Buy a group 1 electrical safety permit

We receive a lot of questions regarding electrical safety, and misunderstandings arise: who needs to be assigned group 1, with what frequency, and what needs to be formalized?

In this article I will try to analyze them all in as much detail as possible, because if you have a gap in this direction, then the employer will be subject to fines and the risk of electric shock increases.

We all know how to safely use electrical appliances, but we often neglect labor safety rules and, according to statistics, electrical injuries in Russia annually amount to about 3%. Even if the figure is small, it is better to reduce it and eliminate it, at least within the framework of your organization.

Procedure for assigning 1st electrical safety group

If we consider labor protection from different positions, it becomes clear that in any of the directions, it is important not only to work with personnel and ensure safe working conditions, but also to correctly and competently drawn up documents, because it is also necessary to protect the manager’s nerves and budget from fines, and this is always done with the help of a “piece of paper” :)

And it seems like such a simple procedure, but you need to prepare a lot of documents confirming the correct procedure for assigning group 1 in electrical safety, and simply making entries in a journal will not prove that the instructions were given in fact.

Electrical safety program 1 group

Any training and instruction in labor protection is carried out according to a specially prepared program, and in this area. You will need a group 1 electrical safety program.

There are no specific regulations for the design of the program for assigning group 1 in electrical safety; the main thing is to convey to workers the following topics while studying the basics of electrical safety:

  • the effect of electric current on the human body;
  • creating safe working conditions;
  • personal electrical safety;
  • rules for using electrical devices;
  • step voltage;
  • freeing the victim from exposure to electricity. current;
  • providing first aid in case of electric shock.

The instruction time is also not specified, everything is in your hands, but the point is that you need not to miss anything and convey as much information as possible to the employee so that he is protected from the effects of electric current:

  • when moving around the organization’s territory and premises;
  • when connecting equipment to the network (you need to make sure that it is working properly);
  • at the end of the working day (it is necessary to turn off electrical equipment);
  • knew where to go in case of detection of equipment malfunctions.

You can download the program for assigning group 1 in electrical safety by clicking on the link.

And, of course, the program itself for conducting electrical safety training for 1 group is, in fact, a table indicating the main topics, and in order not to come up with a text every time, you should prepare instructions.

Electrical safety instructions group 1

The text part is very important, because an employee may forget the basics of electrical safety and first aid rules for a year, and having this document always “at hand” at the workplace, there is an opportunity to refresh his knowledge.

Electrical safety instructions for non-electrical personnel assigned to Group I must contain detailed information specified in the program.

This document is developed by the person responsible for electrical facilities, agreed upon with the labor protection service, if there is a trade union, then with its representative, and approved by the head of the organization.

If you need electrical safety instructions group 1 as an example, it is located at this link.

The electrical safety instructions for personnel assigned to group 1 are quite lengthy, so it will not be possible to quickly release workers, especially after the instruction they need to test their knowledge.

Logbook for assignment of group 1 for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel

If the employee has answered all the questions asked, you will need to log the assignment of group 1 for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel in which you need to register.

Moreover, in this case it is not necessary (clause 1.4.4. Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 6).

The logbook for assigning group 1 for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel in a specific form is not regulated by law, but it must contain the following information:

  • FULL NAME. employee;
  • job title;
  • date of the ES briefing;
  • signatures of the inspector and the instructed.

In order not to look for the journal form for assigning 1st electrical safety group, I leave you a download link.

The signatures of both parties must be mandatory, otherwise it will be considered that the legal requirement has not been met and the employee does not have an electrical safety group.

Employer's liability

After employment, it is mandatory to conduct electrical safety training and assign a group, and if this requirement is not met, then administrative liability under Art. 9.11 Code of Administrative Offences:

  • for an official and individual entrepreneur from 2000 to 4000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity – from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

The fine is not as great as if you fail to comply with labor protection or environmental safety requirements, but nevertheless it should not be tolerated.

Although non-electrical personnel with electrical safety group 1 do not often encounter the danger of electric shock and the work is not as dangerous as that of others, they still need to be concerned about their well-being, because in case of heart problems, a fatal accident can occur and then the question of the emergence of criminal liability will already arise (Article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Global educational program for assigning the 1st electrical safety group to non-electrical personnel!

Greetings, friends! This note contains comprehensive information for thinking about who should assign 1 electrical safety group to non-electrical personnel, how this should happen according to all safety standards (the author’s opinion) and what documents need to be drawn up for the legitimate assignment of 1 electrical safety group (the author’s proposal) .

The material on electrical safety is really interesting, deep and high quality! For note, it was kindly provided by our colleague, occupational safety specialist, Vladimir Yakovlevich Shumik (author of the material). Thank you, Vladimir! The original title of the article is “And once again about the assignment of the 1st electrical safety group to non-electrical personnel.” The safety of workers in enterprises, institutions, offices (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) is given great importance. The legislator requires training, instructions, and knowledge testing of workers on labor protection, fire safety, and electrical safety. In matters of electrical safety, the legislator requires not only training and instruction for workers, but also the assignment of appropriate electrical safety groups to them. Unfortunately, today, many questions have arisen regarding the training and assignment of group 1 in electrical safety to non-electrical personnel. And this is largely due to the imperfection of the published regulatory legal acts in this area. Regulatory legal acts that formulate the requirements for electrical safety and the provision of training, instruction, testing of knowledge on labor protection, assignment of electrical safety groups are:

  1. Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations, approved by order
  2. Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as NPA (1)).
  3. “Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328 n (hereinafter referred to as NLA (2)).
  4. “The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations”, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 29, resolution dated January 13, 2003, (hereinafter referred to as NPA (3)).
  5. GOST 12.0.004-90. Organization of occupational safety training (hereinafter referred to as NLA (4));

Let's consider clause 1.4.4. (first sentence) Legal acts (1). It states that “Non-electrical personnel performing work that may pose a risk of electric shock are assigned Electrical Safety Group 1.” If by work in the above sentence we mean the employee’s workplace and the performance of his functional duties by profession, then it should be noted that the employee can be electrically injured outside his workplace and without performing his professional duties. For example: 1. when an employee is in an area where electrical receivers are operated by other employees; 2. when operating electrical installation fittings (electrical switches, electrical sockets), electrical wiring, electrical machines, input and distribution devices, lighting and distribution panels, electrical extension cords that are not at the employee’s workplace, but which may have to be used in emergency situations; 3. when operating electrical receivers that are not involved in the employee’s work: 3.1. when operating electrical receivers used during a break from work for rest, eating, heating for cooking, heating food, heating workers (electric kettle, electric boiler, electric stove, microwave oven, electric heater, electric refrigerator, electric extension cord, etc.); 3.2. during the operation of electrical receivers used by the enterprise during public and cultural events on the territory of the enterprise and beyond (electrical amplification equipment, electric spotlights, electric illumination, televisions, projection systems, tape recorders, electrical extension cords, etc.); 4. when entering an area where there is a broken wire of overhead power lines, an electric cable of underground power lines protruding from the ground, temporary electrical wiring is used; 5. when you are on the territory, in buildings, structures of the enterprise during a thunderstorm, when ball lightning appears; 6. when the employee is in an area where the employee is exposed to static electricity or an electromagnetic field; 7. when rescuing other employees of the enterprise who have been exposed to electric current in the premises and on the territory of the enterprise; 8. when extinguishing electrical installation fittings, electrical wiring, input distribution devices, lighting and distribution panels, electrical extension cords, electrical receivers, electrical equipment, power tools, electric lamps that are energized in the premises and on the territory of the enterprise. Based on the above, the author of this article suggests that all employees of the enterprise, from the director to the janitor of the enterprise, undergo electrical safety training, because each of them may find themselves in the situations described above. In addition, when completing this training, there is no need to assign employees to any electrical safety group. After all, when employees undergo training on labor protection and fire safety, no groups are assigned. Electrical safety groups must be assigned only to employees of the electrical and electrical engineering personnel of the enterprise. Let's consider clause 1.4.4. (third sentence) Legal acts (1). It states that “Personnel who have mastered the electrical safety requirements related to their production activities are assigned group 1 with registration in a journal in the prescribed form...” Let’s analyze this proposal in parts. 1. “Personnel who have mastered the electrical safety requirements ....” Question: how to check and make sure that the personnel have mastered the electrical safety requirements or not? In what regulatory legal act or local regulatory legal act should these electrical safety requirements be formulated? 2. “ its production activities...”. Since group 1 for electrical safety is assigned not only to workers engaged in production activities, but also to workers engaged in non-production activities (for example, office workers), it is proposed to use the phrase “professional activity” instead of the phrase “production activity”; 3. “...assigned to group 1 with registration in the journal in the established form...” Question: by whom in the established form? Why is the full name of this journal, its form, the order of production, filling, maintenance, and storage not indicated? 4. Why, in this sentence we are talking about mastering what electrical safety requirements, and in the next sentence we are talking about conducting instructions and testing knowledge? Maybe it's the other way around? Let's consider clause 1.4.4. (fourth sentence) Legal acts (1). It states that “Assignment to Group 1 is made through instruction, which, as a rule, should be completed by a knowledge test in the form of an oral examination and (if necessary) a test of acquired skills in safe working methods or providing first aid in case of electric shock.” Let's look at this proposal piece by piece. 1. “Assignment to group 1 is made through instruction,...”. a) This part of the sentence is stylistically constructed illiterately. In the opinion of the author of this article, this part of the proposal can be more correctly formulated as follows: “Group 1 for electrical safety is assigned to non-electrical personnel after briefing them ...” b) What kind of training? According to NLA (3) and NLA (4), there are: introductory briefing on labor protection, initial briefing on labor protection at the workplace, repeated briefing on labor protection, targeted briefing on labor protection, unscheduled briefing on labor protection. There are similar instructions on fire safety. If the legislator introduces a new type of instruction—instruction on electrical safety—then it should be written that way. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the time characteristics of the briefing (introductory, initial at the workplace, repeated, targeted, unscheduled), because the regulatory legal acts (1) state that “Assignment of 1 group in electrical safety is carried out at least once a year” , and in the event of an accident involving an employee receiving an electrical injury, it is probably necessary to conduct unscheduled electrical safety training or not? In addition, if such an event is mentioned as briefing, then it is clearly necessary to provide a standard program for such briefing, standard local regulatory legal acts (instructions) that should be included in the briefing program. And so there is no full name of this instruction, nor how it is compiled, nor the number of sections of which it should consist. In addition, it is not indicated that there should be one electrical safety instruction at the enterprise or for each structural unit of the enterprise in order to stipulate in it the electrical safety requirements specific to each structural unit of the enterprise. 2. “...instruction, which, as a rule, should end with a knowledge test in the form of an oral questioning and (if necessary) a test of acquired skills in safe ways of working or providing first aid in case of electric shock. a) That is, after the briefing, you can conduct a knowledge test, or you can not conduct it. I read the instructions on electrical safety and “goodbye” to the workers. And acquired skills in safe ways of working or providing first aid in case of electric shock can also be tested, or they may not be tested. Why bother yourself? If this is so, then why didn’t the legislator provide at least an approximate list of situations in which testing the knowledge and acquired skills of employees is mandatory or optional. This paragraph contradicts paragraph 7.2.5. NLA (4), which is higher in status than any Rules, which states more specifically: “Workers are allowed to work independently after... testing theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe ways of working.” b) Question: what is an oral survey? How to carry it out? To what extent should it be carried out? Should we interview everyone? What if 20-30 employees undergo training? c) Question: what is a test of acquired skills? How to carry it out? To what extent should it be carried out? Does everyone have to show acquired skills? What if 20-30 employees undergo training? Let's consider clause 1.4.4. (fifth sentence) Legal acts (1). It states that “The assignment of electrical safety group 1 is carried out by an employee from among the electrical personnel of a given Consumer with an electrical safety group of at least 3.” 1. Question: why train managers, their deputies, heads of structural divisions and specialists on electrical safety issues in the process of training and testing knowledge on security issues, if after that they, it turns out, are not able to provide instructions on basic electrical safety measures for their subordinate workers (with the exception of workers belonging to electrical and electrical engineering personnel). After all, non-electrical personnel are required to know the most basic things:

  1. electrical hazard;
  2. electrical safety requirements for the operation of office and household electrical receivers;
  3. electrical safety requirements for the operation of technological electrical equipment (external inspection, switching on, monitoring operation, switching off) (during its operation);
  4. the procedure for releasing an employee exposed to electric current;
  5. procedure for providing first aid to a victim of electric current.

That's all. Is it really possible that in order to train your subordinate workers in this and assign them 1st electrical safety group, do you need to be an electrical technician and have as many as 3rd electrical safety group? 2. Question: Does a person in electrical engineering personnel who has an electrical safety group of at least 3 have the right to assign electrical safety group 1 or not? Let's consider the first sentence of clause 2 of the Notes to Appendix No. 1 of the Regulations (2). It states that “Group 1 Electrical Safety applies to non-electrical personnel.” According to the name of the application, electrical safety groups are assigned, not distributed (only the plague is distributed). Are non-electrical personnel assigned electrical safety group 1 or not? Unclear. Let's consider the second sentence of clause 2 of the Notes to Appendix No. 1 of the Regulations (2). It states that “The list of positions and jobs requiring classification of production personnel into group 1 is determined by the head of the organization (separate division).” I believe that this proposal is poorly drafted because:

Training in occupational safety and related areas in a Virtual Production Environment using Electronic Simulators + issuance of certificates. Like this?

  1. electrical safety groups are assigned not to workplaces, but to workers of certain professions;
  2. Group 1 for electrical safety is assigned not only to production personnel, but also to non-production personnel (office workers and others).

3. if the head of the organization single-handedly determines the List of positions, jobs that require classification of production personnel into group 1, then “why the hell” does the enterprise have a person responsible for electrical equipment and a labor protection specialist on staff? The above proposal is proposed to be formulated as follows : The list of professions and positions of workers who need to be assigned group 1 in electrical safety is developed by the person responsible for electrical equipment at the enterprise (organization), agreed with the occupational safety specialist and approved by the head of the enterprise (organization). Consider the second sentence of paragraph 2 Notes to Appendix N 1 NLA (2). It states that “Personnel who have mastered the electrical safety requirements related to their production activities are assigned group 1 with registration in a journal, which must contain the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, his position, the date of assignment of group 1 on electrical safety, signature of the person being checked and the inspector. I think that this proposal is also poorly drafted because:

  1. again the full name of the journal is not indicated;
  2. “ a journal that must contain the name,...”. I think that this phrase is formulated stylistically incorrectly. I suggest: “ a journal in which the last name must be indicated...”;
  3. the list does not indicate “profession”, which means that workers in blue-collar professions are not assigned Group I for electrical safety, which is incorrect;
  4. instead of “signature of the person being inspected”, “the signature of the employee who is assigned the electrical safety group” is suggested, and instead of “the signature of the inspector” - “the signature of the official who has assigned the electrical safety group.” Employees of the electrical safety group are assigned, not checked.

Having studied the regulations (1) and regulations (2), the author of this article did not find information that said what should be done with an employee who suffered from an electric current through his fault and remained alive? What needs to be done with other employees of this structural unit or enterprise? If it is necessary to conduct an unscheduled briefing on electrical safety with them, then this must be written to the regulatory legal acts. The above legal acts also do not indicate:

  1. definition of the term “non-electrical personnel”. The author of this article considers the definition of the term “non-electrical technical personnel” given in the regulatory legal acts (1) to be incorrect (personnel who do not fall under the definition of “electrical technical”, “electrotechnological”)
  2. the age at which non-electrical personnel can be assigned electrical safety group 1;
  3. the period (before the start of work or within one month from the date of hiring) for conducting initial training, testing knowledge and assigning 1 group in electrical safety;
  4. requirements for the health status of an employee of non-electrical personnel with 1 electrical safety group;
  5. qualification requirements for non-electrical personnel with group 1 electrical safety (what they should know and be able to do);
  6. characteristics of group 1 on electrical safety for non-electrical personnel (what types of work they are allowed to perform and which are prohibited);
  7. measures of responsibility of employees of non-electrical personnel of the 1st group on electrical safety for violations of electrical safety requirements.

Since the legislator has not developed standard local regulations (Procedures, Programs, Instructions) for organizing training, testing knowledge and assigning group 1 in electrical safety to non-electrical personnel, specialists and managers of structural divisions of enterprises have to develop them independently and, unfortunately, not always competently. Thus, over the past decade, the author of this article has come across versions of the same Labor Safety Instructions for non-electrical personnel, who are assigned group 1 in electrical safety, in periodicals on labor protection, in books, and on the Internet. Already in the title of this instruction there is an error, since labor protection instructions are developed according to professions and types of work performed. Although, along with labor safety instructions, there are also instructions such as fire safety instructions. Therefore, by analogy, instructions that reflect electrical safety issues should be called Electrical Safety Instructions. The above instructions, as a rule, on 1.5-2 sheets, superficially outline: the requirements for conducting instructions, and theoretical material about the dangers of electric current and the consequences of its impact on the human body, and the electrical safety requirements for the operation of electrical receivers, and the provision of first aid to victims of electric current. All this, nothing less than, cannot be called a “hodgepodge”: about everything - but in a little bit. Moreover, material devoted to the consequences of the effects of electric current on the human body and the provision of medical care in some instructions takes up more than 90% of the volume of the entire instruction, and material devoted to the electrical safety requirements themselves takes up less than 10%. The author of this article proposes, in this case, to “separate the flies from the cutlets” and develop the following independent local regulatory legal acts on the issues of conducting briefings, testing knowledge and assigning Group 1 in electrical safety to non-electrical personnel:

  1. The procedure for conducting instructions, testing knowledge and assigning group 1 in electrical safety to non-electrical personnel of the enterprise.
  2. A program for conducting briefing, testing knowledge and assigning 1 electrical safety group to non-electrical personnel for each structural unit of the enterprise.
  3. Electrical safety instructions for non-electrical personnel, who are assigned 1 electrical safety group for each structural unit of the enterprise.
  4. Lecture material on the dangers of electric current and the consequences of exposure to electric current on the human body.
  5. Instructions for providing pre-medical self- and mutual assistance to victims of electric current.

+ DOWNLOAD A SET OF DOCUMENTS FOR ASSIGNMENT OF 1 GROUP ON ELECTRICAL SAFETY As an example for the development of the above documents, the following options are offered below. Examples of the development of instructions on the use of primary fire extinguishing agents and on providing pre-medical self- and mutual assistance to victims of electric current are not given, since no problems arise in their preparation. In addition, the “Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations” in Appendix B10 very competently sets out material on providing first aid to victims of electric current. PS According to the author of this article, it would be reasonable for the legislator to: 1. develop: 1.1. Standard procedure for conducting instructions, testing knowledge and assigning Group 1 electrical safety to non-electrical personnel. 1.2. A standard program for conducting instructions, testing knowledge and assigning Group 1 electrical safety to non-electrical personnel. 1.3. Typical lecture material on the dangers of electric current and the consequences of exposure to electric current on the human body. 1.4. Standard instructions on electrical safety for non-electrical personnel assigned to electrical safety group 1. 1.5. Standard instructions for providing pre-medical self- and mutual assistance to victims of electric current. 2. obligated the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise (regardless of whether they are electrical personnel or not) to undergo training and testing of knowledge on electrical safety in the commission of their enterprise, a higher organization or a territorial body of the state energy authority with the subsequent assignment of 2 (1) electrical safety groups (and maybe even without specifying the electrical safety group, because heads of structural units undergo a knowledge test on occupational safety issues and do not assign them any groups); 3. obligated the heads of enterprises, institutions, offices to organize, on the basis of the Standard Instructions on Electrical Safety for employees of non-electrical personnel, who are assigned 1 electrical safety group, the development of Electrical Safety Instructions for employees of non-electrical personnel, who are assigned 1 group for electrical safety for each structural unit of the enterprise; 4. obligated the heads of structural divisions of enterprises, institutions, offices to individually conduct instructions, test knowledge of electrical safety among employees subordinate to him (with the exception of electrical and electrical engineering personnel, engineering and technical workers) and assign them 1 group in electrical safety at least once a year or without assigning an electrical safety group. After all, employees undergo training on labor protection and fire safety and are not assigned any groups. The questions included in the training program for assigning group 1 in electrical safety are the most basic, and if the head of a structural unit cannot train his subordinate workers in the basics of electrical safety, then such a manager cannot organize the work of employees; 5. obligated all employees of any enterprise, institution, office (with the exception of employees of electrical and electrical engineering personnel, engineering and technical workers) to undergo training and knowledge testing for assignment to group 1 in electrical safety (or without assigning a group); 6. obligated to assign electrical safety groups only to employees of electrical and electrical engineering personnel, engineering and technical workers, heads of structural divisions of an enterprise, institution, office (if necessary). Only if the above-mentioned regulatory legal acts are in place would it be possible to talk more seriously about high-quality training for employees of enterprises, institutions and offices on electrical safety issues. You can express your thoughts on the issues raised in this article here by commenting.

Electrical safety knowledge test

Electrical safety groups are assigned during testing of workers' knowledge. The chairman and members of the commission act as examiners. As a rule, these are specialists with an electrical safety group of at least 4 (energy engineer). According to clause 2.5 of the Labor Safety Rules during the operation of electrical installations put into circulation by Order No. 328n, the results of the certification are recorded.

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