Sample occupational safety training schedule - what it looks like, who is responsible for the preparation

Limited Liability Company "Vesna" Approved by Solovyov (A.P. Solovyov) January 11, 2021 Employee training plan for 2021N Full name employee sent for training Specialty Code of specialty according to the All-Russian Classifier of Professions dated December 26, 1994 No. 367 Grounds for referral for advanced training Period Start date End date
Car repair mechanic18511 8 2 02 7231Purchasing a truck


What is a study plan

Any plan is a structured document that reflects the order of actions or activities aimed at achieving a specific goal or goals.

An employee training plan is a list of activities to equip enterprise employees with knowledge in a certain area to work in a specific direction, calculated for a period established in it, for example, a month, quarter or year.

Such a plan is agreed upon by the management of the enterprise and approved by senior management.

Next, we will consider the procedure for drawing up a plan in more detail.

Conducting thematic seminars

Class time ranges from 72 to 100 hours. This type of advanced training is aimed at accelerating the acquisition of skills necessary to work in new conditions. Within the framework of such programs, dissonant and resonant issues are studied, as well as modern issues in the areas of work or scientific activity of course participants.

Training takes place in the form of trainings, thematic seminars on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems that arise at the level of the region, industry of the organization, enterprise (association) or institution.

At the end of the course, participants take a test or exam or write and defend an essay on the material they listened to.

If the participant successfully completes the certification event, he becomes the owner of a personal certificate confirming that he has received advanced training.


When planning training, identifying training needs. For this purpose, sales results, personnel assessment results (mystery shopping, testing, certification), analysis of changes in the assortment matrix, a survey of managers, etc. are used. This information is accumulated in a summary table.

Training topics seasonality Branch 1 Branch2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5 Bottom line
Product category 1 Product group 1 all-season X X 2
Product group 2 all-season X X X 3
Product group 3 all-season X 1
Product category 2 Product group 1 spring Summer X 1
Product group 2 spring Summer X X X 3
Product group 3 spring Summer X X 2
Product category 3 Product group 1 autumn winter
Product group 2 autumn winter X X 2
Product group 3 autumn winter X X 2
Sales Service Standards all-season X 1
Sales technology all-season X X X 3

Based on the plans, training budgets are built and agreed upon.


Training schedules are initially drawn up for each type of training. For example, on-site training from suppliers:

Month Supplier 1 Supplier 2 Supplier 3 Supplier 4 Supplier 5
Subject New items for 20XX Training for product category XXX Training for product category XXX Training for product category XXX Getting to know the company
01 XX-XX January Branch 1

XX-XX January Branch 2

02 XX-XX February Branch 3
03 XX-XX March Branch 4

XX-XX March Branch 5

04 XX-XX April Branch 5

XX-XX April Branch 4

05 XX-XX May Branch 3
06 XX-XX June Branch 2

XX-XX June Branch 1

07 XX-XX July Branch 1

XX-XX July Branch 2

XX-XX July Branch 3

08 XX-XX August Branch 4

XX-XX August Branch 5

09 XX-XX September Branch 1

XX-XX September Branch 2

XX-XX September Branch 3

10 XX-XX October Branch 4

XX-XX October Branch 5

11 XX-XX November Branch 1

XX-XX November Branch 2

XX-XX November Branch 3

12 XX-XX December Branch 4

XX-XX December Branch 5

Sample annual staff training plan download

Sample staff training plan for new company employees

FULL NAME. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Position ___________________________________________ Department _______________________________________________________ Duration of probationary period from “___” __________________ to “___” __________________ ___________________________ Mentor ________________________________________________ Manager _________________________________________________

Format Dates Training topic*

*With active link to educational material

Electronic knowledge baseNewbie School Company Code Customer Service Standard Job Workbook
Recorded webinars on sales technology Typology of clientsSales ladder Establishing contact with the buyer

Identifying sales needs

Presentation of the product Dealing with objections Completing the sale Upselling the product

Recorded product webinarsGetting to know the XXX company Getting to know the YYY company New products for 20XX
Self-test by blocksTest for self-testing knowledge on products Test for self-testing knowledge on sales technology

Familiarized with the plan ______________ ( ________________) Date “____” _______20 __

We look forward to your active participation and wish you successful work!

Who can study on an individual schedule?

An individual training schedule is a forced decision in the current situation. It is much easier to come to lectures and take tests together with a group (all students know that it is morally more comfortable to wait at the door of the examination room in a group than alone). But there are situations when it is necessary to switch to an individual plan.

Under what circumstances can you apply for IGO:

  1. Birth of a child. Also, young mothers have the right to study according to an individual plan if they have children under 3 years of age. Cases are different if the mother entered a university or technical school with a baby in her arms.
  2. Long-term illness. If a full-time student does not attend lectures for 1 - 1.5 months, he can write an application for an individual schedule at the university so as not to lose a year by going on academic leave.
  3. A full-time student got a job in his specialty.
  4. Death of any family member who supports the student. In this case, a person must go to work to provide himself with money.
  5. Scientific work related to travel. Research students can legally skip lectures and study the material on their own.
  6. When transferring from another university. Most often, IGO is necessary if the programs are very different, and there is academic debt. It is better for the student to devote more time to eliminating the tails and improve knowledge from specialized subjects. This does not prevent him from attending lectures selectively, since the schedule of individual classes is structured in such a way that subjects can be attended or studied on his own.
  7. The student is a member of the university team and often goes to competitions. Universities take applicants with past sports achievements so that they defend the honor of the university.

To qualify for an individual study schedule, a student must write an application to the dean’s office and receive permission. Each university has its own conditions for providing IGS.

What is training like?

In the context of dynamically developing technologies and the introduction of new programs, basic education does not provide adequate qualifications for personnel, and there is a need to acquire new knowledge and skills. Professional training and retraining of personnel is becoming a necessity. A personnel training system comes to the rescue.

There are three main types:

  • professional training;
  • retraining of personnel (retraining);
  • advanced training of personnel.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Responsibility to improve employee knowledge

The pace of technology development in a variety of business areas makes it clear that personnel training and development must be included in the company's strategic planning. Assessing employee knowledge and conducting educational activities must be planned and systematic.

Currently, the legislation provides for mandatory advanced training only for certain categories of workers. For example, teachers of preschool and school educational institutions, university teachers, medical workers and others should undergo periodic refresher courses. For these specialties, there are specially developed methods, the frequency of assessment of knowledge and completion of courses, etc. has been established.

As for other employees, the manager of the enterprise and the employees responsible for this are responsible for their level of knowledge and skills. Large companies create special departments whose area of ​​responsibility is professional training and retraining of personnel at the enterprise.

How to monitor the implementation of the plan

An occupational safety specialist must regularly check the state of labor conditions and safety in the departments of the enterprise. For violations, officials and other responsible employees are issued orders with specific proposals and requirements to eliminate the identified violations. For each item of the order, a specific deadline for its implementation should be indicated. In order to involve the enterprise's trade union committee in monitoring the implementation of the labor protection work plan, it is recommended to give it a copy of the order. In the process of further work, the labor protection specialist provides methodological assistance to department heads in resolving issues specified in the instructions, informs the employer about the state of labor conditions and safety at the enterprise and proposes specific measures to eliminate shortcomings in labor protection. Upon completion of the survey, it is recommended to consider its results at a meeting with management employees of the enterprise, responsible engineering and technical workers and the trade union activists of the enterprise. The issue of drawing up a labor safety plan was considered by the head of the labor safety department of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "MOBTI" Ekaterina Zubareva. We also offer occupational safety plans in MS Word format.


Plan of organizational measures to improve working conditions and safety

Advanced training and legislation

The employer, in accordance with the fourth part of Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is obliged to send employees on the staff of his enterprise for advanced training, if this is necessary for the full performance of their job duties.

The first part of Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer, at his own discretion, can determine the need to improve the qualifications of his employees for the needs of the enterprise.

The procedure and conditions for advanced training are determined by a labor or collective agreement.

Revert to traditional learning 10% of the time

The 10% of learning that occurs formally and in a structured manner is the easiest to monitor, measure, and manage. This can happen in person or online through a learning management system such as AntiTraining.

Some organizations need to provide formal training more than 10% of the time, so take this as a guideline rather than a hard and fast rule.

Face-to-face formal training typically includes seminars, workshops, practical exercises, or presentations. Online learning includes webinars, online courses, videos and tests.

Your company can provide in-person training by regularly scheduling relevant training and making it available to everyone who needs it. You can also resort to online training, a more scalable option for a growing business, by choosing the AntiTraining platform for your company.

Plan for the year: is it realistic? whether it is necessary?

Only public sector institutions are required by law to draw up an annual plan for training, seminars, conferences, etc. Other employers have the right to do without it. However, such a schedule will be useful if you are faced with mandatory training or certification of employees. It is also convenient to use if the organization has a practice of thematic/seasonal strategies, for example, this year it was decided to focus on increasing the efficiency of the master team. In the plan, you can mark the main stages, major events and deadlines, and solve individual tasks throughout the year.

“In our company, training planning is a flexible process; each department head determines the needs of employees independently: some a year in advance, others on the fly. It all depends on the situation; the need for training may arise in the middle of the year: tasks have changed, an employee has been transferred to another position and his work functions have been expanded, many new employees have been hired into the company at once, and much more,” Natalia Fefelova, manager, shares her experience for training at SKB Kontur.

Basic methods

There are methods that are used directly at the employee’s workplace, without interruption from work. That is, he continues to perform duties outside the workplace when he goes to classes that are conducted outside the organization. As practice shows, the second option gives better results and is more effective.

Personnel training at the enterprise (workplace) is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Copying. The method is based on the student repeating the actions of a more experienced specialist, copying them. The more accurately he repeats, the faster he will develop a new skill.
  2. Production instruction. It is carried out with each newly hired employee upon employment. It includes information about upcoming functionality, introduces the new position, and makes it easier to understand immediate responsibilities.
  3. Mentoring. The method is relevant where practical skills are required. An experienced employee takes patronage over a young specialist. The employee learns at his workplace, receiving the support of a mentor. First he tells you how to do it, then he shows you and helps you take the first steps in your work. Prompts if problematic situations arise, and then checks how the trainee has mastered the acquired skills.
  4. Rotation. To gain new experience, the trainee is temporarily transferred to another workplace. This is typical for enterprises that practice complete interchangeability of employees.
  5. Delegation. Delegation is understood as the temporary transfer of authority from one person to another in order for the latter to obtain new knowledge and experience. For example, if a manager needs to go on a business trip and he wants to temporarily delegate authority to another person. But in order for this to pass painlessly, he needs to gradually train this person, for which he is given some instructions related to the execution of powers.
  6. Method of increasingly complex tasks. This method is characterized by gradually complicating the tasks assigned to the employee.

Individual development plan: 3 samples + description

An individual development plan (IDP) is a set of measures to develop an employee to increase his effectiveness.

Example plan

You can draw up an individual professional development plan (hereinafter referred to as IDP) for almost any employee in the organization: workers, specialists, leading specialists, middle managers, experts. And even senior managers require development.

What's included in the plan

The structure of the IPR in each organization is different, depending on the field of activity and the reasons for its creation. However, there are general provisions that are almost always taken into account when drawing up an individual employee development plan:

  1. Target. At the same time, it is important that the employee himself is interested in development and understands why he needs it;
  2. Deadlines. Deadlines for achieving goals are set; when drawing up the IPR, the SMART principle is clearly visible;
  3. Development activities. Development of activities and description of specific actions to achieve set goals;
  4. Support. It is necessary to note who will help the employee in development, the manager or other employees;
  5. Control. That is, some indicators or parameters that will show the progress of the employee’s “upgrading”;
  6. Completion mark. That is, whether the employee achieved the intended results or not.

By the way, the plan itself is developed only after assessing personnel development, which is carried out once every six months or once a year. And based on its results, management makes decisions:

  • If there are improvements, the employee is added to the personnel reserve for the desired position, given an increase, or working conditions are changed;
  • If there are still no significant improvements, then the plan is revised and new activities are developed before the upcoming assessment.

Moreover, there is a practice that a 100% rating is not given to employees who have worked for less than 3 years in the organization, since this is precisely the time during which one can become 100% and 120% professional.

Hmm.. Interesting..

Instructions for creation

Next, we will look at how to create an individual employee development plan point by point. You will need to adapt it to your company, its values ​​and requirements for employee levels.

Important. Template for assessment -> current assessment of the employee. Individual development plan template -> development plan. Further in the text I will tell you in detail how to apply the templates in practice.

Step 1. Determine the goal for the employer

First of all, let's decide what is really important for the company. The message plan will depend on the goal. And then we will analyze the most typical options for development plan goals:

Goal 1. Reduce staff turnover. For this:

  1. The employee must be comfortable in his position;
  2. The employee must have the opportunity for development and career growth;
  3. Management must be competent and properly organize the work of subordinates.

Goal 2. Economic growth and development in the market. For this:

  1. The employee must have good theoretical and practical training;
  2. Employees must feel involved in the company's results;
  3. The employee must know what he can get if he achieves specific results (bonus, etc.).

Goal 3. Create team spirit and relationships in the team. For this:

  1. Employees must have a certain amount of emotional intelligence;
  2. The employee must know the structure of the company, who, where and when can provide the necessary information;
  3. The employee must adapt to changes and do so without conflict;
  4. It is important for management to properly develop cooperation between different departments of the company.

Step 2. Develop indicators

To achieve the set goals, indicators are being developed by which personnel will be assessed. Each business may have its own indicators, but for your convenience, I have highlighted the standard parameters for evaluation and deciphered them (they are in the template):

  1. Systems thinking. Ability to structure and analyze information, draw conclusions and forecasts, assess risks and consequences of one’s own actions;
  2. Rational behavior and communication skills. The ability to manage your behavior and make informed decisions based on logic and feedback;
  3. Focus on results. Ability to set ambitious goals, focus on achieving results, and identify opportunities to improve performance;
  4. Performance discipline. Compliance with company standards, rules and procedures. The ability to choose the optimal way to achieve set goals;
  5. Self improvement. Openness to new knowledge and experience, the ability to independently increase one’s professional competence and develop comprehensively;
  6. Customer focus. Taking personal responsibility for servicing the client, correcting problems that arise, developing strong relationships with him;
  7. Cooperation. Active interaction with other people, the ability to constructively resolve emerging contradictions and overcome conflicts;
  8. Internal integrity and openness. The ability to demonstrate sincerity in communication, to be honest with oneself and decent in interactions with other people.

Often, an employee's evaluation is tied to the company's values, which are listed in the first column of the example template. That is, it is important for the manager to know how much the employee fits the company “in spirit.”

2.2 We take into account the level of the position

Important note. As the position level increases, responsibility for a particular competency increases. An example in the table below.

IndicatorLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
Systems thinkingWorkers and specialistsLeading specialistsMiddle managers and expertsSenior managers
Ability to structure and analyze information, draw conclusions and forecasts, assess risks and consequences of one’s own actionsAble to analyze information and separate the important from the unimportant. Can compare several simple factors that obviously influence the situation and draw logical, consistent conclusions. Understands the consequences of his own actions Able to analyze a situation and structure disparate information. Able to identify factors influencing the final result and highlight the highest priority ones. Sees barriers to achieving goals and develops ways to overcome them Effectively analyzes and structures large volumes of information. Sees the activities of his department/direction holistically. Draws correct conclusions even on the basis of incomplete data. Considers several alternatives for resolving work issues without limiting oneself to standard options. Able to independently select the optimal alternative based on the company’s business interests. When choosing the optimal solution, it takes into account risks and implements measures to minimize them Applies a systematic approach to working with information and people. Finds critical points/key links, the impact of which can change the entire business. Effectively completes a holistic picture of the situation, even in conditions of lack of information. Forms reliable forecasts regarding the company's activities within its area of ​​responsibility. Puts forward/implements proposals that adjust the company’s strategic and tactical goals, increasing its competitive advantages in the market

After developing indicators for different positions, it is important to find out from the employees themselves what is important to them and what they want to achieve.

Step 3. Determine the goal for the employee

We spend most of our lives at work. It's like a second home. Therefore, it is necessary that the conditions correspond to the desired ones and that all opportunities for employee development are provided. And then the most typical goals:

  1. Career growth. Developing professional competencies can help you grow in your position. That is, after an assessment for a certain period, the employee will need to learn new things or improve their skills;
  2. High income. As a worker becomes more efficient, his capabilities increase. If an employee can perform current functions quickly and well enough, then he can expand his responsibility and ask for an increase;
  3. Important experience. An employee can gain experience from everything that happens in the company. This includes building interpersonal and business relationships, theoretical knowledge, and result orientation, which can act as indicators in IPR;
  4. Personal qualities. For employees who are satisfied with their position in the organization, an individual professional development plan helps develop some personal qualities, for example, communication skills.

Important. Especially for you, I have prepared a detailed employee evaluation template divided by competency levels. Download link -> template.

Step 4. Assess the current level

The ways for an employer to assess an employee's current level are very broad. Most often, the choice of assessment methods depends on time. I’ll tell you about the most basic assessment methods:

  1. Testing. Most often this is a test of theoretical knowledge, like at school or university. This is necessary to identify gaps specifically in professional skills;
  2. Role play (team assessment). In this case, a game or situation is set, and the evaluator carefully monitors the distribution of employee roles in the process: who emerged as a leader, who made important decisions, etc.;
  3. Business case solution . The employee is assigned a task. Over a certain period, the employee analyzes the information, searches for a solution, puts it in a presentable form and defends his case in front of the appraiser;
  4. Self-presentation.



At the end of the study, the effectiveness of staff training is assessed, which is organized in the form of an exam that includes several tasks. For example, tests and reports. But performance assessment is not limited to testing knowledge. At some enterprises, after study, active monitoring of labor efficiency indicators is carried out, and various indicators are taken into account. Starting from the speed and productivity of work, increasing economic indicators, ending with positive feedback from clients and partners.

Conditions for providing an individual schedule at the university

Most often, universities provide IGO to senior students, as well as undergraduates. Why: the person has already proven himself to be a good person, there are fewer problems with him. Most likely, he got a job and will try to successfully graduate from college.

In technical schools it is possible to switch to an individual form of education even from the first year, but this needs to be clarified in each individual case.

Sometimes the dean's office strictly considers candidates for an individual schedule at a university, demanding good grades so that there are no problems with academic performance later.

It has been observed that if students become distant from teachers and the university, they may become alienated from their studies. This often happens to those who are used to learning under pressure; their motivation is based more on fear of teachers than on interest in learning.

It should be borne in mind that university documents may specify deadlines for possible submission of an application. If you miss them, the dean’s office will not allow IGO. Most often, the application must be written at the beginning of the current semester, maximum a week after its start.

For each special case - illness, maternity leave or something else - the student must provide documents or show a work book, which contains a record of the start of work in his specialty.

Training of employees in the organization

The following types of training can be roughly distinguished at the enterprise:

  • training required for all employees, regardless of position. Such training may include training and testing of knowledge on labor protection;
  • training required for certain categories of workers. For example, specialists responsible for organizing labor safety at an enterprise must be trained every three years, and workers directly servicing pressure vessels undergo retraining every year;
  • training not provided for by law, to which the employee is sent in agreement with the employer. For example, to improve the qualifications of individual employees, or when transferring to another position.

The employer is obliged to conduct and pay for the first two types of training regardless of his wishes. In these cases, he cannot demand compensation from the employee for the cost of training upon dismissal. In the case when a person is sent for training at the expense of the organization, in agreement with the management, an agreement can be drawn up with him for training the employee with working hours. The sample of this document is not approved by law; it can be drawn up in free form, indicating the reasons, upon the occurrence of which the employee will be obliged to reimburse the cost of training.

Refresher courses

This training event is usually held in a designated area. The big advantage of taking such courses is that once the training is completed, not only will your skill increase, it will be documented.

In such courses, classes are held in small groups, from 5 to 30 people maximum. Individual lessons are also available.

They organize training according to advanced training programs designed to increase and expand the range of knowledge and skills, especially those that a person already has.

Please note that only those employees who already have a diploma of secondary or higher professional education can take advanced training courses.

The choice of a suitable training center should be based on the following indicators:

  • composition of teachers;
  • how long the center has been operating;
  • cost of courses;
  • reviews from those who have already completed the training.

How to organize your studies

First of all, the HR director, in cooperation with management, must develop a regulation on certification. It contains the following information:

  • goals and objectives;
  • categories of employees to be assessed;
  • period and schedule;
  • order of conduct;
  • composition of the commission;
  • list of responsible persons;
  • evaluation criteria;
  • deadlines for summing up results.

After approval of this document, all employees must be familiarized with it and signed.

regulations on personnel certification

Then the period of preparation for certification begins, during which subordinates are notified of the upcoming assessment and submit all the necessary documents. Quite often, employees are required to provide a report on the work done.

The logical conclusion of the preparatory stage is the certification itself. Based on its results, the employee is sent to study, demoted or fired. During the certification, a protocol is filled out containing information about the examinee, a description of the interview process and the result.

Guided by the results of the assessment, responsible employees make decisions about the organization of study and the form of its implementation. A personnel training program and an order for sending employees to study are drawn up.

Order on sending to study

At the end, a staff training protocol is drawn up, which reflects:

  • who conducted the classes;
  • what knowledge the specialists received;
  • whether the employee completed the course.

The document is certified by the signatures of students and employees and the head responsible for the organization.


Limited Liability Company "Vesna"

I approve

Soloviev (A.P. Soloviev)

January 11, 2021

Employee training plan for 2021

Voronov E.I.Car repair mechanic18511 8 2 02 7231Purchasing a truck 01.02.2020 30.04.2020
2 Kiselev O.A. Miller 19489 9 3 52 7416Purchase of a new ice cream production line 01.03.2020 30.06.2020

Stages of building a Corporate Training System

In the previous article, we understood the basic concepts of what a corporate training system (hereinafter referred to as CTS) or a corporate university is, in which cases its development is necessary and what the minimum conditions should be in a company for its implementation.

In this article I want to tell you what stages there are in building a system and where to start.

“Why divide into stages? We just create training programs and teach”

- they told me in previous companies, not understanding that in fact creating a corporate training system is a very voluminous, labor-intensive and complex work. And indeed, sometimes it’s really scary to take on such a complex project, especially when you don’t know which way to approach it...

To calm your fear, you need to reduce the level of danger.

How to do it? The simplest thing is to break all the work into stages/steps and do everything progressively. There is no need to embrace the immensity and do everything at once - this is unrealistic!

Important point

Each stage should have specific deadlines, goals and resources.
After completing each step, I strongly recommend that you coordinate the resulting result with your management and the head of the company, and check whether the resulting result corresponds to the goals and values ​​of the company. It’s easier to edit one stage here and now than to redo the whole work later (I had experience - I didn’t like it :)).

After studying a sea of ​​literature, looking at various variations (by the way, in many sources certain steps/stages are duplicated, or the same thing is called with different words), I came up with the following steps:

Fig. 1 Stages of building a Corporate Training System

Today we will look at them briefly.

I will describe what is included in each stage and what goals are set. Also, at the end, I will give an example of where we started in our company and how we went through the first stage.

So let's get down to business.

Step 1. Goal setting and initial audit


To identify the current situation in a training company and create a list of goals for which we are developing a CCS.
In simple terms, understand what exists now (the current starting point) and decide where you need to ultimately go.

This stage includes 3 main points:

1. Description of the mission, values ​​and main business processes; awareness of what types of tasks the company faces, what the strategic development plan is


It makes sense to create a SKO in a company where a general business development strategy has been defined, all employees know the goals, management connections and communications have been streamlined and formalized, and office work has been bureaucratized...

If the company is in its infancy and is just forming its development strategy, it does not yet need a SKO; this is a premature project. In such a company, short-term training events (for example, targeted training) are more effective.

2. Primary audit

, is necessary to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the processes implemented in the company related to personnel training and development.
For example, in our company we have scattered targeted training, there is no formation of a personnel reserve, there is no specific plan for training new employees and there is no “threshold of entry” (minimum requirements) into the company.

How to conduct an initial audit? We conducted a staff survey about problem areas, collected information by department, analyzed the reasons for the dismissal of employees, the reasons for choosing us over other companies when hiring, etc. We also analyzed what information is contained in the “Knowledge Base”, whether it is convenient to use, how often it is updated...

3.Setting goals for creating a system of systems, drawing general schemes


It is important to link the learning strategy to the business/organizational goals. In the future, we will need to identify specific knowledge, skills, and competencies that employees will need to achieve the company’s tasks and goals.

Important point

At this stage, you do not need to have a specific idea of ​​what exactly the training will be like, what exactly the training programs will be!

Step 2. Development of personnel requirements, competencies, job profiles

Purpose of the stage

Formation of competency profiles for key positions

At this stage, it is necessary to think through the standards of personnel requirements, the minimum threshold for entry into the company, develop a profile for each position, draw up a list of competencies, etc.

Simply put, we must understand what kind of employees we need in which positions for the further development and prosperity of the company.

Knowing these points, we will be able to make effective personnel changes, form teams, departments, develop employees for career advancement, improve professional skills, etc. But to do this, we initially need to understand: what a potential employee should be like and what we will demand from him. After all, you must admit, it is difficult to correspond to what is unknown.

We will talk about this stage in more detail in the following articles and consider
examples of compiling competencies and job profiles .

Step 3. Development of a personnel assessment system


have a clear and understandable personnel evaluation system

In the previous step, we already understood what kind of employees we need in certain positions, what the minimum threshold for entering the position is, etc.

After developing the evaluation system, we will also be able to clearly understand whether this employee is suitable for his position? If not, then where are his weaknesses, what does he need to improve?

Or, for example, we are looking for an employee for a new leadership position - using the assessment system we can assess: will this or that employee be able to work in this position or not? Does he have the necessary competencies or should he improve his knowledge and skills?

We'll talk about this in more detail in other articles.

Step 4. Development of training development programs


Formulation of a network of training programs and activities necessary for the proactive development of the company’s personnel competency system
. At this stage, we will be directly involved in the development of training programs.

Many companies mistakenly start from this stage. But before you understand, How?

precisely to teach, we must understand
to what?
needs to be taught.
To do this you need to go through the first 3 steps

The main tasks of this stage:

  • Analysis of the need for personnel training in accordance with the job profile and required competencies;
  • Development of the structure of training programs for each position;
  • Development of necessary courses;
  • Selection of methods and technologies for personnel training;
  • Creation of a Catalog of courses, training and development programs for the Company’s personnel, both internal and external;
  • Development of a calendar plan for personnel training and development;
  • And much more.

Step 5. Automation of training


Obtain a comprehensive understanding of management technology and the stages of the process of implementing a system of systems.
Main stages:

· Selecting a platform to simplify staff training

· Implementation of a developed system of training and personnel development;

· Implementation of the selected Distance Learning System;

Step 6. Assessing the effectiveness of the system


Checking the effectiveness of the corporate training system.
If the data obtained does not meet the intended goals, the training program should be improved and the cycle repeated.

It seems difficult to go through all the steps, doesn't it? But the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. Let's start in order from the first step. Don't think about the others for now.

An example of setting goals for my company

During the audit, we identified our weaknesses and, in accordance with the company’s long-term development plans, we formed the goals for creating a SCO:

  • Training of new employees, quick induction, adaptation;
  • Creation of a company knowledge base;
  • Formation of a personnel reserve and development of competencies necessary for the company;
  • Retaining valuable employees, staff development, increasing loyalty in the company;
  • Forming the image of an attractive employer.

Based on this, we will need to write down the main points, draw diagrams (what should be in one point or another in order to get the desired result).

I’ll show you using the first two goals as an example:

Goal: Training of new employees and adaptation


Let's imagine that an employee comes to us with no experience in a similar position. Why is that? Because if there was a similar experience, then the trainee can skip the initial training by passing the certification ahead of schedule and focus on those points that are unknown to him. But if you give complex information to an employee without experience when he does not know the basics, this is not effective.

We decided that this would be Level 1 Mandatory training (basic knowledge for entry into position) .

In the future, for professional development and getting into the personnel reserve, level 2 Developmental training is required (Development of necessary competencies, improvement of skills)


When moving up the career ladder, level 3 M motivating training is required (Management skills, staff motivation, time management, etc.)


Since for some employees it is not enough to become a professional in their field, and they want further career development and advancement, the Corporate University (CSU) can and should help with this.

In this case, the employee will not want to leave for another company in search of a higher position, and the company will not have to look for an outsider for a leadership position and train them in internal processes and the product from scratch.

Fig.2 Three levels of training

Purpose: Knowledge Base:

The knowledge base is the necessary information for public access (to avoid that when one employee leaves, all work “stands up”), “tricks”, life hacks, literature, information on products, suppliers, and other information – collected in one place with easy search and a clear interface. The knowledge base is constantly updated and expanded.

We plan to also divide the Knowledge Base into levels:

Fig.3 Levels of the Knowledge Base

The following is a diagram of access to the Knowledge Base depending on the level of the employee.

We don’t see any point in giving full access to the Database to an employee who has just joined the company.
, he may be frightened by such a volume of information.


, to avoid leakage of valuable information.
, most of the information is not needed at the first two levels.

And if an employee has a need for further development, he will have to “grow” to a certain level in order to gain access to the next level of the Knowledge Base.

Fig.4 Relationship between the Knowledge Base and the Employee Level

Let's sum it up

In fact ,
Step 1 Setting goals and initial audit is
not difficult. It took me about a week, including approval from the business owner.

Start small, don't think about all the steps right here and now.

So, you need:

1. determine the goals and mission of the company (together with the manager);

2. conduct an audit of the current situation in the company (also discuss his vision with the manager);

3. develop the goals of the COCS and discuss with the manager. It is important that you have the same understanding of these goals.

4. draw an approximate MSE diagram - for many it is easier to perceive information visually than a lot of text. At this stage, it is important to clearly and clearly state all the wording, avoiding ambiguity.

Personnel training programs

If training is carried out in-house, then the enterprise must develop training programs. You can develop them yourself, or take as a basis those already existing in various guidelines. For example, a sample program for training personnel in occupational safety and health can be found in the document entitled “Approximate program for training in occupational safety and health for employees of organizations” dated May 17, 2004. It is not required, but only recommended for use.

Programs are compiled only for those types of training that the enterprise conducts independently.

How to apply for an IGO at a university?

If, after writing the application, the university teaching council decided to provide the student with such an opportunity, based on the requirements, then the next step will be to draw up an individual schedule.

After receiving the regulatory act, the student is provided with a curator from among the teachers, with whom he draws up the most convenient schedule for visiting the university. It should suit the teachers of the disciplines, as well as the student himself, based on his situation.

The document states:

  • number of subjects studied;
  • deadlines for delivery of intermediate works;
  • deadlines for tests and exams;
  • number of lecture attendances per semester.

A copy of the document is kept in the dean's office.

If a person studies at two universities at the same time (for example, he entered the second one after moving to the senior year of the first university), he can try to arrange an individual schedule in both educational institutions.

This may not work out due to a mismatch between the specialties of one and the other. In any case, the student's good reputation gives such a chance.

It is worth noting that the easiest way in terms of individual training is for students receiving education remotely. For them, their own schedule of classes is already included upon admission. Very convenient for students working and combining two universities.

When can you deviate from the plan?

You can go a little away from the plan only if, as you study the material, you have questions to which you do not know the answers, but without answers to which you will not be able to continue effective learning. Just think: if you study public speaking, you will certainly encounter the issue of stage behavior, which is directly related to acting. This means that to become a professional speaker, you will definitely need to master the skill of stage movement. Based on this, from your plan, which initially did not involve studying acting, you can move away a little, devoting, for example, one week to learning the basics of movement on stage.

And there can be any number of similar situations. The main thing here is to understand the essence: you can deviate from the intended plan only when you need to study additional material that is necessary for the full assimilation of the main one and does not reduce the effectiveness of independent learning. It is also important to note that departure from the plan involves a one-time action that will not be repeated systematically. If in practice you are faced with the fact that your plan is incomplete or mastering the material is impossible without something that you did not previously take into account, the plan should be adapted to new needs. In fact, this is not difficult, but it would not be superfluous to say this.

How to plan load distribution?

Before you start building your training schedule, remember that professional growth is a lifelong process. The key element in studying any subject is systematicity. It is much more useful to study every day for half an hour than to sit for 8 hours once a week until you get a headache. The second point that needs to be taken into account, and which our methodologists very often point out when communicating with a client: you did not come to show knowledge, but to learn something new. Therefore, do not be discouraged at the first stages if there are unclear places in the notes, if the first attempts to pass the test showed a low result. The usefulness of your activities depends not only on their quantity, but also on their quality. If you study with the awareness of what you want to get - knowledge, practical skills, a good result on an exam, a desired diploma, i.e. the process is purposeful, then in this case progress will occur much faster than you simply “check in” on the portal, formally read notes and take tests. But if you practice regularly and try to use your time effectively, you will see decent results. Without exaggeration, I can say that planning your time is one of the key points when drawing up a class schedule. It's actually very simple - if you have started planning activities for the future, then you are on the right track. If you don’t do this, you will most likely go through a couple of modules that you already know, find new ones too difficult, and simply not make any progress. First you need to determine how much time you have to study. Then divide this period of time into parts, each of which is devoted to a separate study.


If I only have two hours to study, I divide this time into 2 parts: 1 hour for reading notes and 1 hour for solving problems and watching webinars; or half an hour for notes and a problem book and a second hour for watching a webinar on the topic.

After the first module, to which our academy has free access, that is, before the start of training, you can decide what is more convenient for you personally: first read the notes and then watch a webinar on this topic, or vice versa, first listen to the teacher and then consolidate by reading notes. Even teachers do not have a unanimous opinion here. This is up to you to decide based on your personal preferences. By studying using the compartmentalization method, you give yourself the opportunity to cover a wider range of topics that you want to study.


Studying the topic “Financial Instruments” is always difficult. Many people leave it “for later” or simply decide that it is too much to bear. But if you tell yourself, “Next weekend I will devote myself to financial instruments and nothing else,” then the task becomes clearer and more manageable. Mastering a small amount of information gives you the opportunity to take the next step, move on to the next topic.

Create a study schedule

There are a great many online courses for financial specialists: financial management, tax and accounting, Excel and many others. etc. Since fewer resources are spent on such education, there is a desire - not only among the company management, but also among the specialist himself - to take on several disciplines at once. I would recommend not to do this, but first try to see if this format of training, the chosen specialization, the teacher and the presentation of the material are suitable for you. At the academy, we offer free trial access to the first module of any course. Here, on your own or with the help of an administrator, you can familiarize yourself with the course program, its structure, look through educational materials, watch webinars, and take the first test. After watching the webinars, you can choose the teacher you like.

And although distance learning is largely self-paced, both administrators and the teacher accompany the student in the learning process almost 24/7.

For more effective learning, you need to create a schedule to clearly understand how many modules the course consists of, how much time you need to spend on each module, how much time the student will be able to devote to these courses and completing assignments. It is worth taking into account possible force majeure circumstances (reports, business trips, vacations, illnesses) of students and in this case, provide for the possibility of suspending the course (up to 30 days). After activation, suppose after a suspension of 10 days, “frozen” 10 days are added to the end of access.

It may also happen that not everything in the educational materials can be understood the first time, so you need to set aside time for virtual consultations with the teacher.

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