Features of writing an application for changing working hours - a sample at the initiative of the employee

Legal consultation > Administrative law > Document preparation > How to write an application to change the work schedule? Sample and filling rules

Relations between an employee and an employer are regulated by internal labor regulations (ILR) or an employment contract, if the working conditions of this employee differ from all other employees of this organization.

If there is a need to change the work schedule, you need to know how to correctly formalize these changes, depending on the document in which the schedule is written.

What is a working time schedule

This definition means information about the beginning of the working day of an enterprise employee, its end, breaks and total duration. Information about it is necessarily contained in the employment contract, collective agreement (if there is one in the organization) and the company’s regulatory documents (for example, in the internal regulations and working hours).

An employee usually becomes familiar with the schedule upon employment and subsequently strictly adheres to it. If there is a need to change the working hours, the employee is required to write a corresponding statement (and whether the change is permanent or temporary does not matter).

On whose initiative may work schedule changes occur?

Changing the work schedule can occur either at the initiative of the employee or at the will of the employer. At the same time, regardless of who wants to change it, there must be good reasons for this.

In the case of an employee, this may be some family circumstances (for example, the presence of a child under 14 years old or 18, if the child is disabled, caring for seriously ill or elderly relatives), as well as pregnancy, illness, change of place of residence, and even change (deterioration) of the financial situation, in connection with which it is necessary to look for a part-time job - and all this must be confirmed by relevant certificates.

As for the employer, changes in the employees’ work schedule may be caused by organizational or technological reasons. The first includes reorganization or preparation for liquidation of the company, the emergence of financial problems, etc. The second includes metamorphoses occurring in production processes and cycles, including the modernization of equipment, the introduction of innovations, etc.

But regardless of the reason why the employer wants to change the employee’s working hours, he is obliged to notify him in writing at least two months before the occurrence of this event (and the employee has the right to either accept this or refuse and quit).

Also, regardless of who exactly is the initiator of changes in the work schedule, the employee is required to write a statement.

Is it possible to do without an application?

It is impossible to do without an application, since the working hours regime (schedule) is one of the main conditions of the employment contract of an enterprise employee, which is concluded at the stage of his employment.

And any subsequent change to the clauses of the contract should always occur only by mutual agreement of the parties. After an agreement is reached between the parties, an additional agreement to the employment contract is formed between them regarding this or that change.

How to write an application

The application is written in any form, since there is currently no unified template. However, if the employer offers some of its own established format recommended for use, then you should use it.

The application can be written by hand or printed, there are no restrictions in this sense, the only thing that should be taken into account is that the electronic form must be printed in order to put a “live” signature on it. In addition, before typing the form on the computer, it is advisable to make sure that the organization accepts printed applications (in some companies, personnel department employees only consider handwritten ones).

You can write the text only with a pen (pencil and other writing tools cannot be used). At the same time, errors and blots are unacceptable in the form; if you could not do without them, they do not need to be corrected, it is better to form a new application.

The document should be made in two copies identical in text, one of which should be handed over to the employer’s representative, the second should be kept with you (in case of various disagreements between the parties to the labor relationship).

Sample application for change of working hours

If you need to draw up an application to change your work schedule, which you have not previously written, check out its sample and read the explanations - with their help you can easily create what you need.

  1. First of all, in the application form, indicate the position and full name of the director of the enterprise (it is in his name that such documents are often written, or in the name of the employee who is authorized to consider such applications - usually this is either a deputy manager or the head of the personnel department), then indicate information about yourself ( also position and full name). After that, get to the point.
  2. In the main part, write down the circumstances due to which you needed to change your work schedule (it is advisable to provide a link to the relevant law here), as well as your desired working schedule.
  3. Please include in your application the date from which you would like these changes to be implemented. You can supplement the form with any other data that you consider important in your situation.
  4. Finally, be sure to sign the application and date the document.

Professional consumer protection

• The employee provided an explanation and, along with the explanation, submitted a statement requesting to change shifts. These documents are recorded in the incoming correspondence journal. This, in accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee, upon his written application, can be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the employer and the employee. Such leave can be granted for family reasons and other valid reasons.

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A couple of years ago I changed my last name to my husband’s last name. After 8 years of marriage. The event did not seem very stressful to me, although in my case it was timed to coincide with the still necessary change of passport to a new passport. You need to go to the registry office. There they write an application to change the name. You will need a Birth Certificate - YOURS. They will give you the details for which you need to pay a fee for processing new documents. They will change what is within the competence of the registry office. In the end, they gave me a Certificate of Change of Name, a new Marriage Certificate (they wrote to me that when getting married I took my husband’s surname, although this is completely untrue), they also wanted to change the Child’s Birth Certificate (I don’t see the point in this at all), but they didn’t , because he was already over 14 years old. You need to bring all these documents to them too (along with copies!) - they will calculate how much you need to pay for

  • With a flexible schedule, the shift should not exceed 10 hours.
  • In exceptional cases, its duration can be up to 12 hours.
  • In order for the employer to allow the subordinate to work under new conditions, the employee draws up a free-form application to change the work schedule.
  • The document header records: The type of document is indicated: “Application”. The wording may sound like this: “I ask you to change my working hours” and the previous and necessary modes are indicated.
  • You can write briefly: “For family reasons” and the like.
  • It is worth indicating in the application the date from which the subordinate plans to work according to the new schedule.
  • You will also have to indicate the nature of the regime change - temporary or permanent.
  • If the change is temporary, a period is indicated. Under the text of the application, the employee puts a personal signature with a transcript and enters the date of completion.

Changing the work schedule at the initiative of the employee

Application for change of work schedule - the first step

If, for family reasons or other reasons, there is a need to change the work schedule, the employee can ask management about this using a statement.

It is reviewed, after which the head of the structural unit will make a decision on consent or refusal. There can be many reasons for changing the schedule:

  • Change of residence, as a result of which it became more difficult for the employee to get to work.
  • The appearance of a child in the family. If an employee returns from maternity leave, she can negotiate with management on new working conditions.
  • Change in financial situation, due to which you have to look for part-time work, etc.

Changing the schedule is possible if what is important to the employer is not the time of presence at the workplace, but the result of work.

To document new conditions, the employee writes an application to change the work schedule; the sample includes the following information:

  • The header of the document indicates the information of the head of the organization, as well as the full name and position of the employee. The name of the structural unit (if any) is indicated.
  • After the title of the document, the employee enters the wording: “I ask you to change my working hours” and indicates the previous and new hours. For example, a 5-day week of 40 hours changes to a partial 5-day week with a total of 30 hours of work, with the workday reduced to 6 hours. The reason for the schedule change is indicated.
  • It is not necessary to write it down in detail; usually the employee writes “Due to family circumstances” or “Due to a change of place of residence,” etc. Detailed reasons can be presented to the immediate superiors orally. The nature of the schedule change is indicated - temporary or permanent. If it is temporary, you must indicate the period for changing the operating hours.
  • A signature with a transcript and the date of filling out the application are placed.
  • Below they write the word “Agreed” and indicate the details of the head of the department who agrees on the new working conditions.
  • If the employer has no objections, the application is agreed upon, and the data is transferred to the personnel service and accounting department.
  • After this, an additional agreement is drawn up with the employee, indicating the new working hours.

Application for changing the working hours at the initiative of the employee 2021: sample, how to fill out?

The time during which the employee undertakes to be present at the place of work and perform his work function is an essential condition of work.

Its change can only occur through the preparation of mandatory accompanying documentation.

The presented changes cannot be established unilaterally, but are quite acceptable on the initiative of the worker or employer with mutual consent.

If there are objective reasons, the employee has the right to draw up an application for an individual change in the working regime.

Is it possible to change at the initiative of the employee?

The legislator establishes the employer's obligation to establish the work schedule in local regulations (collective or individual labor agreements, internal labor regulations) and familiarize each employee with it before signing an employment contract.

The same provision applies when making any changes to the labor regime.

The work schedule can be changed either at the initiative of the employer or at the request of the employee himself, if both parties do not object to the changes presented.

However, it is permissible to make appropriate adjustments only if the party initiating them has objective reasons. For an employee this could be:

  • Family circumstances (presence of seriously ill close relatives, disabled children, etc.);
  • Having a special status in society (single mother, large families, etc.);
  • State of health (disability, other diseases that do not allow you to perform work duties for a whole working day, etc.).

Important! Any reasons indicated by the employee in the application for changing working hours must have official documentary confirmation (medical certificates, birth certificates of children, disability certificates, extracts from the Unified Register of the Civil Registry Office, etc.).

Is it necessary to write a request?

Changing essential working conditions, which, in accordance with labor legislation, includes working hours, is impossible without the consent of the employee.

It is important that verbal consent cannot be considered sufficient. When accepting innovations at work, the employee should write a statement - an addition to the employment agreement.

An application is also required to change the work schedule on an individual basis if the employee has special life circumstances. The document is submitted to the management of the enterprise (organization), which reviews the application and makes a decision on approval or refusal.

The time during which a worker must perform a production function varies based on the order of the management. The submitted administrative document must indicate the basis for the instructions.

In an order to change the working hours for one employee on his initiative, such a basis is the request of the employee himself, submitted in the form of an application.

Important! If there is a trusting relationship between the employer and the employee, there are cases of changing the work schedule by verbal agreement, however. in the event of labor disputes regarding an employee’s compliance with internal labor regulations, it will be extremely difficult to prove the consent of the management to a different work schedule.

applications for changes in working hours at the initiative of the employee – word.

Head of HR Department

Satyrina P.N.

Leading specialist

Panina R.V.


I ask you to change the working hours from 8.00 to 17.00 to 8.30 to 17.30 from 01.09.2021 due to the presence of a child under 14 years old (the need to accompany the child to school daily - classes start at 08.00).

I am enclosing a copy of the child’s birth certificate and a certificate of enrollment from the school with the application.

Source: https://azbukaprav.com/trudovoe-pravo/rabochee-vremya/doks/zayavlenie-ob-izmenenii-rezhima.html

Changing the work schedule at the initiative of the employer

Application for change of work schedule: sample

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the work schedule of employees in one department or the entire enterprise. For example, production is switching to round-the-clock operation, and new shifts need to be introduced, or some employees need to be transferred to work in three days. Naturally, some workers may not like such conditions, and it is necessary to correctly draw up documents on transfer to a new schedule or dismissal in order to avoid mutual claims.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to notify employees of changes in the work schedule at least 2 months in advance. You can issue a collective notification and familiarize employees with it against signature, or send out personal notifications to each employee indicating their new schedule. If someone refuses to sign the notification, a report is drawn up about this.

Personal notices are drawn up in two copies, and on what remains with the employer, a receipt mark must be placed with the employee’s signature. This precaution avoids claims that employees were not notified of a transfer to a new schedule in a timely manner.

In any case, the employer does not have the right to force employees to work according to a new schedule. It is necessary to involve representatives of the trade union in its development, if there is one at the enterprise. All changes to labor regulations must be agreed upon with the head of the trade union or other body representing the interests of workers in the organization.

The employer issues an order to transfer to a new schedule. If the employee agrees, he either signs the order confirming his consent, or writes a statement addressed to management. After this, an additional agreement with a new schedule is drawn up in two copies: one remains for the employer, the second for the employee.

Sample application to change shifts

  1. The appearance of a child in the family. If an employee returns from maternity leave, she can negotiate with management on new working conditions.
  2. Change in financial situation, due to which you have to look for part-time work, etc.
  3. Change of residence, as a result of which it became more difficult for the employee to get to work.

Sample application for substitution of shifts

Naturally, some employees may not like such conditions, and it is necessary to correctly draw up documents on transfer to a new schedule or dismissal in order to avoid mutual claims. The maximum permissible period for applying to

Many employers simply approve the new version of the PVTR and introduce them to employees. But this option can only be suitable for a company that employs “one and a half diggers”: it will not be difficult for the employer to find out whether the employees agree or not to change the working hours. But even then, during control and supervisory activities, inspectors may have complaints - after all, familiarization with the PVTR does not mean consent to work in new conditions.

Is it possible to fire an employee if they refuse?

Changing your work schedule is not a reason to quit!

If the employee does not agree to the new working conditions, the employer undertakes to offer him all available vacancies at the enterprise that correspond to his qualifications. Vacancies must be offered in writing only and must all be located in the local area.

If an employee is not satisfied with any of the proposed vacancies, and he does not agree to work according to the new schedule, he can be fired under Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (an employee’s refusal of a position due to changes in the employment contract). In this case, the company undertakes to pay him severance pay in the amount of two weeks' earnings.

Important: you must also offer lower-level positions; without this, the dismissal will be considered illegal, and the court will oblige the employee to be reinstated.

If the documentation is completed correctly, the transfer of part of the employees or the entire team to a new schedule will take place without problems and mutual claims between the employer and employees.

To learn how to set up employee working hours, watch the video:

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Application for transfer of working hours sample

In fact, according to the law, every employee has the right to write a statement about changing working hours. Life situations for many are not uncommon. Life circumstances include:

Dear readers! Our articles talk about ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

  1. caring for a seriously ill relative;
  2. the opportunity to pick up a small child from kindergarten or school if the child is in primary school;
  3. if you have to get there from the region;
  4. due to worsening financial situation.

However, it should be noted that the employer has the right to both accept and reject such an application. Not all employers are ready to accommodate their employees; in addition, changes in working hours can affect, for example, wages and general attitude. Now, by the way, there are a lot of companies that, for example, have a 6-week work week, or that require you to complete all the work before going home. Of course, this is a clear violation, but if you try to complain or go to court, you will be fired.

An application for transfer of working hours should look like this:

  • In the upper right corner, fill out the “cap” and write the position, full name, head of the company, then your position and full name.
  • In the main text of the application, you need to write a request to postpone working hours and justify it. For example: I ask you to change your working hours from 8:30 to 17:30 to 9:00 to 18:00 because... Getting there from the region takes 45 minutes, and the bus leaves only at 8:00. Signature and date.
  • Guided by the law of the Russian Federation to regulate your daily routine, you can be guided by Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which determines working hours, as well as Art. 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes internal labor regulations in a collective agreement or in an employee’s employment contract.
  • At the moment, both the manager and the employee of the company can change the daily routine.

In the first case, the decision is made unilaterally with notification of employees through the signing of an additional agreement. If the initiative comes from the employee, then this decision should be made by mutual agreement. The employee can approach the employer and verbally discuss the terms. For small companies and individual entrepreneurs, verbal consent may be sufficient. For large enterprises, of course, it is necessary to write a statement about the transfer of working hours and discuss the working hours with the manager.

In accordance with Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is also the possibility of establishing shortened working hours, for example, working pensioners at the enterprise can use this privilege. Moreover, while maintaining the salary. There is also the possibility of shortening the work week, when you can leave work earlier on Friday. First of all, the work schedule depends on the policy of the company itself and the attitude of managers towards their subordinates.

An application for the transfer of working hours must be written if an employee wants to change the work schedule. This is more typical for retail outlets, or companies that require night shifts. So, for example, if an employee wants to switch to a 5/2 schedule from a 2/2 schedule. Production may alternate between day and night shifts. By the way, such a regime can easily be classified as harmful - after all, it is a violation of human rhythm, which will negatively affect human health.

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The financial crisis of the last five years has primarily hit companies and enterprises, which must now save on everything. The savings did not pass over the employees either. Many companies reduce the working hours of employees, and this is only a small loss that a company can cost, worse when jobs are cut. On the other hand, the employees themselves are forced to look for additional sources of income. Therefore, the possibility of transferring working hours is now more relevant than ever. In addition, many companies should think about and use employees’ working time more rationally, so that work does not stand still and not force people to overtime.

In this article, you learned how to fill out a sample application for transfer of working hours. If you have any questions or problems that require the participation of lawyers, then you can seek help from the specialists of the Sherlock information and legal portal. Just leave a request on our website and our lawyers will call you back.

Example of an application to reschedule a lunch break at work

Flexible working time regime is a form of organization of working time in which individual employees or teams of structural divisions of an organization are allowed, within certain limits, to self-regulate the beginning, end and total duration of the working day. In this case, it is required to fully work out the total number of working hours established by law during the accepted accounting period (working day, week, month, etc.).

Girls, please give me a link to the article of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus on the transfer of working hours. I need a specific article, point, etc. The fact is that I want to write an application to reschedule working hours (or rather, shift it by one hour) due to the fact that I do not have time to take him to kindergarten in the morning. Who will help?

How to write an application to change the work schedule? Sample and filling rules

  • The header of the document indicates the information of the head of the organization, as well as the full name and position of the employee. The name of the structural unit (if any) is indicated.
  • After the title of the document, the employee enters the wording: “I ask you to change my working hours” and indicates the previous and new hours. For example, a 5-day week of 40 hours changes to a partial 5-day week with a total of 30 hours of work, with the workday reduced to 6 hours. The reason for the schedule change is indicated.
  • It is not necessary to write it down in detail; usually the employee writes “Due to family circumstances” or “Due to a change of place of residence,” etc. Detailed reasons can be presented to the immediate superiors orally. The nature of the schedule change is indicated - temporary or permanent. If it is temporary, you must indicate the period for changing the operating hours.
  • A signature with a transcript and the date of filling out the application are placed.
  • Below they write the word “Agreed” and indicate the details of the head of the department who agrees on the new working conditions.
  • If the employer has no objections, the application is agreed upon, and the data is transferred to the personnel service and accounting department.
  • After this, an additional agreement is drawn up with the employee, indicating the new working hours.

In any case, the employer does not have the right to force employees to work according to a new schedule.

It is necessary to involve representatives of the trade union in its development, if there is one at the enterprise. All changes to labor regulations must be agreed upon with the head of the trade union or other body representing the interests of workers in the organization.

Application for transfer of working hours sample

However, it should be noted that the employer has the right to both accept and reject such an application.

Not all employers are ready to accommodate their employees; in addition, changes in working hours can affect, for example, wages and general attitudes.

Now, by the way, there are a lot of companies that, for example, have a 6-week work week, or that require you to complete all the work before going home. Of course, this is a clear violation, but if you try to complain or go to court, you will be fired.

In accordance with Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is also the possibility of establishing shortened working hours, for example, working pensioners at the enterprise can use this privilege. Moreover, while maintaining the salary.

There is also the possibility of shortening the work week, when you can leave work earlier on Friday.

First of all, the work schedule depends on the policy of the company itself and the attitude of managers towards their subordinates.

How to apply for additional breaks for breastfeeding

  1. Provide employee A.Yu. Smart breaks for feeding the child, the duration of which is one hour, daily from May 14, 2015. At the request of the employee, they join the main break for rest and food from 13.00 to 14.00.
  2. Pay for feeding breaks in accordance with average earnings based on current labor legislation.
  3. Control over the implementation of the order is carried out by the chief accountant I.I. Nikitina.

Сз (1д) Earnings based on the average value for one working day.

Salary (year) The total amount earned by a woman in a year. 12 Number of months in a year. 29.3 Average value reflecting the number of days per month.

Application for transfer of working hours: sample 2018

  1. in the upper right corner - the exact name of the position and full name of the manager, then the position and full name of the applicant;
  2. a statement of reasons why a change in work schedule is necessary;
  3. request to change working hours with precise indication of boundaries (“please set my lunch break time from 2 to 3 p.m.”)
  4. date and signature.

However, over time, a variety of life circumstances may arise that do not allow, say, coming to work at 8 o’clock in the morning or leaving it at 6 o’clock in the evening. For such cases, labor legislation provides for the opportunity to contact the employer with a request to change the working hours.

Example of an application for the transfer of working hours

If the first option involves making a decision unilaterally with mandatory notification to the employee and in compliance with all procedures and deadlines established by labor legislation, then the second option assumes the desire of the employee, which is expressed in filing an appropriate application and subsequent discussion of the working conditions with the head of the enterprise. Below we will look at the procedure for drawing up an application that must be written to an employee in order to change the work schedule. Application for a change in working hours The employee has the right to take the initiative and notify the employer by writing a statement that he needs to change the working hours.

  1. In the upper right corner the name of the employing organization and the details of its head are indicated. Below you need to write the employee’s position and his full name.
  2. The word “statement” is written in the center.
  3. The text of the document must indicate the employee’s goal related to adjusting the work regime.

Lunch break

All employees of the organization have a designated time for rest and meals from 13 to 14 hours. And Vasiliev I.V. appealed to the administration to move this time to the period from 12 to 13 hours, and the request was granted. An entry about the transfer of time is made in the employment contract.

  • duration of work during the week, indication of irregular working hours;
  • period for rest and nutrition;
  • the presence of special, in addition to generally established, work stoppages;
  • designation of weekends (by days of the week);
  • specific dates for the payment of wages.

Is it possible to move lunch to the end of the day?

Many workers, especially those who have young children, want to go home early to pick up their child from kindergarten or school or to avoid rush hour traffic. Therefore, they are asking employers to move the lunch break to the last hour of the working day in order to be able to leave work earlier.

Let us note that the employer is obliged to include a break for rest and food during working hours in cases where providing a break “on a general basis” is impossible under the conditions of production (work) Art. 108 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This applies, for example, to the work of a security guard, salesperson, or call center employee.

Lunch break: subtleties of legislation

The only exceptions are cases when an employee is forced to have lunch at his workplace.

A similar situation is allowed when it is not possible to provide a food break due to production conditions.

In such a situation, the employer is required to provide the employee with the opportunity to have lunch during working hours. The list of such works is regulated by the internal labor regulations of the enterprise .

If disputes arise about the use of working time, you can draw up a work schedule. It is necessary that the working hours and breaks established by the internal labor regulations comply with the working time sheet. After all, the court may otherwise recognize a violation of the employee’s rights.

What is a working time schedule and working hours?

It’s worth starting with the fact that the organization’s work schedule and the employee’s work schedule are different concepts.

A work schedule is the distribution of working time and rest time for employees during a certain calendar period. A document under this name is developed by management for the purpose of planning the activities of employees and keeping records of the time they worked. Its contents are brought to the attention of staff one month before the schedule comes into effect. Ignoring the provisions of the document is fraught with trouble for employees.

Working hours may vary - options are presented in Art. 100 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that each employer has the right to determine specific working hours for its employees.

Most often, employees work five-day shifts: they have to devote to work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. At the same time, they are given 2 days off for rest. Another common option is a six-day period. It assumes 6 working days a week and 1 day off. At the same time, the normal length of working time, just like with a five-day week, is no more than 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When talking about the work schedule at an enterprise, in most cases it means shift work.

Sample application for shortening lunch break

The list of such works to the contract, · by agreement between many employees, may, at their discretion, “record number, order to reduce the duration. The appointment of this before 18.00 is not prohibited, the day should not be the employer is obliged to establish that it is not at all - having two.

See discrimination here, an employee asks to shorten lunch, a woman can take a vacation up to the age of one and a half years, report card. The actual departure of employees from 13.30 to 14.30 on a working day by the employer is an essential condition for labor rest and food.

Sample application for shortened lunch break

the tasks of a division may go beyond the job responsibilities of its manager (for example, in joint divisions, the advertising and information department, the marketing and sales department). 00 hours, break time for rest and food from 12. The provision on bonuses is necessary in order to avoid dissatisfaction of employees and not.

How to write a complaint to the labor inspectorate correctly, three methods of filing a complaint. In what cases can you report violations, how to correctly draw up and submit a complaint, what responsibility is provided for the employer about this in our article.

In today's economic situation, it is difficult to find a person who has not at least once encountered or experienced labor discrimination.

The period of exercise of these powers by employees of the penal system is counted in calendar terms in the total length of service, as well as in the length of service, which gives the right to be awarded the next special rank, additional leave, a pension for long service, a percentage increase for long service to the salary. 10. In this case, it is provided (must be claimed) no later than the tenth day of the month, which is indicated in the regular annual leave plan. Employees, at the same time as signing additional agreements, will also sign for familiarization with the employer’s acts.

Reduction of lunch time at the request of employees

Hello. Accordingly, the Internal Labor Regulations need to be changed if this applies to all employees, or changes can be made to the employment contracts of specific employees.

As an option, a combination of these methods: in the Rules, fix the working time and rest time regime for a separate category of workers and include the corresponding regimes in employment contracts.

Changes to the employment contract are formalized by signing an additional agreement (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

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In addition, it is necessary to make appropriate changes to employment contracts, if they have a clause on specific rest periods. If the employment contract contains a general phrase that “work and rest hours are established by the Internal Labor Regulations,” then there is no need to make changes to the employment contracts.

Shortened day by reducing lunch break time

Answer: According to Art. 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, during the working day (shift), the employee must be given a break for rest and food lasting no more than two hours and no less than 30 minutes, which is not included in working hours.

At the same time, reducing lunch time correspondingly entails changing the end time of daily work to an earlier time.

It is also possible that with a 5-day work week, reducing lunch time from 1 hour to 45 minutes, the end time of work is changed, for example, only on Friday, but immediately by 1 hour 15 minutes.

Unlike an employment contract, in which the employer and employee agree on a special, individual working time schedule, internal labor regulations establish general working time rules for all employees, are approved by the employer (taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees) and, as a rule, are part of collective agreement. The employer is obliged to familiarize each employee with the internal labor regulations upon hiring.

24 Jul 2021 yslygiur 1679

Source: https://urist-yslugi.ru/bez-rubriki/zayavlenie-na-sokrashhenie-obedennogo-pereryva-obrazets

Changing the work schedule at the request of the employee

For one reason or another, a subordinate may need to change his work schedule. To do this, he can contact his boss with a request in the form of a statement. It confirms the voluntary expression of the worker’s will to have his working hours changed. In case of disagreement, this document will serve as proof that management has formalized the procedure without violations.

After considering the application, the employer makes a decision and responds with consent or refusal.

The most common reasons for changing the schedule are:

  • change of place of residence, which means the employee has to spend more time getting to work;
  • illness of a relative who needs daily care, etc.

Most often, what matters to an employer is not the time a person is present at the workplace, but his labor productivity. Therefore, if the employee can fulfill the norm set for him in a shorter time, the boss's answer will most likely be positive.

Alternatively, the boss can offer the employee a flexible work schedule (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), which for some citizens can be very convenient. With a flexible schedule, the shift should not exceed 10 hours. In exceptional cases, its duration can be up to 12 hours.

In order for the employer to allow the subordinate to work under new conditions, the employee draws up a free-form application to change the work schedule.

A cap

The document header states:

  • FULL NAME. and the position of the head of the organization;
  • Company name;
  • FULL NAME. and employee position.

Document text

The type of document is indicated: “Application”.

What follows is a text with a request. The wording may sound like this: “I ask you to change my working hours” and the previous and necessary modes are indicated. For example, an employee requests a 5-day work week of 40 hours to be replaced by an incomplete 5-day week with a total work time of 30 hours, with the working day reduced to 6 hours. It is also necessary to state the reason for changing operating hours. You can write briefly: “For family reasons” and the like. It is worth indicating in the application the date from which the subordinate plans to work according to the new schedule. You will also have to indicate the nature of the regime change - temporary or permanent. If the change is temporary, a period is indicated.

Under the text of the application, the employee puts a personal signature with a transcript and enters the date of completion.

If the boss is not against the changes, the application is endorsed and sent to the personnel department and accounting department. After this, an additional agreement is drawn up with the employee indicating the new working hours.

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But how legal is it to demand my application to change shifts with another employee in work clothes not while performing a specific work task? An employee writes an application to change daily duty with another employee. An employee receiving benefits in 2021. The employee contacted the employer with a request for a replacement. Valentina, manager, sample application for shift substitution, city. This employee does not object. If there are inaccuracies in the card, then you must contact the same PF department with an application for replacement. If one employee asks another to replace him, then how should this be formalized? Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to correctly write an application for changing shifts with another employee? She contacted her employer with a request for a replacement. There are other, much less commonly used forms of statements about. The statement is in the middle, the period is not placed below, write from the paragraph. I ask you to allow me to substitute March 4, 2021. An employee’s application to replace the milk supply with monetary compensation is a recommended sample of completion. In this case, a note about the change of residence of the owner must be made in the PTS. But how can it be legitimate to seek my application for changing shifts with another employee in work clothes not during the actual work of the worker? An application for changing SNILS is required. One bulletin is issued for the employee’s illness, the second for caring for the sick. For example, an employee who wants to swap shifts writes a memo asking permission to swap shifts with another employee. Working citizens contact their HR department within a month, where the employee will be given a sample application for. Application for the issuance of cash checks. If he was on maternity leave in the city. Application in the middle, do not put a period below, write from the paragraph I ask you. When changing the employee's surname, the insurance certificate must be replaced. After this, an additional agreement is drawn up with the employee, indicating the new working hours. According to Article 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part of the vacation exceeding 28 calendar days may be granted upon the written application of the employee. How to write a competent application to substitute vacation with another employee

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