Fire safety training program: mandatory

Fire safety training for all organizations in 2021!

According to paragraph 9 of the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645, fire safety briefings are divided into introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted . The briefing system is completely similar to labor safety briefings. Unlike labor protection, workers cannot be exempted from fire safety training; all workers undergo it.

It is carried out with all employees upon employment, seconded personnel and other employees at the discretion of the employer. It is registered in the Fire Safety Briefing Log, or you can make a separate Fire Safety Briefing Log (not a violation) (clause 11, Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645).

Conducted by the head of the organization or the person responsible for fire safety (there must be an order about the person responsible). The conductor must have a certificate from the Training Center for the Fire Technical Minimum Program (clause 12, Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645).

Conducted on the basis of the Induction Training Program , which must be developed and approved by the organization (clause 14, Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645).

The frequency of repeated fire safety briefings depends on the organization itself and the presence of fire-hazardous production (clause 12, Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645). Before the start of the year, be sure to approve the Schedule of classes (repeated briefings) for the next year and approve it with the head of the organization, which is required by paragraph 23 of Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645

once a year with all employees ( non-fire hazardous production , office, etc.);

2 times a year with all employees ( fire hazardous production, hot work , storage of flammable liquids, etc.).

Develop and approve programs for introductory and primary fire safety briefings, keep two different ones (for convenience) or a single log. When hiring an employee, conduct an induction and then an initial briefing. Don't forget to develop a refresher training schedule for the year.

Federal Law No. 69-FZ of December 21, 1994 outlines the basics of ensuring fire safety in the Russian Federation.

The law requires that each enterprise develop a program for conducting fire safety training and mandatory training for personnel (Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 No. 645).

Training is provided to everyone who works or undergoes internship in the organization. Without this, the employee does not have the right to begin his official duties (clause 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390).

Takes place in an equipped office, using the following aids:

  • with everyone who is hired;
  • with those who were seconded to the organization;
  • with employees undergoing internship.

The list of topics can be found in the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645. The program for conducting induction training on fire safety is prepared by the responsible employee and approved by the director of the company.

Who, where and when provides training?

Initial instruction is carried out by the employer - directly by the head of the organization or by an employee authorized to carry out this activity and who has the appropriate educational documents.

In order to conduct quality training, the employer is obliged to approve the plan and procedure for the event, as well as draw up a fire safety training program. The documentation is developed taking into account the specifics of the company's functioning, but does not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The location and time of the training depend on what type of training is planned. As for the venue, it can be an employee’s workplace, the territory of a business entity, or a room for conducting briefings. In detail about the place and time of instruction by type, the following can be said:

In-office briefing

  1. Induction training is carried out when an employee is hired for permanent or seasonal work in a room specially equipped for this purpose. It must contain the necessary methodological base and visual materials so that the learning process has effective results.
  2. Initial instruction is carried out upon hiring a new employee or transferring a full-time employee to another job directly at the place where they perform their job duties.
  3. Repeated briefing is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule for all employees, regardless of their length of service, position, professional responsibilities or qualifications directly at the place where they perform their professional duties.
  4. Unscheduled briefings are carried out as necessary with those employees who are affected by the purpose of the briefing directly at the place of work or in a specially equipped room.
  5. Targeted briefing is carried out before any event for specific employees at the place where they perform their job duties or in a special briefing room.

After the briefing, a record of it is made in a special journal under the signature of the person responsible for the briefing and the trained employee.

Fire safety training program

Knowledge of warning systems, evacuation plans and ability to use fire extinguishers is tested.

Can be carried out once every six months.

Training is provided as needed:

  • if changes have been made to the instructions;
  • changes in the production process;
  • if employees violated fire safety requirements;
  • if the state supervisory authorities issued an order;
  • if there was a break in work for 30 days or more;
  • if an accident or fire occurs in an organization similar in activity.

Carried out in the following cases:

  • when performing hot work (for example welding);
  • when eliminating the consequences of disasters, natural disasters;
  • when organizing excursions at the enterprise;
  • during mass events with students;
  • when preparing for events of more than 50 people (meetings, conferences).

Instruction is possible by persons who have passed the fire-technical minimum on the topic. Typically these include department heads.

Training takes place in a classroom where all the literature and visual aids are available.

If necessary or at the initiative of the manager, a fire inspector can be invited for this purpose.

After the training has been completed, this fact must be reflected in the work permit or a special journal. The signatures of the person being instructed and the person instructing, as well as the dates of training, must be included.

A list of questions and sample training plans are given in Order No. 645. When an enterprise draws up its own program for conducting fire safety training in the workplace, this normative act must be taken as a basis. Briefly, it includes the following topics:

  • evacuation plan;
  • emergency exits;
  • location of fire extinguishers and fire protection equipment;
  • information about the technology of using fire extinguishers and their types;
  • possible causes of fire in the workplace and the enterprise as a whole;
  • hazardous properties of materials and raw materials used by the company;
  • information about the employee’s personal safety in case of fire;
  • methods of providing medical care (before the arrival of specialists);
  • other topics that need to be covered depending on the specifics of work activity.

A plan for conducting fire safety training must be developed in advance, signed by the developer, and agreed upon with a representative of the fire service.

Next to each topic you must indicate the number of hours.

Fire safety documents of the enterprise are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of modern Russian legislation.

Federal laws:

  • “On Fire Safety” dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ;
  • “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ;
  • “On Amendments to the Federal Law “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”” dated July 29, 2021 No. 244-FZ.

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • “On the fire safety regime” dated April 25, 2012 No. 390 (as amended on April 23, 2021);
  • “On Federal State Fire Supervision” dated April 12, 2012 No. 290;
  • “On the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service” dated June 20, 2005 No. 385;
  • “On licensing activities for installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures” dated December 30, 2011 No. 1225.

In addition, from January 1, 2021, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2021 No. 1034 comes into force, according to which some regulatory legal acts (or parts thereof) containing requirements, compliance with which is assessed during the implementation of fire supervision, lose force.

By order of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations:

“On approval of the minimum list of equipment, tools, technical means, including measuring instruments, for the performance of work and provision of services in the field of fire safety during the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures” dated October 30, 2021 city ​​No. 478.

We have given such a detailed list of documents because they contain both universal requirements that apply to most organizations and enterprises, as well as narrowly focused ones that correspond to the type of activity of the organization.

What does this event include?

Conducting fire safety training includes familiarizing all employees with several aspects of this activity, namely the following points:

  • rules for maintaining the territory of an economic entity (access roads, adjacent territory, buildings, structures, evacuation routes) in proper form
    Study of fire equipment
  • fire safety requirements specifically at a given enterprise, focused on the characteristics of the activities and production processes of the business entity
  • measures that require implementation in order to avoid the occurrence of a fire hazard
  • rules for the use of personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment
  • rules for working with open fire, if such operations are carried out at the enterprise
  • actions of employees in the event of a fire, including self-extinguishing the fire, calling the fire service, evacuating employees from the building

Documents on fire safety in an organization in 2021

Generally, the storage period for fire safety documents is 5 years. Instruction logs and correspondence regarding the purchase of fire-fighting equipment and tools are kept for 3 years.

In the event of a fire, acts, conclusions, and correspondence are stored for 5 years, but if there were human casualties or documents were burned, then permanent storage is ensured.

  • A requirement is being introduced to ensure that not only wooden structures, but also other stage box structures made of flammable materials are impregnated with fire retardant compounds. Information about the measures taken, indicating the date and period of validity, must be entered into the log of the operation of fire protection systems.
  • Now, during public events, not only the use of open fire on stage is prohibited, but also hot work in the building in general.
  • The head of the organization is also obliged to inform spectators about fire safety measures, exit directions and rules for using respiratory and visual PPE. At the same time, during the event, it is prohibited to lock the entrance doors and emergency exit doors.
  • Vending machines can now be placed on escape routes, provided they do not reduce the width of the routes themselves.
  • Now flammable goods and goods in flammable packaging cannot be stored only in premises that do not have openable windows or mechanically driven smoke exhaust systems.
  • The requirement to apply additional security measures during sales has been eliminated.
  • The requirement for the distance between beds in hospital wards and for their grouping has been clarified.
  • The installation and storage of oxygen cylinders in buildings is prohibited unless this is provided for in the design documentation.
  • The requirement for the mandatory presence of ladders in medical organizations located in rural areas has been abolished.

Analysis of changes to the Fire Regulations from 2021

The document will replace the outdated order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 645 “On approval of fire safety standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations.” The following requirements are established:

  • Requirements for fire safety instructions.
  • Requirements for additional professional education in the field of fire safety.
  • An approximate list of questions for introductory and primary fire safety briefings.
  • Fire safety briefing log form.

Typical additional professional training programs have been proposed:

  • for heads of organizations, persons appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization to be responsible for ensuring fire safety at the protection facility, including in separate structural divisions of the organization (Appendix No. 1);
  • for heads of organizations, as well as responsible officials of operating and management organizations appointed by them, carrying out economic activities related to ensuring fire safety at protection facilities (Appendix No. 2);
  • for individual entrepreneurs, as well as persons from among hired workers appointed by individual entrepreneurs responsible for ensuring fire safety of protection facilities intended for residence or temporary stay of 50 or more people at the same time, protection facilities classified as categories of increased explosion hazard, explosion hazard, fire hazard (Appendix No. 3);
  • for the main technical and production specialists of the organization or persons performing their duties (Appendix No. 4);
  • for persons entrusted with the labor function of conducting fire safety training (Appendix No. 5).
After the induction training of 3 new employees, the required entry was not made in the occupational safety training log.
Reason: 2 employees who were supposed to undergo induction training were absent
The specified reason is not a basis for canceling or rescheduling instruction, or for not making the necessary entries in the accounting journal.
Keeping records of completed introductory briefings is the undeniable responsibility of the person conducting the instructing.

The procedure for filling out the log requires entering information upon completion of the procedure. Accordingly, the absence of records will be considered a violation

Question No. 1: Who controls enterprises and commercial structures (entrepreneurs) for the timely conduct of fire safety training among new employees?

These powers are vested in the bodies of the GPZ - state fire supervision (Fire Safety Norms, Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 645).

Question No. 2: What should an employer do if the training logbook is lost? Does this mean that it needs to be restored along with all the records?

No, you don't need to restore it. It is enough to issue an act of loss in fact.

Introductory fire safety training must be carried out:

  1. with all employees newly hired, regardless of their education, length of service in the profession (position);
  2. with seasonal workers;
  3. with employees seconded to the organization;
  4. with students arriving for on-the-job training or internship;
  5. with other categories of employees (citizens) by decision of the head of the organization.

The introductory fire safety briefing is conducted by the head of the organization or the person appointed responsible for fire safety in the organization. Introductory training must be carried out in a specially equipped room using visual aids and educational materials. Introductory briefing is carried out according to a program developed taking into account the requirements of fire safety standards, rules, regulations and instructions. The introductory fire safety briefing will end with practical training in what to do in the event of a fire and testing of knowledge of fire extinguishing equipment and fire protection systems.

Fines for lack of instructions

In the absence of instructions and documentation on them, inspection bodies apply penalties to the organization:

  • if the company does not have an employee responsible for fire safety, the fine will be 50-80 thousand rubles.
  • if the company does not have documentation on the instructions provided, it will be fined 110-130 thousand rubles.
  • if the company’s employees do not undergo training, the fine will be up to 130 thousand rubles.

Instruction regarding fire safety is an important event, the main purpose of which is to provide employees with theoretical information and practical skills in behavior in the event of a fire or its prevention. Responsibility for conducting training lies with the employer, who, if the requirements of the law are ignored, is subject to administrative liability and penalties.


Write your question in the form below

Projects for training PTM and PI instead of the Ministry of Emergency Situations order 645

Primary fire safety training is carried out directly at the workplace:

  1. with all newly hired employees;
  2. with those transferred from one division of the organization to another;
  3. with employees performing new work for them;
  4. with employees seconded to the organization;
  5. with seasonal workers;
  6. with construction specialists performing construction, installation and other work on the territory of the organization;
  7. with students arriving for on-the-job training or internship.

The initial fire safety briefing for the specified categories of workers is carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in each structural unit, appointed by order of the head of the enterprise. Primary fire safety training is carried out according to a program developed taking into account the requirements of standards, rules, regulations and instructions on fire safety. The initial training program is approved by the head of the organization’s structural unit or the person responsible for fire safety of the structural unit. Primary fire safety training is carried out with each employee individually or with a group of people who have similar jobs and working conditions, with practical demonstration and training of skills in using primary fire extinguishing equipment, actions in the event of a fire, evacuation rules, and assistance to victims.

The person responsible for fire safety must carry out repeated fire safety briefings with all employees, regardless of qualifications, education, length of service, or the nature of the work performed, at least once a year, and in enterprises with explosion and fire hazards - at least once every six months. Repeated fire safety training is carried out in accordance with the training schedule. Repeated fire safety training is carried out individually or with a group of workers who have similar jobs and working conditions according to the program of primary fire safety training at the workplace. During the repeated fire safety briefing, knowledge of fire safety standards, rules, norms and instructions, the ability to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, knowledge of evacuation routes, fire warning systems and management of the evacuation process are tested.

Targeted fire safety training is carried out:

  1. when performing one-time work associated with an increased fire danger (welding and other hot work);
  2. when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes;
  3. when performing work for which a permit is issued, when performing hot work in explosive industries;
  4. when conducting excursions to organizations;
  5. when organizing mass events;
  6. when preparing for the organization of events with a large number of people (meetings, meetings, conferences, meetings, etc.), with the number of participants more than 50 people.

Targeted fire safety briefing is carried out by the person responsible for fire safety at the enterprise or the immediate supervisor of the work.

Targeted fire safety training should be completed by testing the knowledge and skills acquired by employees to use primary fire extinguishing means, actions in the event of a fire, knowledge of evacuation rules, and assistance to victims.

Labor safety is one of those conditions that all enterprises without exception must observe for normal operation. Among other measures to protect employees from hazardous factors, fire safety training should be conducted within each organization. The corresponding order serves as a documentary impetus for their implementation.

Essence, purpose, objectives and types of instruction

The essence of fire safety training is to teach employees how to prevent a fire or take the necessary measures during the initial stage of a fire.

The main purpose of this type of training is to inform the company’s employees of the basic requirements in this area of ​​activity, rules of behavior in the event of a fire, schemes for the use of fire extinguishing agents and personal protection.

Based on the stated goal, the tasks of fire safety training are reduced to the following points:

  • formation of the necessary knowledge base in the field of regulatory regulation of fire prevention measures
  • obtaining the necessary theoretical knowledge on emerging issues related to the implementation of fire safety actions
  • acquisition of practical skills in fire prevention and fire prevention

Fire safety training has variations depending on the time of implementation and individual characteristics. The types of instruction are as follows:

Fire safety training

  1. Induction conducted for newly hired employees. It consists in explaining to the employee the basic provisions related to the possibility of a fire hazardous situation and his actions to avoid a fire.
  2. Primary at the place of work, carried out directly at the place where the employee performs his professional duties. He receives information about how to behave in the workplace, what to look for and how to act in the event of a fire hazard.
  3. Repeated, organized for employees in order to update the theoretical and practical base, as well as to repeat previously provided information on fire protection.
  4. Unscheduled, carried out when new circumstances arise in the company’s activities, for example, when introducing new equipment or technological processes. Training concerns employees directly related to new circumstances and conditions of work.
  5. Targeted, carried out to achieve a specific goal, for example, when using new personal protective equipment or installing additional equipment and fire extinguishing equipment. In addition, it is carried out when carrying out one-time activities, for example, when eliminating the consequences of an emergency situation, when performing work of a single nature, etc.

Introductory fire safety training for employees in 2021

A responsible person is appointed to conduct briefings - usually a labor protection engineer.

This specialist must first complete a training course, based on the results of which the graduate is issued an appropriate certificate.

In addition, the organization must have an employee who, during the absence of the occupational safety engineer at the workplace, could perform his duties.

In one fire safety briefing log, records are kept of the introductory, primary at the workplace and other briefings with employees. Training in fire safety measures for employees is carried out according to fire safety briefing programs (instructions), and for the manager and those responsible for ensuring fire safety - according to additional professional education programs (Fire Safety Rules, effective from January 1, 2021).

  • School regulations
  • Documents on coronavirus
  • Tickets and OT instructions
  • Occupational safety magazines
  • Acts and protocols on occupational safety
  • OT regulatory documents
  • Officials Profstandard
  • CEN officials
  • Deputy officials
  • Official administrations
  • Teachers' positions
  • Staff officials
  • Job titles of laboratory technicians
  • List of officials
  • Primary school office
  • Physics room
  • Computer Science Room
  • Biology class
  • Chemistry room
  • Technology room
  • Training workshops
  • Gym
  • Life Safety Cabinet
  • Circles, studios, sections
  • Fire safety at school
  • Fire safety training at school
  • Fire safety in preschool educational institutions
  • Fire safety video
  • List of fire safety instructions
  • Job Descriptions for School Camp
  • Safety instructions for school camps
  • School Camp Instructions
  • Instructions for school camp children
  • Instructions for school camp children

Introductory lesson in choreography.

An example of the first choreography lesson with children of middle preschool age....

fire safety program at preschool educational institutions

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Introductory fire safety briefing is conveying to the enterprise employees the main rules and standards of fire safety, listing fire protection equipment and using them, as well as training workers how to act and what measures should be taken in the event of a fire.

The problem of fire safety in the country and in particular in enterprises is regulated

  • Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety” - describes the interaction between the state, all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, services and local governments, as well as all legal entities in relation to ensuring safety from fires and fires;
  • Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” - contains information on working with items that require protection; approves concepts and terms related to fire safety; lists systems and methods of protection against fires, means of preventing fires; classifies types of fires, fire equipment, substances, materials, etc.

The fact of conducting an introductory or any other briefing is a mark in the registration log left by the person who conducted the lecture.

The type and form of the fire safety induction training logbook are approved by the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation. The latest changes were made by Resolution No. 1213 of November 10, 2015.


(as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated 04.05.2020 No. 22)


1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for training workers on fire safety issues and testing their knowledge in this area, including the procedure for conducting fire safety briefings, the procedure for conducting training under the fire technical minimum program (hereinafter referred to as PTM), categories of workers subject to mandatory training under this program .

2. For the purposes of this Instruction, the terms and their definitions are used in the meanings established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 23, 2021 No. 7 “On the Development of Entrepreneurship.”

3. Training of workers on fire safety issues is carried out by conducting fire safety briefings and (or) mastering PTM programs approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus dated May 2, 2018 No. 30 “On approval of fire-technical minimum programs.”


Unscheduled instruction of company employees is carried out in strictly defined situations, indicated by paragraph 26 of section II of the Appendix to Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 645 of December 12, 2007. Paragraph 27 of this act regulates the procedure for carrying out this procedure.

Extraordinary fire safety briefings are carried out with the aim of providing specific company employees with information about measures to prevent (eliminate) fires. Obtaining such knowledge by workers should contribute to fire prevention.

The accounting journal must reflect each fact of the transaction for a specific employee of the company. With the help of such a log, the employer will be able to prove compliance with the relevant legal requirements.

Order on the procedure for conducting fire safety training 2021

15. The following are subject to mandatory training under the PTM program:

  • employees responsible for fire safety of a business entity (its structural divisions);
  • workers operating heat generating devices;
  • workers responsible for preparing and (or) carrying out hot work;
  • workers performing hot work;
  • employees whose work as an employee (worker's profession) involves the storage, movement, use of flammable gases, flammable liquids, explosive dusts, solid flammable substances and materials;
  • workers involved in harvesting grain crops, preparing and storing roughage;
  • members of freelance fire brigades from among the employees of the business entity;
  • employees who are responsible for conducting fire safety training.

(paragraph introduced by resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated 04.05.2020 No. 22)

In the event that persons who have the right to conduct training under the PTM program are responsible for ensuring fire safety of a legal entity (its structural unit) and (or) members of the fire-technical commission, a certificate of completion of training under the PTM program is not required, provided that the specified persons have relevant educational documents giving the right to conduct training under the PTM program.

16. Training of employees under the PTM program is carried out no later than one month after their hiring and at least once every 3 years, except for the cases provided for in part two of this paragraph.

Training of workers responsible for preparing and (or) carrying out hot work, workers performing hot work, workers whose work in the position of an employee (worker's profession) involves the storage, movement, use of flammable gases, flammable liquids, explosive dusts, solid flammable substances and materials, according to the PTM program is carried out at least once a year.

(Part two of paragraph 16 as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated 04.05.2020 No. 22)

17. By decision of the business entity, training of employees under the PTM program may be carried out in the business entity at the place of work, in other legal entities, individually or with a group of workers. Training of workers under the PTM program is not carried out remotely.

Training under PTM programs is carried out by managers and specialists of a legal entity who have an education in the specialty “Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations” or “Fire and Industrial Safety” or who have undergone advanced training in the direction of “Ensuring Fire Safety”, except for the cases provided for in part four of this paragraph . Activities to train workers under PTM programs are not carried out by individual entrepreneurs.

Advanced training of managers and specialists of a legal entity (with the exception of employees of state fire supervision bodies) in the direction of “Ensuring fire safety” is carried out no later than 5 years after receiving education or advanced training provided for in part two of this paragraph.

Training under the PTM program for members of fire brigades equipped with a fire tanker or other equipment adapted for extinguishing fires, and fire brigades, is carried out by managers and specialists of a legal entity with education in the specialty “Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations” or “Fire and Industrial Safety”.

18. The conduct of training under the PTM program must be recorded by the legal entity whose employee carries out the training, at the place where it was carried out, in the logbook for recording the training under the PTM program in the form according to Appendix 4.

19. Training under the PTM program ends with a knowledge test. Testing knowledge within the scope of the PTM program is carried out by a commission appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the business entity in which the training was carried out, consisting of at least three people (chairman, deputy (deputy) chairman, members of the commission, one of whom serves as a secretary). The commission must include an employee (employees) of the legal entity (its structural unit) who conducted the training, as well as employees of the business entity that sent for training (by agreement of the legal entity (its structural unit) in which the training was conducted and the subject management, which sent the employee for training).

Knowledge testing is carried out to the extent of the training carried out under the PTM program in the form of a written or oral survey or testing, including using software, as well as practicing actions in the event of a fire.

20. Persons who successfully pass the knowledge test are issued a certificate of completion of training under the PTM program in the form according to Appendix 5.

The coupon number is entered in the training register for the PTM program.


1. General information about the specifics and features of the activities of a business entity in terms of fire and explosion hazards.

2. Circumstances and causes of fires in this and similar business entities, measures to prevent possible causes of fires and conditions that contributed to their occurrence.

3. Fire safety regime in the business entity in accordance with fire safety requirements.

4. Duties and responsibilities of employees for violation of fire safety requirements.

5. Fire safety signs.

6. Characteristics of the fire protection and fire extinguishing means available in the business entity and the rules for their use.

7. Practical actions in the event of a fire (calling fire rescue service units, freelance fire brigades, evacuation of people and material assets, use of fire protection and fire extinguishing equipment, methods of providing first aid to victims of a fire).

Appendix 2

to the Instructions on the preparation procedure

fire workers

security and testing their knowledge

in this area

registration of fire safety instructions



(name of business entity)



(legal entity (its structural unit), individual entrepreneur)

Started ____ _____________ 20_____

Graduated ____ ___________ 20_____

(Subsequent pages)

N p/p The date of the Last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who received the instruction The position of the employee (profession of the worker) of the person who has undergone the training Type of briefing (introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted) Last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person conducting the instruction The position of the employee (profession of the worker) of the person conducting the instruction Signature
the person conducting the briefing a person who has undergone instruction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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