The procedure for providing additional paid leave

Author of the article: Lina Smirnova Last modified: January 2021 3502

All citizens working officially have the right by law to annual compulsory vacation leave, which is subject to payment. However, sometimes situations arise when employees need to temporarily interrupt work due to personal circumstances that the state classifies as social reasons. Let's consider what is meant by the concept of social leave , for what reasons it can be provided, and what are its differences from other leaves specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Definition of the concept

First, you need to define what social leave is (hereinafter referred to as social leave, SO). This legal category refers to the provision of additional days of rest to citizens, which are used to exercise social rights.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) does not contain the concept of social leave. However, certain rules regulate the concept. Various provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establish conditions that allow a person to be released on additional rest in connection with certain circumstances.

Therefore, social rest is called the days on which a person is freed from work in order to satisfy needs in part:

  • raising children;
  • treatment of a personal health condition;
  • obtaining knowledge and qualifications, etc.

The list is not closed, since the reasons for granting leave may vary among citizens.

What are the differences between regular and social holiday periods:

  1. The purpose of the CO is not to relax, but to fulfill a specific social mission.
  2. Social leave does not include the concepts of length of service, type of work or profession.
  3. CO is paid according to the rules established in the legislative acts of Russia or the collective agreement of the enterprise.
  4. Social leave is provided regardless of annual leave and cannot replace it.
  5. The employee also has the right to choose the period of time off at his own discretion.
  6. Rest time is counted in calendar days, not working days.
  7. Unlike the main one, social leave cannot be transferred to the next year; its days are not summed up with the next year, but expire upon completion of the current one.
  8. Employees are not entitled to financial compensation for unused CO days.

Initiating the provision of CO is the exclusive right of the employee; the employer cannot force a person to take time off under duress.

Who can be granted additional vacation time?

Additional vacation days for certain categories of citizens are secured by the following legislative documents:

  • Labor Code;
  • letters from Rostrud;
  • Government resolutions.

Additional days are assigned as compensation for specific activities or incentives for long hours of work. A list of such professions has been established:

  • workers whose professional activities include increased mental and physical stress (military, astronauts, police, investigators, prosecutors, drug control officers, customs officers, Ministry of Emergency Situations);
  • employees of the construction industry, if their activities are related to the construction and repair of underground structures;
  • citizens working in the field of mining;
  • nuclear energy specialists;
  • metallurgical industry workers;
  • employees of the electric power industry;
  • municipal employees;
  • healthcare workers, trainers;
  • working in the Far North;
  • other categories of citizens (persons exposed to radiation).

The employer has the right to assign days of rest in excess of the established norm, guided by the documentation base of the enterprise.

What types of social leave are there?

Depending on which entity requests the provision of CO, its varieties are also distinguished.
To begin with, we should name the criteria that must exist in order to become eligible to demand time off for social reasons:

  1. Availability of official employment.
  2. The person must belong to the group of citizens who are legally entitled to CO.

If at least one of these conditions does not exist, then leave is not allowed.

Does not matter:

  • what employer the person is employed by;
  • position and type of activity;
  • seniority.

The factors listed are not of great importance when requesting leave.

Depending on the reason for which leave is issued, types are divided into leave according to:

  • caring for children under 18 years of age;
  • treatment and restoration of health in case of disability;
  • pension reasons;
  • getting an education;
  • marital status;
  • and also if a person in the family died who was performing professional duties or civic duty.

For each type of social leave, the law sets its own duration.

As with annual leave, an employee can count on maintaining his job. As for social holiday pay, they will be received only by those workers for whom such payments are provided for in the local acts of the enterprise.

Sample job description for a social work specialist

General provisions

  1. A social work specialist is included in the category of specialists, reports to ______________, is hired for a position and dismissed from it by order of the management of the institution.
  2. This position can be filled by a person with a higher or secondary specialized education in the specialty “Social protection” or with a similar education and retraining in the course “Social protection”. There are no work experience requirements.
  3. When performing his work tasks, the employee must rely on:
      legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of its activities (family, criminal, civil law);
  4. methodological documentation in your field;
  5. charter of the institution;
  6. administrative documentation of the institution's management;
  7. internal labor regulations;
  8. labor safety standards;
  9. fire safety requirements;
  10. this document.
  11. An employee hired as a social work specialist must know:
      regulatory documentation and other documents of higher departments regulating work in the field of social services and state family policy;
  12. current social methods of regional development;
  13. methods and specifics of social work with families and individual citizens of various categories and social strata who are in difficult living conditions;
  14. basic provisions of personality psychology, family and developmental psychology, rules for helping the disabled and pensioners;
  15. leading experience in social work, both Russian and foreign;
  16. national characteristics and traditions of your region;
  17. foundations of sociology;
  18. rules for working with computer equipment.
  19. During the absence of this employee from his workplace, his duties and powers are transferred to another employee appointed by the management of the institution.
  20. The social work specialist reports to __________.

Job responsibilities

A social work specialist has the following job responsibilities:

  1. Find citizens and families in the area of ​​your work who are in difficult life situations and compile a database.
  2. Find out the reasons why they are in a difficult life situation, decide what amount of social assistance they need, and facilitate the provision of this assistance to them.
  3. Develop a “social passport” of the territory in the area of ​​your work, study the needs of families and citizens living there for social assistance and services.
  4. Conduct social patronage for disabled people and WWII participants, citizens affected by military operations, lonely elderly people, families with disabled children, and orphans.
  5. Help formulate a package of documents for accepting the above citizens for temporary or permanent social services, for the purposes of guardianship and guardianship.
  6. Provide advice on social issues to all applicants.
  7. Participate in activities to form and improve family and social policy in your region, to prepare and implement regional social programs.
  8. Provide assistance to educational, internal affairs, and healthcare authorities in their professional field.
  9. Take part in the activities of methodological associations of social workers.
  10. Contact with various institutions (state, religious, public) on issues of providing social assistance to citizens and families in need.
  11. Help citizens find employment and unlock their potential.
  12. Help in the formation of clubs and circles, associations of families of interests, mutual aid groups.
  13. Participate in cultural events for the families and citizens served.
  14. Generate, maintain and properly store necessary documentation.


An employee holding the position of social work specialist has the following rights:

  1. Suggest measures to improve work related to the points of this job description.
  2. Request and review all necessary documents required to perform your job.
  3. Improve your qualifications in the prescribed manner.
  4. Request assistance from superiors in performing their job functions.
  5. Participate in solving labor safety and other issues in your institution.
  6. Other rights guaranteed by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.


An employee hired as a social work specialist is responsible for:

  1. For performing your work tasks in an improper manner as specified in this document - within the framework of the provisions of the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For causing material damage to the employer - in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. For crimes in the workplace - within the limits of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Social leave for family reasons

The most common SB in terms of nuances in marital status is maternity leave and the one preceding it for pregnancy and childbirth.
The law establishes that a woman is entitled to payment for such days. The period associated with childbirth and pregnancy is not considered maternity leave; it is a period when the employee has limited ability to work and cannot perform functions due to health reasons. In this case, this period is paid as regular sick leave. It is important that the woman is officially employed. After the expiration of sick leave, the employee has the right to return to work or write an application for maternity leave.

Maternity benefits are paid by the state in an amount that is set depending on the employee’s salary. If the mother had no income, then she is entitled to a minimum guaranteed amount.

The father can also receive a five-day exemption when the child is born. The duration may vary depending on the rules established in the collective agreement or other local acts. For such days the employee is not entitled to compensation.

After the child has reached the age of three, the parent must leave maternity leave, but since the baby is not yet an independent member of society, some parents are entitled to another 14 days annually for additional care.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that an employee is entitled to two weeks of assessment:

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The concept and procedure for drawing up an employment contract between an employer and an employee

  • if he has two or more children who are under 14 years old;
  • who is supporting a child with a disability;
  • if a parent is raising a minor under fourteen years of age alone.

These are legal deadlines that are guaranteed to every citizen, but the employer has the right to extend them at his own discretion.

How is it reflected in the documents?

Considering that this period is part of the annual vacation time paid by the employer, it is recorded in all papers, just like the main vacation . Thus, HR department employees must enter data into the vacation schedule and time sheet for work permits. The data is also reflected in the employee’s personal card.

The first thing the employee must do is write an application for additional leave , for example, as in the sample:

To grant leave, an order is drawn up using the unified form T-6. This document comes with a special note indicating the amount of payments for vacation and additional compensation that the employee is entitled to.

Example of an order (clickable):

All paperwork must be completed quickly, since the employee receives vacation pay no later than the 3rd day of vacation . Delay in payment is considered a gross violation.

The personal card must contain data on the number of vacation days, the period worked and the basis for going on vacation. In the working time sheet additional. vacation is reflected by the digital code 10 or the letters OD .

Upon receipt of education

By acquiring new knowledge and gaining qualifications, a citizen becomes useful in society and the state.
Therefore, the authorities are trying to create the most favorable conditions and not interfere with the educational activities of students. Providing students with social leave is a manifestation of such assistance. The duration of the assessment depends on the educational institution in which the citizen is studying and what actions he performs.

Thus, CO is provided for a period of time:

  • entrance exams;
  • off-season sessions;
  • final exams;
  • defense of theses.

The employer cannot interfere or not give time off for study.

According to the law, the employer gives fifteen calendar days to the employee for the period:

  1. Preparation and passing entrance tests.
  2. To attend preparatory classes for passing final exams.

The list is closed.

For persons studying in a day hospital, the following is required:

  • fifteen days for streaming sessions;
  • one month to prepare and pass state tests;
  • four months to write a thesis and defend it.

The list is exhaustive.

Persons who study in the correspondence department are given:

  1. In the first two courses – forty days annually to appear at sessions.
  2. If a student has a shortened or accelerated program, then in the 2nd year the person receives 50 days.
  3. In other years of study (after the second year) – 50 days annually.
  4. 4 months are allotted for state exams, writing and submitting a thesis.

A student has the right to receive compensation for vacation days in case of good studies and if the form of study is full-time or part-time.

In case of disability and retirement age

Disabled people who belong to the first and second groups have the opportunity to work.
If a person has a disability, this means that his health status has serious, permanent impairments. Disabilities are distinguished:

  • permanent – ​​fixed in a person who has been diagnosed with lifelong dysfunction in the body;
  • temporary - a person is given some time to restore health.

The type of disability does not affect the issuance of a certificate. Every disabled person has the right to social leave in the amount of 60 days, in addition to the annual one. A person can spend this time on prevention, rest, undergoing a medical examination or other procedures to improve their health. To receive rest, the employee does not have to provide additional information (for example, about the need to undergo an examination); one expression of will is sufficient.

Working citizens of retirement age can count on an additional vacation of two weeks. The legislator proceeds from the fact that in old age it is more difficult for citizens to cope with responsibilities, therefore pensioners need more time to rest.

Legislative regulation

As mentioned above, the right to vacation is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation , namely in paragraph 5 of Article 37. In addition, this provision is regulated by Labor legislation, specifically Chapter 19.

The fact that a person is entitled to annual leave is stated in the Labor Code, Part 1, Article 122. Provisions on holidays and the correct calculation of vacation can be found in Article 115. Article 267 states that certain categories of employees have the right to a longer vacation period. This applies primarily to minor citizens .

In addition to the main vacation, an officially employed employee can count on an additional paid period if he falls into a special category . All rules and regulations on this issue can be seen in Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Here you can also find information about what extras are. vacation basically.

Additional information on each category of citizens who can count on one more vacation period per year is contained in articles 117, 118, 119, 321 and 322.

Under personal circumstances

Leave for personal reasons does not provide compensation. This rule is enshrined in Art. 128 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The duration of social leave in this case depends on the agreements of the parties.

The important point is that the employee must justify the request with specific, valid circumstances. If the employee does not have evidence of the seriousness of the situation, the employer has the right not to sign the application.

However, there are circumstances in which the legislator obliges the employer to provide CO; they are provided for in Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and are as follows:

  1. If an employee enters into a marriage relationship (wedding).
  2. If an employee has a child.
  3. If a close relative has died - for preparation and conduct of the funeral.

The duration of such leave can be up to five days, but the employer can reduce this time.

Procedure for provision

The employee has the right to take all required vacation periods every year . At the same time, the right to receive the first main leave arises already 6 months after official employment.

To avoid confusion with vacation periods, the company always draws up a schedule that is valid for the entire calendar year. If necessary, changes can be made .

Watch a detailed video about the vacation schedule:

An employee who is entitled to additional paid leave has the right to combine it with the main one. You can divide the days, but only according to certain rules. It is important that each part of the vacation is at least 14 days.

In rare cases, an employee may be given leave in advance. This may be due to various situations, including by special agreement with the employer, but most often this method is used by part-time workers who want to take vacation at the same time from several jobs.

Features of the advance method:

  1. if we are talking about an employee who works on an irregular schedule, he is provided with advance days without problems at any time, even if he has worked for less than six months .
  2. for those who work in hazardous enterprises, a prerequisite for receiving such a vacation period will be working for at least 11 months.

By law, ML is a component of annual leave, therefore it is subject to all conditions of provision and payment. For example, a boss cannot demand the cancellation of vacation for an employee. Moreover, if necessary, you can transfer unused time to a later date .

However, it must still be the same calendar year. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the additional vacation period. If the employee does not want to use additional vacation this year, you can receive monetary compensation for it.

This is also taken into account upon dismissal, where the employee may receive additional payments. If the additional leave was issued in advance, the accounting department must withhold the required amount from the dismissed person .

Read more about redundancy payments here.

Upon the death of a family member who served the country

Labor legislation notes the importance of persons who perform official or professional duties and die in connection with them, by the fact that their close relatives are given additional days off. At the request of a family member, the employer must provide up to two weeks of CO each year.

Close relatives are considered:

  • parents or legal guardians (adoptive parents) of the deceased;
  • their spouses.

The privilege is given to the families of the victims whose professions are on the list of professions of particular importance to the state.

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Types of leave and the procedure for their provision according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

These are the persons who performed the duties:

  1. For military service - fixed-term or contract.
  2. In places of deprivation of liberty (criminal enforcement activities).
  3. In internal affairs bodies (police).
  4. For elimination and prevention of fires (Ministry of Emergency Situations).
  5. Customs Service.

The next condition for granting benefits is the cause of death; it must be directly related to the performance of work duties.

Death of an employee:

  • occurred while performing official functions;
  • was the result of an illness caused by the performance of professional duties.

To issue a certificate of death, family members must present a death certificate and documents confirming a close relationship with the deceased.

Procedure for applying for social leave

To receive a social benefit in the form of leave, a citizen who applies for it must go through a special procedure. As already mentioned, a distinctive feature of the CO benefit is the employee’s initiative and desire to receive it. The expression of will must be expressed in writing. Like other requests for time off, this request is made in the form of a statement addressed to the head of the company.

In order to receive days of rest, a citizen who belongs to one of the above groups of citizens entitled to additional leave must:

  • write an appeal to your manager and notify him of your intention. Here you should also write about the duration of the CO and the reasons why it should be issued;
  • In some cases, you may be required to provide documentation to support your circumstances for the benefit.

In fact, these are all the employee’s actions.

After the manager receives the request, he must take the following actions with it:

  1. Study the application. Check whether the subordinate has circumstances that allow him or her to qualify for the benefit. Check the accuracy and documents of the application.
  2. Make a decision on whether to approve or refuse to provide a CO, and notify the HR department of this on the application by affixing a resolution
  3. After this, the application goes to the personnel service (or other authorized person), which prepares a leave order. The order is signed by the boss.
  4. Along with this, the issue of payment of compensation, which is due to the employee on the basis of local acts, is being resolved.

Management has the right to provide financial support to employees at its discretion, even if it is not specified in the collective agreement or other rules.

Types of additional vacations

The type of leave directly depends on the category of employees to whom it is granted.

For employees of hazardous enterprises

People who sacrifice their health to work in dangerous and hazardous jobs can count on various benefits that are not available to ordinary employees. These advantages include, among other things, the opportunity to get a longer vacation period by using additional vacation.

Labor legislation, namely Article 117, states that employees engaged in hazardous work or in contact with hazardous substances are entitled to an annual additional salary. vacation.

These include:

  • mining and underground work;
  • activities in quarries and places with increased background radiation;
  • work with chemical, physical and biological factors that have a negative impact on health.

For representatives of hazardous professions and those who work in hazardous enterprises, an additional 7 days are provided to the standard vacation period. The duration of this time can be increased if this is provided for by the internal regulations of the enterprise or a collective agreement.

Enterprises and working conditions will only be included in this category if this is documented. To obtain certain papers, workplaces are examined and certified by a special commission .

It may happen that after the next certification, some employees may lose additional benefits. vacation. In this case, they will receive an official notification:

Example notification (clickable):

For special working conditions

Additional is defined similarly. leave for work of a special nature. Employees of complex professions have the right to receive several calendar days of vacation in excess of the required 28.

The list of works from this category is approved by the Government of the country. The full list can be found in Article 118 of the Labor Law. In particular, this category includes some healthcare professionals, such as nurses, general practitioners and family doctors .

At the same time, the employee must have at least 3 years of experience in medicine . The special nature of the work is considered for employees of territorial authorities in the Republic of Chechnya. This also applies to those who work in the area on business trips.

Such work also includes those related to vehicles. Drivers who have to spend a lot of time behind the wheel without rest may have a special nature of work activity.

In this case, the employee has irregular working hours , since the schedule is constantly changing. The rules for granting leave for transport employees are prescribed in Article 2, Part 100 of the Labor Legislation.

For an irregular day

It is not always possible for drivers to create a normal work schedule where there will be enough time for work and rest. But there are many other professions where the situation is similar. This category of employees has the right to additional leave, since they do not have a clear working day.

This concept means that an employee can be called upon to perform certain job duties at any time, since it is not possible to complete them according to schedule.

Such actions can be episodic or permanent. The issue of irregular working hours is regulated by Article 101 of the Labor Code.

The number of professions and positions that are classified in this category may include various options. At the same time, this issue is discussed in advance and reflected in the collective agreement . Such information can be specified in the employment contract and local regulations.

When choosing positions with irregular working hours, the opinion of representatives of the local Trade Union .

The duration of the additional vacation period for representatives of this category of employees must be at least 3 calendar days . But often the collective agreement provides for a longer period.

The maximum in this situation is already regulated at the legislative level. For employees who work irregular hours, additional leave cannot exceed 14 days .

No additional wage payments are provided for this category of employees. Time spent on work duties beyond the norm will be compensated by a long vacation.

For workers in the Far North

Considering that people who live in such areas put their health at great risk, they are entitled to various compensations . Additional vacation period is one of them.

Labor legislation states that employees of enterprises located in the Far North are entitled to additional leave of 24 days . If we are talking about territories with difficult climatic conditions, then the vacation period is extended by 16 calendar days.

This rule applies to all workers, regardless of the danger of the enterprise and position. Moreover, add. Employees who work in the Far North on a rotational basis .

Workers in this category can combine several vacations. However, Article 322 introduces some restrictions, so vacation can be combined for no more than 2 years , and its total duration should be no more than 6 months.

For part-timers

The features of OA (paid additional leave) in this case are related to the time of its provision. By law, those who work part-time have the right to receive paid leave at the same time from several jobs .

If by this time an employee in one of the places has not yet worked for the required six months, he may be given a period of rest in advance . This applies to both main and additional vacation time.

The total duration of leave for part-time workers is calculated on a general basis, that is, separately for each category and position.

For Chernobyl survivors

Those categories of citizens who took part in eliminating the consequences of a terrible accident are entitled by law to additional vacation pay. Often such workers do not know how many days they are entitled to and who pays for this leave.

14 days are required, which are paid at the expense of the employer . They can be added to the main vacation or compensated separately.

For combat veterans

As for this category of citizens, additional vacation time of 15 days is granted only to those who are serving in military service by conscription or contract . This is stated in paragraph 5.1 of Art. 11 of the Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ. Additionally, once a combat veteran is separated from service, he is no longer eligible for this benefit.

For length of service

If an employee works for a long time in one place or in one position , he may receive the right to an additional paid vacation period. At the same time, everything depends on the type of activity of the citizen.

They receive additional benefits for length of service. vacations for military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, municipal employees (civil servants), etc. For the latter, the OA period can be no more than 10 days. At the same time, one day of vacation is accrued for each year .

For occupational diseases

If an employee is diagnosed with an illness that he received at work , the employer is obliged to provide him with funds for sanatorium treatment. At the same time, not only vouchers are issued, but travel to the place of stay is also paid.

All time spent by an employee in a sanatorium is considered additional leave.

Without payment

For some categories of citizens, Labor legislation does not provide for compensated leave in addition to the basic leave guaranteed by the Constitution. However, these employees can receive additional benefits if they wish. vacation without pay , that is, at your own expense.

The duration of unpaid leave is:

  • for working pensioners – 2 calendar weeks (old age);
  • for participants in military operations and labor veterans, 35 days are provided;
  • disabled people are entitled to 60 calendar days;
  • parents and spouses of deceased military personnel – 14 days.

can take this vacation period . In addition, unpaid additional leave can be waived.

What is needed to register a CO

The documents that must be presented to workers are:

  1. If a person is raising a child and has the right to a benefit, a birth certificate of the children (child) is presented, which can be used to determine their age and number.
  2. If the child has a disability, then a medical certificate is needed to establish this fact.
  3. Documents from educational institutions about a person’s admission to study, sessions, state exams, etc.
  4. If a person is a pensioner, he must show the appropriate identification.
  5. Persons with disabilities must provide a medical certificate confirming the presence of the disease and the degree of its manifestation.
  6. In cases with other personal circumstances, you must provide a death certificate, marriage certificate, and documents from the maternity hospital. To organize a funeral, you must confirm that the deceased is a close relative, so a passport and birth certificate will be useful.
  7. Certificate of death of a close family member who served the Motherland. Documents confirming a close relationship between the applicant and the deceased will be useful.

The documentation that must be provided to the employee's management is confirmation that the person belongs to the category of beneficiaries. Based on one application, it is difficult to verify the authenticity of the circumstances referred to by the applicant, so all the red tape for collecting papers and evidence falls on him.

Step-by-step instructions for submitting an application

A person who has the right to receive CO must communicate his intention to management through active actions. The formal way to make such an appeal is to write a petition. The law does not establish the form of the document, so the employee has the right to write it in free form.

However, in order to correctly, briefly and clearly formulate the request, you should contact the company’s personnel officer. Typically, organizations have samples of such forms or templates. Even if there is none, a personnel specialist will tell you how to better and more correctly formulate the text.

So, the document should display the following information:

  1. The name of the employer's organization, as well as the person directly to whom the appeal is addressed. This could be, for example, the general director. In any case, the position must be written correctly, and then indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the manager.
  2. Next, you need to write who the application is from, here the employee writes his full name and position.
  3. The word "statement".
  4. The next stage is the most important; here is a request for the allocation of rest days in a certain number. You need to indicate a clear start and end date for social leave. The reasons why the request should be granted are also written. It is advisable to indicate a rule of law or a reference to a clause in a collective agreement or other local act that provides for such a possibility. Name the documents that support the application.
  5. At the end, the employee signs the paper (deciphered signature with full name), puts the date of writing and submitting the paper.

If the organization is large, then the letter goes through the employee’s immediate supervisor (for example, the head of a department). After the latter approves the application with his visa, the letter is sent upward to the head of the enterprise. The director puts forward a resolution on the basis of which actual actions are taken to admit the employee to social leave.

The organization issues an order to issue days off to an employee; it must contain the following data:

  • at the top in the middle of the sheet the name of the enterprise and its details are written;
  • The registration number and date of the order are written below;
  • the text of the paper indicates information about the employee - full name and position;
  • basis for issuing vacation days (type of vacation). The period with the start and end dates of rest is also indicated, and the total duration of the period is also called;
  • if the employee is entitled to financial compensation, this is also reflected in the order.

The head of the company signs the order, after which the personnel department employees make entries in the work time sheet. The accounting department of the enterprise, on the basis of the order, prepares the required payments in favor of the employee.

Useful information

When creating a job description, the following information may be useful:

  1. When drawing up a job description for this specialist, you can use the professional standard “Social work specialist”. The document was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 2013 No. 571n and contains an extensive description of work tasks for such an employee, as well as requirements for work experience and education. From the professional standard you can write out all the necessary job responsibilities.
  2. Employees of the legal department, personnel department, and clerical workers are involved in the preparation of the document in the institution. You can also consult with the social work specialist's immediate supervisor or department head.
  3. The document is signed by the employees with whom it was agreed upon (usually lawyers) and the head of the institution. He signs and puts a date on the document in the “I approve” column. When accepting a position, a social work specialist also puts his signature, thereby confirming that he has read the instructions and agrees with them. From this moment the document begins to operate.
  4. The job description is prepared and signed in two copies. One of them is sent to the personnel department, and the second is given to the employee. Therefore, it is more advisable to store the paper at the workplace, referring to the information in it if necessary.
  5. Labor legislation does not oblige employers to have job descriptions, however, Rostrud in its letters often raises the topic of the importance of this document. It can be used in courts, so most employers, and even more so budgetary institutions, compile them without fail.

Important! The use of job descriptions must be prescribed in the local regulations of the institution.

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