Issuing certificates to employees in case of temporary disability

Home / Labor Law / Payment and benefits / Sick pay


Published: 05/13/2016

Reading time: 8 min



A medical certificate indicating the temporary inability of an employee to continue working is an expert document confirming this fact. The doctor treating the patient makes an expert opinion on the state of his health and records this in the specified certificate.

Such a document confirms a valid reason for the employee’s absence from his permanent place of work in the eyes of the management of the enterprise or organization, which will allow the employee to avoid disciplinary action or dismissal. Accordingly, the employee must pay the utmost attention to the correct preparation of this document and its validity period!

  • Basic Help Features
  • Filling Features
  • Document structure
  • Receipt procedure and validity period


The form of a temporary disability certificate allows you to regulate your relationship with the employer. Absence from work without good reason, as is known, is a violation of discipline at the enterprise. For this, the Labor Code provides for certain sanctions. This means that the validity of the reasons must be documented.

In addition, the certificate in question is used for temporary disability benefits. In itself, it is not a basis for calculating amounts. However, for accounting, the information contained in the certificate is important. Temporary disability benefits are calculated taking into account the number of days missed. It is this information that specialists need.

Grounds for providing a certificate

An employee’s receipt of a certificate from a medical professional may be due to problems with his own health or serious deterioration in the well-being of his family members. Provision for the first reason is available if the following grounds exist:

  • detection of a severe form of illness in an employee or exacerbation of chronic diseases;

  • the presence of an injury that does not allow high-quality performance of work operations during the day;
  • poor health or stable illness of an employee who is expecting a child (always serves as a valid reason for drawing up a certificate);
  • the employee’s health condition requires mandatory sanatorium-resort treatment or recuperation in a calm (isolated from the bustle of work) environment;
  • conducting control examinations at the enterprise in the field of work ability and professional suitability of specialists;
  • the employee needs to receive a prosthesis;
  • the presence of prerequisites for a quarantine regime.

Other grounds apply for poor health of employee family members:

  • constant care is required for the condition of a sick relative;
  • Urgent support for the health of the employee’s child is required.

The document may be provided to the following persons:

  • resident and non-resident individuals performing duties within the state under an employment contract;
  • persons registered at the employment center who currently do not have a permanent job;
  • persons in military service in special cases;
  • persons who have established benefits by the state (for example, workers participating in the liquidation or workers-victims of man-made disasters who have various stages of radiation sickness).

List of circumstances

A certificate of temporary disability is issued in certain cases:

  1. When a disease is detected in an employee.
  2. If a citizen receives an injury that prevents him from continuing his professional activities.
  3. If there is a need to care for a relative suffering from a serious illness, or for a young child.
  4. When quarantine is announced.
  5. If a pregnant employee’s health worsens.
  6. In a situation where it is necessary to receive sanatorium-resort treatment.
  7. When conducting a forensic medical examination.
  8. In case of need for prosthetics in stationary conditions.

What benefits are paid from the Fund?

The Social Insurance Fund transfers the following payments to employees:

  • sick leave benefits, including due to an accident at work and/or occupational disease;
  • according to BiR;
  • a one-time benefit for workers who registered in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • lump sum benefit for the birth of a child;
  • monthly child care payment.

In addition, the Social Insurance Fund also pays additional leave for working citizens who were injured or ill at work.

Employers pay employees from their own funds: funeral benefits, sick leave for the first 3 days of illness, payment for 4 additional days of rest to care for a disabled child.

Validity periods

The temporary disability certificate form is filled out in accordance with the established rules. The document is prepared by the attending physician. The duration of the paper is 15 days.

Regional laws may contain provisions that allow the document to be completed by a dentist or paramedic. However, in this case, the certificate of temporary disability will be valid for 10 days. Regulatory acts also allow extension of established deadlines. To do this, the citizen must undergo examination. It is conducted by a medical commission.

When is it issued instead of sick leave?

There are several options for issuing a certificate instead of a certificate of incapacity for work:

  • The employee sought medical help in a city where he is not registered at his place of residence. Before the time for recovery, he planned to return to his homeland. The doctor did not issue a sick leave certificate, but issued a certificate for further treatment and obtaining a certificate of incapacity for work at their clinic.
  • The worker received the disease while on a business trip outside the borders of the Russian Federation. In such a situation, no one can issue him a sick leave. The employee, having returned to his home city, gives the employer any document that was issued to him by the employees of the foreign medical institution. In Russia, this certificate is officially translated into Russian, and then a temporary disability certificate is issued.
  • The employee, having received an injury, went to the traumatology department. But there his injuries were considered insignificant, they advised him to see a surgeon, and they only issued a certificate of seeking medical help.
  • The employee contacted a medical service that does not have the right to issue sick leave (ambulance).
  • Quarantine announcement.
  • Deterioration in the health of a pregnant worker.
  • The need to receive prosthetic services in a hospital setting.

Also, children attending secondary schools or gymnasiums are issued certificates exempting them from school in case of certain illnesses.

For students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, and universities, confirmation of temporary disability is a certificate form 095/u.

Where can I get it?

The certificate is issued in accordance with generally established standards.
Her attending physician prescribes her. The document is valid for 15 days. Depending on the local laws of the regions of Russia, dentists and paramedics can also fill out this form. But in this case the period is reduced to 10 days.

Regulatory acts allow for the implementation of a procedure for extending established deadlines. The employee must additionally undergo examination by a medical commission.

You are not entitled to issue a certificate:

  • nurse;
  • sanatorium worker;
  • forensic scientist;
  • blood transfusion station employee;
  • paramedic and ambulance doctor.

A certificate of temporary disability is issued by public and private clinics that have a license to carry out medical activities.

The doctor issuing the document strictly complies with the following requirements when registering:

  • registration of the certificate in the accounting book and assigning it a number in order;
  • entering the certificate data into the patient’s outpatient card stored in the registry of the medical institution.

The diagnosis must be indicated in the required column of the document; each of them corresponds to a code approved by law.

Does it give you the right to receive benefits?

The period of absence of a worker from the workplace, recorded in a certificate of temporary incapacity for work, is not subject to payment without a sick leave certificate.

The only document for calculating and paying sick leave benefits is a certificate of temporary incapacity for work.

This norm is stated in paragraph 5 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (Clause 5 of Article 13)

What does the certificate look like?

In the upper right corner of the document being described, the code of the form and the institution providing the document is indicated. Below is the name – “Help” – and registration number. The document indicates the date of registration, information about the citizen for whom it is issued. The certificate must contain information about the enterprise where the patient works, his full name, year of birth, and residential address.

The diagnosis must be indicated. New rules for recording illnesses are currently in effect. Each diagnosis on the disability certificate corresponds to a specific code. It appears that this was done to maintain the confidentiality of information about the patient's condition. According to doctors, at first there were difficulties with filling it out.

The period during which the subject was on sick leave is entered at the bottom of the certificate. If the period was extended, the corresponding number of days (or months for complex diseases) is indicated. The certificate must be certified by the doctor's signature.

Document structure

The certificate is filled out on a prepared form. In its upper right corner the code of the form and the institution issuing the document is indicated.
Below is the name of the document (about temporary disability) and registration number (this will be a serial number according to the registration log). Next, the date of issue of the document and the person to whom it is issued (for example, an employee or student) are indicated. Enter the full name of the enterprise or organization, as well as the patient’s last name and patronymic name. The year of birth, place of residence is indicated, and the diagnosis is entered below.

At the bottom of the document, the period of disability is recorded (for example, from 02/18/2016 to 02/28/2016). If the certificate was extended, the period for which it was extended is also indicated. The document is signed by the doctor.

Form of certificate of temporary disability of an employee:

Important conditions for correct registration:

  • use dark blue or black ink;
  • placement of three seals: a medical institution (placed in the lower left corner of the document), a doctor (in the lower right corner, at the signature site), and a standard seal for such documents (placed at the top of the certificate, on the left).

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To obtain a certificate, a citizen must visit a doctor by making an appointment. At the institution's reception desk, he is given an outpatient card upon presentation of his passport. The results of the inspection will be recorded there. The certificate contains all the information given above. The first day of sick leave is the date of your visit to the doctor. As a rule, the specialist will schedule a follow-up appointment. If at the next visit an improvement is established and the doctor decides that the patient can continue to work, the sick leave is closed. The end date of the period of incapacity for work is the day on which the certificate is issued to the patient.

Duration of illness

The length of stay on sick leave depends on the nature of the identified pathology, the presence or absence of complications. There are certain standards for the number of days required for treatment. They are established by the Ministry of Health:

  1. ARVI – 3-8 days.
  2. Different types of flu – 6-10.
  3. Exacerbations of vegetative-vascular dystonia – 5-7.
  4. Gastritis – 3-8.
  5. Pancreatitis – up to 10.
  6. Otitis – 5-7.
  7. Sore throats – 6-14.
  8. Bronchitis – 10-14.
  9. Pneumonia – up to 29 days (without appointing a special commission).

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