Additional payment for teachers' experience

How to calculate the bonus for length of service in the public sector

Such allowances are also available to employees not only of the budget and government sectors, but also of the military, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as those who are officially employed.
In the latter case, this type of allowance is usually smaller in percentage terms, because the salaries of employees in private areas are often higher than those of employees in public sectors. His teaching load is 24 hours a week. Qualification: first category. This employee is assigned a class, and accordingly he has a bonus for class management. Twenty-four hours a week are spent checking notebooks. The teacher has 2 years of teaching experience (10%).

Additional payment for teachers' experience

The work of a teacher is not only very responsible, but also stands out due to its complexity. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that teaching staff belong to the category of persons for whom, due to the specifics of their work, the state has provided a number of guarantees, benefits and incentives.

The payment of a bonus for length of service for teaching staff whose positions are classified in the professional qualification group of teaching staff positions is provided for in clause 5.6 of the Model Regulations on the remuneration system for employees of municipal educational institutions and municipal institutions of additional education for children.

Preferential pension for teachers based on length of service - will there be changes in 2021?

  1. The teaching experience includes the entire period of work of a teacher until September 1, 2000, regardless of the fulfillment of working time standards (training or teaching load) at that time. From September 1, 2000, work time will be taken into account in the length of service only when fulfilling the teaching or training load established for the salary rate. Regardless of the volume of teaching load, the work experience for teachers is counted:
      primary classes of general education institutions;
  2. comprehensive schools in rural areas (except for evening and open shift schools).
  3. Time spent working as a teacher, teacher-educator or nursery nurse is taken into account in the preferential length of service only until 01/01/1992.
  4. The term of work as a director (manager or supervisor) before 09/01/2000 is taken into account in full, and after this date - only when conducting teaching activities in the prescribed scope:
      in institutions for children - at least 6 hours per week (240 hours per year);
  5. in secondary professional institutions education - at least 360 hours per year.
  6. For employees of institutions of additional education for children, the period of work before 01/01/2001 is counted in full, and after this date it is taken into account only if the following conditions are met:
      as of January 1, 2001, there is at least 16 years and 8 months of work experience in these institutions;
  7. there is a fact of working in these institutions in the positions provided for in the List in the period from 01.11.1999 to 31.12.2000.

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How to calculate teaching experience for retirement based on length of service?

Teachers, educators and other citizens engaged in teaching activities will be able to apply for an early pension, regardless of their age, after working for 25 years in their profession. As noted earlier, the new pension reform for teachers will not affect the length of service required to receive a preferential pension - it will still be 25 years.

The main nuance is that after the introduction of the pension reform, the retirement date for teachers will also be postponed by 5 years (after the end of the transition period). At the moment, the transition is still ongoing. In 2021 and 2020, the period for taking a cold holiday was increased by only 1.5 years . For 2021, the period will increase by 3 years .

Who is entitled to additional payment for teaching experience?

Taking into account the above, we note that the positions of teaching staff include, among other things, social pedagogue, additional education teacher, trainer-teacher and methodologist. Consequently, there are no grounds for excluding these positions from the list for incentive payments.

These positions include: rector, director, head of an educational institution, head of an educational institution; vice-rector, deputy director, deputy head of an educational institution, deputy head of an educational institution, whose activities are related to the educational process; director, head of a branch of an educational institution; head of a branch of an educational institution; head master; educational facility manager; dean, deputy dean of the faculty; head, deputy head of the department, doctoral studies, postgraduate studies, department, sector; head, deputy head of an office, laboratory, department, educational and consulting center, speech therapy center, boarding school at a general education institution; scientific secretary of the academic council; manager (manager) of production practice; Methodist; instructor-methodologist; senior methodologist

What are the bonuses for working in a budget institution in 2021?

In addition, such additional payments must be indicated in the regulations on remuneration or bonuses. In current legislation there are practically no restrictions that directly affect their amounts. Thus, perhaps the only real factor that regulates the amount of additional payments in a budgetary institution is its state of its accounts.

  1. 10% of the official salary if the employee’s length of service is between 1 and 5 years.
  2. A 15% bonus is given to employees who have worked in a budget institution for 5 to 10 years.
  3. 20% of the salary will be received by employees who have been working in their organizations for 10 to 15 years.
  4. An increase of 30% is due if the employee’s length of service in the institution exceeds 15 years.

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Who is entitled to a bonus or additional payment for length of service?

According to the above chapter of the Labor Code (labor code), the heads of non-budgetary organizations themselves decide whether to pay them additional amounts to the rate or not. That is, if you work in a commercial company, there is no guarantee that after serving a decent amount of time, you will receive an addition to your salary.

Also, changing your position in the organization will not affect your work experience. If you were transferred to another department of the same enterprise, then the length of service for calculating the long service bonus will be calculated in total. The exception is if your salary changes within a month. In this case, it is not the length of service that is recalculated, but the amount of the bonus according to a percentage of the salary.

All about accounting"

The allowance is set for the entire volume of the employee’s teaching load. If persons from among the teaching staff also carry out teaching work, the bonus is awarded both for the main position and for hours of teaching work ( see letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Youth of Ukraine dated May 25, 2011 No. 1/9-385). Read in detail about the procedure for calculating bonuses for the prestige of teaching work in the newspaper “All about Accounting” No. 52 for 2013, p. 42, and No. 36 for 2014, p. 18.

Teachers receive another guaranteed payment - a bonus for length of service 9 hours 1 tbsp. 57 of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” dated May 23, 1991 No. 1060-XII and the Procedure for the payment of bonuses for length of service to teaching and scientific-pedagogical employees of educational institutions and educational institutions, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 31, 2001 No. 78 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 78). Like the preliminary payment, such a bonus is paid only to persons who occupy the positions specified in List No. 963.

Additional payments for teacher-librarian

From January 1, 2005, employees of state and municipal libraries, in accordance with Article 30 of the Law of Law “On Libraries and Librarianship” dated January 27, 1995, were introduced an additional payment for length of service. 3 years – 10% of official salary; 10 - 20%; 20 - 30%. Such additional payments are not made to part-time workers. Additional pay for length of service is calculated from the official salary without taking into account additional payments and allowances.

According to the section “Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers” of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees[3], the positions of pedagogical workers include: teacher, instructor (except for teachers classified as faculty members of universities), teacher-organizer, social educator, teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist (speech therapist), educational psychologist, teacher (including senior), tutor (with the exception of tutors engaged in the field of higher and additional vocational education), teacher-librarian (the title of the position is used in educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education), senior counselor, additional education teacher (including senior), music director, accompanist, head of physical education, physical education instructor, methodologist (including senior), instructor-methodologist ( including the senior), labor instructor, teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety, trainer-teacher (including the senior), master of industrial training. The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a different list of positions, work in which is counted towards length of service, giving the right to early assignment of an old-age pension to persons engaged in teaching activities.

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Preferential pension for teachers based on length of service: how to retire early under the new law in 2021?

  • Every year this standard will increase by 1 year until the final value is fixed in 2023 ( 5 years ).
  • In 2021 and 2021, preferential conditions for retirement will apply - payments will be processed six months earlier than planned. This means that for those who have completed their service in 2021, the receipt of their pension will be delayed only for one and a half years instead of two.

Due to pension reform, the date of assignment of pension is postponed:

Employees of the pedagogical sphere carry out their activities in special working conditions. Therefore, a number of state privileges are provided for them. The state guarantees teachers the opportunity to retire earlier than the majority of working citizens. Read the latest news about the conditions and rules for early retirement according to the length of service for teachers in 2021, who has the right to early retirement according to the new law, and how to retire early according to the new law.

It turns out that teachers who, by law, will acquire their right to a preferential pension in 2026, will only be able to receive it in 2034, that is, after 8 years. It turns out that the retirement age of teachers will increase, despite the remaining working experience of 25 years.

What does the salary of Russian teachers consist of? How is the salary increase for teachers planned from September 1, 2021 and how much will it actually be increased? Increase teachers’ salaries by 200%. It is precisely this coefficient, according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 599 of 2021 (“”), that was included in the dynamics of a systematic increase in wages for workers in the field of education and science.

Pension of teachers according to length of service in Russia

Petrova has a higher professional education and 3 years of work experience in educational organizations. According to the municipal laws of Tula, Petrova has the right to receive additional payment for education (15% of the salary) and for length of service (10% of the salary).

08 Apr 2021 vektorurist 518

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Additional payment for teachers' experience

In the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Employees [3], the positions of pedagogical workers include: teacher, lecturer (except for teachers classified as faculty members of universities), teacher-organizer, social pedagogue, teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist (speech therapist ), educational psychologist, educator (including senior), tutor (with the exception of tutors engaged in the field of higher and additional vocational education), teacher-librarian (the title of the position is used in educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary ( complete) general education), senior counselor, additional education teacher (including senior), music director, accompanist, head of physical education, physical education instructor, methodologist (including senior), instructor-methodologist (including senior), labor instructor, teacher - organizer of the basics of life safety, trainer-teacher (including senior), master of industrial training.

the amount of additional payments provided for teaching staff may fluctuate upward or downward depending on the growth or reduction of the wage fund. In addition, it is necessary to remember the procedure for calculating percentage bonuses for length of service and length of service. In order to understand what specific wage increases you can expect from an employer, you should familiarize yourself with the contents of: the collective agreement; other regulatory acts of the enterprise on labor.

Teacher's salary in 2021: what to expect

  • salary. It depends on the number of teaching hours that the teacher worked in one week. Throughout the Russian Federation today, the base rate for a subject is at least 18 hours. If this rate is lower, then the teacher must “reach” the rate through additional classes, including with children who need special learning conditions, for example, home schooling;
  • bonus for experience and length of service;
  • bonus for methodological work in an educational institution;
  • additional payments for conducting extracurricular educational systems (clubs, extracurricular activities);
  • regional allowances (for example, northern ones or for special working conditions - in the northern and equivalent regions).

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How and what does a teacher's salary consist of?

If changes are made to labor legislation, the level of a teacher’s salary will have to become significantly higher than the minimum wage, at which he is currently in more than 80% of the regions - according to the All-Russian Trade Union of Education Workers.

List of positions of educational support staff: secretary of the educational unit, senior duty officer, duty officer, dispatcher of an educational institution, laboratory assistant, counselor, junior teacher, assistant teacher.

The basis for determining salary is the minimum wage, which cannot be less than the subsistence level. Thus, it is assumed that the new system of calculating salaries for public sector employees will help equalize salaries, but will not reduce them , since both the regional minimum wage and other nuances will be taken into account depending on the specific subject of the Russian Federation.

New payroll system

Since 2021, a new system for calculating salaries for public sector employees has been launched in Russia. It includes a base rate and a tariff scale of 18 categories. Regardless of the region of the country, employees will receive the same salary, since the requirements for wage systems in certain industries are now set not by regional authorities, but by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Today, the number of changes in the amount of wages that will definitely be available to teachers includes the September Order of the Government of the Russian Federation on increasing teachers’ wages by 3% . The Order came into effect on October 1, 2021, which means that its impact on teachers’ salaries will be felt at the beginning of 2021.

Additional payment for teachers' experience

Also in para. 2 p. 84 of the Standard Instructions for Office Work it is determined that draft orders (instructions) on personnel issues (personnel) (on hiring, dismissal, granting leave, business trips, etc.) are prepared by the personnel service on the basis of reports from the heads of structural divisions, employee statements, employment contracts and other documents. In addition, the order (instruction) on the appointment of an employee indicates the amount of his official salary according to the staffing table, bonuses and additional payments (clause 99 of the Standard Instructions for Office Management).

The amount of payments is fixed both directly in the relevant laws and in procedures approved by the government. These standards establish a progressive scale as a percentage of the official salary or wage rate, according to which an allowance (addition) for length of service is established depending on the length of service. If the work experience is more than 3 years - 10%, over 10 years - 20%, over 20 years - 30%.

How the state motivates teachers to work long hours in school

School teacher is a profession that gives the right to certain benefits. The state motivates teachers to work at school long enough. There should be no staff turnover in schools; if possible, the core of teachers should be retained and guide the child throughout all years of his studies.

What additional payment for experience are due to teachers?

Firstly, as the teacher’s experience increases, higher and higher additional payments are due. The longer a teacher works at a school, the more he earns, other things being equal. In addition to additional payment for experience, you can also constantly improve your qualifications, which also allows you to increase your earnings.

Thus, Moscow teachers earn more than in other regions. On average, their salary is about 51.6 thousand rubles. In Yekaterinburg, the average salary of a teacher is 29.8 thousand rubles. In Kazan it is 29-30 thousand rubles, in Perm they earn a little less - 27.5 thousand, in Omsk we see a decrease - 26.9 thousand rubles.

According to studies, the education sector is one of the lowest paid. The 2012 bill specified that teacher salaries should increase by 200% by 2021. In fact, no one believes these figures today, since previous years did not show an active increase in wages.

From 2021, teachers will be paid in a new way (latest news)

  1. allowances and additional payments (for overtime work, intensity);
  2. bonuses and incentive payments are awarded individually for merit;
  3. payments for length of service (range from 10% for 5 years of service to 30% for 15 years)

Another initiative that is currently being read in the State Duma and should result in changes to labor legislation is an adjustment to the procedure for calculating teachers’ salaries as a percentage of the base rate and incentive additional payments.

Additional payment for work experience of a part-time teacher

  • for intensity: bonus for intensity, bonuses for high performance results and for performing particularly important and responsible work;
  • for the quality of work: an allowance for the qualification category, a bonus for exemplary fulfillment of state assignments;
  • bonuses for length of service, length of continuous work*;
  • bonus payments based on work results: for a month, a quarter, a year.

Also, the remuneration system (employment contracts) can provide for other incentive payments provided for by legislation or acts containing labor law norms. The list of recommended payments is given in subparagraphs “a”–“d” of paragraph 11 of the Recommendations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 26, 2013 No. 167n.

How to get a bonus for experience

The legislator introduced bonuses for employees of the budgetary and military spheres. Commercial organizations, that is, private ownership, are not required to establish additional payments based on length of service. Their presence is the right of the employer and his attitude towards employees. No one can guarantee a citizen additional payments for length of service for working in such an organization.

Amount of additional payments

According to the explanation of the Pension Fund, citizens receiving pensions cannot count on an additional percentage of the total service life. The fund's specialists had to explain this to the general public due to increasing rumors that pensioners with a long period of service may apply for a recalculation of the benefits they receive. The duration of labor activity is determined when assigning state support.

When establishing basic salaries, the teacher’s place of work (general education school, institution for children with disabilities, specialized music, art, sports school, etc.), as well as his qualification category, may be taken into account.

The purpose of introducing NSET in the field of education is to stimulate teachers to constantly improve their own professional level and qualifications by providing incentive payments. In addition, NSET provides financial incentives to individuals who have many years of experience in the field of education and training.

Allowances for teachers according to NSOT: for category, for length of service, for experience

We emphasize that the amount of bonuses and the procedure for assigning them are approved at the regional level. Thus, incentive payments in different regions of the Russian Federation may differ significantly from each other. Also, regional authorities can adjust the approach to determining recipients of a particular allowance. For example, a bonus for experience in the Oryol region is paid only to those teachers who do not have a qualification category. If an employee of an institution is qualified, then he is assigned a bonus for his qualification category, without the right to receive an incentive payment for length of service.

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The salaries of teachers and other employees of the education system in Russia, unfortunately, leave much to be desired. This leads to a shortage of personnel in schools: people cannot stand the test of meager salaries, which, to put it mildly, are problematic to survive on.

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