How often should you fill out the workplace training logbook? Thank you. | Moscow

Everyone knows that repetition is the mother of learning, and in labor protection, in order not to forget how to work safely, you need to refresh your knowledge regularly. Many people probably drive a car and will confirm my words that we knew the rules perfectly only when we were preparing to take the exam, and then over time the knowledge is lost, confused and forgotten. For this reason, accidents happen very often, we don’t know the safety rules on the road and we’re all in a hurry to get somewhere.

No matter how sad it may sound, the labor safety rules are written in blood, and in order to move towards minimal injuries, it is necessary to carry out repeated instructions on labor safety in the workplace.

In this note I will tell you about the frequency, who should and should not undergo it, how to properly prepare the documents, in the comments write your questions or examples from personal experience in conducting repeated training.

Repeated training on labor protection in the workplace

An obligatory part in any work activity is regular instruction on how to behave safely, what to do if a fire or accident occurs, because even an experienced seasoned worker can forget or confuse the sequence over time, which is why periodic repetition is required.

Moreover, by conducting repeated instructions on labor protection, the person in charge informs the employee about the introduction of new rules, changes in the law, and thereby improves the employee’s qualifications, because this is the real way to minimize injuries in the organization.

The main document regulating the obligation is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (clause 7 of Article 212), and specifically a repeat one is needed on the basis of clause 2.1.5 of Resolution No. 1/29; it cannot be ignored, otherwise you will face a fine.

Employer's liability for lack of repeated training

The employer does not have the right to allow employees to perform their duties without promptly re-instructing them; if this happens, then administrative liability is inevitable, and even if the date is violated, this will also be the reason.

This administrative liability is assessed under Part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Administrative Code and legal entities are fined in the amount of 110,000 to 130,000 rubles.

How can another violation be detected? The inspector can request a staffing table and check whether all employees of a particular department have received repeated training on labor protection in a timely manner, even if he does not find one, he will prepare an order.

Who is undergoing refresher training?

In order to avoid penalties, you need to figure out who is undergoing repeated training? Like primary, it is not required for everyone, but only:

  • taken for a short period of time;
  • combining responsibilities;
  • trainees;
  • remotely working employees;
  • business travelers and so on working with equipment, units and tools.

Simply put, everyone who is exempted by an enterprise order from undergoing initial training is automatically exempt from repeated training.

Who conducts the refresher training?

The repeated briefing repeats the initial one and is accordingly carried out by the head of the unit, responsible for compliance with labor protection and who has completed training at the training center according to a 40-hour program.

This responsibility cannot be transferred to a labor protection specialist, as it would be a gross violation. I draw your attention because I have repeatedly seen that shifting from one shoulder to another is allowed.

This responsibility is established by an order from the employer, but in principle you already have one, since there is only one for all types of briefings in the workplace. If you missed this point, then read the previous note.

Frequency of repeated briefings

From the name of the briefing it is clear that repeated briefings must be carried out at certain intervals, as stated in clause 2.1.5 of Resolution No. 1/29.

The frequency of repeated training is at least once every 6 months.

But there is another important point, which is indicated in clause 2.1.8 of the Resolution on the training procedure, in pursuance of which the employer must instruct employees more often, based on inter-industry regulations (RLA) on labor protection.

For example, let’s take clause 9 of the Occupational Safety and Health Rules (OHR) for the placement, installation, maintenance and repair of process equipment (Order No. 310n dated June 23, 2016), which states that during work that is subject to increased labor safety requirements, Repeated training should be carried out at least once every 3 months.

It turns out that we are looking for suitable POTs, determining the frequency, and fixing it with an order.

In order not to be confused about the frequency of employees working in high-risk conditions and not, the order was assigned to everyone equally, once a quarter, for cleaners, electricians and electric and gas welders. After all, in any case, the Procedure regulates us to conduct at least 1 every six months, which means we can instruct everyone at least every month, with the exception of those released :)

Is it necessary to keep a log of targeted occupational safety training?

Targeted instruction has a peculiarity. It is understood that after it the employee is required to perform actions that are different from the usual ones. Therefore, before an employee begins a new task, he should familiarize himself with the safety precautions applicable to a specific non-standard case.

Instructions of this nature are carried out before liquidating the consequences of an emergency, holding public events (excursions, holidays, competitions, etc.), carrying out work for which a permit is required.

Conducting targeted briefings is subject to mandatory recording and registration. For this purpose, the company draws up and maintains a special journal accordingly. The head of the organization appoints the person responsible for this action.

The training procedure itself includes several successive stages:

  • providing direct instruction by the responsible specialist;
  • familiarizing employees with the necessary materials;
  • making entries in the accounting and registration journal.

Responsibility for filling out the document rests with the specialist conducting targeted training on labor protection. This employee must have the appropriate knowledge and regularly undergo special training. In the process of his work, the person in charge is guided by orders and programs developed by the management of the company.

The fact that responsibility for maintaining a journal is imposed must be documented. For this purpose, the company management issues a corresponding order.

Filling procedure

The journal of the specified sample must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules established at the legislative level. A sample document recommended for use is given in GOST.

The log should be free of errors and corrections. The presence of such may make it invalid and the information contained in it unreliable.

The technology for preparing briefing logs is identical in almost all cases. In the center of the document its full name is indicated. If each structural unit in the company has its own journal, then its name is also written here.

The option of maintaining a single journal for the entire organization is also allowed. In each case, the documentation technology is determined by the employer. Most often this depends on the number of employees. The name of the organization is also written here.

After the name of the document, the start date of its maintenance is indicated. A space is left next to it for the end date. The data in this line is entered on an actual basis.

The main part of the document is presented in tabular form. Its columns have the following content:

  • date of entry;
  • initials of the person being instructed;
  • date of birth of the person who attended the instruction;
  • listener's position in full (according to the employment contract);
  • the reason for the need to conduct it, since the targeted briefing is not carried out according to schedule;
  • the initials of the instructor and the admitter at the same time;
  • signatures of the responsible parties - the person being instructed and the instructor.

The log of registration of the fact of conducting targeted briefing cannot be issued in electronic form. This is explained quite simply - each responsible person must leave his personal signature on the document.

Before use, the magazine is bound and its pages must be numbered.

The document must be formatted accordingly. If necessary, it may be requested by regulatory authorities, so it is important to take care of filling it out correctly in advance.

Sample log of targeted briefing on labor protection.

How is refresher training carried out?

This type of instruction is carried out similarly to the primary one; material on safe work rules is repeated. When instructing employees, it is also necessary to mention the accidents that occurred during the quarter, if any, and analyze violations of labor protection requirements that were recorded during this period.

But the repeated briefing on labor protection itself should not only come down to repeating documents, but it is also worth listening to the workers, perhaps they have some suggestions for improving working conditions. For example, the protective screen may be broken on one of the machines, an urgent replacement is required, or the casing is faulty. Timely repairs can protect the worker from injury.

But there are such simple cases when, for example, a turner’s mount on his glasses broke and he continued to work without them. Supposedly it’s more convenient this way, since he is an experienced and seasoned specialist. As a result, this turner suffered a serious eye injury. Metal shavings flew in.

From long-term observations, the majority of labor safety violations are committed by “grated rolls”, which are always knee-deep in the sea. And when conducting briefings, you don’t need to think that if he has been working for a long time, you can get by with a signature in the journal.

Repeated instruction on labor protection at this enterprise was purely for show, and was carried out in regular conversations, then disability and investigation could have been avoided.

After all, the more efficiently a manager conducts repeated training in the workplace with his subordinates, the greater the chance of reducing injuries or preventing them altogether.

But you must not forget about the correct execution of documents, otherwise the inspector will remind you about this :)

Refresher program

The re-instruction program is not developed separately; it is enough to use the same ones as for the initial one, plus instructions on labor protection for professions and types of work.

Conducted a briefing, ask each individual employee or group working on the same type of equipment a few questions. You need to make sure that they heard and remembered the information received that you wanted to convey to them.

Because if he cannot answer your questions, under no circumstances should you hire such a careless employee.

If the manager’s answers are satisfactory, then you should move on to the next stage - registration in the journal.

Retraining log

Repeated briefings must be recorded in the same journal as for the initial briefing. The only difference is that in column 5 “Type of instruction” it is indicated – repeated.

The main point when conducting instructions and filling out the log is not to miss the date. If the delay is several days and you do not have an explanation, for example, a report card indicating that the employee is on sick leave or on vacation, prepare to be fined for violating the procedure for conducting briefings.

You should also remember about common mistakes when filling out the retraining log and avoid them:

  1. Abbreviations of first and middle names. Write it down in full, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.
  2. Corrections and crossing-outs, using a proofreader or pasting over lines. It’s better to carefully cross out the incorrect line and write “the entry was made by mistake,” put the date and signature.
  3. Gaps between entries. Fill out the log in each line, otherwise the inspector may suspect that you simply want to add an entry later.

If you have your own examples or experience when conducting repeated training, tell us in the comments, it’s interesting to everyone.

In addition to the above, I suggest you watch a video in which I tell you in detail about mistakes when conducting and preparing initial and repeated briefings, and also leave a link to my Youtube channel, where you can find other useful information.

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