Form ADV-2: what is it and in what cases is it used in 2021

Quite often situations arise when certain personal data of a person lose their relevance. This may be due to many circumstances, for example, a change in the date of birth due to newly discovered circumstances, a change of name, but the most common change is the change of surname in women after marriage, when a woman takes the surname of her husband. When one or more personal data changes, a person needs to replace documents that contain outdated information. First of all, this applies to identity documents, as well as insurance and tax documents. To change the data in the Pension Fund you will have to fill out form ADV-2.

Forms of personalized accounting

The legislation on personalized accounting establishes that ADV-1, ADV-2 and ADV-3 are standardized questionnaires and applications that are used to issue an insurance certificate for citizens. Each form is used in a specific situation:

  • ADV-1 is a questionnaire to receive SNILS, or ADI-REG, for the first time in your life;
  • ADV-2 is an application for the exchange of an insurance certificate to change personal information in an already issued insurance certificate (change of full name or change of place of birth);
  • ADV-3 is an application for obtaining a repeated insurance certificate in the event of its loss.

SNILS exchange

Form ADV-2 is an application for the exchange of an insurance certificate, which contains the insurance number of a person’s individual personal account. It is on this account that a person’s future pension rights are taken into account, which are formed through contributions from the employer(s) of each individual employee.

An insurance certificate provides great significance for a person and his employer, as participants in the pension system. And that is why it must contain reliable personal information of the insured person (employee). Otherwise, an error in accounting for insurance premiums may occur.

To prevent this from happening, if you change personal data that was previously indicated in the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, or if you receive an insurance certificate with unreliable information (which also happens) or is unsuitable for use - in case the document is unreadable, it is necessary to promptly and within the stipulated time frame replacing an outdated certificate with a new document that will contain absolutely correct data - full name, date of birth, place of birth and gender of the insured person.

Application form ADV-2

An insurance certificate containing a unique SNILS number is mandatory for every able-bodied citizen. If the employee does not have this document, the responsibility for preparing it falls on the employer. What if an employee has a SNILS, but the information in it does not match the data in other documents, for example, an employee got married and now has a different last name in her passport?

A citizen has the right to change not only his last name, but also his first name, patronymic, and even place and date of birth. Such situations occur quite rarely, for example in newly discovered special circumstances.

In such a situation, it is necessary to draw up a special appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the form approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund Board No. 485p dated September 27, 2019.

Form ADV-2 and sample filling

Form ADV-2

Sample filling ADV-2

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Preparation for registration

The application is drawn up both by the employee himself and by the employer, for example by personnel department employees.

When contacting an employer, you will need an additional application in free form:

To the director


I.I. Ivanov

from a riding teacher

P.P. Petrova


I ask you to issue and issue me an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance on the basis of clause 3 of Art. 9 of Federal Law 27-FZ of 04/01/1996. I have never issued or received such a certificate before.

Petrov /Petrov P.P./

To draw up an application to the Pension Fund, the following documents will be required:

  • passport containing new information;
  • documents confirming changes in the employee’s personal data (marriage certificate, court decision, etc.);
  • insurance certificate with old data.


If the application is filled out by the employer, then you will have to follow the document flow format with the Pension Fund. So, if the employer has 25 or more people on staff, documents can only be submitted electronically. We recommend. There, the employer will find software for preparing and checking electronic reporting for submission to the Pension Fund.

Passed ADV-2, how to get it?

After receiving the documents, within two working weeks the employer is obliged to transfer them to the territorial office of the Pension Fund. It is imperative to take into account that the documents are transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation along with their inventory in the ADV-6-1 form.

Making changes and preparing a new insurance certificate takes place within one calendar month, since this process is longer than registering and registering a new insured person. After which the new insurance certificate is sent again to the employer along with the accompanying document. And he, in turn, is obliged to issue a new document to the insured person within one working week. Upon issuance, the person must sign the FIU accompanying statement on receipt of the document. The employer is obliged to return the statement to the Pension Fund.

If the insured person is temporarily unemployed, then to replace the insurance certificate the person must contact the Pension Fund on his own. Also, with a copy of the marriage certificate and a completed application. To do this, you need to download the ADV-2 form, fill it out according to the example of filling out ADV-2 when changing your last name, and personally submit all this to the Pension Fund office.

Instructions for filling

Having prepared the papers, we begin to formulate the application. Consider the following conditions: Victoria Viktorovna Viktorova registered an official marriage. When registering, I changed my last name to Kostina.

Here is an approximate example of how to fill out ADV-2 when changing your last name, we proceed step by step:

  1. We enter the personal data of citizen V.V. Viktorova. in the first block of the statement. SNILS, last name, first name and patronymic in this section should be indicated before changes.
  2. In the next block we indicate only the changed personal data. There is no need to duplicate information that has remained unchanged. We register only a new surname according to the conditions of the example. We leave the remaining fields empty.
  3. Now we indicate information about the identity document. In our case, this is a passport. We indicate the name of the document in accordance with the Classifier presented in Appendix No. 8 of the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund No. 485p dated September 27, 2019.
  4. Next, write down the series and number of the document, the date of issue and the name of the authority that issued the passport.
  5. Then we indicate the date of drawing up the application and sign it with the citizen who changed his personal data.

This is what a ready-made sample of filling out an application for exchange of an insurance certificate in the ADV-2 form looks like when changing your last name:

In addition to the application to change the SNILS data, a special accompanying inventory must be submitted to the Pension Fund.

More details: sample of filling out the accompanying inventory ADV-6-1

How to change an insurance certificate?

As soon as a person’s personal data has changed and he has received a document confirming these changes (if a last name is changed, this is a marriage certificate), the insured person must contact the employer (HR department or other authorized structures) and provide a copy of the marriage certificate , fill out the ADV-2 form, sign the completed questionnaire and hand it all over to the employer. The employer's authorized structures can fill out an application in form ADV-2.

How to fill it out correctly

We fill out the application in the standard manner:

  1. Provide personal details (full name, date of birth, gender and place of birth).
  2. Record citizenship.
  3. Enter your place of permanent residence (registered and actual). If the data matches, then there is no need to duplicate the information.
  4. Indicate your phone number (work or home).
  5. Enter the details of your identity document.
  6. Put the date and signature of the citizen who lost the insurance certificate.

The form is then certified by the employer. The SNILS number is indicated, according to which deductions were made to the Pension Fund and reports were submitted.

Cases of filling out the form

The most common reason why people have to form this application is a change of surname. For example, due to marriage, or vice versa – divorce. Also, you will have to fill out an application and change all the necessary documents if you change other personal data:

  • Name;
  • Patronymic name (if it is gone, indicate “canceled”);
  • Gender (according to the medical report);
  • Date or place of birth;
  • Citizenship;
  • Place of residence.

General information

The application in form ADV-2 must be completed accordingly. All its points are enshrined at the legislative level. The presence of any errors or corrections is not permitted.

It is best to familiarize yourself with the list of various details, the presence of which in a document of the type in question is strictly necessary, on the official website of the Pension Fund.

It is also advisable to understand the following important points:

  • what is the role of this document;
  • normative base.

The regulatory framework is especially important. Since knowledge of the current legislation will allow you to avoid a variety of problems associated with the preparation and submission of documents to various government bodies.

What is the role of the document

A document of the type in question must be filled out if it is necessary to make changes to the following data in official papers:

  • Full Name;
  • Place of Birth;
  • Date of Birth.

This legislative act contains a sample of this application; it lists all the necessary details.

Moreover, filling out this application should be done only in block letters; the form itself must be printed on A-4 paper.

  • OKUD code;
  • insurance number;
  • Full Name;
  • updated details that have undergone changes (those that remain the same are not indicated):
  1. Surname.
  2. Surname.
  3. Date and place of birth (city, region, town, village).
  4. Citizenship.
  5. Place of permanent residence - exact address, zip code.
  • telephone;
  • identification document (passport);
  • number, as well as series;
  • date and place of issue.

At the very bottom of the form there should be:

  • date of application;
  • personal signature.

Is it possible to generate an application to cancel an insurance certificate in 1C

A special accounting program from the 1C company can significantly simplify the task of filling out a document of the type in question.

With its help, you can fill out and print the ADV-2 form with minimal time. And this can be done in two ways:

After clicking on one of the items indicated above, a window will appear where you will need to enter all the employee’s personal data.

In this case, you can use a function called “fill” - in this case, the tabular part will be filled in with employees who do not have insurance numbers.

If necessary, by clicking on the “burn file to disk” button, you can place all important information in the permanent memory of your personal computer.

But to implement this function, it is necessary that the employee’s passport data be present in the database (directory “individuals”).

1C also has a specialized function for generating ADV-2. It is activated as follows: click on the “personnel” tab button - “exchange application, duplicate insurance certificate.”

There is an alternative way to generate a document of this type: click on the “personnel” menu - “PFR personalized accounting documents.” It is necessary to note the type of application; the formation of ADV-2 and is acceptable.

In this case, the list of employees is entered manually through a special “employees” tab. By clicking on “Fill out” – “fill out applications”, you can carry out the work in a fully automatic mode.

There is a very important point - the “Date of receipt of certificate” field is filled in only if the employee received the application through the enterprise where he is currently employed.

Otherwise, the column must be left completely empty. “Data specified in the certificate” - information is entered into the section automatically.

However, all entered information can be edited manually. The “changed data” section must be filled out manually.

If any details have not changed, then you must leave the section empty. When employees have provided all the necessary passport data, the function of printing the form will become available in 1C.

This operation is performed quite simply: “file” - “print”. It is very important to remember that after posting a document in 1C, it becomes completely unavailable for subsequent changes.

Heads of organizations, personnel department employees, as well as accountants should remember that when changing an employee’s personal data, they should always generate an ADV-2 type application as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of a fine being imposed after the end of the reporting period, and its magnitude can be quite significant.

It is necessary to submit the document of the type in question within the deadlines specified in the legislation.

Form ADV-2 is an application for the exchange of an insurance certificate (Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated 06/01/2016 No. 473p). It is necessary to change the certificate if the insured person’s personal data has changed (clauses 2-5, clause 2, article 6, clause 4, article 7 of the Law of April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ). The most common situation is a change of surname upon marriage, but the first name, patronymic, date or place of birth can also be changed (for example, due to newly discovered circumstances).

To exchange an insurance certificate, the employee contacts the employer (clause “a”, paragraph 26 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n). That is, the employee must draw up an application in form ADV-2, attach to it documents confirming the change in personal data (for example, a copy of the marriage certificate) and transfer all this to the employer (clause 1, 2 of article 9 of the Law of 04/01/1996 No. 27-FZ).

Employer's actions

Having received the ADV-2 application from the employee, the policyholder must check the accuracy of the information specified in the application and, within 2 weeks, send it along with an inventory in the ADV-6-1 form (clause 30 of Appendix 2 to the Resolution of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Board of June 1, 2016 No. 473p) to its branch of the Pension Fund (clause 27 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n).

Then, within a month, the Foundation’s specialists will decide to issue a new certificate and send it to the organization along with an accompanying statement (clause 28 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n). The employer must give it to the employee within a week from the date of receipt of the certificate, in connection with which the latter must sign the accompanying statement (

Throughout life, a person may experience changes in life circumstances that will lead to the need to change not only his job and place of residence. Sometimes a person has to change personal data. For example, when a woman gets married, she takes her husband’s last name, or a person himself decides to change his first or last name. Often new circumstances are discovered due to which a citizen has to change the information about his place of birth. Recently, cases of gender reassignment have become common.

A person needs to change all documents, even if only one detail has changed, because according to the law, these documents contain outdated information. This mainly concerns a passport or other identification documents, as well as documents related to taxation and insurance.

Regulatory regulation

The regulatory framework regarding writing applications in form ADV-2 is regulated by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 192 dated July 31, 2006, edited on January 20, 2015. This document sets out the rules for filling out and provides a single sample form. The form can be obtained from the Pension Fund itself, or on its official website.

The application must be submitted within two weeks, especially if the person has just started a job. An employer who fails to submit an application on time faces penalties (Government Decree No. 318 dated March 15, 1997). The absence of an insurance number or incorrect submission of details does not pose any threat to an employee.

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