Filling out the fire safety briefing log

Why is it needed and what is it provided for?

A sample form of the fire safety briefing log is approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 No. 645. The same document explains the need for the existence of such an accounting book, directly providing for the organization’s obligation to:

  • enter into the form information about introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted instructions;
  • certify the information with the signatures of the employee who was instructed and the instructor.

If there are no records, the employer is violating the provisions established by Fire Safety Standards No. 645, which is the basis for imposing punishment on the organization.

Types of fire safety training

There are 5 types of such instruction, which are also enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 N 645:

  • The induction is carried out when employees are admitted to the organization (not necessarily individually) in a separate room using special visual aids and training materials, and ends with training actions to extinguish a potential fire and a survey on knowledge of fire extinguishing means and personal protection. Also applies to seasonal workers, students undergoing internships, and business travelers.
  • Initial on-the-job training takes place with each employee separately, introducing them to the immediate work environment. During the training, practical skills in using fire extinguishing equipment are developed, actions in case of fire, rules of evacuation and emergency assistance to victims are demonstrated.
  • Repeated testing is carried out at least once a year, individually or with a group of employees using the same type of equipment. All employees, without exception, must listen to it and confirm their knowledge. Workers in fire-hazardous industries test their knowledge once every six months.
  • Unscheduled may be caused by changes in the technological process, violations of fire safety requirements, interruption of work, information about accidents at similar production enterprises, or the identification of insufficient knowledge of workers.
  • The target is carried out when performing one-time dangerous work, explosive work using fire, eliminating the consequences of accidents and disasters, holding public events and excursions at the enterprise.

Magazine form

A sample fire safety briefing log is given in Appendix 1 to Order No. 645.


An employer may be held liable:

  • for the absence of a magazine at the enterprise (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated February 18, 2014 in case No. A05-8444/2013);
  • for lack of correspondence between the form of the document available in the organization and the form established by Order No. 645 (Decision of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court dated 06/05/2013 in case No. 72-352/2013).

If you work with a contracting company, monitor its work

If a contractor is responsible for fire safety in your company, you need to know how to monitor its work. Mikhail Shuchev told what needs to be done:

  • understand the hardware yourself,
  • ask what the contractor does,
  • demand, carefully check contracts,
  • apply sanctions.

It is necessary to debug control: you can do this yourself or with the help of a third party. Request commercial agreements and do not turnkey everything to one company. This way you will eliminate the risk of missing deadlines and ensure cross-control of contractors.

Do not sign certificates of completed work without checking the operability of the objects. Avoid subcontracting, because resellers (outbid) mean higher prices and lower quality.

If you work with a contracting company, watch the recording of the online seminar and learn five ways to avoid going broke on fire safety measures.

What the Authority needs to know about fire safety in an apartment building


Registration requirements

A sample log of fire safety instructions includes an extensive list of information about fire safety instructions. The document can be purchased at a printing house in finished form or printed and bound in an organization using an established template.

It should contain the following positions:

  • date of the PPI;
  • FULL NAME. an employee who has been instructed in fire safety;
  • year of birth of the employee;
  • position or profession of the employee;
  • type of training provided;
  • FULL NAME. instructor;
  • signatures of the instructor and the employee who was instructed.

Document needed:

  • lace;
  • number before use;
  • seal it by attaching on the back (to the ends of the lacing) a strip of paper on which to indicate the number of pages that are numbered and laced;
  • affix the stamp so that its imprint is partially on the strip of paper. and partly on the final page.

After this, it must be certified by the signature of the manager.

Rules for filling out the logbook for fire safety briefings

The legislation establishes strict standards for filling out and maintaining current logs, as well as storing archival documents.

When filling out the pages of the journal, it is prohibited:

  • skip, fill in lines in the journal with dashes or the letter “Z”;
  • cross out, paste over, cut out, erase mistakes;
  • tear out sheets and insert new pages in their place;
  • make notes with a pencil or marker.

Important! When filling out the journal, skipping individual columns is not allowed: all cells are filled in in order.

If an error is made in the entry, then to correct it you must carefully cross out the entire line (preferably under the ruler). Under the crossed out line, make a note “erroneous entry”, where the responsible person puts his signature and date. The correct information is written in the following blank lines.

A situation is possible in which an error is not detected immediately, but after a while, when new data has been entered after an incorrect entry. In this case, the algorithm of actions is similar. The only difference is that the correct information is filled in on the next blank line.

It is not allowed to make entries about fire safety instructions in a journal intended for labor protection.

Filling procedure

To fill out, you must use the form established by Order No. 645. Using it, you can enter information about all types of briefings. At the same time, the legislator does not prohibit the use of such a form for each individual type of instruction.

It's easy to fill out the form. The algorithm includes several steps:

  1. Indicate on the cover the name of the institution, start and end dates.
  2. Enter the following information into the table:
      date of the PIP;
  3. Full name, year of birth, profession, position of the employee being trained;
  4. type of PPI (introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled or targeted);
  5. Full name, position of instructor.
  6. The information is completed with the mandatory signatures of both participants in the process.

Entries must be made without allowing corrections. Blank lines between entries are not allowed. Line by line columns must be filled in without any gaps.

Full list

There is a set of magazines that must be present at the enterprise without fail.

  1. Registration following induction training. Includes information on the list of personnel representatives who have undergone appropriate training and become familiar with safety precautions.
  2. Registration of on-site briefings. Materials about employees who have undergone training organized by the responsible person are included. Completion is carried out by oral questioning in order to check the consolidated knowledge.
  3. Accounting for OT instructions. The document is handled by the relevant service or a separate specialist of the enterprise. For convenience, it is recommended to assign a unique number to each instruction.
  4. Accounting for the provision of instructions to personnel. Valid for each department, kept by the manager.
  5. Accounting for the assignment of a specific electrical safety group. Includes all employees who are not engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations. The results of the training check are recorded.
  6. Registration of accidents. Conducted in accordance with Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 73. Filling out is carried out during verification activities regarding the situations that have occurred. A responsible person who has a third electrical safety group is in charge.
  7. Accounting for testing skills and standards of work in special electrical installations. The results of inspections carried out for employees are recorded.
  8. Registration of induction training on fire protection. It is carried out with all employees who are hired for a vacancy. Responsibility for maintenance rests with the employee, who vouches for fire safety in the company as a whole.
  9. Accounting for training activities on labor protection. To prevent workplace injuries, workers must undergo regular training. Upon completion, a knowledge check is carried out.
  10. Logbook of primary fire extinguishing tools. Necessary for timely testing of equipment for operability. This is carried out by a competent fire service employee.
  11. Document on recording monitoring of labor conditions. Filled out on a regular basis.
  12. Accounting activities for inspections. According to current legislation, not only legal entities, but also individual entrepreneurs are required to maintain documents. This contains detailed information about all inspections and violations.

This is not the entire list of magazines formed at the enterprise, but the main directions are listed here.

Responsibility for absence

The legislator considers the failure to conduct instructions and, accordingly, the absence of a logbook to be a violation of fire safety rules. Responsibility is defined in Art. 20.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Violation is punishable by a fine in the amount of:

  • 150,000–200,000 rubles - for a legal entity;
  • 6000–15,000 rudders - for an official;
  • 20,000–30,000 rubles - for individual entrepreneurs.

Violation of fire safety rules during the introduction of a special fire regime increases the amount to:

  • 200,000–400,000 rubles - for a legal entity;
  • 15,000–30,000 rubles - for an official;
  • 30,000–40,000 rubles - for individual entrepreneurs.

Study the legislation

Fire safety rules are written in blood. This is not a metaphor. The requirements are indeed updated and refined after each accident. Mikhail Shuchev and his colleagues monitor incidents throughout Russia and can say with confidence: most accidents could have been avoided if we had not neglected safety precautions.

All current norms and rules are specified in the current legislation. The expert advises studying a number of regulations first. Legislation on fire safety is limited to one main Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”. It was updated on December 22, 2021, but there are no major changes for housing and communal services organizations in the new edition.

Technical issues are regulated by Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements.” He determines the scope of planning decisions, resolves issues of installing alarms, etc.

No. 123-FZ was last updated on December 27, 2021. Therefore, so that organizations, including those from the housing and communal services industry, can implement it, the Fire Protection Research Institute periodically develops sets of rules. There are 10 main such documents, including those on the maintenance of evacuation routes, internal fire water pipelines, etc.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 2020 No. 1479 approved the Fire Regulations in Russia. From January 1, 2021, numerous changes to them came into force. You will learn more from the video recording of the online seminar.

Parking near the house and fire safety: what you need to take into account


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