Rules for driver training when applying for a job

Good afternoon, dear reader.

If a person gets a job as a driver, he must undergo an internship under the guidance of a mentor.

At the same time, all organizations that have drivers on staff may be faced with the need to organize an internship for a new driver.

This article will discuss in what cases an internship is necessary and how to conduct it.

Note. From January 1, 2021, the concept of internship has been replaced by the concept of probation.

In what cases is an internship necessary?

7. Employees hired for work directly related to driving a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as drivers), in order to verify compliance with the assigned work, are allowed to independently work related to driving vehicles after passing a test with the employer in accordance with Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

From January 1, 2021, the test is mandatory for all drivers who take a new job.

Until December 31, 2021, the requirements were simpler and there were 3 reasons for sending a driver to an internship:

  • the person got a job as a driver for the first time;
  • the person has not worked as a driver for the last year or more (according to the work book);
  • a person got a job and at the same time was transferred to another type of vehicle (for example, previously he worked in a passenger car, but got a job as a bus driver).

Note. The training requirement applies to all categories of vehicles, not just buses and trucks.

On-the-job training

However, this does not mean that an internship cannot be done at all. The procedure must be carried out, but its duration can be chosen to be minimal.

Based on Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 2.2.2 of the Training Procedure 1/29, the employer is obliged to conduct an internship at the workplace.

An internship at the workplace must not only be carried out correctly, but also properly formalized; I will now tell you how to formalize it correctly, so that in the event of an injury at work, the inspectors will not have any complaints against you.

For example, the first point of the order is to specify the duration of the internship. It depends on production needs, but cannot be less than two work shifts.

The number of shifts allocated for internship is determined by the employer specifically for each employee and depends on his experience, qualifications and length of service in previous jobs.

Harmful working conditions are production factors (for example, noise, vibration, etc.) that can cause illness in an employee.

Who has the right to test drivers?

To conduct an internship, a mentor must be assigned who meets the following requirements:

10. Driver testing is carried out under the guidance of a driver-mentor. A driver-mentor is appointed from among the drivers, including those hired by the employer:

  • have not committed any traffic accidents due to their own fault during the last year of work;
  • having work experience (experience) on the relevant type of vehicle for at least three years (when tested on a passenger taxi or truck);
  • having work experience (experience) on the relevant type of vehicles for at least five years (when tested on a bus, tram or trolleybus).

Requirements for a mentor:

  • Over the past year, he was not at fault for any traffic accidents;
  • He has the required work experience (according to his work book).

Internship sheet

INTERNSHIP CARD for passing _____________________________________ (type of internship)

Information about the internship recipient:
Last name, first name, patronymic: ___________________________________

Place of internship: ___________________________________

Year of birth: _______

I am familiar with the internship rules: ________________

Full internship course from “___”________ ___ to “___”________ ___.

Information about the instructor/supervisor:

Full Name: ___________________________________

Name of educational institution: __________________________

Specialty (degree) assigned upon completion of training ______

End time: __________________________________________

Document confirming graduation from an educational institution: _________

Date of last knowledge test: ___________________________


Brief description of academic performance during the internship:

How to conduct a driver internship without a mentor?

This raises an interesting question. What should an organization do if it does not have a driver who meets the above requirements? An even more interesting situation is an organization that hires a first driver.

However, the solution is quite simple. It is necessary to temporarily hire a driver who will act as a mentor for new drivers.

Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows you to hire a temporary employee (for a period of up to 2 months) without testing. It is precisely such a driver that should be recruited to conduct training for new drivers.

Stages of internship

First, a candidate for a position undergoes a series of instructions: introductory instruction, on labor protection, on road safety in a specific working environment. Then he goes out on the route and does his internship behind the wheel.

Instructions are carried out by external or full-time employees of the organization who have the right to conduct them, confirmed by relevant qualification documents .

Mandatory induction training for a trainee includes:

  • Information about the organization in which he plans to work.
  • Vehicle driving safety requirements.
  • The regime of work and rest in the organization, its features.
  • Passing a pre-trip inspection of the vehicle and a medical examination of the driver.
  • Information about the vehicle's carrying capacity standards and the standards for transporting passengers in the cabin. Work with preferential, special categories of citizens when transporting passengers and disabled people.
  • Informing about emergency sections of the route, becoming familiar with statistical data on accidents, in order to avoid their recurrence.
  • Training in working with trip documentation, techniques for correctly filling out waybills and other documents.

The theoretical analysis of the route is carried out by a competent employee, usually a driver-mentor, who is entrusted with the responsibility of conducting the internship. Then, under the guidance of a mentor, a trip to the line is carried out.

Driving skills are practiced in a variety of practical situations that a driver may encounter. Factors taken into account include:

  • Times of Day.
  • Weather.
  • The complexity (intensity) of the flow on the highway at different times of the day, days of the week.
  • When transporting passengers, the intensity of passenger traffic, the ability of the applicant to work in certain situations, and psychological stability in working with a large number of people are taken into account.

An important point is the practical working out of problematic issues along the route:

  • Emergency situations and their elimination.
  • Call special rescue services.
  • Elimination of minor vehicle breakdowns.
  • Working with passengers in emergency and emergency situations.

Driver internship programs are available here.

How is the internship going?

Professional selection includes:

  • confirmation of compliance of the documents submitted by the employee with Professional and qualification requirements;
  • trial.

... 8. The test is carried out without traveling and with traveling on public roads.
For drivers of route vehicles, the test on public roads includes driving along a route without passengers and with passengers.

9. The driver test is carried out on the vehicle(s) of the type and model, on the route(s) (if any) on which he/she will subsequently work independently.

The qualification requirements for the driver vary for different categories of vehicles. They are described in a separate regulatory document:

Qualification requirements for drivers

Sample of the reverse side of a driver's internship certificate

Practical training test (received, not received) " " 2013 (signature of the driver-mentor) Conclusion: Allow (not allow) independent work on the vehicle TS PAZ 3205370 registration number M 986 NH 71, route MBOU Secondary School No. 22, Pashkovo Responsible for traffic safety (signature) " " 2013 Introduced by: Director of the school "" 2013 (signature) Internship certificate In virtually any modern enterprise, managers sometimes require their subordinates to present an internship certificate. To obtain it, the employee must undergo an internship. What is an internship? You go to any other enterprise (state or private - it doesn’t matter), and do an internship there.

Sample of the reverse side of a driver's internship certificate

Home → Forms → Car → Sheet for completing an internship as a driver of a vehicle in the Moscow region Subject of the document: Car Text version file: 12.0 kb Save the document: Download the document » Sample document: Appendix 3 to the Methodological Recommendations for Ensuring the Reliability of Bus Drivers Internship Sheet for a Driver vehicle 1. Driver (last name, first name, patronymic) Driver's license series N category Work experience as a driver from the city Hired as a driver from the city Order N Reason for sending for an internship Sent for an internship with "" 200 in the amount of hours: pre-route

Enterprises, due to the specifics of their work, can set their own terms for completing an internship, which must be approved by the head of the enterprise, as well as their own form of internship certificate. VOLUME (TERM) of internship for drivers No. Category of vehicles Driver's work experience by profession Duration of internship hour/shift (5-day work.

Open joint-stock company "Joint-stock company for oil transportation "Transneft" OJSC "Transsibneft" SHEET of special training and internship for the driver1. Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (last name, first name, patronymic) 2nd class driver, driver's license series OM18 No. _1254863 by order of the _Krasnoyarsk RNU OJSC "Transsibneft" (name of the enterprise) dated April 15, 2014_ No. _258_Zh hired as a 2nd class driver for transport flatbed cargo vehicle KAMAZ-43118, (specify brand) transferred from vehicle - (specify brand) Driver experience 12 years Med.

examination passed “_10” _March 2014_.

Sent to the road safety service of the enterprise to undergo special training and internship. Head of HR Department 04/15/2014 p/p I.O. Last name (date, signature) 2.

N 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations”, the employer (or his authorized person) ensures that persons hired for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions are trained in safe methods and techniques performing work with on-the-job training. According to GOST 12.0.004-90 “System of occupational safety standards.

Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions" (approved by Decree of the USSR State Standard dated November 5, 1990 N 2797) clause 7.2.4., all employees, after initial training at the workplace, must during the first 2 - 14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work, qualifications employee) undergo an internship under the supervision of persons appointed by order (instruction, decision) of the manager.

Head of the column Conclusion of the commission

An order for a driver to complete an internship with an internship sheet. sample.

B≈┬©llshlf^»▓÷DL╤┌ы─tW⌡╠ъл⌡X┤Д7;%S Ш┐Яq^ФM▄сАпИ╢⌠;·г7 ≈к▓╗sW└┤b#АшАСАcaU┬▀a9е =;tseaU▌k]╠Na╬Ъ╓шс55ы▐M Date¦N of the route¦Number of hours¦Signature¦Name of the mentor¦ ¦¦¦on the line¦mentor¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + ¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + Transportation rules passengers, routes, dangerous areas and traffic safety requirements studied Trainee signature » » 200 g.

Driver internship sheet

The results of the internship must be included in a special document - internship sheet :

18. Completion of the internship is confirmed by an internship certificate containing the following information:

  • internship certificate number;
  • last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the driver;
  • information about the vehicle: type, make, model of the vehicle;
  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the driver-mentor;
  • date and time of completion, number of hours of internship;
  • comments from the driver-mentor on the work of the trainee driver;
  • conclusion of a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety, who has been certified for the right to engage in the relevant activity 5, on the admission (not admission) of the driver to independent work.

This document does not have a standard form, so you can prepare it yourself. To make this task easier, use the following form:

Sample of filling out an internship card:

The internship document can be completed electronically or by hand. After this, the completed document must be stored for 5 years .

In conclusion, I would like to note that conducting driver training is a simple procedure and any organization can handle it without any problems.

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