Part-time employment (sample order)

What is a part-time job?

Part-time work means working part-time. This form of employment is established for an employee who, for certain reasons, cannot work full time . In addition, part-time work can be set by the employer himself, but only in exceptional cases.

Important! Part-time work is one of the types of employment regime in which an employee works part-time, part-week or shift.

Part-time hiring

The procedure by which an employee works part-time is regulated by labor legislation (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When hiring a part-time employee, you need to take into account some features:

  • a part-time working day (shift) can be established - a 5-hour working day instead of an 8-hour one;
  • It is possible to hire part-time in the case of a part-time work week - instead of the 5-day work week established in the company, 4 working days;
  • an agreement to work part-time can be drawn up immediately upon hiring, or after some time has passed;
  • an employee registered with a company on a part-time basis can also work in other companies under the same conditions;
  • the salary of a part-time employee is calculated based on the number of hours worked and the established tariff, or based on the volume of work performed;
  • An employee hired on a part-time basis (transferred to this working hours) has the right to all social guarantees, annual paid leave, as well as full credit for work experience (

What does part-time work mean?

It means that the employee is at the workplace and performs his actual duties only half of the “normal” work time.
This can be half of each day (for example, from morning to lunch or from lunch to evening), or any other schedule in which the employee works only half of the working days in the month (every other day, two days after two, etc.) .

Accordingly, in this case, the payment is equal to only half of the total rate that a similar worker receives for a full day (or, more precisely, for 40 hours worked per week).

Most often, part-time workers are hired when it is not possible to provide them with a full workload. For example, a company needs the services of a courier, but the total number of orders per day does not exceed a dozen.

It is logical that the courier will be able to complete them all in a few hours, and then will be idle for the rest of the day, receiving a salary for nothing. Therefore, it would be wiser to take it part-time so as not to waste money.

Who is eligible to work part-time or part-time?

A certain list of employees has the right to establish a part-time working day or week. These include:

  • pregnant women (for this they must write a corresponding statement to the director);
  • parents or guardians who have custody of a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 18 years of age;
  • employees caring for a sick relative, upon presentation of appropriate medical confirmation from the clinic.

Such workers have the right to count on part-time work for the period of their life circumstances. To switch to this mode of operation, they write an application, to which supporting documents are attached. For example, a certificate of pregnancy, a certificate of disability of a child.

Important! One of the reasons for working part-time is working on parental leave for up to 1.5 years. This is very convenient for a young mother, since she will retain the right to child care benefits for up to 1.5 years.

Concept of partial time

What is part-time work?

Labor legislation distinguishes three types of the concept of “working time”:

  • normal, characteristic of normal working conditions;
  • reduced time applied under harmful, dangerous or specific working conditions or which is full time for a certain category of workers;
  • incomplete.

The most important characteristic of part-time work is the need to formalize such a work schedule by agreement of the parties. This is directly stated in Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The condition of part-time work is established in the employment contract when applying for a job, or changes to the regular schedule are made in the future if such a need arises. Labor legislation does not limit the possibilities for establishing this type of work schedule.

Additionally, certain categories of citizens who have the right to work part-time are legally established. This includes:

  • women during pregnancy;
  • a guardian or parent caring for a child under 14 years of age or a disabled person under 18 years of age;
  • an employee who is caring for a sick family member or relative.

It is the employer's responsibility to provide such employees with the right to part-time work.

Working hours when working part-time

If an employee is hired part-time (or transferred), this is done on the basis of an application from him. The employee must attach a document to the application confirming the need to establish part-time employment.

When concluding an employment contract with such an employee, one of the types of labor regime is determined:

  1. Part-time work (for example, from 8.00 to 13.00);
  2. Partial work week (in which the employee will have additional days of rest).

How to draw up an employment contract when applying for a part-time job

Draw up such an employment contract in generally the same way as an employment contract when hiring for a full-time job. Compose it in any form, there is no normative one. Exception: if you are a micro-enterprise and have refused to fully or partially accept local regulations, then draw up the agreement in a standard form (Part 1 of Article 309.1, Article 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Include in the employment contract when hiring on a part-time basis all the information and conditions from Parts 1, 2 of Art. 57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, this is the place of work and the employee’s labor function, the start date of work, and the terms of payment for his work.

But write down the part-time work schedule in detail if it is individual for the employee (that is, not described in the internal labor regulations).

And also if you are a micro-enterprise and have refused to fully or partially accept local regulations.

Indicate, in particular, the length of the working week and daily work, the alternation of working days and weekends, the start and end times of the working day, lunch break. Please note that a part-time employee cannot have an irregular working day (Part 2 of Article 57, Part 1 of Article 100, Part 2 of Article 101, Article 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When specifying the condition for remuneration, keep in mind that it is made in proportion to the time worked or for the amount of work performed (Part 2 of Article 57, Part 3 of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Draw up the agreement in two copies (one for you, the other for the employee). Each of them must be signed by you and the employee. Ask the employee to sign your copy to confirm that he received his copy of the contract (Part 1 of Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Sample employment contract for part-time work - part-time

How to write an order for a part-time job

When hiring a part-time employee, just as when hiring a full-time employee, it is necessary to issue a hiring order. This document is drawn up in a standard form and will practically not differ from an order for hiring an employee full time. The only differences will be such points as “Conditions of admission” and wages. The conditions of employment should indicate that the employee is hired on a part-time basis. And the employee’s salary will be calculated based on the rate corresponding to the position, as well as hours or days worked (

Work schedule

When working at 0.5 wages, the work schedule is set based on the concept of “part-time work.” Labor legislation establishes the duration of a normal working day as 8 hours, which means that a part-time schedule will last 4 hours.

For workers hired on a part-time basis, it is mandatory to indicate in the employment contract the number of hours of work and rest periods.

The relevant section of the contract must contain clear language establishing these time periods.

Sample application for employment.

How to indicate part-time work in an employment contract

An employment contract with an employee hired on a part-time basis is drawn up in the same way as with an employee hired on a full-time basis. Therefore, the same employment contract form is used. The contract can be drawn up for a specific period or made for an indefinite period. This issue is determined and agreed upon by the head of the company.

An employment contract with a part-time employee must contain the usual sections, including:

  • the subject of the contract, which specifies the employee’s labor functions;
  • general provisions of the contract;
  • duration of work (if the contract is fixed-term);
  • probationary period (if it is established for the employee);
  • rights and obligations of the employee and employer;
  • Force Majeure;
  • procedure for resolving controversial issues;
  • details of the employee and employer.

If an employee is hired on a part-time basis, then changes should be made to the “Work and rest schedule” in the standard employment contract. An additional agreement may also be drawn up to the contract. In the agreement, for example, you can indicate that the employee is hired for a 20-hour work week, and also draw up a work schedule in the form of a table indicating the start and end times of work and breaks. The wording in the order may be as follows: “The employee is assigned part-time working hours of 20 hours per week.” If this work is the main one for the employee, then this must be indicated in the employment contract.

Employment contract

The subject is a description of the general functions. Where the employee is hired, the probationary period. If the contract is drawn up as a fixed-term contract, then the period of future work is indicated.

The key point of the employment contract for the rate in question is that the work activity under this contract is the main one for the mercenary. This nuance must be indicated.

When drawing up an employment contract, it is important to pay attention to the fact that it must include the following points:

  • time schedule - that is, it must be directly described that the employee is hired on a part-time basis;
  • work time and rest time - the immediate schedule is indicated here - whether it will be half of each day or work several days a week;
  • the subject of the contract is the direct duties of the employee, which he must perform at his workplace.

The recording is carried out directly by the HR manager himself. At the same time, it does not include the fact that the work is incomplete.

The name of the company, the date of employment and the reasons for admission are entered in the book. All entries are confirmed by stamps.

Advantages and disadvantages of working part-time

Like any other work mode, working part-time or part-time has its pros and cons.

Benefits of working part-timeDisadvantages of working part-time
Availability of a main place of work, as well as the opportunity to receive additional education in free time
Possibility of employment in another job

Having more free time

Same rights as a full-time employee (annual leave)

Smaller salary
High chance of getting laid off

Lack of additional allowances and bonuses paid to employees working full time

Sample order for employment for part-time work

You can start working part-time either while you are employed or while you are already working. That is, if you are already working full-time, then you can change this mode by justifying your position with evidence of the right to switch to part-time.

Employment order for 0.5 rate (sample can be downloaded below)

A reduction in working hours can be made for the following categories of citizens:

  • pregnant women;

  • parents raising a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 18 years of age;
  • any employees who care for seriously ill relatives.

Naturally, your intentions to get a part-time job (if the employer does not require it) will need to be confirmed by relevant documents - for example, a child’s birth certificate.

Example document below:

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