How to write a note to school about a child’s absence?

Why do you even need to write a statement about your child’s absence from school or other educational institution? The fact is that during the educational process the school is directly responsible for the life and health of its ward. Therefore, willy-nilly, they must track the whereabouts of the child and clarify the reasons for the absence; moreover, the government agency must have written confirmation of this data - a statement from the parents.

For family reasons

To the Director of the Gymnasium of the Russian State University named after. A.N. Kosygina

Timofeev Lev Andreevich

from Filatova Maria Vyacheslavovna


I ask you to exempt my son Evgeniy Filatov, a student of grade 3 “B” from 03/13/21 to 03/14/21 from classes at the educational institution due to family circumstances.

I take responsibility for the safety of the student’s life and health during his absence from school, as well as for the successful mastery of educational material.

03.13.21 _______ (Filatova M.V.)


To the Director of the School "26 KADR"

Maksimov Leonid Dmitrievich

from Pavlushkina Elena Dmitrievna


I notify you that my son, a student of grade 5 “G”, was absent from school on February 27, 2021. for family reasons (we were collecting medical documents for a sports camp).


(signature) _________________ Pavlushkina E.D.

It is worth noting that notifying the class teacher does not preclude filing an application to the director.

A statement to a teacher is respectful; notification to the administration is a formal procedure. In cases where the child missed a couple of classes or one day, for example, due to a visit to a medical facility.

The omission is insignificant and does not violate the rules of the charter. In this situation, it will be enough to write an explanatory note to the class teacher.

A statement about the child’s absence from classes is required in the following cases:

  1. The child is not feeling well. However, he should not miss classes for a long time, then he will need to bring a certificate from a medical institution.
  2. Disease. If a student does not attend classes for an extended period, a doctor's certificate must be brought. If there is one, there is no need to write a statement.
  3. For family reasons. This expression is the most common. It is preferable that these reasons be supported by evidence.
  4. Due to departure. For example, to a sanatorium. It is better that treatment in a sanatorium is recommended by the attending physician and there is written evidence.

If the reason for failure to attend classes is justified and has evidence, then problems with the administration of the educational institution will not arise.

Due to illness (health reasons - fever, etc.)

To the director of “School No. 179”

Maslov Pavel Viktorovich

from Koromyslov Pavel Andreevich


I ask that my son, a student of grade 1 “B”, Ivan Pavlovich Koromyslov, be allowed to be absent from school on December 22, 2022 due to illness.

I take responsibility for his life, health, as well as the mastery of the curriculum completed during his absence.

12/22/2022 Signature______________ Full name

A note to school from parents about missing school for family reasons: sample

The explanation to the school refers to a business form filled out in a free style.
It is important to note that in the application the parents do not ask for anything, but simply explain the current situation with their student. The reason for submitting such a letter may be missed lessons, being late for classes, failure to complete homework and other similar facts. Sample No. 1

To the director

(name of educational institution)

(full full name of the manager)

Rogachev Petr Petrovich

Explanatory letter

My daughter, Marina Rogacheva, a 7th grade student, did not show up for classes from 02/14/2021 to 02/16/2019 due to unexpected circumstances in our family.

02/13/2019 (signature) P. P. Rogachev

Sample No. 2

Cl. to the head of the 7th grade

(name of educational institution)

(Full full name of the class manager)

Svetlichnaya Irina Fedorovna

Explanatory letter

I, Svetlichnaya Irina Fedorovna, mother of Svetlichnaya Antonina, a 10th grade student, want to explain the reason for my daughter’s absence from classes on February 29, 2021. While getting ready to go to school, my daughter suddenly developed a headache and a fever. I was forced to call a doctor, who determined the diagnosis and suggested she lie down. I insisted that my daughter not go to school until her health improved.

02/28/2019 (signature) I.F. Svetlichnaya

For health

To the Director of the English International School

Kirsanov Dmitry Valentinovich

from Olga Vasilievna Olkhova


I ask you to allow my child Pavel Vladimirovich Olkhov, who is studying at school, in grade 1 “A”, not to attend school from 03/10/2021 to 03/12/2021 for health reasons (high temperature).

I take responsibility for his life, health, as well as the successful mastery of the educational material covered during his absence from school.

"10" March 2021

signature of the legal representative /Olkhova Olga Vasilievna/

A note to school from parents to a physical education teacher: example

If a student is unable to participate in physical education classes due to his health, and there is no document from the doctor about exemption, then you can send a letter to the teacher with indicative content: “... Dear, (Name of the teacher!) I ask you to spare my daughter/son Full name of the student. Class number from physical education lessons due to poor health.”

Of course, you can send such a letter to the physical education teacher, but he does not have the right to exempt you from lessons at his own discretion. He can let go, but only once or twice as an exception, and then under the responsibility of the parents, accompanied by them.

First, if a child is truly sick, the teacher must first refer the student to the school doctor's office. As a last resort, the teacher can place the student on the “substitute” bench in the gym, under his own supervision. But nevertheless, parents often use such letters to exempt their “child” from physical education classes.

To the physical education teacher of school No. 54

Minaevka village Kopylov Viktor Arkadievich

from the parents of 6-A grade student Svetlana Sokolova.

We ask you to exempt our daughter from physical training, since yesterday, November 9, 2017. She suffered a bruise on her left leg while playing basketball. We ask you to provide her with another easy (in your opinion) task for the period of the lesson, so that Svetlana can attend the classes and perceive the lesson.

We hope for your understanding.

Sincerely, Sokolova T.M.

Sokolov V.I.


November 9, 2017

Application for a doctor's visit (at home)

To the director of Shuvalov School No. 148

Samoilov Andrey Platonovich

from Romashova Karina Igorevna


I ask for your permission for the absence of my daughter Yulia Sergeevna Romashova, a student of 1st “L” grade, from school since November 10, 2021. until 11/11/2021 due to a visit to a doctor who was called to the house.

I bear full responsibility for life, health, and completion of the school curriculum.


Signature of Romashov K.I.

Due to vacation

To the director of the Letovo school

Derevyannikov Sergei Pavlovich

from Elena Vladimirovna Dorokhova


I notify you that my child, Sergey Andreevich Dorokhov, is a student of grade 3 “B” during the school holidays from 06/01/2021. until June 15, 2021, will be on vacation in the Republic of Turkey.

I take responsibility for the safety of the child’s life and health during his absence from the educational institution.

"29" May 2021

parent's signature

Due to poor health

To the director of “School 236”

Korovin Maxim Olegovich

from Samoilova T.S.


I ask that my son, a student of 2 “A” class Dmitry Dmitrievich Samoilov, be allowed to be absent from classes on January 17, 2023 due to poor health.

I take responsibility for the life, health of the child and his assimilation of the educational material covered that day.

01/16/2023 __________________ (Samoilova T.S.)

Statement from parents: legal framework.

One of the main regulations states that if a student does not show up for lessons at school, then the people responsible for him (parents or guardians of the child) are obliged to notify the administration of the educational institution.

This rule follows from the legislation of the Russian Federation on education No. 273-F3 dated December 29, 2012. Namely, from Part 1 of Art. 43. The school charter may contain additional rules and regulations regarding the behavior of schoolchildren.

For example, the supplement most likely states how many days a student has the right to be absent from classes due to illness without a medical certificate.

If the rules established by the educational institution are violated, disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including expulsion of the student.

This is indicated in other parts of Article 43, according to which disciplinary measures are not applied:

  1. For preparatory school students;
  2. For primary school students;
  3. For students with disabilities;
  4. During illness, official vacation, academic leave, sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, child care (this applies to students and others).

Article 44 specifies the legal status of parents or guardians arising within the framework of educational activities. Part 4 of this article identifies a number of responsibilities.


  1. Providing the opportunity to receive secondary education for children under 18 years of age. A norm of similar content is found in Article 63 of the RF IC.
  2. Following the established internal regime and other rules of the educational institution (school, gymnasium, boarding school, etc.). This also applies to the rules that determine the schedule of classes.

In other words, parents or guardians are obliged to ensure that their child attends classes. Exceptions are those cases when there is a justified reason for skipping. In such a situation, parents must promptly inform the school administration.

As for the form of information and the procedure for notifying the administration, it should be specified in the school charter.

The charter needs to be studied: in rare cases, it states how many missed classes can serve as a reason for the student’s expulsion from the institution, and the form and application form may also be indicated.

If the Charter does not contain such details, then it is permissible to use a classic, generally accepted model.

In the case of the coronavirus epidemic (due to quarantine)

To the Director of GBOU "School No. 153"

from Likhacheva Anna Vladimirovna


In connection with the introduction of a free attendance regime at the school, I ask that grade 7 “A” student Dmitry Likhachev be allowed not to attend the educational institution in the period from 05/20/2021 to 05/26/2021.

I take responsibility for the life and health of the student.

I have been notified that I will have to provide a medical certificate if my child is absent from school for more than 5 days.


/parent’s signature/ signature transcript

Grounds for dismissal

The reasons for the dismissal of a serviceman from the ranks of the Russian army or from the Ministry of Internal Affairs are regulated by Article 51 of Federal Law No. 53. To terminate a contract early, a serviceman must indicate in his dismissal report one or several reasons that do not allow him to continue to fulfill his service obligations in full:

  • the impossibility of further residence in the area for one of the serviceman’s family members due to medical conditions and unsuitable climatic conditions;
  • transfer of the second spouse for work to another area;
  • the need for constant care for a close relative due to disability, which will be confirmed by an appropriate medical report;
  • the need to care for a minor child due to the death of the second spouse;
  • insufficient material support, which does not allow the serviceman to fully support his family.

If the serviceman can confirm the reason indicated in the report, then the higher command does not have the right to reject it. In the absence of evidence or when providing documents that do not have legal force, the unit commander may not satisfy the citizen’s demands for early termination of the contract.

Due to frost, cold (bad weather conditions)

To the director of School No. 137 “On Bratislavskaya”

Savelov Petr Sergeevich

from Nezhenkova U.V.


In connection with the introduction of a special regime for attending classes at our school, I inform you that my child Vladimir Nezhenkov, a student of grade 1 “B”, will not attend classes from November 19 to November 29, 2021.

Upon completion of the special regime and the resumption of classes as usual, my child will return to school and provide a medical certificate.

________________________(Date of) __________________________/_______/

(signature) (full name)

An example of a school registration from parents to be released from class

If you believe that your child is already an adult and can return home independently, parents must provide a note asking that the student be released after school without an accompanying adult. Under such circumstances, the school institution is not responsible for the life and condition of the student during the extracurricular period. Such a note-statement is filled out in free style, on A4 sheet.

Also, sometimes parents are forced to send a note so that the student is released, for example, from the last lesson due to an urgent need. Such letters are also written in a free style.

To the director of school No.___

(name of institution)

_____________ (Full name of the head)

From _____________ (parent's full name)


I ask that my son (daughter) ______________ (full name), student(s) of ___ grade be allowed to return home independently after finishing classes. I place responsibility for the student on myself.

09/1/2017 (signature) (Parent’s full name)

Visiting the dentist

To the director of "School 156"

Kotov Valentin Olegovich

from Serebrovaya N.S.


I ask that my daughter Tatyana Serebrova, a student of grade 3 “B”, be allowed to skip classes from 12:00 to 14:00 on October 16, 2021 in connection with a visit to the clinic for a routine examination by a dentist.

I take responsibility for the life and health of my child, as well as for his successful completion of the educational material within the specified period.


Serebrova Serebrova N.S.

How to write an explanatory note to school?

A letter of explanation is not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore it is drawn up in a free style. Nevertheless, it is recommended to fill it out, focusing on the templates of similar letters, namely:

The “header” of the document is located at the top right, where the name of the educational building and its number, the surname and initials of the head of the institution or class (in the dative case) are displayed. More often, such a letter is sent to the management of the school institution.

After the “header” you must write the title (Explanatory note)

The main section of the letter is displayed under the title and briefly describes the circumstances that caused the missed lessons in the school building. The most common reasons are poor health, colds, traveling to competitions, etc. In addition, the date of missed lessons is displayed.

After completing the explanation, you must write down the date the letter was filled out, signature and full name. compiler.

The mentioned letter to the school institution is filled out in the form of a manuscript.

Sample explanatory letter to the school principal

To the director of secondary school No. 22, Rostov, A. A. Kopylov


My daughter, Filimonova Dasha, a 6-A grade student, was not in school on November 27, 2021 due to deteriorating health.

11.28.2017 (signature) I.V. Filimonov

How to write an explanatory note to kindergarten

An explanation to a child care institution is drawn up according to the same template, which is guided by the general rules of similar documents.
The explanatory note, for the most part, is filled out in the name of the head of the child care institution or, as a last resort, in the name of the teacher. Parents usually draw up such a document when their son or daughter does not attend the institution for several days due to circumstances not related to illness.

Head of municipal educational institution kindergarten No. 3

Fedorova A.I.

(Full name of parent, guardian)

Explanatory letter

My daughter (child’s full name) was not in kindergarten from November 14 to 17, 2021 due to visiting her grandmother in another locality.

November 20, 2017 (signature of parent, guardian).

How to write an explanatory note to a teacher, class teacher, or school principal about a child’s absence from school: rules

Parents often have to bring explanations to the school because students missed lessons.
Children often miss lessons for various reasons, both valid and unjustified. An explanatory document form filled out by parents (guardians) about a student’s failure to attend classes is a documentary explanation of his misconduct due to valid circumstances.

The document is filled out according to the same rules as shown in the “How to write?” section of this article. An explanation is filled out manually on sheet A4 addressed to the teacher, class leader or head of the school institution. But even if the application form is not followed, then this is not a problem, since the teacher knows that the student missed classes with the knowledge of his parents, and did not skip classes of his own free will.

To the director of secondary school No. 32, Rostov

Svetlova T.D.

Explanatory letter

My daughter Tanya Filimonova, a 6th grade schoolgirl, did not show up for her school math lesson on November 17, 2021 due to a cold.

November 20, 2017 (signature) R. I. Filimonov

During sanatorium treatment

To the director of the school "Intellectual"

Petrov Pavel Olegovich

from Mayorova N.I.


I ask for permission to be absent from school classes from April 11, 2021. until 04/16/2021 to my son Oleg Mayorov, a student of grade 3 “G”, in connection with treatment at a sanatorium boarding house.

I take responsibility for the life and health of my child, as well as for familiarizing him with the educational material within the specified period.

April 10, 2021

______________Mayorova N.I.

About being late for class (overslept)

To the director of gymnasium 4548

Kovrov Valentin Petrovich

From a student of grade 10 "B"

Orlov Oleg Vladimirovich

Explanatory letter

On December 22, 2021, I was 2 hours late for school due to the breakdown of the alarm clock, the ringing of which I usually get up in the morning for school; there were also no parents who could wake me up on time.

I am fully aware of my guilt. In the future, I will try to do everything to prevent this situation from happening again.

December 22, 2021

_________Orlov O.V.

Form (form - template)

You can download a template (form) of the application, but you will have to make even more corrections to it than compiling it yourself “by hand” in any (free) form, focusing on the samples presented below.

Sample (about the absence of a child for 1 day)

Sample (about the child’s absence for several days)

What options are there for filing a child’s absence from an educational institution?

There are three main ways to write a form about a student’s upcoming absence from classes:

  • Filling out a completed form at school;
  • Filling out a printed version of the application at home;
  • Handwritten document.

Usually parents choose the first two options; they write a statement addressed to the director, and the children must submit it to the administration, and not to the hands of teachers or other school staff.

According to Article 28 of Federal Law No. 273 and the Law “On Education”, the school has the right to independently develop and adopt rules and regulations, in connection with which an application form for the absence of a child , so it is worth contacting the administration of the educational institution in advance and finding out all the nuances.
For example, some schools, due to established internal routines and static nature, do not accept handwritten applications.

List of valid reasons that can be indicated in the application

A statement that a student will be absent from an educational institution for a certain period of time is issued in the following cases:

  • has a medical exemption. It is given to schoolchildren who are sick or have an appointment with a doctor or for examination. The next day, the child will have to bring paper from the medical institution, a certificate from the hospital, or another document confirming absence from school;
  • caught a cold, is not seriously ill;
  • is engaged in scientific or other important activities. The state supports children's professional achievements. But they are not completely exempt from classes.

In addition, for good reason, children may be absent from class if:

  • engage in science, research, technology;
  • have creative talent;
  • seriously engage in sports, have special merits to the fatherland;
  • have a high level of intellectual development.

Also, the school director and teachers have the right to dismiss children from classes who:

  • are on academic leave;
  • care for a newborn;
  • are on maternity leave.

Remember: legal representatives fill out not only the absence form, but also attach supporting documents to it.

In addition, such paper is issued if the student:

  • absent from school due to family reasons;
  • goes on vacation with family, to funerals, weddings, in case of parental divorce.

Dismissal procedure

The procedure for dismissal is strictly regulated. Each of the parties between whom the contract was signed must comply with the norms provided for by law. The dismissal of a serviceman is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • the serviceman submits a report;
  • the certification commission examines the reason for dismissal and makes a preliminary decision, which the unit commander can adhere to;
  • if the commander approves the serviceman’s report, then an order is issued to terminate the contract;
  • All necessary documents are prepared, including making an entry in the employment record;
  • A full settlement with the citizen is carried out, including the issuance of all documents and funds.

It is worth considering that if the dismissal procedure is delayed or the report itself is rejected, then the serviceman has the right to sue. There is also the possibility of contacting various labor authorities or the prosecutor's office.

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