Memo on the employee’s absence from the workplace: how to write it correctly

Sample report on absence from work without good reason

Please tell me how to draw up an investigation against a contract soldier, that he did not report for duty without good reason, and did not notify his superiors that he would not be available for 2-3 days.
I need a sample. How to write, what documents, etc. I'm asking for a sample. Thank you Good afternoon. Send me your email address (via chat or personal message), I will send you not a sample from the Internet, but a live conclusion that was drawn up for a specific situation. In this case, in addition to the investigation, a protocol on gross disciplinary offense is drawn up, since such an offense relates to the State Traffic Police. LIST OF GROSS DISCIPLINARY OFFENSE. PROCEDURE FOR EXECUTION OF DISCIPLINARY ARREST 1.

Gross disciplinary offenses include: violation of the statutory rules of relations between military personnel; unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or a place of military service established outside a military unit by military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription (with the exception of officers); failure to appear on time for service without good reason upon dismissal from a military unit or from a ship to shore, upon appointment, transfer, as well as from a business trip, vacation or medical institution; In accordance with Article 28.8 of the Federal Law “On Status.

“: Text of the report to the commander on the fact of absence from duty: I report that Captain Ivanov, from October 1 to October 4, 2012, conducted an investigation into the fact of lieutenant Petrov’s failure to report to duty from September 28 to 30, 2012. During the investigation it was ESTABLISHED: I am reporting to make a decision on this fact. 3. Explanation of Petrov’s immediate superior 4.

Explanation of PETROV's colleagues Next, a protocol is drawn up and attached to the report. All these documents are presented to the commander for decision-making.

Protocol on the GDPR - Appendix 8 to Art.

Features of note design (with samples)

Depending on what kind of memo is drawn up, the nuances of document execution and the situations when it should be drawn up change.

To the director or management of the enterprise

Various memos are written to this manager, so let’s talk about how best to convey them. It is advisable to compose the document in two original versions.

According to the rules, the document is transferred to the secretary , from whom it will not be superfluous to receive a mark on acceptance of the document for consideration. After that, wait for the resolution of the authorities.

For a business trip: extension and cancellation

The memo serves as confirmation that the posted employee is in place, plus records the dates of arrival and return from the business trip . This document can be issued if:

  • the employee travels on a rented, personal or official vehicle;
  • The employee does not have documents confirming his travel and residence.

Review from vacation

There are often cases when, for production reasons, managers have to recall one of their employees from vacation .

In this situation, the director of the memo becomes the head of the department in which the employee who is on annual paid leave is registered.

The head of the organization must familiarize himself with the submitted document and indicate his consent or refusal of the request recorded in the document.

According to Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, recall of an employee from vacation is possible only with his personal consent.

Also, according to Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to recall from vacation:

  • pregnant women;
  • minor employees;
  • workers associated with dangerous or harmful working conditions.

notes to recall an employee from vacation.

For employee training

Improving employee qualifications helps improve the quality of staff work . But in order to send an employee to training, you will need to draw up a corresponding memo.

A business letter can be written by the human resources department to create a list of employees sent for training. The memo is usually drawn up in the name of the head of the department whose employees will be sent for training.

Probationary employees may often need to upgrade their skills. And about the duration of such a period, read here.

For combining positions

Often in large and other organizations you can come across such a practice as combining positions by one employee . The reasons for this can be quite different:

  • by necessity;
  • availability of a vacancy;
  • absence, illness, vacation or other reason for the absence of an employee who previously held a position intended to be part-time.

The service note is drawn up in the name of the head of the unit. The paper must pass the rector's resolution .

You may also need to coordinate the issue with the HR and accounting departments.

The document records the start date of the employee's part-time work and the amount of additional payment to the basic salary .

Notes on combining positions can be found here.

On vacation

In addition to vacation, employees of organizations can, under certain conditions, receive so-called “time off”, i.e. take time off from work. Since this concept is removed from the Labor Code , the definitions “additional time for rest” or “other rest time” are used.

The document with which an employee expresses his wishes to his superiors can be either a statement or a memo.

An employee has the right to time off when:

  • worked overtime;
  • worked on weekends or holidays;
  • had total overtime during shift work;
  • took an active part in the donor movement and blood donation;
  • at the expense of the employee;
  • towards the vacation.

About changing the work schedule or postponing working hours

Each employee may have valid reasons why he may contact management with a request to change his work schedule.

If the initiative is manifested on the part of an employee who can document the need for adjustments , he draws up a memo addressed to the head of the enterprise.

In cases where the reason is truly valid, the employer does not have the right to refuse an employee in accordance with Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The document should indicate the current schedule and the desired one.

For the purchase of equipment

This memo is written by the department that needs to purchase new or replace old equipment.

An example could be an appeal from the economic or human resources department to the head of the information technology department with a request to quickly replace a faulty computer.

Form of memo for the purchase of a computer: .

About holding events

Internal memos concerning the resolution of organizational issues for holding events have their own specifics . They have also found frequent use in educational institutions.

The note will need to indicate basic information about the upcoming event, and, if necessary, contact details of the persons responsible for its implementation.

notes on events.

For car repairs

It is quite suitable if you have a company car, which due to certain circumstances must be repaired. In this case, you will need to draw up a memo that will indicate the state registration numbers of the company car and the reasons why it needs repairs.

To dismiss an employee

Another type of business letter written to the main manager.

Its execution is acceptable if there are valid reasons for dismissing a particular employee.

In the main part of the note, it is advisable to indicate specific facts and actions taken in relation to the employee. Next comes a request to allow the dismissal of the person specified in the document.

An example of a note to dismiss an employee for absenteeism:.

About providing information

One of the most commonly used types of memos. It is used to make a request to obtain certain information and is based on the following principle:

  1. the key idea should be identified and a query should be formed;
  2. provide details that the recipient may require;
  3. recall the main idea of ​​the request and provide additional information.

About punishment of an employee

This type of document is used in cases where an employee’s behavior in the workplace or his inappropriate attitude towards work duties requires appropriate penalties .

The author of the memo must present the facts as objectively and unemotionally , giving management the opportunity to deal with the incident.

About the need for a new employee

The document is drawn up when a new employee is required in one of the company’s structural divisions. Then the head of the department has the right to submit this element of internal business correspondence to management.

In it, he must indicate objective reasons why this decision will be objective and acceptable.

Memo about hiring a new employee: .

For overtime work

A common reason for drawing up such documents is the presence of emergency situations , in which it will be necessary to involve employees in resolving the issue after the end of working hours.

The memo is drawn up by the shift or department head addressed to the direct manager. The text of the document indicates the reasons for the request and the list of those who are planned to be involved in overtime work.

Engaging an employee to work overtime: .

On the creation of a new structural unit

The issue of creating new structural units can also be resolved with the help of a request expressed using a memo. The goals of this action are highlighted in the body of the document. Among them:

  • increasing the level of labor standardization;
  • more efficient solution of certain problems;
  • improvement of work with personnel and other reasons.

In some situations, memos can replace statements, acting more “softly”. Most often they are used for internal processes related to the organization of production.

If the company supports an electronic document management system, the design of internal memos is practically no different from the paper version. The main difference is the medium of information transmitted between the structural divisions of the company.

The video below reveals some aspects of working with internal memos in electronic form:

Certificate of absence from work

can be drawn up only if the absent employee has not warned his management or colleagues in advance that he will not appear at the workplace on a certain day. 81 DU RF Armed Forces in the attachment. Everything is simple there. to our lawyers - it’s much faster than looking for a solution.

  • The title is written in the center of the top line.
  • Just below the locality in which the company issuing the deed is registered is indicated, as well as the date of its preparation. Then the exact time of execution of the act is entered (usually closer to the end of the working day).

Next, in free form, you need to record the fact of the employee’s absence.
The act is created in two copies, each of which is of equal value. Printed or handwritten - it doesn't matter. The main thing is the personal signatures of the relevant persons. The act has a standard form from the point of view of office work and should not cause great difficulties when filling out.

Primary requirements

The explanatory note about absenteeism must include the following information:

  1. The name of the department, division in which the paper is compiled.
  2. The title is “Official (report) note.”
  3. Date of preparation and document number.
  4. Full name and position of the person being addressed.
  5. Full name and position of the absentee worker.
  6. Full name and position of the compiler.
  7. Date and time of the employee's absence. If the employee was absent for the entire working day, indicate the time from which and until what time he should have been in his place.
  8. Measures taken. For example, calling an employee to find out the reason for absence.
  9. The conclusion includes conclusions about the incident and a proposal for disciplinary action.

The presentation must adhere to a strict business style.

Act of absence from work

The certificate of absence from work can be found on our website.
Then here you need to certify that the reasons for absence from work are unknown to the absentee’s colleagues.

An alternative to this document can be any other form, locally developed and approved by the administration of the enterprise.

The reasons for absenteeism, for which the Certificate of Absenteeism from work will not become the basis for dismissal, can be different: Sample certificate of absence from work ___________________ ___________________ ________________________ (date) (signature) (deciphering the signature) ___________________ ___________________ ________________________ (date) (signature) (decoding signatures) Did you like a sample document, form or example of a finished form in .doc and .xls format?

Download for free and CLICK on the most beautiful button! MiG Znatok (331) 4 years ago If the employee does not show up for work, the employer has decided to cancel the employment contract, then the following documents are drawn up.

Supply Department To the Director Report from FSUE “Splav” About the employee’s absence from work I ask you to take the necessary measures to resolve this situation. Head of Supply Department Savrasov /A.

G. Savrasov / about the employee’s absence from work on the day the work began. Tula June 14, 2010 17 hours 30 minutes chairman of the commission - head of the personnel department Trifonova G. A. - head of the supply department Savrasov A.

G. ; — legal adviser Smirnova O.

L.; drew up this Act on the following: Chairman of the Commission Trifonova June 14, 2010

members of the commission: Savrasova June 14, 2010. The act must be signed by at least two witnesses who are not subordinates or superiors for this employee.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Splav" On the cancellation of the employment contract and the cancellation of the order for employment Due to the fact that Olga Ivanovna Iskrova, with whom an employment contract was concluded on June 3, 2010, June 14, 2010 (the day established by the employment contract, the start of work ) has not started work, 1. Cancel the employment contract dated 06/03/2010 N 15/10.

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Registration of employee absenteeism: act and order

Sample act of absence from work One of the main guarantees of the legality of dismissing an employee for absenteeism is the correct execution of the act of absenteeism.
Drawing up an absenteeism report is one of the first steps in the procedure for dismissing an employee for absence from work. It is preceded only by the qualification of the employee’s actions - determining whether his absence from work was absenteeism. Current legislation provides for five situations that can be recognized as absenteeism: an act of absence from work. In this case, you must not forget to correctly fill out the work time sheet, using the letter designation “NN” (failure to appear due to unclear circumstances).

Explanations must be received in writing (Art.

193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) in free form. If an employee refuses to sign the notice, then it is necessary to draw up a report using a procedure similar to drawing up a report on absenteeism. If the employee has not explained the reasons for absence from work after two working days, then this fact must also be recorded in a document. To dismiss an employee for absenteeism, either a notice of the need to give explanations and written explanations received from the employee, or both a notice and an act of failure to provide explanations, will be sufficient.

If the company does not consider the employee’s reasons for absence from work to be valid, then the last step of the dismissal procedure is the application of disciplinary action in the form of dismissal.

However, there are some peculiarities. It is possible to dismiss an employee on the basis in question if special deadlines are met - no more than a month from the date of discovery of absenteeism and no later than six months from the date of committing absenteeism (Parts 3, 4, Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). dismissal order for absenteeism

Who draws up the document?

An official or report on absenteeism must be drawn up by a person who, by virtue of his position, exercises direct control over the work process and employees:

  • Production workshop foreman.
  • Senior nurse in a medical institution.
  • Senior manager.
  • Secretary who keeps time sheets.
  • Manager of a store, warehouse.
  • Head of department.
  • And other similar officials.

Sample report on absence from work without good reason

The document is drawn up by a commission with at least 2 witnesses.
The main provisions that must be indicated in the act: The executed document is signed by the offender, management and witnesses. If the worker does not want to leave a signature, this is noted in the act and certified by members of the commission.

The application of disciplinary punishment is not determined by the presence of the signature of the offending employee. Protests are recorded in an act. The event of an employee not showing up for work is recorded in the HR log.

There must be a seal. The main thing is that it does not overlap the signatures.

The report is drawn up after two working days due to failure to provide an explanatory note. You can download an act of absence from work without a valid reason here: Sample document: What will happen to a contract employee for not reporting to work? (I want to break the contract) are punishable by arrest for up to six months or detention in a disciplinary military unit for up to one year.

2. The same acts committed by a serviceman serving a sentence in a disciplinary military unit are punishable by imprisonment for up to two years. 3. Unauthorized abandonment of a unit or place of service, as well as failure to appear on time without good reason for service for a period of more than ten days, but not more than one month, committed by a military serviceman undergoing military service by conscription or under a contract, is punishable by a restriction on military service for a period of time. up to two years, or detention in a disciplinary military unit for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

4. Acts provided for in part three of this article, lasting more than one month, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to five years. Note. A serviceman who has committed the acts provided for in this article for the first time may be released from criminal liability if his unauthorized abandonment of the unit was the result of a combination of difficult circumstances.

1. Desertion, that is, unauthorized abandonment of a unit or place of service in order to evade military service, as well as failure to appear for service for the same purposes, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to seven years.

2. Desertion with weapons entrusted to the service, as well as desertion committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to ten years.

Note. A serviceman who has committed desertion for the first time, as provided for in the first part of this article, may be released from criminal liability if the desertion was the result of a combination of difficult circumstances. Article 339. Evasion of military service duties by feigning illness or other means 1.

Evasion of a military serviceman from fulfilling the duties of military service by feigning illness, or causing any damage to himself (self-mutilation), or forgery of documents, or other deception - is punishable by restriction on military service for a term of up to one year, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or detention in a disciplinary military unit for a period of up to one year.

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2. The same act, committed for the purpose of complete exemption from military service duties, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to seven years.

Memo about truancy

Absenteeism by an employee is a violation of labor discipline established by the Internal Labor Regulations, as well as the employment contract.
Absence from work without a valid reason may be punishable, especially if it occurs repeatedly. A memo is a way of notifying higher management about an event or action.

It is written from a lower-ranking employee to a higher-ranking employee; this differs from a memo.


  • about violation of labor discipline - sample;
  • about failure to fulfill official duties - download;
  • about workplace harassment - sample.

A memorandum of absence from work must have a certain set of details: Commerce Department To the Director About absence from work I would like to bring to your attention that today, 09/04/2015, sales specialist Petr Petrovich Kotov was absent from his workplace during the entire working period days from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
There is no information confirming the validity of the reason for the absence of P.P. Kotov. I ask you to consider the issue of applying P.P. to Kotov. disciplinary punishment. Head of the Commerce Department Timofeev A.A. Timofeev Based on the memo and other documents, the manager makes a decision on disciplinary action and its necessity - an order on disciplinary action for absenteeism. Sample memorandum of absence from work - download.


In a large enterprise, it is unacceptable to simply tell the boss that such and such an employee was not there yesterday. Everything related to overtime, time off, absenteeism, sick leave must be reflected in the reporting documentation. Therefore, absenteeism must also be documented .

Important! The purpose of drawing up a memo about an employee’s absence from the workplace is to record this fact, the measures taken, and transfer this information to higher management. The head of the enterprise will decide what disciplinary measures will be taken against this employee.

You can find out more about what a memo is and how this document is drawn up according to GOST here.

Certificate of absence from work sample form

Hiring employees to work for a company is a procedure that involves certain steps during registration.
You can find out about them in the relevant sections of our website. The fact is that dismissal also involves the preparation of a certain number of documents.

Dismissals are always made due to certain prerequisites (reasons). Among them, the most common are dismissals at the initiative of the employee, mutual consent, the end of the validity period of the employment agreement, and disciplinary violations.

The last category of reasons for dismissals contains such a concept as absenteeism. This means failure to show up for work.

In this case, an appropriate order must be issued. After its publication, a record of dismissal under the article “for absenteeism” is made in the employee’s work book.

This article of the Labor Code does not imply lateness. Although regular lateness can also cause loss of a job.

Document confirming absence from work This is especially possible after some time.

Therefore, in court it will be necessary to provide documentary evidence of the existence of this fact. It is written on a sheet of A-4 format.

It is allowed to be written on the official letterhead of the enterprise.

The main requirement is that this document be signed by three witnesses. It would be more accurate to say two witnesses and the “author” (composing person). The immediate supervisors of discipline violators have the right to write such a document.

These include heads of workshops, sections, structural divisions, and so on.

Witnesses can be any employees of the same department.

In addition, the truant must also sign this document. In case of refusal to do this, an appropriate entry is made in it.

Form and attributes of the truancy document Legislative acts propose a unified form of such a document for use. But it is not final.

Sometimes instructions are issued that assume their own form. In any case, this document must contain the necessary mandatory attributes.

  • date of writing,
  • place of compilation,
  • Full name of the constituent manager,
  • identifying information about the truant,
  • signatures of the component and witnesses.

Below is a standard form and a sample certificate of absence from work, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

What should the text of the document contain?

Although the exact form of filling out the mentioned business letter has not been determined, several main points that must be indicated in the document . The list of details includes:

  1. A header where the recipient's details are written, such as full name and position.
  2. Name of the official paper.
  3. Date of writing and number.
  4. A title from which the subject of the correspondence is immediately clear.
  5. The “body” of the document, where the current situation is initially described, after which the author indicates his request.
  6. The position of the employee who compiled the official message, his signature and the full name of the author.

Often the text of the note begins with the words “I would like to bring to your attention...”, after which the basic information comes. But this is not a mandatory rule.

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