What should the job description of a farm manager contain: examples and sample documents

[organizational and legal form, name of organization, enterprise] I approve

[position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description]

[day month Year]


Job description of the manager of the farm [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

Who is the caretaker?

The caretaker, simply the manager of the household, is a middle-level manager who carries out the economic functioning of an enterprise, institution, organization, office, and so on.

A person applying for this position must have a certain mindset, and among the personal qualities necessary for success in this field, the following are sure to prevail:

Office administrator

  • accuracy
  • self-organization
  • attentiveness
  • punctuality
  • decency
  • responsibility
  • the habit of strictly following accepted rules
  • love of stability
  • organizer and motivator skills

People with an artistic mindset who are unable to organize themselves and others and ensure the smooth functioning of an enterprise are not created for this profession. This can be explained simply - a creative person can forget about toilet paper or removing ice from the steps at the entrance, or miss any little things. As a result, disruptions will occur in the operation of an institution, office or something else.

A position that involves performing the functions of a caretaker can be called differently. Sometimes this is the deputy director for housekeeping, sometimes it’s the manager for cleanliness and comfort, sometimes it’s the office administrator, the head of the housekeeping department, the head of the housekeeping department, the manager of the supply and support department. In army units this profession is called warrant officer.

There are quite a lot of titles, but they do not change the essence of the specifics of the occupation and the area of ​​responsibility for the person who has chosen this profession. The work of a farm manager is quite important and requires many qualities - the ability to navigate prices and commercial offers that are profitable and necessary for the farm; the farm manager must understand people and find a common language with them, evoke respect from others, be able to make decisions and give reasons for them, appeal with facts , certificates of the condition of premises, statistical data and other figures, “knocking out” additional funding or changes in the employment schedule of junior staff from management.

The caretaker is not just an abstract figure who keeps track of mops and commands the janitors, he is an important person for the enterprise. The normal functioning of all employees and, ultimately, the success of the work process, as well as its final result, depend on how the job duties of the caretaker are performed. A farm manager has a lot of responsibilities.

Who should develop the manager's DI?

The Labor Code does not require the employer to prepare job descriptions for all categories of employees, except for those professions for which its availability is mandatory. The head of the administrative office is not included in the list of such specialties, therefore the management of each enterprise individually decides on the need to apply job descriptions.

Responsibilities for the development and implementation of DI can be assigned to any employee of the organization. Most often this falls to HR specialists and lawyers.

Job responsibilities of the caretaker

A person engaged in this profession has a lot of work, and there is not always time for a break or tea, because at any moment something can happen on the farm. In principle, a caretaker can be compared to a housewife; both are busy ensuring that everything is always available and in order.

Providing stationery

Main job responsibilities of the caretaker:

  • provision of housekeeping services
  • monitoring the condition of the premises
  • timely supply of everything necessary - from office supplies to furniture and floor rags, depending on the place of work
  • safety and reasonable operation of equipment and consumables
  • management of maintenance and technical personnel
  • inventory
  • maintaining the necessary reports

At each individual enterprise, the job responsibilities of the caretaker will differ slightly in detail, this is dictated by the specific needs of the organization, but the general essence is always the same - managing the farm and bearing full responsibility for its condition.

Responsibility of the caretaker

To effectively perform his duties, the farm manager must:

  • know in a timely manner about management decisions regarding economic support
  • distribute duties and areas of responsibility between subordinates
  • have complete information about everything related to the economic part
  • conduct document flow, including reporting, working with invoices, purchasing control, and so on
  • promptly inform senior managers about the state and needs of the farm
  • control the implementation of all organizational and technical conditions necessary for the full normal functioning of the economic part

A person performing the duties of a caretaker must be prepared to bear full responsibility, including administrative and material responsibility, for:

Administrative responsibility

  • improper performance of one's duties
  • untimely or negligent performance of work by subordinate employees
  • ignoring instructions and orders of management, including in relation to the trade secrets of the enterprise, and also for lower-level employees
  • violation of accepted rules, including fire safety, sanitary standards, safety regulations, labor discipline, etc.
  • technical condition of the premises
  • financial waste
  • purchasing the necessary equipment and everything needed on the farm at an inflated cost
  • overexpenditure of household materials
  • all sorts of problems in building systems, including utility networks, electrical wiring and the rest

The responsibility of the farm manager will vary, directly depending on the volume of his work.

For example, if you are in charge of an entire building, then a burst pipe in the basement and the consequences of this are the responsibility of the caretaker. If the snow in the yard is not removed, then the manager of the farm will have to answer for this only if these meters belong to the adjacent territory. The caretaker, who is in charge of only rented space, for example, for a restaurant, is not obliged to care about the state of communications in the building.

However, a good specialist not only performs the direct duties of a caretaker, but also has accurate information about everything that may in any way affect the farm entrusted to him. Such workers, for whom this profession is not just a way to earn a living, but also a calling, are valued literally by their employers as worth their weight in gold, are in great demand on the labor market and will never be left out of work.

Sample job description for a farm manager

1. General Provisions

  1. The farm manager is included in the category of managers.
  2. The manager of the farm is appointed to his position and dismissed from it by the head of the enterprise.
  3. The manager of the farm is subordinate to the head of the enterprise.
  4. During the absence of the farm manager (illness, vacation, etc.), the work duties assigned to him are performed by his deputy.
  5. This position can be held by a person who meets the following qualification parameters:
      experience in business units - from 1.5 years;
  6. complete secondary (secondary vocational) education.
  7. The farm manager must understand the following aspects:
  • the legal framework affecting his area of ​​responsibility;
  • norms of document flow in the field of economic activity;
  • rules for conducting an inventory of economic assets on the balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • principles of interaction with agents and sales representatives of suppliers;
  • market situation in your field of activity;
  • principles of storage of economic property, careful handling of it, and write-off;
  • accounting rules in the field of recording business transactions;
  • technical, fire and labor safety standards;
  • principles of care for used premises.
  • The head of the enterprise's economy is guided in his work by: the current regulatory framework;
  • enterprise documents;
  • this job description.


List of functions of the farm manager:

  1. Management of the area of ​​economic support of the enterprise's activities.
  2. Ensuring the storage of appropriate economic valuables.
  3. Monitoring the market situation with household goods purchased for the needs of the enterprise.
  4. Representation of the enterprise in interaction with contractors in the field of procurement of relevant goods and their subsequent servicing.
  5. Monitoring the sufficiency of the quantity of household goods, as well as carrying out their timely purchases.
  6. Interaction with other departments of the enterprise regarding their requests for the purchase of relevant household goods.
  7. Management of the work of personnel involved in the economic support of the enterprise.
  8. Knowledge of brands and features of household equipment in demand by the enterprise.
  9. Monitoring the correctness of accounting documentation in the field of business services of the enterprise.
  10. Compliance with document management principles in your area of ​​responsibility.
  11. Participate in inventory activities in your area of ​​responsibility.
  12. Monitoring compliance with fire and technical safety regulations in their area of ​​responsibility.
  13. Fulfilling the authorized instructions of the enterprise management within the limits of their responsibility.

Official rights

List of rights of the farm manager:

  1. Manage the work activities of your subordinates.
  2. Get acquainted with the draft instructions of the enterprise management in your own field of activity.
  3. Offer enterprise management recommendations for improving the situation in their area of ​​responsibility.
  4. Report to the management of the enterprise information about shortcomings that were identified during the performance of their functions.
  5. Request data from departments of the enterprise that are in demand in the course of their activities.
  6. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise on personnel issues regarding its employees.
  7. Put your signature on the relevant documents of the enterprise.
  8. Require the management of the enterprise to create the conditions necessary to effectively ensure the economic activity of the enterprise.
  9. Represent the company in interaction with partners within the boundaries of their responsibility.


The manager of a household can be held accountable for violations committed at the workplace in the following cases:

  1. For disclosure of internal data to third parties - within the limits determined by the relevant legislation and paragraphs of the company’s documents.
  2. For violation of legal norms - within the limits determined by the relevant sections of the current legislation.
  3. For failure to fulfill their official functions - within the limits determined by the norms of labor legislation and the relevant documentation of the enterprise.

Demand and payment for the profession

People who are able to efficiently perform the duties of a caretaker are very much needed, always and everywhere. Without a person of this profession, the life of any enterprise stops, be it a kindergarten, a defense plant, or a computer center.

Payment for this work directly depends on the enterprise where the farm manager works. In a housing office and in a large office building they will pay differently, but nowhere will they pay less than 20 thousand rubles. Pay also depends on the city where the person will work. In large populated areas, the demand for the profession is much higher, as are the responsibilities and duties themselves. But they also pay more. The average salary of a farm manager in the capital is 50 thousand rubles.

Caretaker is a very important and necessary profession in society. It is possible that by doing this you will not “pick stars from the sky”, you will not gain fame and worldwide recognition, but nothing in the modern world would be accomplished without business managers, from space flights to the leadership of the country, supply managers are behind everything.


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