Certificate for workwear (TR TS 019 2011 - certification of compliance of workwear and PPE)

Is the employer obligated to provide special clothing?

The manager is required by law to provide the subordinates of his enterprise with special clothing and personal protective equipment, especially if their work involves harmful substances and the work involves temperatures that are abnormal for the human body. The employer must comply with the standards for issuing PPE, since in connection with their violation he may be held liable.

Special clothing must be issued in a timely manner ; it is considered unacceptable for an employee to go to the workplace without appropriate protection. The person responsible for issuing PPE must take into account the worker's gender, clothing size and what type of work is expected.

If the employer for some reason does not provide special clothing, then the employee has the right to refuse to perform work that may be harmful to his health or threaten his life.

The employer's obligation to provide workers with protective clothing

Personal protective equipment is personal equipment used to prevent or reduce the impact of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors on workers, as well as to protect against pollution (clause 3 of the Rules for providing workers with personal protective equipment , approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2009 No.290n ).
General provisions on the issuance of PPE. The employer's obligation to provide employees with personal protective equipment is enshrined in Art. 221 Labor Code of the Russian Federation . In addition to the general obligation of the employer, it is established that:

PPE is issued for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, work performed in special temperature conditions, and work associated with pollution;

  • Providing workers with PPE is carried out at the expense of the employer. Storing, washing, drying and repairing PPE is also the responsibility of the employer;
  • PPE is provided free of charge;
  • PPE must have a certificate or declaration of conformity confirming its compliance with the safety requirements established by law, as well as a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion or a certificate of state registration of dermatological PPE;
  • PPE is issued in accordance with standard standards. The standards were approved by industry by separate orders of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Development. The following regulations will be relevant for all industries: orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2008 No.541n , dated April 20, 2006 No.297 , Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 1997 No.70 .

Requirements for the acquisition, issuance, use, storage of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, as well as for their care, are regulated by the Rules for the provision of personal protective equipment for workers .
For your information

The rules for providing workers with PPE apply to employers - legal entities and individuals, regardless of their organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership.

From this document on the issuance of PPE you need to know the following:

  • an employer is allowed to purchase personal protective equipment for temporary use under a lease agreement;
  • PPE is provided to employees in accordance with standard standards and based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions.

If the employer wants to improve the situation of workers... Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer has the right to establish standards for the free issuance of personal protective equipment to employees, which improve, compared to standard standards, the protection of workers from harmful and (or) dangerous factors present in the workplace, special temperature conditions or pollution.
In this case, the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers and the financial and economic situation of the employer are taken into account. The standards established by the employer are approved by local regulations based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions and taking into account the opinion of the relevant trade union or other body authorized by employees and can be included in collective and (or) labor agreements indicating standard standards, in comparison with which the provision of workers is improved PPE ( clause 6 of the Rules for providing workers with PPE ).

Issuance and accounting of personal protective equipment. The employer is obliged to organize proper accounting and control over the issuance of PPE to employees within the established time frame ( clause 13 of the Rules for providing PPE to employees ). The issuance and handing over of PPE to employees is recorded by an entry in the personal record card for the issuance of PPE. The form of such a card is given in the appendix to the Rules for Providing PPE for Workers . The employer can keep records of the issuance of personal protective equipment to employees using software (information and analytical databases). The electronic form of the registration card must correspond to the established form of the personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment. In this case, in the electronic form of the card, instead of the employee’s personal signature, the number and date of the accounting document on the receipt of PPE, on which the employee’s personal signature is indicated, are indicated.

Who should receive PPE

Whatever the organization does, employees are required to receive special clothing. If this is a salesperson in a store, then this is a robe, an apron. Cleaners receive special gowns and gloves. And every employer is required by regulations and law to provide PPE.

By law, the employer provides workers with special clothing at his own expense. All employees of enterprises whose work involves difficult, dangerous or temperature conditions are required to be provided with PPE.

Based on the legislation, there are general and industry standards for the issuance of PPE.

  • General standards apply to those workers whose positions are related to all sectors of the economy. These could be waiters, watchmen.
  • Industry standards are specific to a particular organization. For example, a seamstress works in a consumer services organization, a cash collector in a bank, etc.

Model standards for the issuance of PPE serve to correctly determine to whom and what protective equipment to issue.

In cases where problems arise with the correct issuance of PPE, then workplace certification is carried out and it is determined what personal protective equipment should be used and provided to the employee.

What products are covered by the regulation?

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You need to obtain a TR CU 019 certificate for your products if they belong to the following types of workwear:

  • For work in aggressive chemical environments
  • For radiation protection
  • For operation in extremely high or extremely low temperatures
  • Safety shoes that protect feet from damage
  • Hard hats and helmets
  • Means of protection against electric shock (except for means against exposure to electromagnetic fields and static electricity)
  • Comprehensive personal protective equipment

A detailed list with HS codes can be read in the list of products specified in the annex to decision No. 79 of June 13, 2012.

The legislative framework

Taking into account the legislative framework, which consists of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide employees with PPE and at the same time comply with standard standards for issuing workwear:

  • The workwear meets quality certificates.
  • The employer, at his own expense, provides workers whose work involves harmful and dangerous working conditions with personal protective equipment.
  • Properly organize the issuance and use of PPE.

In turn, workers must also comply with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and properly handle workwear. If his or a co-worker’s condition is poor, the worker is obliged to inform the employer about it. All life-threatening situations are also reported to the supervisor.

There are quite a lot of cases where accidents occur at work due to the fault of workers themselves who neglect to use PPE. Therefore, there was a need to legally oblige workers to use protective clothing correctly.

Who is entitled to receive protective clothing?

To begin with, I would like to especially note that all purchased workwear, safety footwear and personal protective equipment must be certified or have a declaration of conformity with TR CU 019/2011 “On the safety of personal protective equipment”. Leave copies of certificates from each delivery of workwear and keep them in a folder. The inspector, coming with an inspection, can check their presence.

The employer is obliged to provide workers in professions whose activities are related to:

  • harmful and dangerous working conditions;
  • special temperature conditions;
  • pollution.

It turns out that not only blue-collar workers should be provided with free PPE, but also managers and engineers who, while working, visit places where various types of pollution are possible.

What to do with contractors who may work on the territory of your enterprise, who should issue PPE to employees?

Employees of third-party organizations must be provided with special clothing and personal protective equipment at the expense of their employer (clause 18 of Order No. 290n of the Ministry of Social Health Development); special clothing is not required to be issued.

The following also have the right to receive special clothing:

  • trainees of your company;
  • employees who are temporarily transferred to another job;
  • students studying under a student agreement.

PPE certification

Before purchasing PPE, the employer of the enterprise must make sure that the workwear has the appropriate quality certificate. The certification process ensures that PPE is safe for human use and can be used for human protection and safety.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is the employer who is obliged to provide workers with safe working conditions. And therefore he is responsible for the acquisition and issuance of safe protective equipment.

In addition to having a certificate for PPE, when purchasing workwear, the employer must check the expiration date, which is also confirmed by the corresponding certificate.

All workwear must comply with GOST standards.

What is the procedure for certification of workwear?

The entire procedure can be divided into several main stages:

  1. Collecting documents and filing an application for certification.
  2. Selection of samples for testing.
  3. Product testing and, if necessary, production audit.
  4. Drawing up a test report.
  5. Making a decision to issue or refuse to issue a certificate based on the protocol.

You can prepare for certification yourself or contact specialists at a certification company. In the first case, you will save money, and in the second case, you will save effort, nerves and an invaluable resource for any business - time. The fact is that even at the stage of selecting documents and submitting an application, you can make many annoying mistakes that will increase the time it takes to receive a certificate. At the same time, experienced experts immediately know all the features of the procedure and are spared any unpleasant surprises.

Documents required to obtain a certificate for workwear

To complete the certification procedure, you will need to collect the following set of documents:

  • Details of the applicant and complete information about him
  • Information about the purpose, specifics and characteristics of products
  • Copies of technical documentation used to produce the workwear
  • Indication of the protection class
  • Label layout and operating instructions
  • Product packaging sample

Depending on the specific type of product, you may need additional documents, so even if you decide to pursue certification yourself, it is best to first seek advice from specialists.

Certification schemes for workwear according to TR CU 019 2011

There are five schemes used to obtain a certificate:

  • 1C. When do you need to certify serial production of products?
  • 2C. For a single batch of goods.
  • 3C. For PPE samples.
  • 4C and 5C. Schemes used when introducing products into production.

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We invite you to apply for TR CU certificates to us, the LenTechCertification company. If you value your time and don’t want to take risks with paperwork, call us or fill out the feedback form - the company’s employees will tell you more about the procedure, make an assessment and quickly get to work!

Types of standards

The issuance of protective clothing at enterprises is controlled by government agencies. It is especially important to comply with the issuance rules at those enterprises where there is an increased risk of working with harmful and dangerous substances, as well as temperature conditions. Products that are designed to protect workers have appropriate standards.

Their variety is very large.

An example of some types of standards for PPE:

  1. Safety glasses . Serve to provide visual protection. Produced in accordance with GOST R12.4.013-97. This type of PPE can protect your eyes from any damage.
  2. Overalls. This includes all personal protective equipment that can be used in industry, production, namely vests, gowns, suits, etc.
  3. Protective clothing for hands. These are all types of gloves - rubber, cotton, which protect hands from exposure to harmful agents. As well as thermal or chemical damage.
  4. Shoes. Provides protection to the lower extremities. Large industries often use vibration-proof shoes that reduce vibration, which helps eliminate discomfort when walking.

What other supporting documentation may be required for workwear?

Depending on the specific type of product, you may need additional certification of workwear:

  • For most types of workwear, you need to obtain documentary evidence of hygienic safety. For this purpose, a state registration certificate is issued, certifying that the clothing meets sanitary standards.
  • For workwear intended for fire service employees, it will be necessary to obtain a certificate of compliance with the Technical Regulations “On Fire Safety Requirements.”

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Required documents

When an employee gets a job, he must read the employment contract, which specifies the rules and regulations under which PPE will be issued.

The document that displays the issuance of PPE contains information about the worker, his personal data, profession or position. Next, information about PPE is written down, when and in what quantity it was received, as well as the period of their use.

Information about the issuance of workwear can also be displayed in the worker’s personal card.

Care of workwear

Since PPE is the property of the employer, it is his responsibility to ensure cleaning and maintenance of the workwear. To do this, the enterprise must have appropriate dry cleaners. If this is not possible at the enterprise itself, the employer enters into an agreement with contractors who are responsible for the removal and cleaning of workwear.

It is also the employer’s responsibility to ensure that PPE is properly stored so that it does not lose its functionality. The enterprise must provide the employee with spare sets of protective clothing while the contaminated protective equipment is being dry-cleaned or washed.

Terms of use

When applying for a job that involves the use of PPE, the employer must have a conversation with the future employee about the rules for using protective clothing. Not every person knows and can understand how to dress or what the main functions of PPE are.

If possible, enterprises hold master classes or other events where workers learn and practice using PPE correctly.

This is also necessary so that the employee can independently determine the serviceability of protective equipment, such as a gas mask. Had an idea of ​​why you need to wear or use PPE. And also after such instruction, the employee will have to sign in the journal with a note that he is familiar with the rules of conduct with workwear.

Special clothing for reception or transfer

As has already been said, it is the employer who is obliged to provide workers with special clothing when they get a job. The same applies when an employee combines work or is transferred to another job.

  1. Combination of works . In the case of combining several jobs at an enterprise or professions, the employer, in addition to basic workwear, must also provide other types of PPE that are suitable for a particular type of work. This is carried out according to the criteria established for industry issuance standards or improved standards.
  2. Translation. If an employee is transferred to another position or if he undergoes professional training (student internship), then PPE is issued temporarily.

Responsibility of workers and employers

  1. Responsibility of workers towards personal protective equipment. Each employee must properly treat the workwear issued to him. If he spoils it, then the money spent on the purchase of protective equipment is withheld from wages. If PPE becomes unusable through no fault of the worker, then the employer must issue new protective clothing. An employee has the right to refuse to perform dangerous work if he is not provided with PPE or if it does not meet the standards. Employees do not have the right to remove personal protective equipment from the territory of the enterprise, since it is the property of the employer. In the event of a PPE malfunction, the employer must be informed. And issue new PPE as soon as possible.
  2. Employer's responsibility to PPE. Based on established laws, the employer is obliged to provide workers with workwear that must comply with quality certificates. In case of violations of standard standards for issuing PPE, the employer may be held liable.


  1. If work at an enterprise involves hazardous substances, then people are provided with PPE. Moreover, the employer must provide workers with special clothing.
  2. The employer is responsible for quality PPE, which purchases and checks for defects in workwear.
  3. Before starting work, the employee must undergo training on the rules of conduct with workwear and its use.
  4. The employee, as well as the employer, is responsible for workwear.
  5. PPE is considered the property of the enterprise and therefore can only be rented by the employee.
  6. A worker may refuse to perform hazardous work if he or she has not been provided with PPE.
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