What is a floating work schedule and how does it happen?

The concept of a floating chart

Let's first look at what a floating work schedule is, in principle, and who it is suitable for. Many people imagine such a schedule as something that greatly simplifies the work process and gives you a lot of extra days off. In fact, not everything is so good and simple.

A floating (you may also have heard it called a sliding) schedule is a unique method of work that does not imply standardization of working days and days off according to a regular work week (5 work days and 2 days off). Its feature is shift work, and it is important to understand that the combination of shifts is never discussed in this method itself; it is drawn up individually with the employer, depending on the position occupied and many other important factors.

Note! On the one hand, it may seem that such a work schedule has only positive aspects, since you will have a large amount of free time. In fact, not everything is so pleasant and good, because you will have to go to work even on New Year’s holidays.

For example, if your shift falls on January 1st, then you will most likely need to go to work on that day. As you might guess, many other holidays that are celebrated by almost all people will not apply to you, which will complicate your communication with relatives.

Options for creating a floating schedule

In the vast majority of cases, the floating chart is found in 2 variations, here they are:

  • 2 through 2. As you might guess, this option of shift work assumes that you will work for 2 days, followed by 2 days off, which will be repeated over and over again. Sellers, employees of shops, restaurants, cafes and other establishments related to serving visitors most often have a similar schedule.
  • 1 through 3. This schedule, as you can understand, is less severe, since it is not suitable for ordinary workers, it was created specifically for people related to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a security company or the police. It is worth understanding that a day in this case means exactly 24 hours, and not an ordinary working day, as in the previous version.

Note! Very often, a floating schedule is confused with shift work; the above options can be attributed specifically to it, but there is a difference - in a floating schedule there may be no frequency.

Advantages and disadvantages

Typically, the following advantages of this mode are highlighted:

  • The employee has long weekends during the week and has the opportunity to freely manage his free time.
  • If you wish, you have the opportunity to take advantage of an unscheduled day of rest by choosing a replacement. However, you should not use this constantly, since you will still have to return the watch: through work or finances.
  • Before a new work shift, you can relax and gain strength. This, in turn, determines the positive attitude, cheerfulness and energy of the employee.

All these factors, one way or another, affect the final result of the work. And the amount of wages depends on the quality.

Despite the obvious advantages, do not forget about the disadvantages. Moreover, in a certain situation they can play an important role:

  • This pace of work does not have a mode that is required according to the norm. And this negatively affects the lifestyle in general. While during a normal working day, with a clear time frame, it is possible to plan your day.
  • In addition, night work shifts have a negative impact on human health. He begins to worry about diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This is due to the fact that at night there are simply colossal loads on the body. The rhythm of life decreases, there is constant “unpredictability”, which is not a positive factor for a person.

All the nuances of working on weekends and holidays are discussed in detail here.

Application of such a schedule

For obvious reasons, a schedule of this kind cannot be applied everywhere, because it is simply irrational. It was said earlier that it primarily applies to the service sector, which includes jobs such as:

  • store employee;
  • master in a beauty salon;
  • cafe worker;
  • administrator;
  • gas station worker, etc.

Also, a floating schedule is good for employees of special services and security companies. It is also worth considering that it often replaces the regular schedule in other jobs where the employee’s involvement is required for more than 10 hours a day or for a full day (for example, round-the-clock work in the production of something).

Where is it used?

There are certain areas that must operate in this mode constantly. Their list is given in Appendix No. 2 of Order No. 112 of the Ministry of Communications dated September 8, 2003. These include employees whose task is to eliminate accidents at communication stations, operators and workers of radio centers .

It can also most often be found in organizations where business trips and constant travel are involved. These include railway institutions . The situation is the same for motor transport (long flights) and other similar services.

The responsible person records information on the arrival and departure of the employee. In other words, we can say that an employee’s working time slides according to the calendar individually for each person. And the electronic version of such a calendar will help you track time more specifically.

Drawing up a floating schedule

If you want to switch to a variable schedule and your position allows it, then be as careful as possible in the process of drawing it up; the following factors must be taken into account:

  • production standards existing in your company;
  • legislation of the Russian Federation and the Labor Code (we are talking about control of work duration);
  • the schedule on which the company operates.

The wishes of employees are also taken into account when considering such an issue, but only if they do not contradict the factors above.

Regulations under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Today, such an organization of labor relations is regulated by special norms and laws. People who are poorly familiar with the specifics of this topic assume that a sliding work schedule is a schedule that the employee creates for himself.

All the nuances of this regime can be tracked in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. No. 102. Having studied this document, the following main points can be highlighted:

  • This schedule is drawn up by prior agreement with the employer.
  • A flexible schedule is established not at the request of the employer, but on the basis of certain legal documents and acts.
  • This type of work is only available if there are valid reasons why the employee cannot perform his duties during the standard week.

See the following video to see how different working hours are set up:

Differences from shift work

Yes, a floating schedule can be called shift work, but these approaches also have their own important differences that should not be forgotten. The most important of them, which was already mentioned earlier, is the lack of a specific periodicity of the rolling schedule. For example, a person can work 5 days in a row, and then rest for 4 days, after which there will be a different number of weekends and working days (you will simply be assigned working days when you appear at the company).

It is worth understanding that this is not as convenient as it might seem, but a similar schedule would be suitable, for example, for a student, but certainly not for those people who strive for permanence and stability. It should also be noted that a schedule of this kind may not always be beneficial to the company, which is why you may be rejected.

How to compose it?

Some enterprises, due to special specifics, work non-standard weeks. The work process follows a pre-planned schedule with floating days for rest .

The schedule is drawn up for a certain period of time. When forming it, it is necessary to rely on the production calendar. Considering working hours, a slight deviation in the duration of the working day is allowed. However, this is compensated for by providing additional days of rest or reducing the work shift.

Let's sum it up

  • A flexible schedule can allow you to get additional free time.
  • A variable schedule is similar to shift work, but differs from it in the variability of working days.
  • A sliding schedule has many nuances in its design, and not all areas of the workforce can switch to it.

A flexible work schedule is exactly the kind of working time structure that many employees dream of. But is he as good as he seems?

Let's understand all the intricacies and features of a floating work schedule, consider the pros and cons, as well as the main areas in which this method of employment is used. Read about in today’s article about who this work schedule is suitable for, the peculiarities of organizing working hours with a flexible schedule, and the pitfalls of such a work schedule.

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How to compose?

When drawing up a floating schedule, it is important to rely on the following grounds:

  1. Production standards;
  2. Legislation on working hours;
  3. The organization's work schedule as a whole, and so on.

The wishes of employees on this issue may also be taken into account.

Or the decision to establish a work and rest schedule can be made through a collective meeting, using the majority vote method.

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In what industry is it used?

Not used in all industries.

As mentioned above, a floating work schedule is used mainly in the service sector:

  • the shops;
  • cafe;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • work of administrators;
  • gas stations;
  • intelligence agencies and so on.

In part, this method of work is used for a fairly long working day - a daily shift, a 10-14 hour working day, and so on. Also, a sliding schedule can be used in production, for example, when working around the clock.

In this case, the employee can work one day in the day shift, from 8 am to 8 pm, the second day on the night shift - from 8 pm to 8 am, and on the third day receive a full day off or even two.

Difference with replaceable method

When drawing up a schedule, it is important to consider some nuances.

Although in some ways a rotating schedule is a type of shift work, there are some differences worth noting. In particular, a rolling schedule does not imply a specific frequency.

If a person works 2 every 2 or a week every other week, this is work in shifts (shifts), and if a person works on the principle of 3 days a week and the working days are set without a specific sequence, then we are talking about a sliding schedule.

In addition, it is worth noting that such a schedule is not only financially unprofitable for the company, but is often inconvenient for employees seeking stability. It is best to work on a sliding schedule for freelancers or students, that is, for those who are as independent as possible from circumstances.

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