The pension period for women has changed slightly since 2021

  • the number of years during which social tax was paid;
  • the amount of deductions for insurance premiums.

7 years and 9 points - Minimum work experience for calculating a pension in Russia in 2016 Thus, the experience itself is no longer so important, because when receiving a high salary, a citizen accordingly pays significant amounts, which is why he can receive a pension even higher than a person who who worked all his life, but for a small amount.

Requirements for length of service in Russia for calculating pensions in 2021

Increasing the minimum work experience

To somewhat equalize this injustice, starting from 2015, the minimum length of service for a pension will be gradually raised, year by year. The limit value is 15 years by 2025. And today the earlier relevant concept of continuity of work in one area or at one enterprise no longer applies.

At what age do women retire?

Increasing the temporary period of working capacity before receiving an old-age pension has been discussed in Russian society over the past two decades.
The need for this step was explained by the demographic crisis: an increase in the number of pensioners against the background of a decrease in the number of people of working age. Elena Smirnova

Pension lawyer, ready to answer your questions.

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According to the regulations in force until 2021, the retirement age for Russian women was 55 years.

The catalyst for the adoption of changes was the outbreak in 2015. economic crisis. The state budget deficit required optimization of spending on social needs. At the same time as reducing the cost of pension payments, raising the retirement age made it possible for the state to receive millions of additional workers and increase budget revenues in the form of income taxes and contributions to the Pension Fund.

The new law set the retirement age for women at 60 years old. This is, so to speak, the “standard age”, without taking into account additional factors - large families or northern experience. After a number of adjustments, the pension reform law was approved by the Federation Council in September 2021, and the following month it was signed by the President. This legislative act, named Federal Law No. 350, came into force on January 1, 2019.

How much work experience does a woman need to retire?

With the implementation of the first pension reform in the 1990s, the meaning of work experience for working citizens has changed. If before 1998 its size had a direct impact on the amount of accrued pensions, then after the introduction of personalized accounting, the decisive factor became the amount of pension savings in the employee’s personal account with the Pension Fund. The duration of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is called “insurance period”.

Elena Smirnova

Pension lawyer, ready to answer your questions.

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Before the adoption of Federal Law No. 350, the insurance period for calculating social pensions was 5 years. Women who have reached 55 years of age and have at least 5 years of insurance experience could count on accrual of payments from the Pension Fund.

If the amount of insurance or labor (for persons born before 1966) length of service is less than five years, then a woman upon reaching retirement age could rely solely on the accrual of minimum social benefits for old age.

With the beginning of the next pension reform, a gradual increase in the minimum insurance period began. This process is designed until 2025, and by this time the minimum length of work experience will increase to 15 years. When, upon reaching the age of retirement, the required length of service has not been achieved, the employee has the right to continue working until the missing years are completed.

Attention! In case of insufficient length of service, a woman after 60 years of age will receive exclusively an old-age social pension. Work experience in the northern regions is considered separately - we will analyze it below.

What is included in the length of service for a pension?

It is also worth clarifying what is included in the length of service for calculating a pension and how it is formed. Today it is calculated according to two parameters: minimum working experience (number of years) and insurance coefficient (number of points).

Work experience does not play a role in calculating an old-age pension.

Individual points are determined according to the insurance premiums paid for the employee. A senior citizen no longer needs to confirm a working period later than 2002. After registration of SNILS, the Pension Fund makes calculations according to the payments made from the company.

Vacation and Service Points

If a citizen did not perform labor duties for one of the socially significant reasons, the number of individual points is awarded according to the following criteria:

  • Being on leave to care for a child: 1.8 points;
  • Second: 3.6 points;
  • For the third: 5.4 points (similar for subsequent ones);
  • For a disabled person, incl. child, elderly citizen: 1.8 points;
  • Service (army): 1.8 points.

If the total time of employment of a person is less than that established by law, all his contributions no longer matter, he is not entitled to a calculation, and is awarded an old-age pension without length of service.

The number of points awarded increases annually. Today it is 7.39 and will increase with each period to a maximum of 10 by 2021. The cost of one point is set at the government level and adjusted annually. Today it is equal to just over 70 rubles .

Raising the retirement age

The initial version of the bill, internal number 489161, was prepared by specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development and submitted to the State Duma last summer. After a short discussion, the draft amendments to the pension legislation are adopted by deputies in the first reading, without modifications.

It provided for an increase in the age for receiving a pension by five years for the male part of the working population and by seven years for women. From now on, the retirement age for the weaker half of the population was to be 63 years.

The developers of the bill motivated such a disproportion by the experience of Western countries, where the difference in retirement age between the sexes is not as great as in the Russian Federation. But the disproportionate increase has sparked widespread protests from women, human rights activists and labor relations experts. As a result, the President of the Russian Federation himself was forced to intervene in the situation.

In a televised address in August 2021. Putin called for changing the provisions of the bill towards reducing the retirement age for the female part of the workforce. The President called on deputies and drafters of the law to be more “careful towards Russian women.” As a result, the bill was sent for revision, as a result of which the age for women to receive pension payments was reduced to 60 years.

Retirement table by year

The reform, which was launched in the coming year, is gradual. Accordingly, the time to reach retirement age will be different for women. Let's look at the main factors influencing this.

As can be seen from the table, the time to reach retirement age depends on the time of birth:

  1. Born in 1964 go on vacation with a delay of six months: not at 55, but at 55 and a half years.
  2. Women whose 55th birthday will be in 2021 will have to postpone their well-deserved rest for a year and a half. They will retire only in the second half of 2021.
  3. For persons born in 1966-67. birth, retirement will be delayed another year. They can retire at the ages of 58 and 59 years.
  4. Those born in 1968 and later retire in full accordance with Federal Law No. 350 - upon reaching their sixtieth birthday. They will complete the transitional process of increasing the retirement age.

Minimum coefficient

To assign a pension, a Russian citizen must comply with the following rules:

  1. Reach retirement age. Men must be at least 60 years old, women - 55 years old;
  2. Availability of work experience established by law;
  3. Minimum number of pension points - coefficients.

Starting from 2015, along with an increase in work experience, the level of the minimum coefficient mark, which is necessary to receive an old-age pension, began to rise. This year, the minimum number of pension points should be 13.8. Every year this level will increase by approximately 2.4 points. Already in 2024 it will be 30 points. Officials assure that from this year the growth of both the length of service and the coefficient will stop.

Early retirement for women

Pension legislation provides for a number of situations when a woman has the right to apply for a pension without waiting until she reaches the required age. Today this is possible for two reasons:

  1. Status of a mother of many children.
  2. Work experience in the conditions of the “far north” and in areas equivalent to such.
  3. Service in some units of law enforcement agencies.

The possibility of early registration of pensions for mothers with many children was given for the first time to those adopted in 2021. law on pension reform. This applies to women with more than 3 children. At the same time, the schedule for providing pension payments directly depends on the number of children:

  • 3 children - the retirement age is reduced by three years, to 57 years.
  • 4 children - for four years, up to 56 years.
  • 5 children - for 10 years, up to 50 years.

This preference on the part of the state can be considered as one of the stimulating factors for improving the demographic situation in the country.

Women living and working in the northern regions, as well as in areas equivalent to them, had the right to early retirement earlier. Today, 27 Russian regions belong wholly or partially to such areas. From 2021 women working in these areas have the right to retire at age 50.

Elena Smirnova

Pension lawyer, ready to answer your questions.

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But at the same time, a mandatory condition applies: the presence of a minimum experience of 15 years in the northern regions, and 20 in areas equated to such. If a woman has more than 2 children, then the required length of service is reduced to 12 and 17 years, respectively.

Representatives of the peoples of the Far North have the right to retire even earlier - at 45 years old. But here, too, there is one condition: she must not live in a city or other populated area, but engage in nomadic crafts. That is, this includes the spouses of reindeer herders, hunters, traditional fishermen and whalers.

Women serving in the paramilitary units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies retire early, in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code.

Minimum experience

In Russia there are 2 categories of pensioners:

  • Civilian;
  • Military.

Each of the above categories has its own rules for assigning a pension. The Law “On Insurance Pensions” specifies specific rules for assigning pensions to civilians. It also indicates what the minimum length of service and coefficient should be.

Pensioners who did not connect their fate with law enforcement agencies must have a minimum of 9 years of experience and a coefficient of 13.8 points. But this applies only to those who decided to apply for a pension in 2021. The bill states that these numbers will only increase every year. Starting from 2015, the length of service increases by 1 year annually until 2024. That's when he'll stop at 15 years old.

In the case of military personnel, they need to have 20 years of service in order to receive a pension.

This is the same minimum length of service as for ordinary pensioners.

Do not forget that length of service does not depend on the gender of the pensioner, as this is a big difference. Men retire at 60, women at 55, but they need to work the same number of years to receive pension payments.

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