Industrial hazard nets

What you need to know

In order for a preferential pension to be granted, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Reaching the appropriate age.
  • Special and work experience.
  • Required amount of individual coefficient.

At the same time, you need to know that in order to be included in the special experience, payment of insurance premiums is made at a separate rate. This provision has been in effect since the beginning of 2013. In addition, workplaces must correspond to a certain hazard class.

Possible retirement due to disability is established by the law on insurance pensions No. 400-FZ. Article 30 sets out a list of categories of persons who have this right. Harmful and difficult work includes production:

  • building materials;
  • explosives and chemicals;
  • metal;
  • cellulose;
  • glass;
  • electronics and radio equipment;
  • processing of oil, gas, shale and coal products;
  • nuclear power.

In all of the above areas, human health is harmed. In some cases, this can lead to partial or complete loss of ability to work.

How many years of experience do you need to retire?

According to the law, all types of labor activity are divided into two categories, according to which a pension is calculated based on harmfulness. List No. 1 includes professions with the highest level of health hazard. Men have the right to go on vacation after 20 years of general experience, 10 years of which are classified as special. Other requirements are established for women. If they have 15 years of experience, of which 7.5 years are classified as special, they may also be provided with a preferential pension based on harmfulness.

List No. 2 includes professions in which men must gain 25 years of experience, of which 12.5 years are special ones. For women, these terms are 20 and 10 years, respectively.

A preferential disability pension is also awarded to employees of medical organizations. To do this, they must have a minimum work experience of 25 years in rural areas, and 30 years in urban conditions. Actors, circus workers, teachers and people who worked in the Far North have the right to go on vacation early if they have worked in their specialty for at least 25 years.

The age at which early retirement due to disability is possible for citizens whose professions belong to List 1 is as follows. A man must be at least 50 years old, and a woman must be at least 45 years old. For representatives of List 2, the age increases by 5 years and is 55 years for men and 50 years for women.

Harmful working conditions

Working conditions are classified according to the level of harm that can be caused to human health. There are 4 degrees, which differ in the following characteristics.

  1. Functional changes may occur. But if there is no contact with harmful factors for a long time, then the negative impact is reduced to zero. In this case, the first degree of harm is established.
  2. Sustainable functional changes occur in the body, which lead to the emergence and development of occupational diseases when working for more than 15 years in appropriate conditions (second degree of harm).
  3. Persistent functional changes in the body occur during work. This becomes the cause of the development of occupational diseases (third degree of harm).
  4. During work, the ability to work is completely lost, occupational diseases are severe, and chronic diseases develop (fourth degree of harm).

Degree of hazards in production

According to existing categories, there are:

  • Class 1, which includes functional changes and disorders of various organs and systems. With short-term exposure to these factors, the human body is able to quickly recover to its previous state.
  • Class 2 includes the appearance of so-called occupational diseases that affect vulnerable organs by direct influence on them.
  • Category 3 brings with it not only functional changes, but also pathologies that arise during prolonged contact with hazardous factors.
  • Category 4 is characterized by partial loss of ability to work and the presence of severe forms of chronic diseases that were acquired as a result of working at this enterprise.

1 industrial hazard grid

The grid of harmful factors is presented by the following list of professions:

  • Drivers of trucks and passenger vehicles involved in the production process.
  • Textile workers.
  • Employees who are involved in the machine process and automotive production workers.
  • Drivers of minibuses and public transport.

Occupational hazards - 2nd grid

The list includes workers of the following professions:

  • Nuclear industry workers.
  • Mining company employees.
  • Workers involved in electrical equipment.
  • Metallurgical industry.

3 degree of harmfulness

If we note the 3rd degree of harm, then it includes not only significant changes in the body of a particular employee, but also the occurrence of pathologies, which, alas, cannot be cured. Work that falls within this spectrum can render a person unable to work for a long period of time.

4th degree of harmfulness of working conditions in production

Based on the comprehensive information in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it can be noted that this degree brings irreversible changes in the human body. With prolonged exposure to these production factors, the employee may become disabled. In this case, the employee is entitled to early retirement and corresponding benefits.

Conditions for receiving

Using the following table, it is convenient to see and compare in which cases a preferential pension for disability is established.

Conditions Women (years) Men (years)
Age for list No. 1 45 50
Total experience for list No. 1 15 20
Special experience for list No. 1 7,5 10
Age for list No. 2 50 55
Total experience for list No. 2 20 25
Special experience for list No. 2 10 12,5

The principle of calculating payments for citizens who have worked the required number of years in general service and at least half of this period in special service is as follows.

The retirement age for a citizen working in a profession that belongs to list No. 1 is reduced by 1 year for each full year of preferential service. In the case when a pension for disability is assigned (list No. 2), a reduction of 1 year occurs for every 2.5 years of preferential service for males, and 2 years for women.

Professions with hazardous working conditions

In 2014, to implement Law No. 400-FZ, Government Resolution No. 665 was adopted. The document defines the types of professions that are taken into account when determining length of service. Depending on the list and type of work, a preferential retirement pension is awarded under different conditions.

List No. 1 includes work carried out underground, as well as in hot shops. These are professions with a critical level of danger.

List No. 2 includes professions carried out by people in difficult conditions.

Occupational Safety and Health

Regarding additional leave for harmful activities, I also recently had a question: is it necessary to provide them? Having rummaged through the legislation, I came to the following: according to the Labor Code, the lists of industries, works, professions and positions, work in which gives the right to additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as the minimum duration of this leave and the conditions for its provision are approved The Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations (at least, should

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