Category of severity of work performed by teachers for VTEK

Physical difficulty of work for MSE seller

  • Work schedule: hours, shifts, weekends, breaks, vacations, business trips.
  • Employee details: Full name.
  • Total length of service, duration of work at a given enterprise, specialty, category, department, workshop.
  • Harmful conditions, loads, dangers.
  • Labor operations: conditions, restrictions in performing duties.
  • Name of the organization, legal address of the enterprise, telephone number.
  • Level of education, position.

In subclause 10.2 “Intellectual load” you need to describe in detail its complexity and degree, for example, performing complex work on planning the work process in the department, drawing up and submitting reports to the tax office, etc.

Sample of filling out the production characteristics for ITU

A medical and social examination (MSE) is carried out to determine the degree of disability of a particular citizen in connection with a disease identified in him or in connection with injuries he has received. Based on its results, an individual rehabilitation plan (IRP) is drawn up, which should help a person who has certain limitations in work activities adapt to new living conditions.

To obtain ITU conclusions, it is necessary not only to examine the patient who needs special working conditions, but also to study a number of documents. Among these will be production characteristics. In this case, the characteristic refers to documents that play an important role.

Request for characteristics of working conditions

Based on order N310n dated 10/11/2012. Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Procedure for the organization and activities of federal state institutions of medical and social examination”, the body conducting the examination has the right to make additional requests for the patient’s enterprise.

This may be required when the information provided was not enough to determine the full picture of the disease.

In this case, a request may be sent about the nature of the work activity and working conditions factors. The purpose of the request is to define and understand the functional responsibilities that the employee has to face:

  • What kind of work do they do?
  • How long does he have to stand and in what position?
  • How much time is spent on rest?
  • The level of complexity of the actions performed.

The request is filled out in any form. It can be transmitted directly through the patient.

The employer is recommended to provide all information based on the “Hygienic assessment criteria and classification of working conditions according to indicators of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, severity and intensity of the labor process.”

Expert opinion

Voitova Anna Anatolyevna

Experience in advising on legal issues of individuals - more than 5 years

In addition to the document specified in the article, working conditions are regulated by articles of Federal Law No. 426-FZ “On special assessment of working conditions” dated December 28, 2013. In particular, Article 14 specifies the classification of working conditions. I would like to draw the attention of readers to the article. Here you can also find useful information related to working conditions in the workplace, which should be used when drawing up production characteristics.

8 (800) 350-29-87Moscow

Categories of labor severity for VTEK

The examination of workers is regulated in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 664n dated September 29, 2015. It indicates the classification parameters that must be used by the ITU to assess the correspondence of groups of diseases to categories of factors affecting the wear and tear of the body.

  1. The negative impact is compensated by rest, during which the body recovers.
  2. The emergence of persistent pathologies over a long period of time: 15 years or more.
  3. The risk of developing diseases after a certain time, leading to complete loss of ability to work.
  4. There is a danger to life every time you go to work.

Classifier of harmful and dangerous environmental factors in production

Physical severity of labor for MSE (Medical and social examination)

This is explained by the fact that at the first stage , using appropriate therapy, it is possible to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and eliminate the main symptoms of the disease. Also, in the first phase there is no decrease in the level of vital activity or ability to work.

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Every working person must strictly observe the correct rest and work schedule. This measure is necessary in order to maintain good performance and prevent deterioration in health. In order for employees to be less tired, every employer should provide subordinates with several breaks at work. This is especially true for monotonous work, which is dangerous due to the following indicators:

Physical hardship of work for VTEK

Characteristics of working conditions: factors of labor severity, characteristics of conditions and the degree of responsibility for the safety of other persons in medical practice. The leading criteria when addressing issues of rational employment are the severity, characteristics of the course and prognosis of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. One of the important components of rehabilitation for both disabled people and people with reduced working capacity is a rational employment arrangement, hereinafter referred to as RTU. Employment is an important element of social and professional rehabilitation and acts not only as a social, but also as a therapeutic factor.

View full version: Performance characteristics of a painter in a hospital to establish disability. Good afternoon Please help. Last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen sent for medical and social examination, further citizen: 2.

Who draws up the document and when?

If an employee is diagnosed with health difficulties, frequent absences due to illness, or difficulties in performing their duties, they are required to undergo a medical examination.

The observing and attending physician gives a referral to undergo a medical and social examination (MSE) or a medical and labor expert commission to a special bureau.

To do this, it is necessary to collect an established package of documents, the list of which includes a production characteristic (PC).

Such a document is filled out by the head of the enterprise where the applicant works, in the presence of a doctor (if there is a medical office).

There are several other cases for which it is provided:

  • for registration in a sanatorium, dispensary or hospital;
  • when applying to a foreign embassy for a visa;
  • when changing organization (filled out at the previous workplace);
  • for admission to study, provided that the documents are submitted after getting a job.
  • Next, we’ll look at how to correctly fill out and format the document, and what you’ll need to write in it.

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    Find out all the details from this article!

    Production characteristics for MSE - step-by-step instructions for filling

    According to the approved form, there is a standard production characteristics form, which is not difficult to fill out. All items must be completed in accordance with actual working conditions in production.

    1. Personal qualities.
    2. Position held.
    3. Period of work (term, length of service).
    4. Part-time work (if any).
    5. Possible participation in social activities.
    6. How the employee has proven himself.
    7. How competently does he cope with his job responsibilities?
    8. Awards, encouragements, certificates, thanks.
    9. Rewards for author's projects.
    10. Review from the chairman of the trade union committee (if one exists at the enterprise).
    11. It is mandatory to have a job evaluation (JAL).
    12. Certification assessment on working conditions (ARMUT).

    Instructions for filling the filling station

    There are definitions of the procedure that should be followed when filling out the production characteristics form for ITU or for VTEC:

    • filled out in duplicate, the forms can be taken from the ITU or from the employer; in the second case, you need to check that they contain all the necessary items. One is given to the applicant, and the second remains in the company;
    • The form is written and filled out either personally by the employer or by an employee of the personnel department. In cases where the organization has a full-time physician, he is also involved in writing;
    • records are made from a third party;
    • it is possible to include additional sections in the text of the paper that may influence the decision of the medical and social examination;
    • It is important not to miss a single point provided in the form.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Features and assessment of working conditions

    Important! It should be remembered that the commission’s decision will depend on the correctness of filling out the form; therefore, before submitting it to ITU, you should double-check everything. If the form was filled out by hand, there should be no corrections or erasures.

    The PP can be drawn up at the request of the ITU, or at the request of the applicant, indicating the place of the requirement.

    General requirements

    Information is entered on a special A4 form, in two copies. A copy remains in the personal file, the original goes to the employee. You can also enter information arbitrarily, but you must take into account all existing requirements. If an employee of the company is working, then everything is indicated in the present tense, if he has already quit - in the past.

    Let's look at what needs to be written in each section of the document:

    1. Full name in the nominative case.
    2. Full name of the enterprise, indicating the legal address. The department, workshop or area where the patient directly works.
    3. Position and length of service in this organization, what qualifications you have.
    4. Main specialty received.
    5. Information on qualifications (rank, category, class, rank).
    6. The main type of employment, containing data about the work performed (manual or machine labor).
    7. Daily routine, weekends, vacations, shifts. Information about the position in which you have to perform duties. It is indicated whether there is high psychological and physical stress, noise and hazard levels in the workplace. This is a very important section, as it talks about many unfavorable factors affecting the condition of the body.
    8. Information about labor productivity is entered here. About the percentage of production. Is it meeting production standards? What is the reason for the low scores?
    9. Data on sick leave and vacation stays for 12 months is entered.
    10. This paragraph notes what types of benefits are available (for example, shortened working hours, relief from workloads, no business trips).
    11. Were internal transfers carried out with changes in wages in connection with the identification of deterioration in health (when the transfer was made and where, and what position was assigned after that).
    12. The employer's ability to allow a colleague to perform other functions due to health reasons. If a transfer has already been made, it is noted that this is no longer possible.
    13. This paragraph may contain additional information that is not noted above, but may affect the course of the examination (for example, what awards are there related to his occupation, skills, personal qualities, abilities, abilities).

    Particular attention should be paid to those sections that indicate difficulties in performing certain loads (for example, paragraph 8). It must be taken into account that it is important to display the actual volume of work completed, and what percentage is being completed.

    It is necessary to indicate in more detail what opportunities for movement were provided to facilitate actions, and whether such an opportunity exists today.

    There is no need to praise the employee. This document is not being filled out to look for another place to earn income, to indicate positive qualities, and it is not a recommendation. It is needed so that doctors can realistically assess the patient’s condition and the level of complexity of his disease.

    The form is endorsed by the head of the enterprise or the head of the personnel department and certified with the wet seal of the organization. If there is medical personnel, the personal document is also certified by his signature.

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    Work severity category

    In this regard, this type of document does not have a specially provided form. It is filled out when the need arises, based on the situation that arose in which the need to provide it arose.

    Example: the simplest tasks are solved by cleaners and loaders (class 1 working conditions), and activities that require solving simple problems, but with a choice (according to instructions) are typical for laboratory assistants, nurses, telephone operators, repairmen, storekeepers, track fitters, inspectors carriages, signalmen, electricians, etc. (2nd grade). Complex problems solved according to a well-known algorithm (work according to a series of instructions) take place in the work of managers (directors, shop managers), foremen, vehicle drivers, foremen, machinists, train designers, station attendants, etc. (class 3.1.) . The most complex work in content, requiring to one degree or another heuristic (creative) activity, is found among scientists, designers, surgeons, etc. (class 3.2.).

    Determination of a specific disability group

    As a result of the activities carried out by ITU experts, first of all, a person’s right to receive a disability is determined; further research is aimed at assigning a particular disability group to a citizen.

    1. The first group includes people with diseases whose degree of complexity is from 90 to 100%.
    2. The second category includes people with functional impairments, which manifest themselves in a degree of complexity from 70 to 80%.
    3. The third group is characterized by deviations whose severity level is 40–60%.

    Do you need to determine your disability group? Then we advise you to read the information on how to get a referral to ITU and how to fill out an application for examination. If you have already passed the commission, but your health status has changed, then be sure to read the article on how to re-examine.

    Categories of labor severity for VTEK

    In the absence of positive dynamics in the removal or elimination of symptoms and performance of the disease (disturbances in normal functioning, performance)

    (a process for alleviating, removing or eliminating symptoms and, increasing pain, reducing joint mobility, right up to complete immobilization, recognition of an employee as disabled becomes very possible.

    In the early stages, when the above-mentioned disorders have not reached the criteria for disability, experts advise specific removal or elimination of symptoms and manifestations of one or another treatment by all available means.

    Sample information about the nature and working conditions of an employee for MSE

    There should be 2 stamps on the form - at the top left is put by the company’s management (the details of the enterprise are reflected), and on the right is a stamp with the legal address of the company and the corresponding codes. It is worth explaining briefly, to the point, clearly and understandably.

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    Basic concepts So, a production characteristic is a document that is applicable when assessing the professional and labor qualities of an employee, as well as health. Characteristics are provided according to the location of the requirement. Most often, he is sent to a medical institution where a medical and sociological examination (MSE) is carried out.

    Form and sample filling for ITU and VTEC 2021

    One of the fairly common production documents is the production characteristic for the ITU. You can study a sample of filling out a document with all possible points. This kind of paper has a standard form to fill out, which takes into account all sections related to the person’s work activity and each point is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    When registering, you should carefully study how to fill out the production characteristics for the ITU, especially if the employees have no experience.

    There is no official definition of the concept. It is not used in personnel management. There is no federal status for the characteristics. However, in some regulations the description of the workplace is often used. The legislation does not stipulate the form used to draw up the document. The paper is drawn up depending on the situation that arises.

    If you need to pass the ITU, the description will play an important role. Representatives of the organization in which the patient worked must correctly describe his workplace.

    For this, the following data is reflected:

    • equipped with the necessary equipment and inventory;
    • lighting and noise levels;
    • specifics of activity.

    All of the above criteria affect a person’s health, his mental and emotional state, as well as his future life. Intellectual activity can place the same burden on an employee as physical activity. Therefore, the document for MSEC must be drawn up correctly. The information entered determines whether a disability group will be assigned or the person will be offered another position.

    Maslennikov Ivan Ivanovich

    Graduated with honors from the State Academy of Law (SLA) with a degree in jurisprudence. Extensive experience in resolving legal issues of a wide range.

    Performance characteristics for ITU

    • work period;
    • position held;
    • degree of participation in public activities (presence of awards, thanks, certificates, etc.);
    • review from the trade union committee (if the company has one, the review is filled out by its chairman);
    • certification assessment of working conditions;
    • the presence or absence of part-time work.
    • the text is filled in from a third person;
    • if an employee has a special work schedule (for example, often goes on business trips or works from home), this should be reflected in the characteristics;
    • the form can be filled out both during the citizen’s work and after his dismissal from the company;
    • the document must contain at least 2 signatures - the head of the organization or department in which the citizen worked, an accountant and/or a personnel officer.

    List of required papers to fill out

    In order to indicate in the production characteristics all the necessary information on the basis of which data about the employee will be entered into the production characteristics for the ITU:

    • a list of all sheets confirming incapacity for work, indicating all dates, that is, from which to which the person was on sick leave for the last year;
    • extracts from the medical history should also be provided;
    • a request from ITU to the employer for whom the applicant works or previously worked.

    In addition, you will need to collect and submit the following additional papers to ITU or VTEC:

    • a document certifying the identity of the applicant;
    • referral from the medical institution where the subject is being observed to undergo medical examination (form 086у-06);
    • all papers from medical institutions related to the disease, patient records, tests, etc.
    • if health problems began as a result of an injury received at work, then you will need to attach copies of all proceedings conducted under these circumstances;
    • a document confirming the employee’s work activity (work book) and a photocopy of it, which must be certified by the signature of the head of the HR department;
    • documentary evidence of how much the employee has lost the ability to work;
    • and if necessary, a conclusion should be provided indicating that rehabilitation is required.

    Attention! A detailed list of papers can be obtained by contacting ITU or VTEC; they will also offer forms for filling out the corresponding production characteristics.

    Not everyone can apply for an expert opinion to determine the limited actions of an employee. Accordingly, for this there must be a certain kind of indicators at which it is possible to undergo an additional examination.

    Before entering data into the specification, a small list of documents must be prepared:

    • disability certificates for the last 12 months;
    • a request to the organization sent to the ITU bureau where the conclusion will be issued;
    • medical history extract (if necessary);
    • passport;
    • employment history;
    • act of witnessing an accident (if such an incident occurred).

    You also need to know:

    1. Working conditions in which you had to work in the last 12 months.
    2. The level of harmfulness, compliance with hygiene standards, how dangerous his type of employment was.
    3. How often did you have to go on business trips, to what area?
    4. Income level and frequency of sick leave, indicating the disease.

    Physical severity of labor for VTEK sample filling

    Hi all! Not everyone has encountered such an event as filling out a production characteristics for an employee to undergo a medical and labor expert commission (VTEK) or a medical and social examination (MSE). This document is one of the main ones when conducting a comprehensive expert assessment of the patient, establishing the degree of disability of the employee or determining his disability group.

    All types of production characteristics refer to documents drawn up according to the sample. They are a document that gives a brief description of the submitter; it outlines business qualities, career advancement, work skills and achievements of the person being characterized. There are five main cases in which this document is required. The differences in their composition are due to the ultimate purpose of their claim.

    When is it necessary to complete documentation for ITU?

    If a person is often absent due to illness, or has health difficulties or difficulties in performing duties, a medical examination is carried out. It is required to assign disability and receive the benefits provided with it. After completing the procedure, a corresponding certificate can be provided, which is used to register a pension with the Pension Fund.

    Referral to MSE is provided by the observing and treating physician. The person is referred to a medical and social examination or a medical and labor expert commission. It is carried out in a special bureau. You will first need to collect a package of documents. It includes production characteristics. The head of the organization must fill out the form. The paper is drawn up in the presence of a doctor if the company has a medical office.

    The need for documentation arises in the following situations:

    • a person wants to get a visa;
    • it is planned to undergo treatment in a medical institution, dispensary or sanatorium;
    • the employee enrolls in studies (the document is required if papers are submitted to the university after the start of official employment);
    • there is a change of company (the previous employer is required to fill out the characteristics).

    The head of the company can delegate the responsibility of filling out the documentation to a HR specialist. However, the head of the institution will still be responsible.

    Category of severity of work performed for MSE

    Sooner or later this can lead to the development of chronic diseases. The definition of this term is a medical labor expert commission. Decoding VTEC implies that this commission deals with expert issues relating to a person’s work activity and the possible loss of the ability to carry it out. Decoding and analysis of the received materials allow specialists to determine the degree of disability, its connection with professional activity, as well as the presence of indications for determining the disability group. Deciphering this term implies inclusion in the sphere of interests of such a commission not only the purely medical condition of the patient, but also the characteristics of his work activity. Experts will try to assess whether performing work duties at a particular workplace will lead to a deterioration in the person’s condition. When making a conclusion, the medical commission will also take into account the patient’s desire to work in his current position. VTEC: transcript. Medical Labor Expert Commission The application must be completed by the patient himself.

    Category of severity of work performed for VTEK sample filling Category of severity of work performed for VTEK sample filling If the victim can perform unskilled physical labor with a reduction of five categories of severity. The nature of the work performed by the employee, the type of labor used, machine, manual. For the first time I hold a form in my hands to fill out a production. All working conditions are divided into four classes in the new classification; there were six categories of severity of work conditions. Recommendations from the medical and social examination of the MSE or VTEK. The nature of the work performed. KND form sample filling. We provide examples of filling out the card, photographs of the car driver’s working time, Appendix 1, and cards.

    Category of work by severity (GOST -88)

    Despite the significant differences, the division of work activity into physical and mental is quite arbitrary. With the development of science and technology, automation and mechanization of labor processes, the boundary between them is increasingly smoothed out.

    Category IIa includes work associated with constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing or sitting position and requiring little physical stress (a number of professions in spinning and weaving, mechanical assembly shops).

    Categories of severity of work performed for MSE

    Labor intensity is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load primarily on the central nervous system, sensory organs, and emotional sphere of the worker. Factors characterizing labor intensity include: intellectual, sensory, emotional stress, the degree of monotony of workload, and work mode. The intensity of work depends on the severity of the work, as well as on the individual characteristics of the person. Research has shown that the same amount of work can cause different levels of stress in different people.

    Contents 1 About production characteristics 2 How to fill out the columns 3 What is labor intensity 4 How is severity categorized for VTEC 5 Examples 6 What is emotional stress 7 How to fill out the column about working hours 8 Actions to prevent overwork. Noticed a mistake? Form for receiving a question, write yours.

    Characteristics of the conditions and nature of the work of a mechanic for MSE

    • identification;
    • referral to ITU;
    • data on the conditions under which the work is performed;
    • sample production specification;
    • a certificate confirming the assignment of a disability group;
    • recommended program according to which rehabilitation should take place.

    The doctor must fill out form 088у-97. The form will contain information about the disease - its course, frequency, duration of disability, treatment, etc. For a teacher When writing a characteristic for a teaching worker, it is necessary to indicate, in addition to the basic data, also the following features of work activity: Experience, category, specialty - Availability higher education - Availability of scientific and theoretical training Knowledge of educational methods, what additional knowledge is used, and what nuances in training are given special attention How long is the working day (how many working hours) What is the physical and mental stress, noise level and whether there are chemicals (relevant for chemistry teacher) For a cook If it is necessary to issue a production characteristic to a cook, the company's management must also adhere to the general rules for writing this document.

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