What is a statement - step-by-step instructions for writing and several examples of the most common statements

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Even the most educated people sometimes get confused when writing an application. On the one hand, there is nothing complicated here, on the other hand, there are certain rules and requirements for writing an application.

Of course, such rules apply and apply depending on the institution to which the application is sent, as well as depending on the topic of this document. Moreover, even the application form may be different and the writing rules will be different.

Often, government agencies provide special samples for writing applications. However, even in this case, citizens manage to make several mistakes, because even the smallest details are important when drawing up this document.

In what cases are statements written?

An application must be submitted to any government agency in writing. The fact is that in order for your application to be considered, you need a written request in this case - an application. Moreover, in response to such a request, they issue a certificate confirming that you applied to this institution.

What is a statement?

An application is, first of all, an appeal from an individual to a government legal entity or individual. Such an appeal has legal force only if the document is completed in accordance with all the rules for document preparation.

The application can be considered an official document, provided it is properly executed. An application is always a request for something - for leave, for marriage registration, for registration, and so on. It is not uncommon for additional documents to be submitted along with the application. These can be either copies or originals.

Signature by proxy

A power of attorney is a written document that delegates certain powers. In our case, this is the transfer of the right to sign. Such a power of attorney for the right to sign can only be issued by a person who has this right unconditionally according to the constituent data, that is, most often, a representative of the management.

The format of the power of attorney and the format of the document being signed must match. For example, if a transaction that requires notarization is signed under a power of attorney, then the power of attorney must also be notarized.

If you strictly follow the rules, then the document must contain an indication of the signatory’s right to act on behalf of the organization: a signature based on the constituent documents, an order or instruction from management, a power of attorney.

NOTE! If a power of attorney is issued on behalf of a legal entity, then it must be issued by the director or another person specified in the constituent documents.

The most common types of application

No application to a government agency can be completed without an application. Each new stage of life comes with a statement.

This is what a person writes for the first time in his life when he receives a passport. The next time the application is written is when applying for higher education. Then in the registry office, when applying for a job, in the hospital when being assigned, and so on.

The most common statements are:

  • Application for a passport.
  • Application for employment.
  • Application for leave
  • Application for resignation
  • Application for registration of individual entrepreneur
  • Application for enrollment in a pension fund.
  • Report of theft or theft
  • Application for personal income tax refund
  • Application for marriage registration
  • Application for a *Birth Certificate* of a child


Application structure

All applications, regardless of the organization to which they are sent and the purpose of their submission, have the same structure. This structure is simple and easy to remember, but it is not without errors.

The only exceptions are those applications that are written on separate forms:

  • Cap statement
  • Table of contents
  • Content
  • date
  • Signature
  • List of attached documents.

Now let's talk about everything in order.

Document header

First of all, it should be noted that the header of the application is written in a column on the right side of the sheet. We write to whom the application is addressed and from whom. Moreover, it is necessary to indicate the full position and full name.

So, for example, if the application is written addressed to the director of the company, we will get the following header:

The header of the application to the registry office will look different:

Thus, we find that the header of all statements has the same principle. It is in it that the details of the addressee and addressee are written down.

Table of Contents

The title of the document itself implies that the document should be titled “statement.” However, if the statement is written in any form, then it does not need to be titled at all. It should also be noted that depending on the form of the document and the addressee, the table of contents may change.

So, for example, an application to the registry office must be titled as: “application for marriage or divorce.” In this case, the table of contents begins with a small letter and a period is placed at the end.


This part of the statement is the main one. It is there that the essence of the document is revealed. However, you should not describe everything in detail. The content of the document must succinctly state the purpose of the appeal. If the situation requires clarification, state the problem briefly, do not go into details. Moreover, you should state your demands in business language, avoiding colloquial speech and words of parasites. It's best to stick to the following structure:

  • The essence of the appeal. State your requirements, if necessary, indicate deadlines.
  • Grounds for fulfilling the requirements. State why your demands must be met. Circumstances influencing the outcome of the application can be stated here, as well as links to articles in the legislative framework.


As a rule, the application indicates the date of submission of the document, and not its execution. The person accepting the application must check the authenticity of the document and sign it. The document should be dated in the lower left corner of the paper.


The citizen filling out the application must sign, thereby agreeing with the above. Otherwise, the application can be considered invalid. The signature should be placed in the lower right corner of the form.

List of documents

Often separate documents are attached to the application. Moreover, it can be an original or a copy. On the application sheet you must indicate a list of documents attached to the application. To do this, write “I am attaching to the application:” and the corresponding list of documents.

Who should sign the document if the director is absent?

If the person with the absolute right to sign is for any reason absent from his/her workplace at the time the signature is required, this option should be provided in advance. There are several ways to resolve this situation:

  1. Provide in the constituent documents the possibility of signature for the deputy director or other official.
  2. Issue a power of attorney for signature by an authorized person (you can do this immediately for a long period, for example, for a year).
  3. Issue an order or instruction for the right to sign a specific document (one-time option).
  4. Use a facsimile version of the signature in cases where this does not contradict the law.

Signed by I.O.

If the document is signed by the acting director or his deputy, the right to sign is delegated to him on the basis of the above documents. At the same time, there is no need to indicate “acting” in the signature itself; according to GOST rules, only the name of the position is required, which for the employee who temporarily assumed management responsibilities remained the same. This must be indicated when the document is endorsed. It is also unacceptable to use a slash and the use of the preposition “for” before the signature.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Documents signed by the acting official in violation of the design of this detail (with the letters “i.o”, slash or preposition “for”) cannot be notarized, they can be challenged in court.

Read more: Application form for Spanish visa 2021 sample filling

In the place of the director - the signature of the acting director

If on the form the position of director is in the place intended for signature, and the person signing is acting, then you need to cross out the printed phrase and enter the name of the real position of the signatory. The same should be done if the surname and initials of the absent manager are printed. Corrections are made in handwritten form.

What cannot be a facsimile?

An imprint of a sample signature, which is so easy to give to any employee and therefore very convenient to use, cannot be left on all documents. Legal grounds prohibit placing such a signature, which does not require the “live” participation of an authorized person, on the following documents:

  • related to bank payments;
  • various statements;
  • personnel papers;
  • declarations;
  • invoices;
  • cash documents;
  • contracts that need to be registered;
  • powers of attorney.

You can leave a facsimile signature when exchanging documents within the framework of one contract if:

  • a contract signed in the usual way provides for this possibility;
  • There is an agreement between the partners on the use of facsimile clichés.

Such papers can be commercial offers, letters, acts, specifications, etc.

How to fill out an application correctly

In addition to the general rules on the content of the application, there are general requirements for the execution of the document, namely:

  • The application can be written by hand or on a computer. In the latter case, the signature and date are added manually.
  • The document must be written in one ink.
  • Spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed.
  • Corrections, crossing-outs, and the use of strokes and other covering inks are not permitted.
  • The application is written in a business style, which means the use of colloquial slang is prohibited.

How is the “signature” requisite completed?

It would seem that what could be simpler - to put your signature? Meanwhile, this is as serious a requisite as the name of the organization and its banking attributes. Therefore, the correctness of its execution must coincide with the requirements for office work.

Signature elements

The signature as a prop consists of three parts.

  1. The title of the position must be indicated in full in accordance with the staffing table. If the signature is not on official letterhead, then the name of the organization must be added to the title of the position. It is written with a capital letter. This element is located on the left edge of the document.
  2. A personal signature is what is commonly called a painting. There are no special requirements for it: it can be either a stroke or a surname with one or more initials. According to unspoken rules, at least one letter from the first name and three from the surname must be clear from the stroke.
  3. Deciphering the signature – initials and surname. It must completely match the passport data, down to the dots in the letter e, if they are present on the identity card. Placed at the level of the last line of the signature.

Signature location

The signature is inseparable from the text of the document. If the text ends at the bottom of the page, then the signature cannot be transferred to a separate sheet if there is no other text on the sheet besides it. It is customary to move at least the last paragraph, but do not forget about the correct page numbering.

If several signatures are provided, then they are located one below the other in descending order of the nomenclature importance of the positions.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! If members of the commission sign, then it is necessary to indicate not their actual positions, but their role in the commission (“Chairman”, “Member of the commission”). But they need to be arranged in order of subordination.

IOF or Full Name?

The order of placement of initials - before or after the surname - is determined by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2003 N 65-st and the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation “Requirements for the preparation of documents. GOST R 6.30-2003".

According to these regulations, initials are placed after the surname in the following cases:

  • when addressing a document to an individual (for example, A.P. Koroleva);
  • when declaring or imposing a resolution when specifying the executor (for example, “The order is entrusted to I.I. Romanov”).

If the signature is a requisite, then the initials are placed before the surname . There is a dot after the initials; they are not separated from the surname by a space.

Stamp on signature

The use of a seal is not mandatory for some forms of business activity, for example, for individual entrepreneurs. But for most documents, the presence of a seal will certify their authenticity. Its use is subject to mandatory requirements that must be observed.

  1. A seal cannot be placed before a signature, especially on a blank sheet of paper.
  2. If the document is drawn up on a special form, then the seal is placed in the place provided for this purpose, imprinted with the letters M.P. (“place of printing”).
  3. In other cases, the seal is placed next to the signature; it is allowed (but not required) to overlap part of the personal signature with the edge of the seal. The stroke cannot be completely covered up, since its authenticity must be verifiable.

Application for leave

Perhaps this type of statement is the most popular and widespread. Everyone who works in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has written a leave application at least once. It should be noted that the execution of this document depends on the type of vacation.

There are several vacation options:

  • annual
  • academic
  • followed by dismissal
  • maternity leave
  • for child care
  • administrative
  • vacation at your own expense

Thus, we find that depending on the type of vacation, the content of the application will change. However, the form remains unchanged.

This example clearly illustrates the structure and rules for preparing this type of application. The structure of the document is preserved here, namely the header, document name, content, date, position and date.

Please note that specific holiday dates are listed here. This is a mandatory condition for writing this type of application.

In this case, you do not need to attach any documents, while for an application for child care, you must attach a copy of the birth certificate, and in the case of academic leave, a certificate from the dean’s office about the start of the session. There are no other peculiarities in writing a vacation application.

Thus, we get that all applications for leave must begin with the words: “I ask you to grant me *kind* of leave.”

Other features of applying for leave:

  • Not only mothers can take parental leave. The child's father can also take appropriate leave. In this case, you need to attach a document from the mother’s place of work stating that she did not take the appropriate leave.
  • Any leave can be paid, be it maternity or academic, and this, in turn, must be reflected in the application.
  • Any employee has the right to leave at his own expense for 5 working days due to:
  1. Birth of a child;
  2. Marriages;
  3. Death of a relative.

This fact must be reflected in the application and the relevant document must be attached.

  • An application for maternity leave must be accompanied by a sick leave certificate from the antenatal clinic at the clinic. Moreover, the sick leave must be original; a copy of the document is not valid.

In accordance with this, the content should look like this: “I ask you to grant me maternity leave from 09/09/2017 on the basis of sick leave No. 234. I am attaching a certificate of incapacity for work.”

When to write

According to the norms of Russian legislation, a statement will have to be drawn up in cases where an authorized absence from work is planned. Therefore, every employee planning to go on annual, educational, maternity, unpaid or any other leave is required to submit a corresponding application to the manager. The functional purpose of this document is to initiate the process of drawing up an appropriate order, which will legitimize the specialist’s absence from the workplace and serve as the basis for the payment of funds due to him. In some companies, there is a practice according to which an employee who goes on vacation as scheduled does not write a statement. According to experienced personnel officers, this approach is fraught with certain risks associated with possible claims from inspection bodies, as well as incorrect calculation of the amount of vacation pay and their untimely payment. Also see “How to calculate vacation pay? Examples and formulas."

According to the norms of Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee is obliged to provide the employer with an application for annual basic paid leave no later than 2 weeks before the expected start date. You can write it in any of the following ways:

  • typewritten;
  • by hand - blue, purple or black ink;
  • using copying equipment.

The only condition: the document must be certified by the employee’s handwritten signature.

Application for employment

This is another popular type of statement. Moreover, few people know that today, writing an application is optional. After all, the labor relationship between employer and employer begins with the signing of an employment contract. However, employers do not always offer to conclude this document. The fact is that concluding and signing an agreement obliges the employer to pay taxes in full, and this is not always profitable. Therefore, in order to somehow protect yourself in the event of registration, you must fill out an application.

However, it should be noted that a completed application is not an obligation, it is only a right to a device. Also, we should not forget that the application is not a mandatory document, with the exception of two cases when the applicant triples by:

  • public service;
  • for municipal service.

Another nuance of such a statement is the date. According to the law, after signing the dismissal, the employee must work for 14 days. At this time, he can sign an application for employment in a new place. In other words, a certain amount of time may pass between the application and the actual employment. The basic rule for dating such a document is the fact that the date of signing the order for a new position cannot exceed the date of signing such an application.

A few more nuances:

  • If you are getting a job at half the rate, this must be stated in the application “Wages are 0.5 times the rate.”
  • If an employee is hired to replace an employee who is on long-term leave, for example, maternity leave, this fact must be reflected in the application. “Please accept me during the absence of the main employee due to maternity leave for the position of manager.”
  • When assuming the position of General Director, it is necessary to write a statement addressing the general meeting of the company’s founders.

How a manager gets a visa - a sample resolution on a resignation letter

A resolution is a visa that a manager leaves on the dismissal document.

The current Labor Legislation does not establish clear requirements that must be adhered to when obtaining a visa.

There are only rules recommended for compliance.

Do you need a visa?

Approval is a mandatory process. The mark left on the application indicates the manager’s agreement/disagreement to terminate the employment contract with the working citizen.

It follows from this that it is mandatory to endorse a resignation letter. It is important to take into account the nuance.

The decision of the company management should be reflected in the document only if the termination of the employment relationship implies subsequent work.

Its duration should not exceed a two-week period. This rule is established by Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In such situations, the calculation of the 2 weeks that the employee must work is carried out by HR specialists. No dates are set during approval.

The resolution must also be present on the resignation letter if the citizen does not need to work for 14 days.

In this case, when approving the manager, he or she will indicate the date of termination of the employment agreement.

There are situations in which a visa is not affixed to a document. In most cases, the reason for this is a simple lack of application.

For example, if the dismissal occurs by oral agreement or the contract is terminated retroactively.

The basis for this is any other documents - reports, etc.

Who can visa?

Not everyone can put a resolution on a dismissal document. The direct employer has this right.

For example, the director of the enterprise where the applicant is still working has the right to endorse the application. The person representing his interests also has the right to carry out this action.

How does the director sign?

When applying for a visa, the head of the organization must leave his personal signature on the application.

It should look standard - the way the director always signs.

An equally important condition is the presence of a decryption of the signature. Without it, the documentation may be considered invalid.

What does the manager write on the form?

The text of the resolution may vary. Several factors play a key role in its content.

Among these, it is necessary to note the director’s decision - whether he agrees or disagrees to dismiss the employee, and the need/absence of the need to work for 2 weeks.

For example, the manager, in addition to the signature, can write the following on the visa:

  • “I don’t mind”;
  • “Transfer to the HR department. Dismiss (full name of employee) from (date of termination of employment relationship);
  • “Submit for consideration to accounting and human resources department”;
  • “Refuse”;
  • “Dismiss in accordance with (relevant references to regulations governing this issue);
  • "Agree. Submit to the HR department to calculate the 2-week work period”;
  • "Agree. Dismiss without work.”

There are a lot of options. It is important to follow the rule - the essence of the answer must be extremely clear. In addition to the main text, the resolution contains a signature with a transcript and the date of approval.

This information is indicated at the end of the visa. The visa itself in almost all cases is located at the top of the application - on the left side.

Sample signature for terminating a contract at your own request with 2 weeks of service

If the employee wishing to terminate the employment relationship must work for 2 weeks, the person authorized to affix the resolution must reflect this need on the visa.

It should also be taken into account that a citizen is not always required to work 14 days.

The established rules exempt him from this obligation if the dismissal is due to the following circumstances:

  • retirement age;
  • admission to a university as a full-time student;
  • unforeseen family circumstances;
  • expiration of the contract;
  • failure by the employer to comply with the terms of the employment agreement.

In other situations, the manager can dismiss the employee without working at his own request.

The resolution, upon putting down which the employee is involved in working out, may look like this:

"Agree. Dismissed with service from 01/07/2019. Signature. Decoding. Date of approval."


In order to terminate the employment relationship, the employee must prepare a corresponding application. It is transferred to the head of the enterprise for consideration.

After studying the information specified in the document, the employer must make a decision regarding dismissal. For this purpose, he puts a resolution on the application.

This mark reflects the manager’s agreement/disagreement to dismiss the employee, as well as the main points regarding this issue.

Source: https://azbukaprav.com/trudovoe-pravo/uvolnenie/zayavleniya/rezolyutsiya-na-zayavi-ob-uv.html

Application for admission to kindergarten

Admission to kindergarten is regulated by a special document, the Procedure, which was adopted in 2015 by the Ministry of Education.

According to this document, every child has the right to free preschool education. In this case, the parent or guardian is required to submit an application requesting to admit the child to kindergarten. Moreover, if a child enters kindergarten for the first time, then it is necessary to present a medical certificate that the child is healthy and ready for kindergarten.

In addition, the application must also be accompanied by a Birth Certificate and passport of the parent submitting the application. Of course, only copies of documents are given to the kindergarten itself, but it is necessary to have them when filling out the application. By the way, after submitting your application, you should be given a receipt.

Do I need a visa?

A resolution is the result of a review of a document by management . But it is not always important for calculating the employee, since by law, after two weeks from the date of filing the application, the personnel department is obliged to dismiss the employee.

No director has the right to interfere with the procedure within the time limits established by law.

The manager's visa on the employee's resignation letter is considered a mandatory requirement .

However, if the director does not deliver it, the employee must still be fired . That is, the director’s lack of desire to fire a person cannot interfere with his calculations.

The employee is obliged to notify the employer of dismissal 2 weeks in advance. Therefore, after the organization receives such a notification, you can safely count down fourteen days, after which you can demand payment.

There are two types of resolution: approval and familiarization.

An approval visa (the word “Agreed” or “I don’t object”) is considered the employer’s consent to terminate the employment contract without working off.

An approval visa is needed for the HR department. After all, if the manager does not agree to dismiss the employee without working off, it needs to be calculated only after 2 weeks.

However, there are cases provided for by law when an employee has the right not to notify the company of his upcoming dismissal two weeks in advance.

As for the familiarization visa (the word “Familiarized” is indicated) , it is affixed to all other types of resignation letters. And it is this that is considered optional for the employee’s calculations. There are no special requirements for a visa.

After the visa is affixed, the document is sent to the HR department for execution.

Who can issue a visa?

Usually, the director of the company puts forward a resolution on such statements .

However, in his absence, a visa can be issued by another authorized person approved by the order of the enterprise .

What does the manager write?

There is a special GOST No. 65. According to this regulatory document, any resolution must contain mandatory information :

  • the word “Agreed” or “Acquainted”;
  • surname and initials of the manager;
  • the order is displayed;
  • deadline for execution of the order;
  • director's signature;
  • date of.

The supervisor's note is written entirely by hand. And stamps can also be used, but the signature itself is always affixed with a pen.

Sample signature of the director if the employee resigns of his own free will

When marking a resolution, the director writes the following information:

  • An employee who is given instructions to dismiss the employee who wrote the application must be registered.
  • The actions that the responsible specialist must perform are prescribed.
  • A signature is placed, its decoding and the position of the manager.
  • In the application for dismissal with service, the word “Agreed” is indicated.

For example, the director’s resolution could be:

Head of HR Department

Example of a statement with a resolution:

The example shows that the word “agreed” may not be included in the document. The dismissal order itself is considered approval of the application.

This mark is more needed for the HR department than for the employee . In any case, the employee is required to pay 2 weeks after submitting the application.

To avoid controversial situations, the employee is recommended to draw up the document in 2 copies. On the second, the responsible employee of the employer puts a mark on acceptance of the document. It is from this moment that the 2 week countdown begins.

Sending the document by mail is permitted. It is better to do this by letter with notification. Then you will have a document in your hands confirming that the letter was delivered.

Read more: Is it possible to order a foreign passport through government services?

Application for Marriage Registration

A wedding is one of the most joyful and memorable events. From a legal point of view, marriage registration is a legal process of the birth of a separate unit of society. However, like everything in our country, permission is required to register a marriage.

Marriage registration is accompanied by the submission of an application. The application is submitted to the registry office at the place of residence. Today, there is a special application form; it is filled out and signed in the presence of a civil registry office employee.

Statement to the police

According to statistics, the number of crimes committed is 13 times greater than the number of applications filed. Perhaps this is due to ignorance of how to properly file a crime report.

It should be noted that according to Article 141 of the Criminal Procedure Code, a statement to the police can be submitted both in writing and orally. In the case of the latter, the police officer himself writes down everything from the victim’s words.

When filing an application independently, several factors should be taken into account:

  • The application is written to the first head of the police department. If possible, please include your full name and position.
  • According to the articles of the Criminal Procedure Code, anonymous reports of a crime are not accepted. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide all contact information of the applicant. Full name, telephone number, registration and residence address.
  • It is necessary to record the smallest details about the commission of the crime. Place, time and, if possible, describe the alleged offender.
  • In this document it is necessary to state what exactly is required - to find the criminals, bring them to criminal responsibility, and so on.
  • In the table of contents of the document it is written “Statement of a crime”

Application for attachment to a medical institution

Since the advent of the idea of ​​free medical services, each medical institution has been assigned a separate territory. All citizens located in this territory have the right to free treatment, medical consultation, and so on. Of course, according to the law, with a pole you can get medical services throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation absolutely free of charge, but in fact we find out that after the first visit to the doctor, the clinic requires an application for attachment to it.

Such a statement must be signed by the head physician or senior nurse if the former is on vacation. Today there is a single application form for choosing a medical institution, which is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. You only need to fill in all the required fields.

Keep in mind that they cannot refuse you an appointment with the clinic - this is illegal.

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