Sample log of employment contracts




5 minutes.

HR employees are required to control not only the number of direct employees in the company, but also all documentation that is signed between the owner and the hired persons. The employment contract register is one of the reference books that helps to take into account all agreements concluded by the company with employees.

Is a log of additional agreements required?

Personnel services register additional agreements to employment contracts, which are drawn up in the following cases:

  • change of payment terms;
  • part-time work has become the main one;
  • the fixed-term employment format became indefinite;
  • transfer to another position, renaming of a position;
  • renaming an organization, structural unit;
  • changing the employee’s personal data;
  • temporary transfer or temporary replacement;
  • reduction of probation period.

New information is not included in the text of the main document, but is drawn up in a separate additional agreement. The latter is in written form and is an integral part of the original. All additional agreements are drawn up in 2 copies and registered in one journal. Large organizations register separately. This allows you to take into account and quickly find the necessary information. After making an entry in the register, the registration of the additional agreement is completed.


If the logbook is kept correctly, it has legal force and protects the employee from unlawful unilateral changes to the original agreements.

ConsultantPlus experts examined what optional journals and accounting books exist in the HR department. Use these instructions for free.

Sample of filling out the logbook for registering employment contracts

Keeping additional records, especially optional ones, may seem boring and unnecessary to a personnel employee, but the sense of order (called “openwork” by accountants) more than compensates for these imaginary inconveniences. The main advantage of the journal (book) for registering employment contracts is that the records are systematic, allowing you to find the necessary information quickly and easily. Otherwise, searching for a document will involve “shovelling” through mountains of folders and unjustified loss of time.

The need to issue some kind of certificate to an employee who has left long ago or to respond to a request about the period and nature of the employee’s employment may arise suddenly, and just when the HR manager is especially busy. It also happens that disputes arise between the employer and employees, and then delay is extremely undesirable, especially if the matter may go to trial.

Thus, systematization of all information about contracts concluded at an enterprise seems to be an important and necessary task.

Traditionally, registration of employment contracts, open-ended and fixed-term, is carried out on paper, in a separate, fairly thick notebook (preferably in hardcover). Nowadays, you can sometimes even purchase ready-made books produced by individual printing houses specifically to help personnel officers. At the same time, parallel accounting in electronic form seems to be very useful, for which tables compiled in Excel are very convenient, although particularly “advanced” personnel officers can use other tools.

  • The sheets of the paper version of the magazine should be numbered, and the book itself should be stitched and sealed with a mastic seal, so that it remains possible to control the removal of individual text fragments.
  • The title page contains the name of the enterprise, the name of the book itself (“Journal of registration of employment contracts”), the date of maintaining the documentation and the volume number (there may be several of them over time).
  • The first internal page is dedicated to the employee responsible for maintaining the journal, and if it changes, then appropriate additions are made on it in the form of a table (full name, position, order or instruction on assigning duties).
  • Correction of possible errors is carried out by carefully crossing out and certifying the corrections (do not cover them up with a proofreader, marker, etc. - the initial entry should be easy to read).

The head of the HR department can download a ready-made sample, or design the book at his own discretion.

Recommended journal columns:

  • Record number (in order);
  • Date of the registered employment contract and its number;
  • The department or other staff unit in which the employee was assigned;
  • Nature of employment (temporary, permanent, part-time);
  • Additional agreements;
  • Notes.

This system of accounting for labor relations is widespread, which in practice proves its effectiveness. It is also recommended for a spreadsheet that duplicates the main source on a computer. You can find the contract registration log here:



How to keep records and register additional agreements

The form of the accounting document (both in case of joint and separate maintenance of the register of contracts and additional agreements to them) is not regulated by law or special regulations. The employer independently develops, supplements or changes the structure of the document. The decision on management is made by the manager and formalized by order. In practice, the form is used simultaneously in two formats:

  • paper;
  • electronic

This allows you to perform an accounting function and use a bound and certified form with numbered pages during audits and for legal disputes. Books for accounting are purchased in specialized stores, but more often they are created electronically and printed. Below is the title page and a sample of filling out the journal for registering employment contracts and additional agreements to them for joint accounting.

The title page contains:

  • Name of the organization;
  • document's name;
  • maintenance interval—start and end dates;
  • Full name and position of those responsible for maintaining records of additional agreements.

The examples above show how to register additional agreements to employment contracts: the options include joint and separate accounting. We remind you of the basic rules:

  • all entries are numbered in order;
  • the numbers of the amended agreement, the date of its conclusion and the details of the employee with whom it was concluded are indicated;
  • the date and number of the additional agreement and the number of the amended clause are recorded;
  • In case of separate accounting, one column is allocated to describe the additions or changes made;
  • data on documents issued on the basis of concluded agreements is entered.

With separate accounting, the columns of the form change; a sample log of registration of additional agreements to employment contracts looks like this.


The employee responsible for maintaining the journal can choose a convenient form of maintaining it, depending on the information that will be taken into account in this journal. When such an employee is dismissed, an entry is made in the book about the new responsible person. The journal also contains the name of the organization, the beginning and end of the accounting period.

The registration book determines the number of concluded employment contracts. It is possible to monitor the execution of each. This data simplifies the preparation of statistical reporting at the enterprise.

Amendments to contracts

The reasons for changing the contract may be different:

  • transfer to another job;
  • change of owner;
  • suspension from work;
  • change in working conditions.

In case of significant changes in contracts, an additional agreement is drawn up and entered in the registration journal in the appropriate column. For convenience, the additional agreement is assigned a number consisting of the contract number / serial number of the agreement with a specific employee.

In the case of maintaining a general journal for contracts and agreements, the numbering of additional agreements starts from number 1 for each employment contract with an individual employee.

In this case, it is convenient to create a separate page for each employee, where the employment contract and additional agreements according to the order of conclusion will be indicated (No. 1, 2, 3, etc.).

If the employee does not agree with the changes in working conditions, the employer must make an offer (in writing) of another job according to his qualifications, and in the absence of such qualifications, offer a lower-paid job or a lower position. With the written consent of the employee, an additional agreement to the employment contract with new working conditions is drawn up. All requirements for drawing up and recording additional agreements are the same as for employment contracts.

For ease of record keeping and quick search for the required additional agreement, large enterprises with a large number of employees maintain a separate book - a log of registration of additional agreements.

An example of filling out a journal of additional agreements:

No.dateNumberFull nameType of workNo. and dateValidityContentPrim
1010.02.1448Yemets K.L.locksmith32 from 04/28/1210.02.14 – 10.02.15Salary change

Maintaining a separate book for additional agreements is not necessary. You can enter this information into the main journal by providing a separate column for this. However, if there are several such changes to the agreement, then introducing them there will be problematic. In this sense, the electronic version wins.

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Registration and numbering of contracts

The procedure for registering and numbering contracts is similar to the procedure for employment contracts. An enterprise has the right to keep one book for registering contracts and employment agreements, but it is possible to create two journals with separate numbering.

It is very convenient not to have continuous numbering, but by date, indicating the serial number for that day. For example, 01/15-2, then it is clear that the contract was drawn up on 01/15. This approach is justified for the personnel departments of large enterprises, when the appearance of a new contract throws the personnel officer into a stupor - it was drawn up a long time ago, but came into hands only now, and no number has been assigned to it. Then the document is simply numbered with the date of conclusion - and the problem is solved.

A template for maintaining a journal of registration of employment contracts can be found here: Journal of registration of employment contracts

Shelf life

In accordance with the order of Rosarkhiv No. 236 dated December 20, 2019 (Articles 435, 463 of the list), the storage period for employment contracts and additional agreements to them, as well as their registration logs, is:

  • 50 years - for documents completed from 01/01/2003;
  • 75 years old - until 01/01/2003.

Order of Rosarkhiv No. 236 dated December 20, 2019 “On approval of the List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating their storage periods”

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