Job Description for HR Inspector - General Provisions

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Today, most organizations employing from 50 to 250 people, as a rule, employ one personnel employee. Often he has to perform all functions related to personnel work. This includes maintaining the necessary documentation, registering vacations, timekeeping, and much more. If there is a high staff turnover, then he practically only has time to deal with documentation. In this regard, there is a need to clearly define the functional requirements for the position and develop specific responsibilities of a specialist.

The professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist” (hereinafter referred to as “professional standard”) makes it possible to make current changes to the job description and bring it into compliance with new requirements.

Job description of a personnel inspector: general provisions

An HR department inspector (HR inspector) is a specialist who organizes the maintenance and recording of personnel documentation in an organization.
The staffing table may not include the position of a personnel inspector, however, such employees as a personnel specialist, a personnel documentation specialist, etc., can perform its functions and actually be inspectors. It is quite difficult to provide for all the job responsibilities of a HR inspector in an employment contract. For this purpose, employers draw up a separate local document - the job description (hereinafter - DI) of the HR inspector.

Important! There is no direct obligation of the employer to develop a DI for the HR department inspector, and there is no procedure for its execution. The head of the organization independently determines whether instructions need to be drawn up and what to include in it.

At the same time, the presence of a human resources inspector in the DI organization contributes to:

  • proportional division of employee functions;
  • fixing the limits of official powers;
  • increasing the employee’s personal responsibility for the results of his work activities;
  • simplification of bringing to responsibility in case of non-fulfillment or improper performance by an employee of his duties;
  • the employer's ability to refuse employment if the candidate does not have the necessary qualifications.

Job responsibilities of a HR specialist - in a modern enterprise

If you analyze the question of what the job responsibilities of a HR specialist are, the result obtained will be a real discovery for many readers. Many decades ago, back in a country that has not been on the world map since 1991, a stereotype was formed that a “personnel officer” was a rather prestigious position, occupied by close relatives or good friends of the management of enterprises, plants and factories.

Stable labor legislation and a well-functioning mechanism for hiring and firing Soviet citizens guaranteed “personnel officers” a quiet life and a minimum number of duties to perform. In a word, the personnel department at a large Soviet enterprise has always been considered a small “paradise” for its employees, and many representatives of the older generation have retained a similar attitude towards personnel department employees in modern economic conditions.

But to what extent this stereotype corresponds to the real state of affairs, what has changed in the list of responsibilities of HR specialists over the past decades, and whether this profession is prestigious and in demand in the modern labor market - these are the questions that can be considered the main topic of the presented article.

Readers will learn a lot of new and useful information, which will not only increase their overall level of erudition, but will also bring practical benefits to the unemployed, students and future applicants.

Job responsibilities of a HR specialist - in a modern enterprise

Before moving on to a detailed study of the question of what the job responsibilities of a human resources specialist are, let’s consider what a human resources department is in a modern enterprise.

The presented structural element of any company, organization or institution performs a number of functions necessary to ensure the normal operation of a business entity or non-profit structure, regardless of belonging to a particular sector of the economy.

If we are talking about a small company where there is no corresponding department, then its functions are performed either by a human resources specialist (manager), or they are distributed among several employees from the administrative staff.

But this option is only possible if the assignment of functions to HR specialists is provided for in the employment contract. For example, no one can force the chief accountant to do the work of personnel officers, since this is prohibited by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The HR department, regardless of the size, direction of activity and form of ownership of the enterprise, works in two main directions:

  • provides the company with the necessary personnel: analyzes the needs for new employees, develops a staffing table, selects qualified personnel with experience in certain works;
  • forms the company’s personnel policy (requirements for employees, staff development, etc.).

If we discard the special terminology and other minor nuances, then we can say that the main purpose of the existence of the HR department is to provide the company with the necessary personnel with a sufficient level of qualifications necessary to perform the main functions of the company.

The responsibilities of human resources services in modern enterprises include:

  • Based on the specifics of the company’s activities, creating plans for staffing all its divisions.
  • Hiring, transfer to another position, as well as dismissal of employees, including preparation of all necessary documents.
  • Personnel accounting.
  • Organizing the storage of work books, filling them out, as well as maintaining other related documentation.
  • Creation of comfortable working conditions for personnel, in accordance with current labor legislation.
  • Development of proposals to improve working conditions.
  • Preparation of documentation and reports for commissions verifying compliance with labor laws.
  • Instructing employees and monitoring the implementation of received instructions.
  • Prevention of violations of discipline.
  • Maximum assistance in finding employment for laid-off employees.

At each enterprise (where the corresponding department operates), a personnel specialist performs certain job responsibilities from the presented list, ensuring the effective operation of not only this department, but also the entire enterprise/institution.

Main responsibilities of HR specialists

The list of HR responsibilities presented in the previous section includes their overall tasks, which consist of the individual daily functions of different HR professionals. For example, a personnel manager (a modern version of the job title of a department specialist) performs the following functions:

  • develops staffing schedules and job descriptions;
  • deals with personnel documentation and ensures its safety;
  • prepares documents on labor protection in the workplace (separately for each position);
  • prepares local documentation, instructions, regulations, regulations;
  • deals with statistical reporting issues, including documents on the number and movement of personnel and monthly reports on FP-4;
  • maintains personnel logs, prepares orders on appointments, transfers, dismissals;
  • maintains personal files of employees;
  • draws up vacation schedules, makes changes to the listed documents, etc.

At some enterprises (depending on the number of employees), the job responsibilities of the leading HR specialist also include the following functions:

  • Ensures that information in the company’s personnel data bank is up to date, promptly introducing all changes that occur.
  • Deals with employee pension insurance cards and other documents related to pension provision in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Collects information on staff turnover, analyzes it, and develops programs to eliminate this negative trend.
  • Monitors the storage time of all documentation, prepares papers for filing in the archive, if required by current legislation and internal regulations of the enterprise.
  • Supports compliance by employees of the organization with labor discipline and internal rules of the enterprise.

The procedure for completing the job description of an inspector of the human resources department

DI is prepared for each staff unit and approved by the head of the organization. It is impersonal and in relation to a specific employee is signed when he is hired and handed over to him.

When preparing the draft instructions, the provisions of the following documents should be taken into account:

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  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Unified classification directory;
  • Unified Tariff and Classification Directory;
  • professional standards, especially “Human Resources Management Specialist”, approved. by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2015 No. 691n;
  • local documents of the organization;
  • collective agreement, etc.

More information about how to use professional standards in the field of personnel records is described in the article “The procedure for applying professional standards for personnel officers.”

How to fill out a job description based on the professional standard, read the article “Sample of filling out a job description based on the professional standard.”

Job description of a personnel officer: sample 2021, responsibilities

HR paperwork and the role of relevant specialists are rapidly rising in value due to frequent changes in labor legislation and increasing penalties for non-compliance.

Organizing the structure of personnel services with competent decisions ensures that the interests of the employer and hired personnel are respected, reduces the risk of financial sanctions during inspections, and serves as a “buffer” in the event of litigation.

The job description of a personnel officer includes requirements for ensuring the stable work of a legal entity and an individual, a systematic study of legislation and the timely implementation of updated regulations.

The role of HR

Since the above date, the situation has changed dramatically with the appearance of financial sanctions for:

  • absence of a concluded employment contract, what does the HR officer do;
  • execution of contractual obligations in violation of applicable laws;
  • concluding a civil contract instead of an employment contract in order to conceal payments to the budget and social funds.

Functions of a personnel inspector

The HR inspector performs the following main functions:

  • arranges the hiring of employees;
  • deals with transfers and dismissals;
  • arranges a vacation;
  • deals with sick leave;
  • carries out recording and storage of personnel documents;
  • prepares reports;
  • develops and maintains staffing schedules, etc.

Important! If there is only one HR inspector in the organization, then he is additionally assigned the functions of the head of the HR department.

For example:

  • control over labor discipline;
  • petition to the general director to reward or punish employees;
  • development of local acts;
  • presenting your proposals for improving personnel performance;
  • personnel selection and retraining, etc.

Job responsibilities

The job responsibilities of a personnel inspector arise from his job functions. Therefore, if an inspector works as part of a department, he is obliged to:

  • keep records of the personnel of the enterprise;
  • draw up personnel documents in accordance with labor legislation and local acts of the organization;
  • create and maintain personal files of employees, make timely changes to them;
  • prepare documents for presenting employees for awards and incentives;
  • prepare documents on holding employees accountable;
  • fill out and store employee work books;
  • keep records of the provision of vacations to employees, draw up a vacation schedule and monitor its compliance;
  • prepare documents whose current storage period has expired for transfer to the archive;
  • carry out personnel selection;
  • enter into contracts for the provision of services for retraining employees and improving their qualifications.

Note! These responsibilities can be divided among several HR inspectors, in which case each of them will perform only part of the listed responsibilities.

Legislative changes

Starting in 2021, a short list of personnel innovations within the competence of the personnel officer is presented in the table:

Normative actCreature additions and changesDate of entry
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1080Approval of checklists used during inspections by the labor inspectorate, presenting a list of questions regarding compliance with labor laws, which the HR department employee should know. Based on the sheets, the inspector will make conclusions about the presence or absence of violations independently 01.01.2018
Article 40 of the Labor Code of the Russian FederationConclusion of a collective agreement not only by enterprises in the event of an initiative by either party, but also by individual entrepreneurs (IP)01.10.2018
Article 58 of the Labor Code of the Russian FederationWithdrawal when concluding employment contracts, what does a personnel officer do, terms of validity
Article 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian FederationEstablishing clarity in the rules for entering reasons for dismissal in the work book with indications of the articles
Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian FederationThe working day for minors cannot exceed four hours a day. Control is the responsibility of the HR inspector
Article 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian FederationChanging the timing of calculation of payments due, which must be made on the day of dismissal with the preparation of personnel documents
State Statistics Committee Resolution No. 1Approval of unified labor accounting forms, what a personnel officer should do01.07.2018
Federal Law No. 360-FZ of October 11, 2018,
Article 262.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Providing leave to both parents with three children under the age of 12, regardless of the schedule, and if desired, at any convenient time. The responsibilities of the HR department are to make changes to the drawn up schedule at the employee’s will. 01.01.2019
Letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 14-2/ОOG-9754 dated December 7, 2018,
Articles 124 – 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clarification of the vacation period, a ban on providing vacation only on weekends, what the HR department should know

Failure to comply with any of their requirements presented in the above table is fraught with the imposition of penalties on personnel employees in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, and on a legal entity - from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Rights of the HR inspector

The basic rights of a personnel inspector usually include the right to:

  • get acquainted with the decisions of his superiors concerning his activities;
  • demand the provision of information and documents necessary to perform their official duties;
  • take initiatives to improve HR performance;
  • participate in discussions and decision-making on the work of the HR department.

Note! If there is only one personnel inspector at the enterprise, then his rights are expanded due to those. possessed by the head of the HR department.

The singular HR inspector has the right to:

  • submit proposals on punishment and rewards to employees for consideration by the director;
  • put forward proposals for improving personnel performance;
  • offer to put forward staff training projects, etc.

What are the job responsibilities and rights of a HR inspector?

The main job responsibilities of the HR inspector include:

  1. Conducting personnel records, including:
  • documentation of the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees;
  • registration and maintenance of personal files of employees;
  • accounting of the personnel of the enterprise in accordance with the established forms of primary documentation;
  • registration, completion, recording and storage of workers’ work books.
  • Preparation of materials required by management for employee certification, holding competitions, as well as encouraging and rewarding employees.
  • Timely replenishment and adjustments to the company’s employee database.
  • Drawing up vacation schedules and time sheets.
  • Preparation of necessary labor documents, certificates and extracts required by employees for submission to various government organizations.
  • Other responsibilities that may include, for example:
  • coordination of job descriptions;
  • preparing documents for filing in the archives;
  • interaction with structural divisions of the organization;
  • compliance with labor discipline.

In addition to the above, each employer can add to the job responsibilities of its HR inspector other employee functions that are necessary specifically in its organization.

As for the official rights of an employee for the position of a personnel department inspector, they arise from the duties and are aimed at facilitating the employee’s performance of his labor functions. For example, official rights in this case may include:

  • the right to become familiar with management decisions regarding personnel matters;
  • the right to receive information necessary for work from management and employees;
  • the right to submit proposals for improvement of personnel work for consideration.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that the main requirement for drawing up this instruction is, in fact, only the most specific possible definition of the range of responsibilities and requirements for an employee in this position. It is approved by the head of the enterprise, and the employee gets acquainted with it under his signature when signing the employment contract. A sample job description for a HR inspector can be downloaded from our website.

Responsibility of the HR inspector

For failure to fulfill his official duties or poor performance of them, the HR inspector may be subject to disciplinary action.

Read about the procedure in our article “Procedure for bringing to disciplinary liability.”

Important! The position of HR inspector is not included in the list, approved. Regulations of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2002 No. 85, therefore an agreement on full financial liability cannot be drawn up with him.

He may be held liable for full financial liability in the following cases:

  • intentional causing of damage;
  • causing damage in a state of alcoholic, toxic or other intoxication;
  • causing damage as a result of committing a crime or administrative offense and in other cases specified in Art. 243 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For committing an offense, the personnel inspector may be subject to criminal or administrative liability.


Since a specialist’s work involves access to personal data, the HR inspector is responsible for unlawful disclosure or concealment of information. In case of concealment of an accident at work, if this is done at the initiative of the employer, administrative or criminal liability is provided for the entire department. The duties of the personnel employee include informing medical institutions, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and regulatory authorities. Administrative liability is provided for the disclosure of medical confidentiality about employee diagnoses. This rule does not apply to dangerous infectious diseases. For the use of personal data of employees for the purpose of enrichment, administrative or criminal liability is provided. This applies to cases of resale of information to third parties, obtaining loans and other illegal actions.

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