What does a teacher’s salary consist of, what factors does it depend on?

Payroll calculation based on base salary

Pay for a teacher's hard work is calculated using three methods: base salary, flat rate, or student-hour wage. Basic salary is a method when bonuses for checking notebooks, conducting electives, the number of students, the number of students who are winners of Olympiads, and others are added to the basic salary.

To understand how to calculate a teacher’s salary based on salary, you need to know the rates for the following blocks:

  • teacher salary;
  • special payments, which include deviations of working conditions from the norm, the presence of supervised classes as a class teacher, an assigned category, holding meetings with students’ parents, the need to check notebooks, work on educational materials, and managing an office;
  • incentive payments (this block includes incentives for achieved results based on participation in regional and regional Olympiads, success in passing the unified state exam and the absence of evidence of deviant behavior among children).

Components of wages

Teachers' salaries consist of:

  • base part;
  • compensatory;
  • incentive payments;
  • bonuses.

In ordinary schools, where there are no correction classes and other special conditions, the calculation of a teacher’s salary depends on the number of lessons taught and the number of students. Extracurricular workload is also taken into account here, for example, checking homework, performing the duties of a class teacher, and so on. There are also coefficients depending on the experience of the teacher and the category of his qualifications.

Compensation payments are provided if a teacher works at night, in dangerous conditions, in particular, with chemical reagents. Incentive payments are included in bonuses and are intended to reward teachers for students’ good performance in exams, students’ victories in competitions, the introduction of new didactic educational materials and other successes in their work. However, such a bonus cannot exceed 60% of the salary. Bonuses for teachers follow the principle of other budgetary institutions: quarterly and annual bonuses are paid, and a certain amount is accrued on holidays.

Teachers' salaries must undergo annual indexation, which, for example, amounted to 7% in 2021.

Apprentice-hour wage

Accountants in many regions of Russia, including Moscow and the Kaliningrad region, are thinking about how to calculate a teacher’s salary based on hours worked. In this case, the concepts of the basic and stimulating parts remain, based on the ratio of 70% to 30%. The basic part takes into account the workload and the number of students. Conducting research work, participating in conferences and competitions, developing educational and methodological material become the main factors for an accountant who is thinking about the question of how to calculate a teacher’s salary.

“There’s nothing to eat for one rate, but there’s no time for two”: teachers complained to Vasilyeva about a salary below the minimum wage

Young teachers are afraid to go to school because of excessive reporting and uncertainty about salaries , Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva at a parliamentary hour about measures to improve the quality of education in the State Duma. Her words were confirmed by the young teachers themselves, and representatives of the constituent entities, and deputies. They added that the average salary of a teacher in the regions sometimes barely exceeds the minimum wage (minimum wage) , which is why they have to work at one and a half to two rates. In response, the minister was indignant that local authorities were not following the instructions of the Chairman of the Government on the ratio of the basic and incentive parts of remuneration. The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance have already done their work, it’s up to the regions, it follows from Vasilyeva’s words. Details are in the material Nakanune.RU .

Only 70% of those entering pedagogical universities receive diplomas, and only half of them “reach the school classroom,” the Minister of Education said.

“Young teachers are simply afraid to go to school. Why? The answers are different: the question of payment, the question of reporting and other questions,” said Olga Vasilyeva.

As a result, the country lacks 10% of teachers . The Orenburg, Kurgan, Kemerovo, Magadan, Omsk regions, the Jewish Autonomous Region and Chukotka suffer from a shortage of personnel.

As a rule, in these conditions, teachers are forced to work at 1.5-1.78 times the rate - to teach non-core subjects.

“I consider it unacceptable that physical education teachers read computer science. It is obvious that the quality of education in most cases is declining,” said Olga Vasilyeva, noting that today there are 306 physical education teachers teaching computer science .

The Ministry of Education considers the normal rate at which a teacher fully works and develops to be 1.2 rates .

But only a few regions can afford such a “luxury”.

“The incoming complaints about low wages are alarming. Back in 2021, together with the tripartite commission, we established that wages are set in the ratio of 70% - guaranteed part and 30% - incentive , however, this proportion is not observed in the regions. It gets to the point where the guaranteed portion is about 10%. Complaints come from Dagestan, Karelia, Tomsk Region, Primorsky Territory, Perm and Krasnodar Territories. It is necessary to establish order in the regions regarding wages,” said Olga Vasilyeva.

The exact figures were announced by the chairman of the Committee on Education and Science of the Samara Provincial Duma Tatyana Bodrova , which caused open dissatisfaction with the Minister of Education.

“You have raised an absolutely correct problem - that the basic part of the salary should be 70% in relation to the incentive one. But we all understand that in most regions the base salary of a teacher is 5-8 thousand, which is one and a half times less than the minimum wage . Don’t you think that, together with the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance, it is necessary to work out the issue so that the base salary of a teacher is higher than the minimum wage, then it will be easier to bring the teacher’s salary to the average for the region? Because now we have to either increase the number of bets or increase incentive payments,” she said.

The Minister asked how many schools in the Samara region are implementing the Government’s instructions on the ratio of the guaranteed and incentive parts of teacher remuneration. The Samara deputy could not answer.

“We have a rate of 1.7 for teachers, and the base salary is 8 thousand rubles,” Bodrova said.

“There is no need to create myths now; if 50% of your schools were doing the work, it would be one story, 70% would be a different story. Answering your question: we sat down with the Ministry of Labor last Friday to work on this issue, but you cannot tell me how many schools are carrying out this order,” Vasilyeva answered sharply and in a mentoring tone invited her interlocutor to “sit down and count” the schools, fulfilling the salary ratio.

The teaching load is calculated in four areas, depending on the number of hours, length of service, extracurricular work, and additional functions, so there is no exact connection between the salary and the amount of work of the teacher, Vasilyeva explained.

“It turns out that teachers in Russia are loaded differently. Maybe the rate is 1.78 and based on this the region reports on teachers’ salaries, but in Mordovia, for example, the rate is 1.1 - the difference is very big. We want the base – 70% – to be guaranteed. In Mordovia, the workload allows the teacher to improve, and with a rate of 1.78, it is already more difficult to talk about professional growth,” the minister said.

“There is nothing to eat with one pay rate, but there is no time for two ,” recalled the “joke” of teachers working at one and a half times, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education Oleg Smolin .

“Dear Olga Yuryevna, when we inform teachers of official information about how much they receive, they are extremely surprised by the official statistics,” said the deputy. – The average teacher workload, according to ONF research in 2021, was 28 lessons per week, that is, more than one and a half times the rate. According to RANEPA, in 2021 the number of teachers who work double-time exceeded 13%. As a teacher in the first specialty, I want to say that it is impossible to work normally in such a situation . Either you don’t live normally, or you don’t give your children what you should give, professional burnout in such a situation is inevitable.”

Stepan Koshkarev , who graduated from a pedagogical university with honors , was also unable to live a normal life while working as a teacher He said that he received 19 thousand 500 rubles. in the first year of his work at school with a workload of 27 hours a week and five hours of “extracurricular activities”. In the second year, the workload dropped to 24 hours, and the salary dropped to 12 thousand 500 rubles.

I didn’t stay in the third year ; I left the field of education because the level of income and social status of the teacher did not satisfy me. I am a young man who wants to start a family and is thinking about how to provide her with a decent standard of living. But with the financial conditions that are offered at the school, I cannot find an answer on how to do this. After a year of working in the media, where the income was higher, I still returned to education, because the content of my work is important to me, because there are not enough teachers,” Stepan Koshkarev spoke.

The salary of a teacher in the Omsk region, named by the Minister of Education as one of the regions with a shortage of personnel, is 8 thousand 543 rubles. with a minimum wage of 8 thousand 480 rubles. , said the teacher.

“It pains me that I see that the teacher’s work is not appreciated. Wages are an index of the value of labor. Teachers, in order to somehow survive, take too many lessons, rush from lesson to lesson, fill out clouds of reports, and devote all their free time, if any, to their students. In such a frenzy, the focus on the child’s personality is lost, and anger develops towards all participants in the educational process. The work of a teacher is paid lower than the unskilled work of a salesperson in a store ,” added the young specialist.

Now the Omsk teacher teaches 25 lessons a week and seven hours of “extracurricular” classes and receives a salary of 20 thousand 500 rubles.

“In our region, the growth of teachers’ incomes was due to an increase in workload. Over six years, salaries were indexed only once by 5%,” he concluded.

Primary school teacher salary

Working with children from 6 to 10 years old is interesting, but nevertheless difficult. At this age, the child first encounters the world of seriousness and responsibility. The teacher’s task is not to harm the child’s curiosity, thirst for knowledge, and to help the child become more diligent, attentive and responsible. How is the salary of a primary school teacher calculated if the opportunities to participate in major regional and regional events are minimized, and the primary school student is still far from exams?

The main variables when calculating wages will be the hourly rate approved by the director of the educational institution, the number of hours worked, the number of children for whom the teacher teaches and the percentage of bonus depending on the category of the teacher.

Calculation by student hours

With this payment system, the base value is not just teaching hours, but spent per student. Payment for work takes into account the number of children undergoing training. This approach allows you to take into account the level of intensity of the work performed. Hours are paid separately for each subject taught.

With this payment system, the calculation looks like this:

  1. For each subject, it is necessary to multiply the following values: the rate per student hour, the number of hours of instruction, the number of students, the priority of teaching this subject, the teacher’s class coefficient. Next, all the values ​​​​obtained in this way are added up.
  2. A bonus for non-classroom work, calculated on the basis of a special coefficient, is added to the amount received.
  3. Working conditions that deviate from the norm are paid separately.

The incentive part is calculated based on the amount of points received for special achievements achieved. Their number is multiplied by the point value.

The salary a teacher receives is the sum of these parts.

Foreign language teachers and salaries

Today it is fashionable and even necessary to learn foreign languages, because this is a direct path to success and decent income, as well as the opportunity to travel freely. It’s easy to imagine how an English teacher’s salary is calculated and what it consists of.

Provided that, for objective reasons, the school management is not able to give additional workload to the teacher, he is guaranteed a salary at the same level as if he had assumed additional responsibilities. In this case, there is a good opportunity to help the student learn the material in a foreign language and prepare him for participation in English Olympiads.

How are English teachers' salaries calculated? Just like other teachers. Another advantage of teaching English is that the teacher can always earn extra money by tutoring.

Teacher payroll accounting

A teacher's salary is calculated as the product of the base rate per hour (the academic hour is taken), the number of hours worked and the percentage of bonus for the assigned qualification.

A teacher's qualifications include education and work experience, as well as the results of passed certifications. The higher the qualification, the greater the teacher's income.

The qualification category is valid for 5 years, after which it requires confirmation or improvement. There are the first qualification category and the highest.

The recommended frequency of charging is once a year, with the exception of educational plans, according to which an hourly load is established in half-years. The volume of workloads is agreed upon at the beginning of the first and second academic semesters. Based on the curricula and developed educational programs, the hourly workload of each teacher is calculated, which is multiplied by the wage rate. Cases when one teacher replaces another are paid additionally. A teacher's remuneration should remain at the same level if his workload has been reduced for reasons beyond his control.

Tariffing must be done at the end of the school year before teachers go on vacation. The rules establish that informing employees about tariffs must occur no later than two months before the effective date.

What are the features of a teacher’s job in terms of salary?

Statistics across the country show that the average teacher salary in Russia at the end of 2021 is 45,608 rubles. In this case, the minimum is 11,000, and the maximum (for example, in Chukotka) exceeds 90,000 rubles.

Remuneration in this area should take into account the following:

  1. The amount of work done to educate children.
  2. The qualifications of a teacher, achieved through education, many years of work and talent.
  3. Progress achieved in the education and upbringing of children. Here we mean not only grades at school, but also the attitude of parents towards them, success in various competitions and olympiads, adherence to discipline, manifestation of additional interest in subjects, and more.
  4. Features of working in more difficult conditions (teaching in a rural school, working in the Far North, working with difficult children).
  5. Taking into account the degree of intensity of teaching activity.
  6. Payment for additional types of work (class management, checking notebooks, making handouts and similar activities).

The work of teachers with schoolchildren is complex and multifaceted, involves a lot of mental and physical effort and deserves decent pay.

School teachers not only teach children, but also take part in their upbringing. Therefore, not only themselves, but the entire society is interested in ensuring that material incentives correspond to the quality and quantity of their work.

The salary of a school teacher consists of the following parts. Each of them is important for working with children. The salary amount paid includes all of the above elements.

Payroll for teachers

Conversations about the salaries of budget workers do not stop. From television screens the public always hears only that the next wage increase is planned or has already been put into effect. Despite this, the public sector is constantly looking for workers.

How to calculate a teacher’s salary in order to attract the attention of young people to this profession, which is in demand on the labor market. In order to resolve this issue, new remuneration systems are periodically introduced. The latest changes to the system came into force on January 1, 2017.

In the case when a teacher starts work in the middle of the year, the average salary is calculated according to the following scheme: the established rate per hour is multiplied by the total volume of hours of the teacher’s workload and divided by the number of full months remaining until the end of the school year. Payroll for partial months is calculated based on hours actually worked.

Calculation at a fixed rate

With this method of calculation, it is assumed that the teacher always works 36 hours a week. The amount of payment is determined depending on what exactly these hours were spent on. Instructional and non-instructional hours may be included in this total.

The latter includes, for example, time spent checking notebooks. The ratio of instructional and non-instructional hours is usually determined on the basis of the teacher’s employment contract. The rate for hours can be approved at various levels: educational institution, municipal government or region.

In this case, the salary calculation looks like this:

  1. It is determined what 36 hours were spent on. Some of them are study hours. The total includes how much time is spent on checking notebooks, class management and other such purposes. The number of hours worked in more difficult conditions is taken into account separately. For each of the listed hours there is a corresponding rate.
  2. Incentive payments are awarded for achieved success. They are assessed by points, each of which has a certain value.
  3. All payments calculated in this way are summed up and constitute the salary earned by the teacher in accordance with this payment system.

How is a teacher's salary calculated under the new system?

The new remuneration system involves setting the base part of wages at 70% of the overall structure, the remaining 30% will be the compensation and incentive parts. Also, to equalize incomes, it is proposed to abolish the reduction coefficients for teachers without higher education.

The regulations on remuneration of teaching staff, which sets out how a teacher’s salary is calculated, should contain the following main points:

  • definitions of the concept and rates of official salaries of specialists;
  • hourly wage rates;
  • determining the structure of compensation payments;
  • determination of the structure of incentive payments;
  • making payments based on tariffs;
  • hourly wages are established;
  • inclusion of substitute hours for other teachers in additional payments.

Incentive and bonus payments

Incentive payments take into account special successes achieved by the school's teaching staff. An example could be taking a prize at a school Olympiad in a given subject. Such successes are usually scored based on a pre-designed system. Each point has a fixed value. The source of payments is usually special incentive funds.

Labor intensity can manifest itself as follows:

  1. One that is expressed in improving the quality of students' knowledge. This can be expressed, for example, in participation in competitions and olympiads and the success achieved in them.
  2. When working with a large number of children that exceeds established standards.
  3. Development and implementation of additional educational projects.

Bonuses are additional payments that are determined by improvement in the current performance of teachers. In this case, long work experience or higher performance indicators achieved in work may be taken into account.

The following activities are considered separately:

  1. When students' research activities are guided. The teacher can help with the work and facilitate student participation in specialized conferences.
  2. Participation in methodological events. A teacher can work on the certification commission and participate in the activities of a methodological association.
  3. Perform additional tasks related to professional document management. Examples of such activities include drawing up original work plans and conducting thematic planning.
  4. The high quality of the work performed may be noted:
  5. Mastering innovative teaching technologies. If the teacher demonstrates skill at the same time, this can serve as an additional basis for financial incentives.
  6. If, when working with children who have developmental disabilities, work is carried out at a high level of professional skill, and they are included in regular school activities.

Payment of incentive bonuses can be one-time or regular. In the latter case, it may be included in the payment in accordance with established coefficients in relation to the base rate.

In order to eliminate difficulties and misunderstandings in the process of determining the amount of incentive and bonus payments. It is necessary to develop in detail the criteria for their determination and record them in the Regulations on remuneration.

Salaries of teachers in Moscow and the Moscow region

The salary level in Moscow is significantly higher than regional indicators. Delays in salary payments are also rare for Moscow teachers, compared to colleagues from the regions. The only negative point for a teacher from Moscow is the delay in indexing.

From the way a teacher’s salary is calculated in Moscow, differences are visible in the calculation of salaries for teachers in the capital and for his colleagues from the Moscow region. For example, an accountant at an educational institution in Moscow will use the “Student-hour” methodology; in the Moscow region, the “Basic salary+” methodology will be used as a basis.

Average teacher salary in Moscow

Statistics show earnings of 70 thousand rubles per month. The average salary in the region is 59 thousand. But it is worth understanding the average salary - this is when some receive 20 thousand, and others 120.

Getting 100 thousand is normal for an active, talented and dynamic teacher. New educational standards dictate their requirements.

A teacher taking his first steps in the profession will receive approximately 55,000 rubles per month. Further, work experience will play a big role.

A teacher's salary depends on the number of hours (lessons per week). This number is fixed for each educational institution. The standard work hours for teachers is 18 hours per pay rate. All other hours are counted as part-time or part-time work.

Further surcharges are added to the rate. There are a number of indicators by which payment is determined. Experience, category, student achievements, class management, extracurricular activities - all this matters. The more active and interesting the teacher’s activities, the more income he will receive.

The school receives money from the budget in proportion to the number of classrooms and, accordingly, students. The more funds allocated from the budget, the larger the school fund, from which salaries in educational institutions are calculated.

The average salary of a teacher at a higher educational institution is about 55 thousand rubles. The responsibilities of teachers include working with students (lectures, seminars), teaching academic disciplines, and additional types of employment.

If a teacher does not have an academic degree, and due to a shortage of personnel, universities sometimes employ such people, then such an employee cannot earn more than 15,000 rubles.

Teachers' salaries fundamentally depend on their academic degree and position. An associate professor can receive 20,000 rubles, professors receive 35–40 thousand, and a dean – 100,000 rubles. Rectors and vice-rectors – from RUB 300,000. The numbers here are averages, because... Each university has its own salary scale.

Teachers' salaries

An employee of a preschool institution in Moscow earns an average of 40,000 rubles. Payment does not depend on the number of children in the group. Category, length of service, and size of the award can change the picture. The lowest salary is offered to teachers without work experience – from 20,000 rubles. The maximum is received by a teacher who has worked in his specialty for more than 5 years and has a higher pedagogical education.

The responsibilities of a teacher include caring for and supervising children, drawing up documentation, and ensuring that children are healthy, develop, follow a daily routine, and always remain safe.

The average salary of a teacher in Moscow is 92.9 thousand rubles.

Mathematics is one of the basic school subjects; mathematics teachers are always in demand

The salary of a teacher in Moscow is much higher than the earnings of regional colleagues. Therefore, teachers from the periphery are moving to the capital.

The earnings of a school teacher consist of salary, compensation payments and incentives. The minimum number of working hours per week is 18, of which the bulk goes to lessons, and the remaining time is allocated to classroom management, elective classes, and additional training for schoolchildren.

In Moscow, the minimum salary is 49.9 thousand rubles if a teacher works no more than 18 hours. In the Moscow region, the average teacher's salary is 54.6 thousand rubles, which is almost two times lower than the capital figure.

Specialization is a determining factor in salary calculation. Teachers of Russian language and literature, mathematics and foreign languages ​​earn more than their colleagues in other subjects.

This depends on how busy the lessons are: the main hours of school time are allocated to basic subjects, and lessons are held every day.

Tutoring is an additional source of income during free time from school lessons. In Moscow, teachers charge from 1000 rubles for an astronomical hour of classes.

A teacher in the main subject with experience increases tuition fees to 2–3 thousand rubles per academic hour

To climb the career ladder, every teacher must undergo state certification. The teacher must provide personal documents, a portfolio, and a reference from the school director. If the certification is successful, the teacher’s salary is increased at the discretion of the commission. If a teacher does not meet the standards, he is sent for additional training. Certification takes place every five years.

The average salary of a school head teacher is 55.2 thousand rubles, if the specialist is engaged only in managing the teaching staff and methodological documents. If an employee combines his main job with teaching subjects in high school, his salary increases to 80–100 thousand rubles, it depends on the subject.

A school director in Moscow earns on average 100.5 thousand rubles per month. Like the head teacher, he can teach classes in high schools and take charge of class management. With incentives and compensation payments, the director’s earnings reach 200 thousand rubles.

If the school director is also a “playing coach”, that is, he teaches his subject, then he is guaranteed a high salary

The director can climb the career ladder and go to work in the district department of public education by applying for an open vacancy, or in the Ministry of Education and Science.

In Moscow, the teaching profession is in demand and is well paid by the state and private institutions. To achieve success in a teaching career, it is important to be able to work with children and adolescents and to be creative in your profession.

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