Is it necessary to keep an electrical safety training log - sample, accounting and registration rules

All activities carried out at the enterprise in the field of labor protection require documentation and strict accounting. This is also relevant to the control of knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, since working with electricity is considered dangerous to the health and life of employees of the relevant profile.

The need for accounting is determined by legal requirements, and supervisory government agencies always check documentation related to electrical safety at the enterprise, including the employer testing knowledge in this area with the results reflected in a special journal.

Which companies are required to keep a log?

The journal, which relates to technical documentation, is required to be maintained by all companies that own electrical equipment with voltage from 1 thousand to 220 thousand volts. In this case, the organizational and legal status of the company does not matter: this applies equally to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

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In addition, if an enterprise has several structural divisions (shops, sections, departments), then each of them must have its own electrical equipment logbook.

Magazine for issuing electrical safety certificates

Taking into account the delivery of training to higher-level groups requires a more careful approach. Thus, the form of the journal for such accounting is regulated by law. It is given in Appendix No. 5 to Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 328n. You can find this document on our website. After this, it will be enough to print it and enter the necessary information into the log. Another option for fulfilling the employer’s responsibilities in this situation would be to purchase a ready-made journal for subsequent filling out. This year, it reflects information on training events carried out with the aim of assigning electrical safety groups to employees starting from II. It also records information about the results of such activities: whether the employee received the required group.

Other electrical safety magazines

In addition to the listed logs, it is recommended that the enterprise have samples of documents that record electrical safety instructions for workers. Thus, according to Order No. 6, it is necessary to organize the maintenance of two types of briefing logs at the enterprise:

  • a journal for recording introductory briefings upon hiring;
  • a journal for recording other types of briefings, including primary, repeated, unscheduled and specialized briefings for organizing certain types of work.

The presence of these documents allows the company to avoid fines and other sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements of current legislation. In addition, such logs are convenient for tracking training already conducted and planning future activities by the organization itself.

Why do you need a magazine?

Any electrical equipment poses a potential threat to the life and health of personnel, so it requires regular maintenance, the frequency of which is determined by the management of the organization, based on the standards established by law and the company’s own needs. During control actions and tests, the condition of the electrical installation is checked, the need for repairs and the possibility of its further use are determined.

At the same time, all workers involved in this procedure are required to have personal protective equipment and strictly follow the rules for working with electrical equipment.

Based on this, the tasks that are solved with the help of an electrical equipment logbook are quite obvious: it allows you to quickly track when this or that equipment was installed, when it was last tested, what activities were carried out during the inspection, what results were obtained, etc. d.

Thus, complete and timely control of electrical installations is carried out, which in turn helps to avoid unplanned, unforeseen situations and accidents.

Development and approval of documentation

In modern production, any enterprise, any organization is a consumer of electricity.
Lighting, computers, electrical appliances, power tools, machine tools, etc. and so on. — the totality of all this is electrical installations. We will professionally and quickly develop a set of electrical safety documentation from scratch on a turnkey basis. The cost starts from 10 tr. and is determined by the number of jobs and the nature of the work. An energy service can be created to service electrical installations at an enterprise. If such a service is not needed, then the operation of electrical installations can be performed by a specialized organization or personnel of another enterprise (under contract). One of the main tasks of this service is precisely the development of electrical safety documentation (hereinafter referred to as ES).

Electrical safety documentation is developed at the enterprise (organization) by this same energy service. But the presence or absence of such a service does not guarantee the absence of errors in the development of electronic documentation. For example, a common mistake is to conduct briefings by untrained persons; they often make mistakes when filling out logs, permit orders, etc.

Therefore, the development of electrical safety documentation is often entrusted to specialized organizations. This is faster, better quality and, ultimately, cheaper.

Who keeps the journal

The maintenance and content of the log is the responsibility of the employee whose job responsibilities include this function: usually this is the person responsible for electrical equipment. This may also be an employee assigned to this by a separate order of the head of the enterprise. In any case, this must be a person who has undergone special training and has certain knowledge and is authorized to work with electrical equipment. It should be noted that in some cases entire commissions are appointed to inspect electrical equipment.

You should be very careful and scrupulous in keeping the log, avoiding mistakes when filling it out, since in the event of visits from representatives of supervisory authorities, liability for identified violations can be quite serious.

Development order.

First, a list of electrical equipment that is available at the enterprise is developed. Then the staffing table and payroll of the enterprise are analyzed from an electronics point of view.

Based on these data, documentation on electronic security is developed and it begins with compiling a list of documentation on electronic security. This list includes not only organizational, administrative (orders, instructions) and other documents developed at the enterprise, but also regulations (laws, norms, rules) according to which the enterprise will ensure the safe operation of electrical installations. This is necessary in order not to overload personnel with unnecessary, unnecessary knowledge, to the detriment of necessary knowledge. For example, the personnel of a commercial enterprise do not need to know the safety rules when working on overhead power lines.

How to create a magazine

Today, the magazine can be made in free form, since there is no uniform standard. However, if an organization uses its own document template, it should be used. The magazine form is also widespread, which was previously mandatory for use, because it contains all the necessary lines and columns, and, if necessary, you can easily “customize” it to suit yourself.

The journal is compiled in a single original copy, no duplicates are made.

In this case, the journal can be maintained both electronically and in live form. If the journal is kept in a “live” form, all its sheets must be numbered and stitched using thick thread, and the last page indicates the number of sheets, the date and signature of the responsible employee.

Entries in the journal should be made carefully, you should try to avoid errors and inaccuracies, but if any do occur, corrections must be made in compliance with certain standards: carefully cross out the incorrect information and add the correct information on top, then sign and sign, Fr.

The generated journal must be assigned a separate number, which is included in the list of technical documentation of the enterprise.

The completed journal is transferred to the archive, and a new one is issued in its place. The storage period for the journal is determined either by the standards specified in the legislation or by the internal local regulations of the organization.

Features of maintenance and accounting

All employees of the organization must undergo training on compliance with safety rules when working with electrical appliances, depending on the category of work performed.

The main feature of maintaining such a log is the distribution of enterprise personnel into security groups, in accordance with which instructions are carried out.

The procedure for conducting instructions for electrical safety group 2, for group 1.

For one group, it is carried out once and twice a year. Other workers who are in constant contact with complex equipment undergo training more often.

It is legally established that personnel at an enterprise can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Non-electrical personnel - work with electrical appliances occurs only occasionally. Complex electrical equipment is not used during work activities. A mark in the log is placed upon hiring after an introductory briefing and assignment of 1st category of electrical safety. Most often, office employees who use only household electrical appliances fall into this category of workers.
  2. Electrical technical personnel, in turn, are divided into two subcategories:
  • The first subcategory carries out direct work with complex electrical equipment and is exposed to the risk of electrical injury. This subcategory requires category 2 electrical safety and undergoes occupational safety training on an ongoing basis and, accordingly, often makes notes in the logbook.
  • The second subcategory of electrical personnel carries out repairs and maintenance of complex equipment, which requires obtaining an electrical safety category from 3 to 5 and special skills when handling these devices. In relation to this group, instruction is carried out on an ongoing basis, about which appropriate notes are made in the logbook.

In accordance with the division of these groups, the registration log itself is divided depending on the positions that are assigned a certain category.

Another feature of the management is the very specificity of the briefings carried out - activities are carried out to prevent injuries and preserve health in relation to citizens when working with electricity.

You cannot put notes in this document about the conduct of regular labor protection training, since these activities differ in goals, objectives and groups of workers.

Also, this log should be filled out only for the subject of its maintenance, that is, the implementation of electrical safety measures.

If violations are detected by the labor inspectorate, an administrative fine will be imposed on the responsible person and the enterprise.

Who fills it out?

The responsible specialist of the organization is responsible for filling out the logbook and registering the training.

The manager, by order, appoints a responsible person from among the employees of the labor protection unit who has the appropriate training and qualifications.

In the absence of such, the employee is sent to advanced training courses and, after completing them, begins the duties of conducting instruction in this area.

The specialist is responsible for the safety of the log, its correct and complete completion, and ensures that the organization’s employees complete the training.

In addition, the specialist draws up plans, programs and initiates training.

Registration procedure

When carrying out these electrical safety events among employees of an organization, there is a uniform procedure for recording and making entries in the journal, as well as the stages of training:

  1. Issuance of an order on the event by the management of the organization. This document is published based on the request of the person in charge. The document indicates the duration of the training, time and place, appoints the persons responsible for its implementation, and also indicates the group and range of positions in respect of which it should be carried out, indicating personal data.
  2. Development by the responsible person of instructions and regulations on the implementation of measures, as well as the actual implementation of theoretical and practical classes on electrical safety, depending on the category of workers.
  3. Placing a mark (signature) by the organization’s employees on completion of training and obtaining the necessary knowledge when handling electrical devices.
  4. Signing by the person in charge confirming that the training has been successfully completed and the necessary information has been communicated to employees. Also, successful completion can be marked by an order from the organization.

This procedure ensures the correctness and sufficiency of preventive procedures in the organization.

A standard form for a logbook for electrical safety briefings is word.

We also offer a magazine for instruction on electronic security for 1st admission group - link.

Sample logbook for electrical equipment

If you are faced with the task of creating and maintaining a log of electrical equipment that you have not dealt with before, look at the sample document below and read the explanations for it - with their help you will do what you need without much effort.

  1. First of all, enter into the journal the name of the company, the structural unit in which it is compiled, the start date (in the future, do not forget to indicate the date when the journal will end).
  2. Next, create a table in which you must include information about the name of the electrical equipment, its inventory number, and the date of the last inspection.
  3. Then state the reasons for the current test, the methods and methods used in it, and the results.
  4. Then enter the date of the next control activities, indicate the name and position of the inspector, and sign.
  5. If you consider it necessary, then supplement the journal with other information that seems important to you, and you can also add a column with notes.

Certification journal for electrical safety for group I

  • Certification journal for electrical safety for group I
  • Magazine for issuing electrical safety certificates
  • Other electrical safety magazines

The procedure for maintaining logs in the field of electrical safety varies depending on what specific training events are recorded in it. Thus, training of non-electrical personnel for group I is carried out in a special manner. According to clause 1.4.4 of Order No. 6, courses are conducted in the form of special instructions. Based on its results, the employer organizes a knowledge test in the form of an oral survey or a practical exercise, where employees demonstrate the acquired skills. In this situation, data on successful completion of the test must be recorded only in the log. The issuance of sample electrical safety certificates is not provided.

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