Safety briefing in 2021: types, content, how to conduct

Who should be trained

According to clause 2.1.1 of the Procedure, all persons hired for work must undergo training. It is also mandatory for employees who are transferred to another job.


Is safety training necessary for a person who is not on the company’s staff, but performs work or provides services under a civil contract? The answer depends on the terms of the contract. If it states that the customer pays insurance premiums “for injuries” for the contractor (performer), then training should be carried out. This opinion was expressed by the Ministry of Labor in letter No. PG/02487-6-1 dated February 21, 2020 (see “Labor safety: is it necessary to instruct workers with whom GPC agreements have been concluded?”).

Rules for filling out the checklist

Based on the results of the inspection, the inspector is required to put a mark on the checklist next to each question about compliance or non-compliance with the requirement. If everything matches, then a positive mark is given, but if, on the contrary, then this column is not filled in at all.

Important! If the information contained in the paragraph has nothing to do with the enterprise, then “does not apply” is written. For example, if there are no employees working in the mechanical section, then there is no need to check this information.

Who conducts on-the-job training?

Depends on the type of instruction:

  • the induction is carried out by an occupational safety specialist (see “How to become an occupational safety specialist”), or another employee who is assigned such responsibilities by order of the manager;
  • primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted are carried out by the one who supervises the work: foreman, foreman, teacher, etc. It is necessary that this person undergo occupational safety training at an accredited training center or at an enterprise if a commission has been created there to test knowledge of occupational safety requirements (for more details, see “Procedure for occupational safety training at an enterprise in 2021: terms, rules, organization”) .

Complete training and receive a certificate of occupational safety specialist Submit an application

What are GIT checklists, where can I download them?

Relatively recently, such a term as checklists appeared in the legislation of the Russian Federation (in the literature they are also called checklists).
Parts 11.1–11.5 art. 9 of the Law “On the Protection of Rights...” dated December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ stipulates that these sheets are mandatory used by some supervisory authorities during scheduled inspections of business entities. Checklists are lists of control questions, the answers to which will clearly show whether there are violations in a particular area. Their wording suggests a positive or negative answer. It is convenient that each sheet contains a link to a rule of law that provides for one or another mandatory requirement. Checklists are developed by the supervisory authorities themselves (each according to its own competence).

The introduction of checklists is intended to simplify the routine control procedure for both supervisory authorities and those being inspected. After all, the limits of such control are limited only by the questions of the checklists used in a particular case (and their list is determined by the subject of the check).

Rostrud is one of the bodies that are required to use checklists during inspections (clause 8 of the Regulations on supervision of compliance with labor legislation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 1, 2012 No. 875). You can download GIT checklists on labor protection, personnel issues and others on the official portal of the department in the “Prevention of Violations” section, “Documents” tab.

What types of safety training are there?

Introductory training on occupational safety

Needed by everyone who got a job or came on a business trip. Also, apprentices and students in practice, as well as people from third-party organizations involved in the company’s production activities, are required to undergo induction training.

Initial briefing on labor protection and safety in the workplace

It is intended for all newly hired workers, including seasonal workers and those who have signed an employment contract for less than two months.

Primary training is also given to:

  • part-time workers;
  • homeworkers using materials, tools or machinery;
  • employees transferred from other structural units;
  • persons who are entrusted with a new job;
  • those who came on a business trip from other organizations;
  • trainees;
  • everyone who in one way or another participates in the production activities of the company.


The employer has the right to approve a list of professions and positions exempt from initial instruction. The list can include workers not involved in the operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment. It is permissible to include in it those who do not use electrified and other tools, do not store or use raw materials.

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Repeated safety briefing

Necessary for everyone who attended the initial training. Repeated events are held regularly.

Unscheduled briefing on labor protection

Needed in case:

  • changes or introduction of new laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, instructions on occupational safety;
  • changes in technological processes, replacement or modernization of equipment, devices, tools and other factors affecting labor safety;
  • violation by employees of occupational safety requirements if there is a real threat of serious consequences: accident, breakdown, etc.;
  • requirements of officials of state supervision and control bodies;
  • a break in work for more than two months (for work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions - more than 30 calendar days);
  • the employer making an appropriate decision.

Targeted training on labor protection

It is suitable for performing one-time work and holding public events. Other reasons for targeted training are liquidation of the consequences of accidents and natural disasters; work that requires a work permit, permit or other special document.

Introduction of Rostrud checklists: from what date the rules in question begin to apply

The list of checklists for checking the State Labor Inspectorate was put into effect by Order of Rostrud dated November 10, 2021 No. 655. It should be noted that from the date of entry into force of the Order (February 4, 2021), questionnaires are used in the case of scheduled inspections in relation to not all companies and individual entrepreneurs, but only those that fall into the moderate risk category. To understand which category a particular company belongs to, you can submit a request to the territorial branch of Rostrud at the place of registration, or check the data on their official website.

As for other categories, inspections are carried out using checklists from July 1, 2021. The GIT checklists used from this date are approved by the same Order No. 655, which means that verification actions during scheduled audits from July 1, 2021 are carried out in relation to any companies and individual entrepreneurs, and not just those belonging to the moderate risk category.

It is important to understand that questionnaires can only be used during routine inspections. If inspection activities take place outside the plan, the requirements for organizations and individual entrepreneurs are the same, but inspection sheets are not officially applied. In any case, if all the requirements for those being inspected, specified in the entered questionnaires, are met, this is reason to believe that there are no grounds for bringing to administrative responsibility.

Contents of the safety briefing

Clause 2.1.3 of the Procedure states that during the briefing the employee becomes familiar with dangerous or harmful production factors. In addition, he studies: local regulations of the organization, safety instructions, technical and operational documents, safe methods and techniques for performing work.

For introductory and initial training, special programs approved by the employer are needed. They are developed taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, safety instructions, technical and operational documentation.

At the end of the training, the person conducting the training verbally checks what knowledge and skills the employee has acquired.

Retrain and improve your skills in the field of labor protection

Which checklist was canceled

Carrying out inspection activities in private or state-owned structures is regulated by regulations and other legislative documents. It is easy to find out exactly when inspectors will visit the enterprise from the system on the department’s website. To do this, it is recommended to find the documents and answer all the questions specified in it. In this way, you can avoid the negative consequences associated with the arrival of others.

Note! The verification form for the type of development of rules and other standards, including safety instructions, will be canceled in the future. This is planned to be adopted and put into effect, since there is already another check for the event of this plan. The verification will be performed based on the last document.

Timing of H&S briefings

For clarity, we have summarized them in a table:

Type of instruction Dates
Introductory before the initial briefing
Primary before starting independent work
Repeated at least once every 6 months
Unscheduled if necessary

Rules for conducting and completing workplace training

There are two types of training that always take place in the workplace.

  1. Primary
  2. Repeated

Sometimes unscheduled events are organized at the workplace. This happens if the reason is innovations directly related to the workshop, conveyor belt, etc. For example, changing technological processes or upgrading machines.

In all other cases (if the basis for the briefing is changes in the law, the requirements of the inspector, etc.), an unscheduled briefing can be carried out away from production - in the hall, assembly hall, etc.


There is a form for registering on-the-job training. It is listed in GOST 12.0.004-2015 (approved by order of Rosstandart dated 06/09/16 No. 600-st). But the application of this GOST is voluntary. Therefore, organizations and individual entrepreneurs have the right to develop their own form of journal.

Prepare labor safety documents in a special service Try for free

Using checklists in preparation for checking compliance with labor protection legislation

Failure to comply with labor safety rules may result in fines for the employer (Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The sanctions here are more stringent than for violations of labor legislation in other areas (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Identification of a repeated violation may even lead to administrative suspension of activities.

The easiest way to avoid fines is to comply with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations in this area. But if due attention has not been paid to labor safety, then labor safety checklists can help you quickly prepare for control.

It is recommended to answer security questions online - through the “Electronic Inspector” self-test service on the website Onlineinspektsiya.rf, the official portal of Rostrud. Every employer can do this - free of charge and at any time. Based on the results of answering the control questions of each sheet, the employer will receive:

  • conclusion on the compliance of its activities with the law (by topic);
  • recommendations for eliminating identified violations.

There are no sanctions for violations identified using this method of verification. But its successful completion does not guarantee the same result when inspectors arrive, because they very carefully study the documents and inspect the premises of the enterprise.

Features of conducting labor safety briefings

Do remote workers and homeworkers need to be instructed? Yes need. After all, the working conditions of a homeworker must comply with labor safety requirements (Article 311 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And remote employees must be trained in safe methods of working with equipment and tools that are recommended or provided by the employer (Article 312.7 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Also see “Remote work in 2021, read the new law on remote work.”

All types of training, including initial training, are required for office staff. The fact is that exemption can only be given to those who do not deal with the equipment. Whereas office workers use computers. Therefore, they must undergo initial training.

Registration of labor safety briefings

To record briefings, a log is used, and in some cases, a work permit is used. The date of the knowledge test should be indicated, as well as the signatures of the instructor and the person who attended the course (clause 2.1.3 of the Procedure).

GOST 12.0.004‑2015 contains three recommended forms of logs: for introductory, for targeted instruction and for on-the-job instruction. You can use them or develop your own forms.


The Ministry of Labor, in letter No. 15-2/OOG-1744 dated July 16, 2018, stated that it is not necessary to lace up magazines, number pages, and put a stamp. But the employer has the right to establish such requirements and enshrine them in local regulations on office work.

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