Labor protection requirements before starting work in production

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Let's be honest, we have never done this before. In each case, for a certain profession or type of work, there is its own instruction on labor protection. But this is a good experiment: why not? It is very interesting to look at a short general safety briefing.

So, let's agree on the following: to make the instructions really brief, we will give in it only those provisions that can be found in each instruction. Then such instruction can be carried out with literally everyone. Let's begin!

Safety Brief - Key Points

First of all, a brief safety briefing should begin with the requirements for the employee. Or rather, to the events that he went through before starting work. This includes a preliminary medical examination, introductory briefing and special training in occupational safety. Obtain personal protective equipment and complete an internship in labor protection (if required).

Secondly, these are the dangers and harmful production factors that haunt the employee in the workplace. Let us repeat, they will be different for different professions - but as part of a brief safety briefing, it is worth mentioning only the most general ones. As a rule, this is a lack of lighting in the workplace, psycho-physical stress. Of the hazards (based on the results of an occupational risk assessment), the most often “diagnosed” are the danger of slipping on a wet floor and electric shock due to faulty wiring.


2.1. When starting work after a long break (illness, vacation, etc.), as well as when receiving a job that is not part of the duties of an electrician, it is necessary to receive additional instructions on labor protection from the work manager.

2.2. Properly wear clean and serviceable protective clothing required by the Standards. Button or tie the cuffs of the sleeves so that there are no dangling or flapping ends. Tuck your hair under your headdress. Do not keep metal objects with sharp ends in your pockets.

Receive instructions on the rules of use and the simplest ways to check the serviceability of personal protective equipment, as well as undergo training in their use.

An electrician is not allowed to work without the personal protective equipment provided for in the Standard Industry Standards, in faulty, unrepaired, contaminated special clothing, as well as with other faulty personal protective equipment.

2.3. Receive a task to complete the work from the work manager.

Do not begin a production task if safe ways to complete it are unknown.

2.4. All work in electrical installations is carried out:

a) along with;

b) by written order of administrative and technical personnel with an electrical safety group of at least IY, with an entry in the operational log;

c) in the order of routine operation according to the list of works approved by the person responsible for electrical equipment with an entry in the operational log.

Do not start work in electrical installations without proper registration.

It is allowed to begin work on electrical installations and carry out work only after its registration.

2.5. Prepare serviceable and certified basic and additional electrical protective equipment.

The main electrical protective equipment used in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V:

— insulating rods;

— insulating and electrical clamps;

— voltage indicators;

— dielectric gloves;

— plumbing and assembly tools with insulating handles. Additional electrical protective equipment in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V:

— dielectric galoshes;

— dielectric carpets;

— portable grounding;

— insulating supports and covers;

— fencing devices;

— posters and safety signs.

Check the serviceability of the voltage indicator up to 1000 V by touching the contact electrode to live parts that are known to be energized.

The length of dielectric gloves must be at least 350 mm. The size of the gloves should allow wool or cotton gloves to be worn underneath them to protect hands from low temperatures when servicing open devices in cold weather. The width along the bottom edge of the gloves should allow them to be pulled over the sleeves of outerwear. Before using gloves, check for punctures by twisting them toward your fingers. Air leakage indicates a puncture. Gloves should not be wet or damaged.

Before use, inspect overshoes and boots to detect defects (detachment of facing parts, loose lining on the insole, divergence of the ends of the lining, foreign hard inclusions, protrusion of wax).

Before use, clean carpets and insulating supports from dirt, dry and inspect for punctures, tears, cracks, etc.

After storage at sub-zero temperatures, before use, carpets must be kept in packaged form at a temperature of 2O + - 5 degrees. With at least 24 hours.

Each portable grounding must be inspected at least once every 3 months, and also before use if it has been exposed to short circuit currents. When contact connections are destroyed, the mechanical strength of conductors is reduced, they melt, more than 5% of the wires break, etc. portable grounding connections should be removed from use.

Protective equipment must not be damaged and must be free of dust.

It is prohibited to start work and use during work faulty, untested or expired protective equipment.

2.6. Prepare serviceable and tested other personal protective equipment necessary for work in accordance with the harmful factors of production: safety belt, safety glasses, etc.

Check the testing of the safety belt against the tag, which should indicate the test data and the inventory number of the belt. Before putting into operation and every 6 months during operation, the following should be tested with static load:

— belt sling without shock absorber — with a load weighing 7OO kg;

- a belt lanyard with a shock absorber - a load weighing 4OO kg (in this case, the shock absorber is not tested);

- a buckle with a belt - a weight weighing 3OO kg.

Make sure that:

— the belt carabiner is securely locked and has a locking device (the carabiner is tested in the same way as the belt);

— the belt fabric has no local damage (burns, cuts, etc.);

— rivet connections have no backlash;

— the stitching of the belt, belts and overlays are completely intact;

— the leather of the belts is well saturated with fat and does not crack when bent;

— nylon sling has no broken threads;

— the spring lock of the carabiner is in good working order, the surface of the carabiner is smooth, without burrs, gouges, scratches and other similar defects, the carabiner lock fits correctly and tightly into its cutouts;

— all metal parts of the belt are (except for rivets) zinc coated.

It is prohibited to start work and work with a belt that has been subjected to a dynamic jerk; such a belt must be removed from use and submitted for testing.

The safety rope serves as an additional safety measure. Its use is mandatory in cases where the place of work is located at a distance that does not allow the safety belt to be secured to the structure. For insurance, a cotton rope with a diameter of at least 15 mm and a length of no more than 10 m or a rope made of nylon braided halyard is used. The static breaking load of the rope must be at least 1000 kgf. Shoulder straps must be tested to the same standards as safety belts.


— fastening with a carabiner below the level of support of the feet when performing operations in a standing position;

- use of the belt for purposes other than its intended purpose.

Prepare serviceable devices, stands, fences, and special devices.

Before use, inspect the safety glasses for scratches, cracks and other defects; if any are found, the glasses should be replaced with good ones.

2.7. Check the availability and serviceability of tools with insulated handles and devices to ensure the safety of work.

Insulated tools include adjustable wrenches, ratchet wrenches, pliers, pliers, screwdrivers, etc.

Insulating handles must be made in the form of dielectric covers mounted on the handles of the tool, or a non-removable single-layer or multi-layer coating made of moisture-resistant, oil-gasoline-resistant, non-fragile electrical insulating material applied by injection molding, dipping, etc. The surface of the insulating coating should not be slippery. The shape and corrugation of the surface of the insulating handles should ensure ease of use of the tool.

The connection of the insulating handles with the handles of the tools and the insulation of the screwdriver rods must be strong, eliminating the possibility of their mutual longitudinal movement and rotation during operation.

The insulation must cover the entire handle and have a length of at least 100 mm to the middle of the stop stop. The stop must have a height of at least 10 mm, a thickness of at least 3 mm and must not have sharp edges or edges. Screwdriver handle stop height

- at least 5 mm.

The thickness of multi-layer insulation should not exceed 2 mm, single-layer - 1 mm. The insulation of screwdriver rods should not have stops. The insulation of screwdriver shafts should end at a distance of no more than 100 mm from the end of the screwdriver blade.

The instrument must be inspected before each use. Insulating tool handles should not have holes, cracks, chips, swelling and other defects that lead to deterioration in appearance and a decrease in mechanical and electrical strength.

Place the installation tool in a special bag. It is not allowed to carry the instrument in clothing pockets.

It is prohibited to start work or use a faulty, untested or expired power tool.

2.8. To work at height, prepare serviceable and tested ladders or stepladders, check that the upper ends of the stepladders have hooks that do not allow them to move apart arbitrarily during work. The height of stairs should not exceed 5 m.

Work at a height of more than 5 meters and in the absence of stationary platforms with railings must be carried out from inventory scaffolding that meets the technical requirements.

2.9. Prepare the workplace for safe work

- remove unnecessary items and garbage. Check for free passages to electrical installations, starting devices, power assemblies and control units. It is prohibited to block passages to electrical installations, etc.

The lighting of the workplace must be sufficient and without glare.

For portable lighting, it is necessary to prepare a portable hand-held electric lamp and check that it meets the following safety requirements:

- the voltage of the portable lamp should not be higher than 42 V, in damp rooms, in rooms with conductive floors - no higher than 12 V;

— the lamp has a protective mesh,

hanging hook and

hose wire with plug. The mesh must be secured to the handle with screws. The socket must be built into the lamp body so that the current-carrying parts of the socket and lamp base are inaccessible to touch.

To connect the luminaire to the electrical network, a hose cable (wire) of the ShRPS brand with conductors with a cross-section of 0.75-1.5 sq. mm for voltage up to 5OO V and a length of no more than two meters must be used. The cable at the point of entry into the luminaire must be protected from abrasion and kinks.

The connection of a 12-42 V luminaire to the transformer must be blind or using a plug; in the latter case, appropriate plug sockets must be provided on the transformer casing on the 12-42 V side.

Step-down transformers with electrical separate windings of primary and secondary voltage, machine converters, generators, and batteries can be used as a power source for lamps with voltages up to 42 V.

It is prohibited to use autotransformers, choke coils and rheostats for voltage reduction for these purposes.

2.1O. An electrician should not begin work if the following safety requirements are violated:

— malfunctions of technological equipment, devices and tools specified in the manufacturer’s instructions, for which their use is not allowed;

— untimely carrying out of regular tests of basic and additional means of protection or expiration of their service life established by the manufacturer;

— insufficient lighting or cluttered workplace;

— absence or expiration of the work permit when working in existing electrical installations. Detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated on their own before starting work, and if it is impossible to do this, the electrician must report them to the foreman or the responsible work manager.

2.11. Safety precautions before starting work with lifting mechanisms controlled from the floor:

2.11.1. Check the serviceability of lifting devices:

— the presence of tags or stamps on them indicating the number, load capacity and date of manufacture;

— the presence of breakage of individual wires, wear and corrosion in excess of the established standards for slings made of steel ropes; the presence of stretching and wear of more than 10% of the original diameter, links or cracks for slings made from chains.

2.11.2. Check the serviceability of the main parts and components of the lifting machine:

— presence and reliability of fastening of the protective grounding (cable) to the body of the push-button station;

— serviceability of the insulating housing of the push-button station;

— no jamming of control buttons in sockets or exposed live parts;

— condition of the hook (wear in the throat should not be higher than 10%, no cracks or bent, presence of a cotter pin on the nut and ease of turning the hook in the hook suspension).

2.11.3. Turn on the lifting mechanism with the “Start” button and check the operation of the brake with a test load or a load close to the lifting capacity of the lifting mechanism of this machine, by lifting it to a height of 2OO-3OO mm and then holding it in this position for 10 minutes.

Check the operation of the hook lift height limiter.

2.12. If you find any malfunctions in the operation of the equipment that threaten safe operation, report to the work manager and do not begin work until they are eliminated.

2.13. Know:

— location of the first aid kit, telephone, fire extinguishing equipment;

— telephone numbers of the medical service and fire department;

— escape routes, main and emergency exits in case of accident and fire

and be able to use it if necessary.

Emergency procedures

Of course, situations are different. Including emergency ones. But initially the general requirements are also the same. If something bad (let’s call it that) happened to an employee, then first of all he needs to be freed from the influence of the damaging factor. Of course, if it does not threaten the life of the rescuer.

Next, having assessed the situation, you need to provide first aid and notify your immediate supervisor about the incident. Call rescue services (ambulance, firefighters, rescuers).

But further on the situation, many of which cannot be given within the framework of a brief safety briefing.

Here are the most “popular” requirements that are found in almost every labor safety instruction. Of course, after conducting such instructions, you will not say anything unnecessary. But, of course, we still recommend developing additional instructions on labor protection: by profession and type of work.

Take occupational safety seriously and take care of yourself!

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