Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Payment of workers on holidays

Working conditions on a holiday, a non-working day, differ from normal conditions; according to this, work on a holiday should be paid no less than double (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the article, we will look at who an employer can hire to work on a holiday, as well as how they pay for work on holidays. Depending on the remuneration system used, pay for work on holidays will vary:

SalaryPay for working on days off
PieceworkDouble size
Time-based, based on the tariff rate (day, hour)Double tariff rate
SalaryWithin the monthly norm, it is paid in excess of the salary in the amount of a single part (hourly or daily)
If in excess of the monthly norm, it is paid in excess of the salary in the amount of a double part (hourly or daily)

Double wages per day off is the minimum amount. Companies have the right to set a larger size. In this case, the amount of payment is prescribed in the labor or collective agreement and the local regulatory act of the organization.

Important! If you pay for work on a day off in less than what is provided for by labor legislation, then the company will be fined in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

Amount of time worked

Until recently, organizations paid for the hours an employee worked on a day off, or for the entire day, even if he worked only a few hours. Exactly how to pay was prescribed in the company’s internal documents. Currently, hours worked by an employee on a day off are paid, even if they exceed one shift.

The right to request another day of rest remains unchanged. By agreement with the employer, the employee may be given another day off. It is important to remember that you can only get such a day off with the permission of the employer; he is not obliged to provide it. A day off is granted instead for a full day, even if the employee only worked a few hours. At the same time, the work is paid not in double, but in single salary (Read also the article ⇒ What is the compensation for salary delays in 2021).

Working time standards in January 2021

The employer must officially pay for a call to work from January 1 to January 8

The main question that worries Russians is the January working calendar, because New Year’s celebrations are the first in a series of weekends and holidays falling in 2021. There are 31 days in total in January, of which 17 are working days, and 14 are on weekends and holidays (numbers 1 to 8 will be official holidays). According to the standards developed by specialists from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the following picture emerges:

  • in the case of a working week of 40 hours, 136 hours are spent on work (based on 17 working days multiplied by 8 hours of one shift);
  • if the work involves a 36-hour week, then the total volume of labor hours will be 122.4 hours (17 working days multiplied by a shift of 7.2 hours);
  • working conditions with a 24-hour work week assume that 81.6 hours are allocated to work (17 working days multiplied by 4.8 hours).

At the same time, according to the approved standards, compensation for labor on January weekends and holidays should be provided in no less than double the amount.

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