Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest! TOP - 9 ways not to work today ;)

Are you contagious?

You are sick, which means you need to stay home in bed. Work is the last thing you need right now. Although you may want to be in the office, your colleagues may be against it since no one wants to get infected.

Raini Ware, director of human resources and team culture at Sonwil Distribution Center in Buffalo, New York, says that from a productivity standpoint, if you're sick, it's not a good idea to come to work. “Who knows how many more employees will come face to face with a cold as a result of working with someone who refuses to admit that they are contagious?”

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For those who interact with clients, the need to stay home becomes even more urgent. “Imagine how happy your customers will be when they find out that you just gave them an infection,” says Vare.

So how do you know if you can infect others? Some warning signs include nausea or diarrhea, excessive mucus production, red and tired eyes, sore joints and fever.

Can you do your job?

Even if you don't have all the warning signs that you are contagious, you may feel so bad that you are unable to do your job well. When a person is ill, attention to detail often suffers and productivity decreases. Especially if you work in an industry that requires concentration, operating heavy machinery, or interacting with picky customers.

“If a sick employee has not slept well, is ill, or is taking medications that cause drowsiness, the safety of that employee and others is at risk,” Ware says. By taking sick leave, you will be able to recover and return to your activities faster.

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How to get away from work: answering machine

Don't answer calls if you have an answering machine. It’s better to say later that you were very busy than to do the work you were asked to do. Remember that during the working day no one will call to find out how you are or to offer you free coffee. If you left a message on your answering machine that promises serious work, that you shouldn’t ignore it, you need to get out of the situation cunningly. Call the person during his lunch break, when he will definitely not be at work. This will show that you are responsible, called back and did not ignore your colleague. But they never gave you the job. Wonderful.

How to avoid work: looking nervous and irritable

If you see that they may be overloaded with work, then try to look nervous and irritated. This will protect you from unnecessary questions, and will also create the impression that you are fully engaged in your work, worried about its result, and very worried.

How to take time away from work: leave work late

Try to leave work late at least a few times a month. You can stay up late reading a book or magazine that you didn’t have time for before. The main thing is that you leave no later than the boss, and when passing by his office, say goodbye, drawing attention to yourself, showing that you work long and hard, and stay in the office the longest. Also try to send work email late at night or early in the morning, as well as on holidays and weekends. Thus, your boss may think that even on a well-deserved day off you are up to your ears in work.

How to avoid work: heavy sighs

When there are a lot of colleagues around, try to breathe heavily, showing that you are overloaded with work and it is simply pressing on you from all sides.

How to take time away from work: I study, I work

Collecting a lot of documents on the table, opening several books is good, but if you want to “finish off” everyone with your diligence and hard work, then you can put several thick thematic books on the floor, opening them from time to time, checking something with your notes and sighing heavily. The effect is simply incredible.

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How to get away from work: smart and beautiful words

Read new magazines, books, publications in your specialty, learn new and smart words, and understand what they mean. When talking with bosses, try to successfully and accurately use these phrases, thereby showing how well-read you are, that you follow modern trends and innovations. The bosses won't always understand what you're talking about, but that doesn't matter. The main thing is to create a very important image. These are the good “bad” pieces of advice we decided to give you today. Of course, it’s not worth mowing from work, because nothing good will come of it. Well, if you decide to cheat a little, then do everything wisely. When it comes to taking time off work, I immediately think of the movie Eurotrip. The guy went on a trip to Europe, but didn’t say anything to his boss. He excused himself so skillfully that in the end he also received a promotion for his “hard work.” Some may think that this is fiction, but I will say that every story has its own true backstory.

How about a “mental health” day?

Some days you feel physically healthy but need a day off to free yourself from stress or a demanding boss. Can you take a "mental health day"? For this type of recovery, it is better to take a vacation.

How about.

On the other hand, if things are very serious and you urgently need a break, tell your boss that you just received terrible news and can't concentrate on work. Plus, if you need to care for a sick relative, you are guaranteed sick leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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Annual paid vacation

Each employee is guaranteed annual paid leave, which is provided in accordance with the vacation schedule, mandatory for both employees and employers (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Please note:
The vacation schedule is approved no later than two weeks before the new year, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization.

At the same time, nothing prevents the provision of annual leave outside the schedule if the employee and the employer have agreed on this. We add that, as a general rule, vacation can be divided into parts, one of which is at least 14 calendar days (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the remaining part can be used as the employee and employer agree. Therefore, providing one day of annual paid leave is completely legal.

To apply for annual leave for one day (if the employer agrees), you need to:

  1. Receive a statement from the employee indicating the specific desired day.
  2. Issue an order granting annual leave.
  3. Make appropriate notes on the time sheet.

Please note that if you apply for annual paid leave for one day, difficulties may arise related to payment for the leave.
In particular, according to the rule of Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vacation must be paid no later than three days before it starts. Moreover, this rule applies to vacation of any duration; the employee goes on vacation for a day or two weeks - it doesn’t matter. Therefore, providing one day of annual leave is convenient if the employee knows in advance that he needs to leave on such and such a date. However, in most cases, employees ask for time off spontaneously when certain circumstances arise.

Are you really sick?

One interesting fact about sick days: they are mostly taken on Fridays and Mondays. Curious, isn't it? Usually, when an employee calls the boss these days and complains about his condition, the boss realizes that the employee is lying. Surely he has heard all these excuses more than once.

Vare says: “Most often the boss understands when you call and lie. Your boss has been managing employees for years, and he can spot a liar. You could be reprimanded (at best) and lose your job at worst.”

Should I call or not?

There is a lot of conflicting advice about whether a phone call when sick is necessary, or whether an email is sufficient. If you're not sure, you can always ask management or ask your boss ahead of time about the best way to communicate with him.

Vare says that in most cases it is better to use email. In fact, for many employers, email is preferable because they often check their email before leaving home in the morning, and they can start the work day with your absence in mind.

However, if you are in doubt about whether to call or not, it is better to be safe. God saves man, who save himself!

How to quit work: tips and tricks

On our website you can always find only good, useful advice on how to start your own business, how to take your first steps in the world of finance, how to motivate yourself to work and confidently move towards your goal. This is true, but today’s article will go against all the principles of the site. I won’t motivate you, but on the contrary, I’ll tell you how to get out of work.

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These tips will be useful to those who are trying their best not to work while working. Being lazy correctly is also a talent that requires serious training. And if you have very strict and sensitive management, and your employees are happy to give in and don’t bat an eyelid, then you will have to hone your skills to the level of a super professional. I myself understand perfectly well that hired work very rarely brings pleasure; once you arrive at the office, you want to leave it as quickly as possible. But until you find a well-paid hobby, you need to somehow survive, spin and try to make the most of the current situation. Today I will teach you how to avoid work, but at the same time earn the praise of your superiors.

What about working from home?

If you work in an industry that allows you to work from home, this may be an option when you need to take care of a sick child or yourself. If working from home is not an option, you can suggest changing your work schedule to compensate for a sick day, such as on the weekend or staying a few hours after work over the next few days. However, there are times when it is best to simply rest and recover.

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