Petition for an employee: rules for drawing up and sample

Application from a place of work, example

“Employee Ivan Petrovich Ivanov holds the position of forwarding driver.
His position is traveling in nature, and in addition, he is dependent on his minor son and wife. Having lost his driver's license, he will not be able to perform his job duties, and, therefore, will lose this job and will be forced to look for another job. Based on the above, we ask you to accept the positive for Ivanov I.P. solutions. If his guilt is proven, we ask you to limit it to an administrative penalty in the form of a fine and not deprive him of his driver’s license.” “Ivanov Ivan Petrovich has been an employee of Superstar LLC since 2009 and holds the position of process engineer. During this time, he proved himself to be a diligent, hardworking worker. We ask that Ivanov Ivan Petrovich be enrolled in the Faculty of Mechanical Wood Processing if he successfully passes the entrance exams.”

Application for an employee

  • drawn up on company letterhead;
  • certified by the immediate manager of the organization;
  • there is a stamp on it;
  • contains all the necessary details of the organization that is filing the application;
  • It should be immediately clear from the text what exactly is being asked to be taken into account when making a decision.

In a word, the document should distinguish the employee from his colleagues, describe his positive qualities and business abilities. When drawing up a petition, it is recommended that you state your request and arguments as clearly and concisely as possible. But, at the same time, the addressee must understand the life situation being described and the reasons why the organization’s management is interceding for its employee. A well-thought-out plot of the document and its clear design provide significant advantages in making a positive decision. Therefore, it is recommended to approach its preparation as responsibly as possible.

Rules for filing an application for an employee

Despite the absence of strict restrictions on drafting, the employer should study how to write the paper correctly, since its acceptance for consideration will depend on this.

Organizations often draw up petition letters based on a template, based on a form developed within the enterprise.

Download the employee's application for incentives (form) (27.0 KiB, 911 hits)

Application for an incentive for an employee (sample of completion) (27.5 KiB, 815 hits)

Petition from the place of work to the court (sample) (28.0 KiB, 837 hits)

The goals pursued by the organization, the essence of the appeal in the interests of the employee, play a big role in the preparation. If the organization provides for the practice of awarding bonuses to valuable employees, there is probably a ready-made sample addressed to the head of the enterprise, and it is drawn up on behalf of the boss under whose direct subordination the person is.

The example of writing a petition from a place of work does not imply restrictions in wording and strict adherence to the structure, but more often they adhere to a certain order used as part of standard office work:

  1. The document is drawn up on company letterhead if it is intended to be submitted to other organizations and government agencies. If the appeal is intended to make a decision within one enterprise, there is no need for a letterhead.
  2. The paper is drawn up on behalf of a superior manager who has the right to make such requests. When submitting to external structures, certification with a seal is required.
  3. The content of the main part of the letter does not imply strict norms, however, you should formulate your request extremely clearly and concisely, and then you will have to argue for what reasons the manager considers it necessary to intercede on behalf of the employee.
  4. When contacting external organizations, you must provide all the basic details and information about the company, if it is not possible to use a company letterhead.
  5. The documents must contain information about the place of application, the employee, the request and its reasons.

In some cases, it is necessary to additionally attach supporting documents that will help judge the validity of the request.

Employee bonuses

Outstanding achievements, excellent results, and successful activities often become a reason to think about additional encouragement for a specialist. In this case, the immediate superior to whom a particular employee reports prepares a document addressed to the director of the organization.

When drawing up the document, they proceed from the general rules of record keeping within the enterprise, including the following content:

  • Information about the candidate being considered for promotion.
  • Reasons for encouraging the specialist.
  • The essence of encouragement itself.
  • Signature of the submitter (head of department).
  • Date of the application.

Subsequent employment by transfer

Sometimes a company cannot renew a contract with an employee due to an identified deterioration in health or staff reductions being carried out within the enterprise, but considers itself obligated to worry about the future fate of the person. An application for a job will be an additional bonus when agreeing on the possibility of applying to another employer. Management, interested in the successful hiring of a good employee for another job, prepares an application for employment with the following content:

  1. Personal information about the candidate, his details and information about the person who initiated the application for employment.
  2. Description of the request to employ a valuable employee with justification for the recommendations.
  3. The final part must contain the signature of the head of the enterprise and the date.
  • Letter of recommendation for an employee from an employer

When a company is reorganized or closed, the administration is forced to say goodbye to employees by terminating their employment contracts. At the initiative of the parties, it is possible to receive a letter with a recommendation from the former manager to hire a valuable employee. Indicating the important professional qualities, abilities, and results of the employee will help prospective new employers be inclined to choose the candidate.

Providing official or personal housing

There are circumstances in which an employee needs to live away from home for a long time in order to fulfill the duties assigned by the employer. The document is submitted on behalf of the immediate superior in order to resolve the housing issue through the company administration.

Sometimes petitions are made in favor of employees who do not have their own housing or are experiencing housing difficulties. An application for housing under a social tenancy agreement in relation to citizens with the status of “low-income”, with confirmation of the need for housing. If a decision is made to satisfy the employer’s request, the person is put first in line to receive property.

  • Characteristics when applying for a job

To increase the chances of satisfying the organization’s request, it is necessary to describe in detail the housing situation for a specific candidate, mentioning his marital status and the circumstances that forced him to resolve the issue of improving housing conditions. In addition to family status, it is worth indicating about all the persons who are dependent on the person, as well as talking about problems of a financial nature in which it is impossible to resolve the issue on your own. In order for assistance to be provided in the provision of housing under a social tenancy agreement, there must be compelling reasons that comply with the general norms for recognizing a citizen as needy.

How to write a petition for an employee (from the place of work)? Sample

Despite the fact that the law practically does not regulate the procedure for drawing up and submitting a petition from the place of work, it is not difficult to find a sample; just ask the corresponding request in Internet search engines. However, ready-made templates are not always able to fully reflect the essence of the current situation, so it is worth following a number of recommendations:

  • an application for an employee signed by the immediate supervisor or the head (his deputies) of the organization in which he is employed;
  • in order to ensure the loyalty of the addressee to the submitted application, it is certified by the seal of the enterprise;
  • the content of the descriptive part of the document must correspond as closely as possible to the request being made (for example, if this is a request for the right to freely attend classes at an educational institution, its text must contain the reasons for the employee’s impossibility of complying with the established training schedule);
  • a petition from the place of work sent to judicial and other law enforcement agencies requires a detailed statement of the reasons for its writing (bringing the employee to criminal or administrative liability, etc.).

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We draw up a request for bonuses for employees: sample

Managers of many enterprises use a bonus system to reward their employees. Such payments stimulate increased efficiency, employees' interest in promotion, and strengthen their morale. Therefore, you need to be aware of all aspects of drawing up the documentation necessary to encourage employees. Let's consider a petition for bonuses to employees, a sample of which can be successfully used in practice.

Management can use not only cash bonuses as incentives for their employees. Moreover, the procedure for completing documents in this case is the same as when issuing bonus money. The main feature is essentially the same: a different type of incentive will be indicated.

How to write a petition for an employee (from the place of work)? Sample

A sample petition for an employee is a very conditional document, since the reasons and grounds for which it is drawn up cannot be regulated at the legislative level. Therefore, if the situation requiring the employer’s protection is not completely standard, to correctly write a petition it is enough to follow the standard rules of office work and business correspondence.

Despite the fact that the law practically does not regulate the procedure for drawing up and submitting a petition from the place of work, it is not difficult to find a sample; just ask the corresponding request in Internet search engines. However, ready-made templates are not always able to fully reflect the essence of the current situation, so it is worth following a number of recommendations:

How to write a petition

There is no separate GOST regulating the form and structure of such an appeal. The employer should be guided by the rules of business correspondence and GOST R 7.0.97-2016. The legal document contains a list of details, the presence of which confirms the legal validity of the document.


When drawing up applications for an employee, the employer is obliged to comply with the requirements of the law on personal data (FZ-152 of July 27, 2006).

The content of the appeal should be clearly argued and justified. If possible, support the reasons for applying for the employee with documentary evidence. The text is formatted correctly from a legal and spelling point of view. It is better to use the organization's official letterhead.

ConsultantPlus experts discussed how to draw up and submit a petition to the tax office to reduce the fine. Use these instructions for free.

Many employers are involved in resolving difficult life situations of employees: in cases of absence or loss of housing, they provide financial assistance. At the same time, they apply to the social security office of the employee from the place of work (or to the local administration) for provision of temporary housing due to a difficult financial situation or loss of housing. It is reasonable to attach a certificate of low income or lack of permanent residence to the document. The text used is as follows.

When renewing a patent for foreign citizens, a large package of documents is collected by the migration authority. Among the necessary Art. 13.3 Federal Law No. 115 dated July 25, 2002 and Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 635 dated August 14, 2017 oblige the employer to submit a petition for patent renewal. Even in this case, the legislative act does not contain the required template—the management writes the document in any form.

You can use this example of an application for an employee - it contains all the information necessary for the migration department:

Important. Migration legislation has a mandatory application form. It was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 487 of June 30, 2010 and, in accordance with Art. 13.2 Federal Law 115, is used by employers to obtain permission to provide work to highly qualified foreign specialists.

Common practice is to send requests to educational institutions, for example, to postpone a session due to sending an employee on an urgent business trip.

Limited Liability Company ""

456789, Russia, Subject of the Russian Federation, prosp. Wonderful, no. 1 INN 1234567890/ KPP 121001001 OKPO 90100101

Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the State University

Alexandrov A.A.

from the general director

LLC "" Petrova P.P.


I ask to extend the summer session to the senior manager of the sales department of LLC "" S.S. Smirnov, a student of the Faculty of Economics (4th year, group 4B), in connection with his assignment on an urgent business trip from May 25 to June 08, 2021.


1. Order on sending on a business trip No. 123/2021 dated 05/19/2021



LLC ""

PetrovP.P. Petrov

Sample of writing a petition for an employee and detailed recommendations

The descriptive part of the document should contain as much information as possible about the specific request. For example, if a petition is written to provide a free schedule to attend an educational institution, you need to indicate the reason for this need. As a rule, in such situations it is written that the employee’s work schedule does not coincide with the university’s schedule.

Often, a petition for an employee helps management make a final decision, a sample of which can be seen in the figure below. It is a rather conventional document, so there is no clear example of its creation. There are certain rules that should be followed in order to draw up this type of document. However, a lot depends on the type of petition and the purpose of its purpose. Considering that a petition, unlike a document such as an application, is created for reasons that do not need to be regulated at the legislative level, there is no special form for this document.


A petition in general terms is a request addressed to the court by one of the participants in the process. In civil proceedings this may be the plaintiff, the defendant, third parties, or representatives and defenders (lawyers).

In criminal proceedings, the right to file motions is granted to the defendant, his lawyer, the victim, and witnesses. Let's look at the main points when filing a motion before the court.

First of all, it must be motivated and relevant to the subject of the dispute being considered by the court. If the petition is not related to the subject of the dispute, it will be rejected.

As a rule, petitions to request additional evidence, to summon witnesses, experts, and specialists for questioning, and to include any documents in the case are drawn up and submitted in writing. However, the law does not prohibit filing a petition in simple oral form. In this case, such a person’s request must be entered into the minutes of the court session.

When a person makes a motion, the court brings it up for discussion before the participants in the process. If one of the parties is against granting the request, it is obliged to give reasons for this. As a rule, when resolving so-called “minor” motions (announcing a break to agree on a position, attaching certified copies of court decisions to the case, calling a witness who is on the court premises to a court hearing, etc.), the court makes a decision on the spot, without being sent to the deliberation room and making an appropriate decision. In judicial practice, there are many cases of parties filing motions that require careful analysis and their appropriateness. This could be, for example, a petition to exclude a document from evidence, to return the criminal case to the prosecutor, to terminate the case pending reconciliation of the parties, etc.). In such cases, the court retires to the deliberation room to resolve it and makes a decision to satisfy or refuse it.

At the same time, if a request is made to summon a person to a court hearing to give additional explanations to the court, it is necessary to explain to the court why the party needs this witness (specialist, expert, etc.) and about what circumstances in the case he can give explanations. If a request is made to obtain additional evidence, the party must justify the impossibility of obtaining this evidence on its own. For example, when considering a case for compensation for damages in an accident, the plaintiff has the right to apply to the court to request information from the traffic police about the ownership of the vehicle, in order to subsequently bring as a defendant the owner of the car, in addition to the person who committed the accident. In most cases, the court grants such a request, since the plaintiff himself will not be able to receive them. Such information is provided only at the request of investigative authorities and the court.

Petitions are also provided for in the Code of Administrative Offences. There are no fundamental differences from petitions in criminal and civil proceedings.

Thus, taking into account the above, we can highlight important points when filing applications:

  • Motivate the request as much as possible;
  • If possible, make it in writing and attach it to the case materials;
  • If your request is denied, you have the opportunity to submit it again in the appellate court;
  • If a large petition is submitted, it is advisable to print it according to the number of persons participating in the case.

How to write a petition correctly? (Sample)

  • Requisites.
  • Name of the judicial authority.
  • Applicant details.
  • Description of the subject of the petition. Reasons for granting the request.
  • Justifications for the application in accordance with legal regulations. This includes by-laws, links to relevant laws, and other legal sources.
  • Date on which the petition was filed.

If your petition is addressed to the court, then the form of the document has no relationship with the type of trial. That is, it does not matter whether a criminal case is being considered or a civil dispute - the petition must be drawn up in compliance with the norms of the relevant legal field.

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Sample petition for an employee

  • Introductory - contains the name of the organization, full name and position of the addressee, details.
  • Descriptive - an appeal to the employer, a clear description of the essence of the problem, arguments in favor of the candidate for the position (merits, personal and work characteristics).
  • Resolutive – laconic conclusions or a request for employment. The date of compilation must be indicated.
  • Applications. If necessary, photocopies of documents confirming the stated circumstances are sent.

plans to liquidate. The manager decides to write an application for employment of the head of the sales department E.V. Korshunov, since the specialist has a high level of qualifications, reliability and has proven herself well from a professional point of view.

In what cases is a job application mandatory?

By law, the employment process includes the following stages:

  1. The applicant provides the HR specialist with documents that are included in the mandatory list specified in Article No. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. The employer issues an employment order.
  3. The new employee is introduced to the order and the necessary local documents.
  4. The parties sign an employment contract.

The basis for employment is an employment contract. There is no statement in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that a citizen is obliged to express his initiative for employment for a position in writing. However, the HR department, in addition to basic documents, asks the new employee to draw up a written appeal to the employer. This is done to facilitate the job application procedure.

However, there are positions for which you need to write an application asking to be hired. These include:

  • military personnel;
  • municipal employees;
  • firefighters.

This provision is approved by departmental regulatory documents of the organization.

IMPORTANT! The Labor Code requires that only firefighters provide an application for employment.

Petitions (samples, templates, forms)

You have decided to go to court. You have two options: first, find a specialist; the second is to draw up a statement of claim (statement) to the court yourself. In the first case, everything is quite simple, you need to pay for the work of a specialist and receive legal services in the form of a ready-made statement of claim. In the second case it is more difficult.

Petition ( petition, appeal; lat. petitio) - an individual or collective petition submitted to state authorities or local governments in writing. In some countries, a petition can be submitted not only by a citizen, but also by any person (both individually and jointly with other people). The right to file a petition may also be subject to restrictions for certain categories of citizens (for example, military personnel in Spain).

Sample application form for an employee: how to write it correctly and where to submit it

Another example when a request from the boss is necessary is an offense and, as a result, a trial or a penalty from the traffic police. An application to the State Traffic Inspectorate occurs when there is a possibility of deprivation of the right to drive a car. The employer has the right to apply for a change in punishment. This happens when a car is the only source of income, i.e. the offender is a professional driver. The petition should write about the violator’s financial dependence on his profession. Petitions are submitted especially often when the place of work is a cargo/passenger transportation company.

  • if necessary, encourage or reward a person at the city administration level;
  • when registering a child for kindergarten not at the place of residence, transferring the child from one kindergarten to another;
  • to file a lawsuit if necessary to mitigate the punishment or re-qualify the article;
  • upon deprivation of a driver's license for a traffic offense (submitted to the State Traffic Inspectorate);
  • when an employee’s child enters a university and is provided with benefits or services;
  • for health improvement in resort and healthcare institutions from the organization where the citizen works;
  • to obtain housing from a higher authority;
  • for submission to the Federal Migration Service when re-registering a work patent;
  • to have the opportunity to take advantage of a flexible training or exam schedule.

What is a petition and when is it necessary?

In the economic practice of organizations, petitions to the court from the employer for the employee, to social institutions, control bodies and licensing systems are often used. The document is often mentioned in the legislation of the Russian Federation - Art. 24.4 Code of Administrative Offences, Art. 166 Code of Civil Procedure, Section V of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Article 39.41 of the Land Code, Article 32 of the Law on Protection of Competition, but there is no official definition for it. In practice, it is understood as an official request (petition). It is sent to:

  • government agencies;
  • public organizations;
  • higher authorities;
  • courts of all types.

Individuals and legal entities and their representatives have the right to petition in various situations. Those used in labor relations are also not regulated in any way - there are no approved forms specifically for this type of document, and the deadlines for filing and sending a response are not regulated.

Important. If a letter with a request for an employee is submitted to the court or as part of a package of documents, for example, to renew a patent for a foreign citizen, it is considered within the framework of the issue being resolved and specific departmental regulations (a foreigner’s patent is renewed within 10 days from the date of filing the application, the Code of Criminal Procedure in Art. 121 sets 3 days for consideration, etc.).

In the text, the employer makes a request to resolve any issue in the interests of his employee, gives him a recommendation or reference. In business practice there are many variants of such appeals. They are sent to various authorities and accompany many life events that happen to employees:

  • admission to educational institutions and the learning process;
  • receiving social benefits and allowances;
  • provision of temporary and permanent housing;
  • sending children to preschool and school institutions, summer camps;
  • obtaining social holiday vouchers, medical quotas;
  • participation in trials, etc.
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