My husband says I'm not doing anything! I work two jobs, cook at home, clean (if possible), that is. I don’t make a mess, I maintain order. How to behave correctly?

Why is this happening?

However, it must be said that some people do this not of their own free will, but because they are forced to. They even work four or more jobs to pay bills or make ends meet.

For example, a young girl works as an actress, assistant dance instructor, nanny, and also as an administrator in a cycling studio. Monthly income varies greatly. If it drops to the lower level, then almost all the funds have to be paid for rent, and the rest to pay off loans.

This leads to the girl constantly worrying about money. She constantly lives from paycheck to paycheck. She is periodically reminded that at her age she needs to save for retirement, but she cannot afford the additional expenses.

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What does the Labor Code say?

You should start with the fact that you still have to choose. There can be only one main official source of income. However, you can work completely officially in other jobs. In this case, all other jobs will be part-time jobs. According to Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you can work part-time:

  • At the place of main work, that is, in the same organization;
  • With another employer.

But even taking into account such freedom of choice in design, part-time work has a list of restrictions. The sheer number of part-time jobs can be very diverse, if the conditions for such part-time work are met.

Many people take up additional part-time work unofficially in order to receive illegal, but larger earnings by not paying taxes. However, part-time work will be able to prove your experience, which will play an important role when applying for a higher position.

Nobody thinks about money

Most people would criticize this girl. They will say that there is no need for her to rent a separate apartment. It's entirely possible to find a roommate to split the rent. They will also not forget to point out that instead of four part-time jobs, you need to find one normal job, and so on.

However, the reality is that most people do not think so pragmatically. They don't like to think about money, so they don't do it. They think completely differently and are happy that they have money in their pocket for drinks on Friday night. When unexpected expenses arise, they use credit cards.

It is impossible to force a person to think about his own finances if he does not. It's like a concerned family member trying to get a drunk to quit his bad habit.

Employee rights at additional work

Is it legal to work two jobs officially and what rights does an employee have at his second, additional job? In the area of ​​rights and obligations, part-time activities are no different from the main one. Thus, an employee can always count on regularly receiving payment for the actions he performs.

In addition, he can also receive allowances and various bonuses, if any are provided for by the company's regulations. We should not forget about social guarantees; they also remain unchanged and are regulated by the Labor Code. When working part-time, you have the right to receive paid leave in each company.

However, this issue still has its own additional nuances. Thus, allowances and guarantees for workers in the Far North are provided for the main job and do not apply to additional work.

If an employee is sick or going on maternity leave, he can take advantage of social benefits in both companies. This point is determined by Federal Law No. 255 (Article 13, paragraph 2). In this case, sick leave in the prescribed form must be provided to each employer.

Why do you need extra work?

First of all, having a second job allows you to solve financial problems. When you can't make ends meet or cut expenses, you have to earn more money. That's why a second job is the easiest way for most people to do it. Even if you don't want to budget, cut expenses, automate your savings, or stop using credit cards, you can get a second job.

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However, let's be honest. Not everyone is ready to do this. However, those who are ready still come forward.

A second job will help you get out of debt and gain financial security. That's why some people juggle multiple jobs without worrying that it's hurting their personal life or leaving them with less free time.

Algorithm for hiring additional work

How to work two jobs officially? What documents must be provided to register a part-time job? When going to a second job, do not forget to take with you the main identification document (passport), an education diploma confirming your qualifications and specialty, as well as a certificate from the place of your main job, which contains information about the conditions of its implementation and specifics. Please note that this list of documents is general; the local HR department may well ask you to provide other necessary information. Thus, males are always asked to provide military registration documents; a certificate of pension insurance is often useful. As for the work book, its presence for re-registration is not mandatory, since it is stored directly at the main job.

The next step is the signing of an employment contract with a note about part-time work, on the basis of which the HR department issues an order for hiring, and then creates a personal card for each such employee.

Two incomes are better than one

When you take on a second job, you gain several benefits.

  • Extra money to pay off debt, start saving, or just live better.
  • Income diversification. You can lose one job and still have a source of income.
  • Additional connections and career opportunities. Sometimes extra work can turn into something more.

Now that you understand the benefits of earning a second income, here are some of the best options.

Nuances of part-time design

Now that you know whether it is officially possible to work two jobs, you need to clarify additional nuances of combining. First of all, you need to agree on the schedule officially permitted by the Labor Code. Thus, a citizen is allocated no more than 4 hours a day for additional work, provided that before this the employee performed his direct job duties during a full shift. A day off (if it falls between Monday and Friday at your main job) can be used for part-time work in full.

Another limitation does not apply to the duration of work per day, but to its total duration. Thus, the additional load drawn up under the contract must necessarily be limited by a time frame, that is, the document must indicate its validity period. However, it should be noted that indefinite employment contracts can also be issued for combinations. In this case, their termination is carried out at the initiative of one of the parties or by their general agreement.

Car rent

This is a huge new industry. If you have a car, you can earn extra money. Just rent it out and continue doing your business while the vehicle brings you additional income. Compare several options to choose the best deal.

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Hobby as a source of income

Often personal hobbies can bring additional income. For example, if a woman is interested in needlework, then she can sew custom-made clothes, dolls, and produce household items (for example, make soap).

A photography enthusiast can learn the basics of photo editing, take appropriate advanced courses and become a professional photographer. The advantage of this type of work is that you can take orders for photography in your free time, and process photos in the evenings. However, it is worth considering the degree of possible load. After all, in one hour of shooting you can get about 100 photos, each of which then needs to be processed.

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Despite the large number of options for a second job, you should be wary of enticing advertisements on the Internet regarding network marketing, financial pyramids and other dubious sources of income, where you first need to deposit funds into the company’s account.

When looking for an additional source of income, you should not chase a big salary. The body needs to be given time to rest. Otherwise, such exhaustive work will require a lot of money in the future for restoration of health and treatment.

Caring for people or dogs

You can provide babysitting services, pick up children from school, and so on. This is a simple job, it may not bring in a lot of income, but it certainly won’t be superfluous.

The only thing people love more than their children is their pets. That's why they will pay for you to take care of their pets properly. If you like pets, this can be a source of additional income. All you have to do is find owners who are willing to pay you.

Combining two jobs: pros and cons

As an option to earn extra money, you can try part-time work in Moscow. This method of additional income will be interesting and effective not only for students who plan to work in their free time from studying, but also for fully qualified specialists with good work experience. Often, the reason for searching for a reliable source of additional income is the low level of wages at the main place of work. That is why now more and more Ukrainians want to combine two jobs, or are constantly looking for it. Data from a sociological survey conducted in Ukraine in October last year by sociologists from an independent research center show that less than 6% of respondents are completely satisfied with the level of wages and their work - less than 6% of respondents, 28% of Ukrainians already have additional income, and 60% of respondents are constantly trying to find and get it. There are three main ways to generate additional income that are especially popular now.

Firstly , if a specialist has a sufficiently high level of experience in his main specialization, he can receive additional income in this particular area. For example, an English teacher, after finishing lessons at a school or university, can give additional lessons to pupils or students, and in such a situation you can work even on weekends. A taxi driver can also provide services to clients in his free time from his main job. And a web designer or programmer can carry out orders even at home.

Secondly , a qualified specialist can successfully use his own hobby as a decent part-time job. For example, an amateur artist can sell his paintings at the vernissage, a sculptor can sell sculptures, and a potter can sell ceramics and crafts. In short, any other things that a person can do on his own.

Thirdly , an employee can, in his free time from his main work, perform work that does not require an additional special level of qualification. For example, if a teacher or engineer works as a parking lot guard at night.

Nowadays, the higher the level of qualification of a specialist, the greater his chances and opportunities to find a worthy desired job. However, an equally important aspect of employment is the seamless combination of main and additional jobs. As a rule, specialists with a high level of experience and qualifications have the opportunity to choose a work schedule at their own discretion and their salary level depends on the result of their work, and not on the number of hours they spent at the place of work.

It must be remembered that combining several types of work is possible for specialists of only certain types of professions. The specifics of the main job, income level, physical and psychological stress - these are the factors of choice in this situation. It is unlikely that an experienced surgeon would agree to work as a janitor after his main job, but the therapist would probably give an injection to his neighbor’s grandmother.

Let's analyze the main problems that you may encounter at your main job if you want to work somewhere else.

First of all, it should be emphasized that the employer will most likely not like the fact that the employee has an additional place of work. As a rule, the employer considers such a person’s desire to be a conflict of interest or even betrayal of the company. This is the opinion of mainly the owners of companies, but sometimes hired managers adhere to a similar point of view. After all, if an employee has additional time to earn money, this means that the level of his duties at his main place of work is insufficient. As a result, such an employee can be assigned to perform additional functions, and if he does not want to perform them, then the attitude towards such an employee on the part of the team and management almost always becomes worse at the main job. In order to avoid conflict between employees in the future, you can use the services of HR Security and do a lie detector test.

In no case should you neglect the possibility of proper rest and taking care of your own strength and health. After all, you need them to work effectively. It is extremely important to analyze your own readiness and susceptibility to additional workloads, and not just to receiving the desired additional income. It is clear that a person is looking for additional income due to a constant lack of funds. But remember that you still won’t be able to earn all the money, and the time you can spend with your loved one, family or friends and your health are worth more than any money.

The best way out of the situation is to find a compromise between the desire for additional income and time for relaxation. The main thing is to correctly distribute your own strength.

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back side

You must understand that working several jobs at once is not so easy. This requires something more valuable than money - your time, which you could spend in a completely different way.

There is no need to overwork yourself by working a hundred hours a week. However, you can easily take on extra work that definitely won't kill you, especially if you're young or single.

Of course, when combining several jobs, some moments become especially difficult. It is possible that one day you will have an irresistible desire to quit everything as quickly as possible. However, you must not forget about your ultimate goal. If you want to pay off your debts quickly, calculate how much money you need and how long it will take you to earn it. Having determined the time period during which you can achieve the set goal, you will continue to perform responsibilities.

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Is it possible to work two jobs at the same time without going crazy?

This is difficult and requires a certain skill, but if you analyze the working day of any person, it turns out that a lot of time is spent on social networks and long tea parties. Just imagine that you could have slept 2 hours more today if you hadn’t started scrolling through your Facebook feed yesterday!

Is it possible to work two jobs at the same time for years?

You need to keep the end goal in mind and understand what you are working for now, like a workhorse.

If the thought that such a schedule will never come to an end haunts you, then very quickly you will no longer cope with stress.

So always think about what the next step will be.

For example, you will pay off the loan and with the remaining money you can still reward yourself with a good vacation. If the final goal is not defined in time, then very quickly you will begin to get tired. This is how our psyche works. If we don’t see a solution to a problem, a final stop, we begin to panic and lose stamina. How long will the current situation last? A year, two? When can you give yourself a break? You need to understand the specific answer to this question.

You can work multiple jobs, but it is important to do what you enjoy.

For example, if you are a creative person and constantly receive a lot of orders, but do not feel tired of what you do, then you are lucky. You can live your life non-stop, working and improving. At the same time, you will earn decent money, but you will not be as tired as if, say, you worked in the office and then took projects home for revision.

However, if your main activity exhausts you, then try to find something you like. For example, some people get up earlier, and after working in the office they continue their day developing some personal projects, their own business, which brings pleasure. In this case, you work for the future and in order to leave exhausting hired work.

Read on the topic Hobby or work: how to make money from a hobby

When people ask whether it is possible to work two jobs at the same time, the answer is clear - of course, it is possible if there is such a need. However, you need to be able to plan, disconnect from thoughts about work while you are resting.

Tip - write down all the things you need to do. For each project, keep a separate card, notebook, notepad. As soon as you complete a task, cross it off immediately.

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