Familiarization with the occupational safety instructions against signature: why is it necessary?

An employee of the organization must be familiarized with his job description by signature. In order to record the fact of familiarization, a sheet of familiarization with the job description is used. Files in .DOC: Form of familiarization sheet with job description Sample of sheet of familiarization with job description

Why introduce

The law imposes an obligation on the employer to familiarize both newly employed and existing employees with local regulations (LNA) directly related to their activities and labor functions in this organization (Articles 22, 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, employees must be familiar with:

  • with PVTR and Collective Agreement;
  • with the rules of intra-facility regime and access control, if they exist at a particular enterprise;
  • with the regulations on the service/department and job description;
  • with orders issued in relation to them regarding personnel and LNA, etc.

If the employee’s signature on familiarization is missing, for example, on the order appointing him responsible for fire safety in a department or in the job description, then it will be impossible to punish him for failure to comply with some of their points. The same applies to other LNAs.

Labor protection instructions

The employer must have instructions:

  1. About first aid.
  2. On fire safety.
  3. For each position.
  4. In the most traumatic areas of activity (when working with electricity, at heights, on vehicles, etc.)

The obligation to develop this document is enshrined in Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Neglect on the part of the employer is punishable by a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to 5 years. For workers, ignoring occupational safety regulations can be deadly.


The development of safety instructions is carried out on the basis of inter-industry or industry standard instructions. For example, a standard instruction on labor protection for a baker was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated May 24, 2002 No. 36 “On approval of inter-industry standard instructions...”

In the absence of regulatory documents approving cross-industry or sectoral requirements for safe working conditions, these regulatory documents are developed on the basis of the safety requirements set out in the operational documentation that comes with the equipment.

The procedure for developing documents is determined by the employer, who can independently deal with this issue, or can entrust it to a specially appointed employee (usually a labor protection engineer, whose job description contains the corresponding responsibility).

Standard job description for a labor protection specialist


The position of an occupational safety specialist is created in an organization if the number of staff members is more than 50 (Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the number of employees is smaller, the employer is not obliged to introduce the specified position, but this does not mean that he has less responsibilities to ensure safe working conditions for his subordinates. All responsibility lies with the employer.

Professional standard Specialist in the field of labor protection


When developing regulations governing the safe work of employees, it is advisable to be guided by the provisions of the Methodological Recommendations approved by the Ministry of Labor on May 13, 2004.

Documents on safe working conditions are developed for 5 years. After this time they are subject to revision.

They must be processed ahead of schedule in the following cases:

  • renegotiation of cross-industry or sectoral agreements;
  • changes in employee working conditions;
  • introduction of new equipment and technologies;
  • occurrence of accidents;
  • regulations of regulatory authorities.

If none of the above has happened within 5 years, the validity of the instruction is extended for the next 5 years.

Preparation of work safety documents

The regulatory act on occupational safety must contain sections with safety requirements:

  • general section;
  • before starting work;
  • during work;
  • in emergency situations;
  • upon completion of work.

If necessary, additional sections can be included.

It is recommended to format the first sheet as follows:

For new capacities being commissioned, it is allowed to develop and apply temporary regulations for employees who must ensure the safe conduct of production processes and the safe operation of equipment.

Sample labor safety instructions for office workers


Regulations on work safety for all positions of workers and all types of activities at the enterprise are approved by the general director (if there is a trade union, everything should first be agreed upon with it; if an occupational safety specialist believes that some instructions need to be agreed upon with any specialized institution, also need to do this).

List of labor safety instructions

All developed and approved regulations governing work safety are subject to recording and issuance.

The first journal (accounting) is kept in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Recommendation dated May 13, 2004, its form is as follows:

dateName of instructionsApproval dateDesignation or numberPlanned inspection periodFull name and position of the employee performing accountingEmployee signature

Logbook form


Employees must be familiarized with the requirements of documents regulating work safety upon signature. This does not mean that every employee needs to study all the regulations in this area. This means that the employee must be familiar with those provisions of regulatory documents that relate directly to his professional activities. However, there are documents with which all employees must be familiar - these are regulations on first aid and fire safety.

Employees' familiarization with documents on work safety must be recorded; for this purpose, a second log form is provided (Appendix No. 3 to the Methodological Recommendations dated May 13, 2004)

date of issueInstruction numberNameNumber of copies issuedFull name, profession, position of the recipientSignature

Issue log form


If opportunities allow, it is advisable for employees to be given copies of regulations governing work safety.

The most acceptable option can be considered when copies of these documents are freely available in the department and employees can always come up and read them again. It is important to remember that:

  • Studying these documents is mandatory for employees;
  • familiarization is provided by the employer.

Failure to comply with the requirements of the employer's regulatory documents should be considered a violation of labor discipline.

Labor safety instructions for accountants

Labor safety instructions for storekeeper

Labor safety instructions for watchmen

Why do you need a job title at all?

It would be wrong to say that familiarization with the job description is necessary only so that the employer, having received the desired signature, can one day easily reprimand or reprimand the employee.

A job description is the main document regulating the labor function of an employee. It contains:

  • information about the unit and its place in the structure of the organization, as well as the subordination structure within the unit;
  • information about the location of the employee’s workplace;
  • responsibilities and rights of the employee.

In fact, without studying the job description, the employee will not be fully aware of his duties and rights, and therefore, a priori, will not be able to properly perform the function assigned to him by the employment contract.

The emergence and creation of a document

The commission is developing a document.

Personnel training in safe production techniques and rules for staying at the enterprise is carried out in accordance with IOT. They are compiled in each individual enterprise for each type of work and profession.

They begin to develop this document as soon as a decision is made to create a new workplace, or a technological process arises, or equipment that has not previously been used at the enterprise is purchased.

The work on drawing up the instructions is carried out by a commission approved by order of the head of the organization, under the leadership of the person responsible for labor protection at the enterprise. As a rule, the commission includes the head of a department who will be responsible for the operation of the new equipment or whose subordinates will be assigned new professional or job functions.

In addition, the commission includes the following employees:

  • a labor protection specialist (inspector) who provides methodological assistance in developing the act;
  • organization lawyer;
  • human resources department inspector;
  • “narrow” specialists if necessary.

Who should inform and how?

As a rule, a HR employee familiarizes newly hired employees with the DI. If the document is updated, familiarization of already working employees is carried out by the head of the relevant structural unit or an office employee, depending on the established procedure.

To do this, employees are invited to the office or other department, read the instructions (receive a copy of it) and sign:

  • in the journal of familiarization with DI;
  • or on a sheet of information about a specific job description (as a rule, it is attached to the instructions);
  • or on the LNA familiarization sheet, which is an appendix to the employment contract (this method is suitable for familiarizing newly hired employees).

The law does not stipulate any specific method. An employer can use any one, taking into account the specifics of the organization of office work.

In the case of updated instructions, the time during which the employee must be familiarized with the new DI is determined by order of the head of the organization.

maybe it will be useful to someone. I did this: 1. order to revise the instructions (clause 13. Instructions The development of labor protection instructions is carried out on the basis of orders and instructions from the head of the organization, which determine the performers and deadlines for completing the work). 1. Approve the list of occupational safety instructions for workers... (Appendix No. 1) (compiled by an occupational safety specialist, that is, by us). 2. Heads of structural units ... ensure the revision of labor protection instructions based on the approved List, in accordance with the schedule (Appendix No. 2) and submit for approval. 3. The head of labor protection... provide methodological assistance to specialists involved in the development (revision) of instructions, provide them with the necessary rules, standard instructions, labor safety standards, sanitary norms and regulations, etc. these are our responsibilities 4. The head of the OMTO... ensure the availability of consumables to provide all structural units with labor safety instructions in the required quantities. - very relevant at the moment 6. I entrust control over the execution of this order to...

2. All instructions are approved through the OT service, so it’s easy for us to control what is in what light (in most cases, we send these instructions ourselves). So, after collecting all the instructions on time in accordance with the schedule, I made an order like this:

In accordance with the requirements of clause 25 of the Instruction on the procedure for the adoption of local regulatory legal acts on labor protection for professions and certain types of work (services), approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated November 28, 2008 No. 176, I ORDER: 1. Approve labor safety instructions for workers... in accordance with the List of instructions.... 2. Heads of structural units ... ensure that, within the period before ..., employees of structural units are familiarized with the revised and newly developed instructions on labor protection - conduct unscheduled briefings on labor protection with registration in the briefing logs at the workplace. 3. To the boss FROM...: 3.1. organize a record of approved instructions; 3.2. organize a record of issued instructions. 3.3. provide all structural units with copies of labor safety instructions. 4. I entrust control over the execution of this order to...

well that's all

then just writing and checking the briefing logs, if it’s useful to anyone, I’ll be glad

Filling out the form

There is no legally approved form for the DI familiarization sheet. On our website there is a form and a sample sheet for familiarization with the job description, which you can download and use for your needs.

The structure of the familiarization sheet usually includes:

  1. “header”, which indicates the name of the organization, the name of the job description and its number and, if the familiarization sheet is an appendix to the employment contract, details of the employment contract itself;
  2. Full name, position, structural unit of the employee;
  3. the date the job description was brought to the attention of the employee (indicated by the employee himself upon review). It is also possible to personally affix the inscription “acquainted”;
  4. employee signature.

Sample sheet for familiarizing yourself with the job description for 2019-2020

Each employee must perform strictly defined functions at his workplace, as specified in his job description. Information that he is familiar with these functions and agrees is entered into a special sheet for familiarization with the job description.

FILES Download a blank form of the job description familiarization sheet .docDownload a sample job description familiarization sheet .doc

The essence and role of the job description

Job descriptions of employees are not included in the package of mandatory local documents of the enterprise.

However, very often in employment contracts you can find the wording “according to the job description,” which means that most organizations still prefer to develop these documents. A job description is convenient: there is no need to list the employee’s functionality (often quite voluminous) directly in the employment contract; it is enough to make a reference to a separate instruction, which is a kind of annex to it.

The job description is drawn up and approved very simply: a set of functions, rights, powers and working conditions is formed for each specific position.

Usually a legal adviser, the head of a structural unit and a human resources specialist work on the document - this connection allows you to take into account all the nuances of the internal production process and the subtleties of the law.

After the job description is written, it is submitted for signature to the director of the company, who then puts it into effect by a separate order.

Each employee must familiarize himself with the job description that concerns him personally against signature.

Why do you need an employee signature?

An employee of an enterprise must not only read the job description and understand its main points, but also put his signature on a special document: a sheet of familiarization with the job description.

His autograph will indicate that he agrees with the information presented and is ready to fulfill his work duties to the extent that they are stated in the document.

Thus, the role of the sheet is quite clear: it not only records the fact of reading the instructions, but also, in the event of any controversial and conflict situations between the employer and the subordinate, it can become evidence in the labor inspectorate or court, both from one and the other. and on the other hand.

At what stage does the job description become familiar?

As a rule, familiarization with the job description occurs when applying for a job, but sometimes, if, for example, the job description has undergone major changes or has not previously been used at the enterprise as an internal regulatory document, familiarization with it can occur in the process of current work.

Is it possible to fire an employee for refusing to sign a job description?

In modern Russian practice, there have been situations when, when entering job descriptions at an enterprise, some employees refused to sign them, which is why they simply quit on the initiative of management. The employer referred to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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