legislation

According to the Federal Law, approved in February 2013 No. 15, which states about preserving the health of the country's citizens from the negative effects of tobacco smoke, smoking cigarettes/tobacco is prohibited in some places. These are the following areas where you will have to pay a hefty fine for smoking:

  • hotel complexes;
  • gas stations;
  • catering establishments;
  • trading places (shops, markets, bazaars, fairs);
  • premises where various social services are provided;
  • passenger platforms where people board/disembark;
  • public beaches and places specially equipped for swimming;
  • street areas at a distance of up to 15 m from the entrance to these institutions;
  • medical health resorts, hospitals, clinics, clinics, emergency rooms;
  • institutions related to the provision of various types of services to the population;
  • buildings and institutions for the provision of general educational services, including sports;
  • public transport (including city, water, ground, underground and air);
  • government agencies, administration and local government buildings;
  • public places for residents of residential buildings (stairs, landings, elevators, attics, strollers, access areas);
  • areas intended for children's recreation, including playgrounds, kindergartens, nurseries and adjacent areas).

All areas and places where smoking is prohibited must be equipped with a special prohibition sign. The requirements for the design of such a sign are established by Order of the Russian Federation No. 214 of May 2014. This sign is placed at each entrance to the building, territory and all objects included in the list of places prohibiting smoking.

Enshrined in the Constitution

The absence of such a place, while smoking is prohibited in a given area, can be regarded as a violation of human rights. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, restrictions on personal rights are not allowed, including on grounds such as smoking. The Labor Code also states that restrictions on hiring based on qualities not related to job responsibilities are illegal and can be appealed in court. Leaving aside legal casuistry and disputes (admittedly endless) on the topic of smokers infringing on the rights of non-smokers or vice versa, we will try to find a “common denominator” that would characterize the requirements for smoking areas.

Smoking area requirements

If you have any questions about the size, shape, color or design of the gazebos, our specialists will be happy to help you choose the model you need from existing designs or, if something extraordinary is required, they will prepare an individual project and they will even come out to measure. In addition, having vast experience behind us and our own production of metal structures, we can help you buy an outdoor smoking room at the best price and taking into account the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia and the Ministry of Health of Russia dated July 31, 2013 No. 321, which establishes requirements for the allocation and equipping a gazebo for smoking. In particular, these are ashtrays, artificial lighting, a “smoking area” sign, as well as an information stand with materials telling about the dangers of smoking.

Is the employer obligated to provide a smoking area?


There are no specific requirements for the area of ​​the smoking room yet, so it is more often calculated based on the expected number of smokers living in the entrance and the general dimensions of the staircase landings.

Smoking at work: new employer responsibilities

Payment for the maintenance of the smoking room will also fall on the shoulders of the residents of the entrance, everyone, including non-smokers. Photo 5 “Smoking pavilion PC-dv” Project “Compact smoking booths” One of the new developments of Russian engineers is a compact smoking booth that can be installed in any public premises.


It does not require additional fastening to the floor, ceiling or walls, and accordingly, will not make any changes to the architecture of the building. The cabin will operate from a general-purpose electrical network. The cabin capsule is made of lightweight carbon fiber.

Inside there are ergonomic chairs, ashtrays and a plasma panel.

How to properly set up a smoking area

A smoker could be fined for smoking in a building's entrance if one of his neighbors was not too lazy and reported this fact to the police. Since October 2015, the state has decided to make life somewhat easier for smokers living in apartment buildings by allowing them to smoke in the hallway

But with an important caveat: the smoking area must be equipped in accordance with all regulations


To begin with, signatures “for” and “against” the installation of a smoking room must be collected at a general meeting of residents of the entrance. If 2/3 or more of the residents are in favor, there will be a smoking room. Residents will have to equip the smoking room at their own expense.

This must be an isolated room, that is, tightly closed and not allowing harmful tobacco smoke to escape. Also, this room should be equipped with a ventilation and air purification system. Fire extinguishing agents must be present inside the smoking room.

on ecology


In the center of the circle, a graphic image of a cigarette is placed horizontally, consisting of three black rectangles. The size of the first rectangle must be at least 120 x 25 mm, the second and third - at least 6.2 x 25 mm. Rectangles are placed from left to right. The distance between the first and second rectangle must be at least 5 mm, between the second and third - at least 6.2 mm.


On top of the second and third rectangles there are wavy lines at least 5 mm wide, representing smoke. The cigarette is crossed by a red transverse stripe at least 17.5 mm wide. The red transverse stripe is made at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal with a slope from the top left of the border to the right down to the border and should not be interrupted by the graphic symbol of the sign (cigarette).

General requirements for smoking rooms

Smoking rooms and areas cannot be organized in canteens, first aid stations, public bathrooms and sanitary facilities. They should not be in rooms intended for workers' rest. It’s better if they don’t even coexist with them. Cigarette fumes should not penetrate into neighboring areas - domestic and industrial.

“Smoking rooms” are prohibited from being brought closer than 5 meters to the production area.

To save working time, it is recommended to place them at a reasonable distance:

  • up to 75 m in office and industrial premises from the workplace;
  • up to 150 m in street areas adjacent to the work area.

Requirements for isolated smoking rooms

The number of smoking areas at the enterprise is determined by the number of employees and production feasibility. All indoor areas must be equipped with:

  • artificial lighting;
  • forced ventilation system;
  • working fire extinguisher;
  • ashtrays and trash cans;
  • sign, sign “Smoking area (place)”;
  • a thick door that prevents smoke from entering neighboring rooms;
  • posters and printed materials explaining the dangers of smoking and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment for smokers' premises

Smokers were given the opportunity to satisfy their needs in specially equipped areas. What are designated smoking areas and where can I find them?

Such a place can be an open area or a specially designated and appropriately equipped room. The smoking room cannot be located in the toilet, corridor and staircase, near fire exits, in the immediate vicinity of first aid stations and rest areas. Smoking rooms are placed so that they are within walking distance, but the smell of tobacco does not penetrate into other rooms.

Smoking areas are marked with a special sign “Smoking here” in accordance with GOST R-2.4.026-2001 and are arranged in a special way.

According to fire safety rules, only non-combustible materials such as metal, tiles and glass can be used to decorate rooms intended for smoking, and all surfaces are treated with fire retardant compounds. A mandatory attribute of a smoking room is an urn, and, in accordance with the requirements, a metal one. But there should be no upholstered furniture - you won’t be able to abuse nicotine comfortably.

Much attention is paid to compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. And the most important aspect is ventilation.

Its power is regulated by the requirements of SNiP 31-05-2003

The room should be well ventilated, but it is important that combustion products do not enter other rooms

Smoking areas must be heated - the air temperature in the cold season should not fall below 16°C. The maximum degree is not defined by the standards.

Smoking areas are most often located in rooms adjacent to toilets, and are intended for use by both men and women. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the place is not accessible.

Whether to smoke or not, everyone decides for themselves, independently assessing the risks to which they expose themselves and their loved ones, but when in public places, they should use premises specially designated for these purposes. This will allow you to avoid fines and save your money, and also save someone’s health.

Special Requirements

Smoking area at the enterprise, the 2021 sanitary and fire requirements are as follows. The main requirement of sanitary inspection services is that premises and open areas must be well ventilated. If there is a risk of tobacco smoke penetrating into adjacent rooms, “smoking rooms” should be equipped with a built-in ventilation system. For the power of ventilation systems operating in dedicated rooms, special sanitary standards are prescribed (SNiP No. 31-05-2003):

  • standard air exchange is 10 or more cubic meters/hour;
  • temperature in the cool season is at least +16 *C.

Fire inspection authorities also impose requirements on open spaces and smoking rooms:

  • the walls, ceiling and floor in the smoking room are made of non-combustible materials;
  • all flammable objects and surfaces are treated with special fire-resistant compounds;
  • urns are made of metal;
  • There must be a “Smoking Area” sign in the room. It is manufactured in accordance with GOST R 12.4.016-2001. This is a sign measuring 200x200 mm made of heat-resistant plastic.

What should I do if someone smokes in the premises for which I am responsible?

According to the memo from the Ministry of Health, if a violation of the law was noticed at a work site, you can contact the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor or the territorial branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

You should contact the police if violators were spotted on children's and sports grounds, in hallways, elevators and other public places.

If a violation of the law occurs on the premises, you must act as follows:

  • contact the smoker, emphasize the existing prohibitory signs and ask to extinguish the smoking device;
  • remind you that smoking in unauthorized places may result in administrative penalties;
  • inform that according to the established rules, the owner is also responsible for the premises, and if a violation is revealed, a fine may be imposed on you;
  • ask to leave the premises if the citizen continues to smoke and does not respond to comments.

In order not to be verbose, it is better to record all facts of violations on video or photo shooting.

Note! If an employee at an enterprise breaks the law, the question of applying disciplinary action may arise.

At what distance from the building can a store be built?

The width of the shoreline of canals, as well as rivers and streams, the length of which from source to mouth is no more than ten kilometers, is five meters.” The width of the bank strip of canals, as well as rivers and streams, is not subject to development and must be free for passage. If your site is not located near the water, but in a water protection zone, this does not mean a ban on building a house.

As the law states, the design, placement, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, and operation of economic and other facilities are allowed within the boundaries of water protection zones. But at the same time, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for equipping such facilities with structures that ensure the protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging and depletion of water in accordance with water legislation and legislation in the field of environmental protection. A water protection zone is a zone with special conditions for the use of the territory.

Smoking room: norms and restrictions

What should a smoking room be like according to the legislative norms of the Russian Federation? Is it enough to just move people who smoke to a separate room?

Long gone are the days when you could smoke without interrupting your work process. The ban on smoking in the workplace not only gave employers the right to formally ask smokers to leave the door, but also directly imposed such a duty on them. However, few are in a hurry to fully implement it.

People dependent on tobacco are often offended by the innovation and curse the authorities for the new conditions. If the bosses themselves don’t smoke, no one feels sorry for smokers.

However, this overlooks the fact that when obligations are carried out so carelessly, non-smokers often continue to suffer.

How often can you go on a smoke break?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not directly regulate the time that should or may be allocated to an employee when performing his production or official duties. Smoking in the workplace is controlled only by Article 10 of the 15-FZ. This article allows smoking to be completely prohibited on the territory and premises of the employer. The legislator also welcomes the use of measures to encourage smoking employees to quit cigarettes. If smoking is not prohibited by internal regulations, then employees can use the time of short breaks and lunch for it. It makes sense to fit all smoking breaks into the standard rest time provided by law during the working day - 2 hours.

Arrangement of an outdoor area

Specially equipped areas can be located not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Option for arranging an outdoor smoking pavilion

However, they must meet the following requirements:

  • street areas should be located away from objects that have a risk of fire and from access points;
  • there is a location of a special sign;
  • smoking rooms must be made of non-flammable safe materials;
  • there must be trash cans and ashtrays on the street, as well as fire extinguishing equipment;
  • at night, equipped areas must be provided with light sources.

Note! A convenient way to arrange outdoor space is to install street pavilions. They are made from safe materials and meet established requirements.

Pavilions can be equipped with tables and chairs and an air purification system. There are no standards regarding the parameters of such pavilions.

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