Rostechnadzor explains: Creation of a commission to test knowledge on electrical safety

Electrical category

It includes different job categories. Each has its own responsibilities.

Type of personnel Field of activity
Administrative (shop managers, chief engineers, etc.) Responsible for planning and organizing work related to electrical equipment
Operational, repair, operational repair services Perform work on switching, access to places of work, supervision. Subject to special training, they take part in eliminating the consequences of emergencies and malfunctions, and provide assistance to those engaged in repair work.
Specialized personnel (engineers, electricians, welders, electricians, etc.) Perform direct work on electrical equipment

Electrical safety clearance group for such employees: starting from 2 (is primary) and ending with 5 (allows independent work without restrictions).

How to get admission group 3

To obtain admission group 3, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Secondary education.
  2. Coming of age.
  3. The total experience must be at least three months, but have skills in the second group
  4. Have knowledge of electrical engineering.
  5. Know how to provide first aid.
  6. Know TB.
  7. Complete training at a specialized educational institution or enterprise, but on the condition that the latter must have a license.

When you change jobs, move to another position, or the next certification deadline approaches, you must take the exam. Based on the results, a protocol is drawn up and a certificate is issued for permission to perform operations.

Certification algorithm

To successfully pass the exams you need to know:

  1. Rules for the operation of electrical installations.
  2. Additional recommendations for training and testing practical skills are included by the management of the enterprise or the person responsible for electrical safety.
  3. Electrical engineering requirements.
  4. Characteristics of electrical installations, including rules for their maintenance and operation.

It is necessary to have skills in performing all operations, including in safe mode.

To pass the exams you must do the following:

  1. Form a commission of an odd number of members. 5 people is the minimum number. All members of the commission must have electrical safety certification and group at least 3.
  2. Preparation of tickets based on the requirements of the Rules and other regulations. Possibly questions in the form of testing. Preparation is possible on computers.
  3. When passing exams, the mark is made in a special journal, recorded in the protocol and recorded in the certificate.
  4. The certificate is handed over to the employee.

Certification according to this algorithm is carried out in organizational structures of medium and large scales. But if creating a commission does not make sense, then certification can be carried out in educational institutions that have certificates from Rostechnadzor.

The 3rd tolerance group is assigned if it is necessary to carry out work in electrical installations with equipment voltage less than 1000 V. If the voltage is higher than specified, then the assignment of group 4 is required.

The dependence of permitted work and personnel rights not only on the group indicator, but also on the assigned category. Electricians can be classified as operational or maintenance personnel.

What an employee can do:

  1. If group 3 is assigned, then you can independently carry out inspections of equipment with voltages less than 1000 V. It is expected to make operational connections, allow the team to work and control the work process.
  2. When the voltage in electrical installations is more than 1000 V, operational switching and inspections are assumed to be carried out independently, but in the presence of blocking devices against incorrectly performed actions. During the period of duty, it is possible to perform work to inspect such equipment.
  3. Current work: replacement of lighting equipment, application of inscriptions and other types of work included in the list approved by the head of the facility. Performing these works independently, without instructions from management, including shutting down, preparing the area for the operation of electrical devices and direct operations with technological equipment.
  4. If repair personnel have group 3, then they can carry out work themselves according to a permit or by order of management, with exceptions being special types of work interpreted by the rules and defined by organizational documents.

The job description provides for these functionalities.

Where can I get it?

To obtain an electrical safety group, you can use three methods:

  1. Creation of a commission in the organization, development of a program and tickets. Documents must be approved by Rostekhnadzor.
  2. Concluding an agreement with a specialized training center. A certificate of study and certification is required.
  3. Accessing the site via the Internet. Modern technical means allow you to study and take tests.

It is necessary to pay attention to the availability of permits for study and certification

What you need to know to receive

To obtain the right of admission to certification in group 3, you must check:

  1. Availability of permission from the organization or training center to carry out these works.
  2. The permit must not be expired.
  3. Certification of teachers and commission members, the electrical safety group must be at least third.
  4. Health and safety rules and other regulations governing safety during work.

Electrotechnological category

Employees are included in the category if:

  • in the functionality they perform, the main element is electricity (electric welding work, etc.);
  • they use hand-held electric machines and power tools that can be carried;
  • The job description establishes knowledge of labor protection rules.
Type of personnel Field of activity
Administrative and technical Employees whose activities consist of operational and technical maintenance of installations, as well as carrying out commissioning, repair, and installation work
Operational Perform functions for routine maintenance of installations and their management. Activities related to inspection, organization of work sites, regular operation of installations
Operational and repair Perform maintenance work on assigned equipment
Repair Conducts maintenance, installation, testing, and adjustment work on equipment

Electrical safety groups

Personnel electrical safety groups and the conditions for their assignment are reflected in the classification, which allows employees to carry out various types of work in electrical installations, and also sets requirements for the level of their knowledge and skills.

Electrical safety groups for electrical personnel are established in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n and Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 6:

  • 1 gr. on electrical safety is established for non-electrical workers. Their activities are not related to the operation of electrical installations;
  • 2-5 gr. on electrical safety are established for electrical workers.

How is a group assigned?

The procedure for assigning the 2nd electrical safety group is specified in the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations.” To conduct it, a special commission is created, and the results are recorded in the relevant documents.

Where do they rent for the EB group?

The main condition for carrying out the electrical safety exam procedure at an enterprise is that the organization has a special license to conduct it.

The enterprise itself can assign a second qualification group by conducting an examination through its own commission. If its limited staff does not allow this, the exam is held at Rostechnadzor. Commissions created on the basis of specialized educational institutions also have the right to assess knowledge and assign a safety group.

Who can take the exam?

Conducting a knowledge test at an enterprise involves creating a commission of 5 people. If the organization has equipment only up to 1000 V, a person with the 4th clearance group can manage the activities of the commission. At enterprises operating electrical equipment with voltages above 1000 V, the head of the commission must be an employee with a group of at least five.

The minimum number of examiners is 3. Among them must be the chairman and his deputy. Usually they are appointed as a labor protection engineer and the chief engineer of the enterprise. Everyone who assigns a group must be themselves examined by Rostechnadzor or by the organization in the presence of an inspector sent by this body.

Exam program for obtaining admission

The exam program includes questions compiled according to new electrical safety standards, which include:

  • “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations” (PTEEP), amended in 2003;
  • “Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”, as amended in 2021;
  • “Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations” 2013.

EB exam

In order to successfully pass the exam for confirmation or obtaining the 2nd group in electrical safety, an employee needs to know:

  • about the design of electrical installations (in general);
  • about the norms and rules when working in them;
  • on the requirements for training of working personnel;
  • on the conditions for safe work in electrical installations, on their procedure;
  • about grounding, protective equipment, as well as the rules for their testing and use;
  • on the procedure for providing first aid to victims of electric current.

Knowledge test result

Permission to participate in work is issued as follows:

  1. Upon completion of the procedure, a special protocol drawn up by the chairman of the commission displays the employee’s level of knowledge and the date of the next exam.
  2. The fact that the qualification commission has assigned a safety group is recorded in a journal specially established for this purpose.
  3. The employee is issued a certificate in the established form.

Sample certificate of an employee who has received a second group security clearance

Where can I take the exam?

The number of the electrical safety clearance group, the procedure for their assignment by Orders of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 6.

You must pass the exam to obtain groups 2 to 5 in the division of Rostechnadzor that trains workers and conducts their certification.

The company gives the employee a direction, indicating in it:

  • job title;
  • length of service in this position;
  • required resolution level.

A number of institutions constantly operate their own commissions. They take exams and provide the manager with a draft administrative document on assignment or advanced training.

The commission consists of:

  • chairman (with group No. 5 for voltage more than 1000 V and group No. 4 for voltage less than 1000 V);
  • Deputy Chairman;
  • secretary;
  • members (from 3 people).

Upon completion of the program and after passing the exam, the employee is assigned a group (from 2 to 5). For example, the answer to the question: what electrical safety group should a welder have, the following is no lower than second. A mark is placed on the certificate (the form is attached to the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n). The document is valid until the position changes.

How a group is assigned

Certification for permission to work in the second electrical safety group is carried out in accordance with regulations. For this purpose, a commission is created on the basis of an administrative document. Each member of the AC must have permission recorded in the certificate. A time is set for taking the exams and the opportunity to prepare is provided.

Where do they take the electrical safety group?

The exam is carried out at the enterprise, but only if there is a certificate to conduct it. If it is not possible to take tests on your own, then certification is carried out in specialized training centers that have permission to engage in this type of activity.

Who can take the exam

Knowledge testing is carried out on a commission basis. The minimum number of members must be at least three, including the chairman.

Basic conditions for creating a commission:

  1. If there are electricity receivers with a voltage of less than 1000 V, the chairman must have at least clearance group IV.
  2. If the voltage indicator is more than 1000 V, then the group assigned to the chairman must be at least V.
  3. The commission may include production site managers and occupational safety specialists.
  4. All members of the commission must have an electrical safety group of at least second.
  5. Certification of the chairman and members is carried out at Rostechnadzor or at the enterprise, but in the presence of an inspector.

Exam program for obtaining admission

Training is carried out according to the Program developed at the enterprise and approved by Rostechnadzor.

The training includes the following materials:

  1. Primary requirements.
  2. How is permission to work granted?
  3. List of technical documentation required for work.
  4. Concepts about electrical safety groups.
  5. Occupational health and safety during work.
  6. Actions in case of emergency situations: accident, incident, accident.
  7. Provide first aid until medical professionals arrive.

When preparing a program, you can use a standard one, and also take into account the specific capabilities of the organizational structure.


Electrical Safety Exam

Knowledge is checked by commission and admission options are as follows:

  1. In the enterprise organization commission.
  2. In a specialized training center, and the composition should include an inspector from Rostekhnadzor, who monitors the safety during the operation of technical devices.
  3. Directly in RTN, geographically located.

The management of the organization appoints commission members to conduct certification. The chairman, as a rule, is the employee responsible for the energy management of the facility. All members of the commission must have certificates with a mark of certification.

Knowledge testing is carried out using tickets specially designed for the Training Program. Upon successful completion of the test, an entry is made in the protocol and a certificate is issued. If the certification is repeated, then a record of its completion is made.

Knowledge test result

The results of testing the knowledge and skills of employees are prepared according to the following algorithm:

  1. The training center of the enterprise or a third-party organizational structure approves the form of the protocol and certificate. The established forms of documents are placed in regulations.
  2. Information about passing tests is entered into the journal.
  3. Data on the inspection performed are recorded in the protocol: the employee’s surname and initials, job title, which electrical safety group was assigned, when the next certification is required.
  4. The results of passing the tests are entered in the certificate: the document number, the name of the enterprise, the surname and initials of the employee in full, his position when the document was issued are indicated; the date of the knowledge assessment, the reason for the event, which group was assigned, the assessment, the deadline for the next certification is indicated.

The certificate is issued to the employee.

What is needed and how much does it cost

Licensed training centers accept applications for training. The duration of study and its approximate cost are in the table:

Access group number Number of teaching hours Cost, rub. Processing time, working hours days
2 (up to 1000 V) 72 From 4500 7
3 (up to 1000 V) 72 From 4500 7
3 (up to and above 1000 V) 40 From 5500 7-10
4 (up to 1000 V) 72 From 4500 7-10
4 (up to and above 1000 V) 40 From 5500 7-10
5 (up to and above 1000 V) 40 From 5500 7

What happens if you don’t pass the exam and don’t get an electrical safety permit?

If an employee does not pass the training exam and, as a result, does not receive admission, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The commission determines the date of the re-examination (from 14 days to 1 month from the date of the exam).
  2. The reason and date of the re-exam are indicated in the knowledge test log.
  3. The validity period of the employee's certificate is automatically extended until the date of knowledge test 2 (3) (provided that there is no entry in the log about the need to remove the employee from work at the electrical installation).
  4. If the 3rd attempt is unsuccessful, the employee should be transferred to another job (with his consent) that is not related to email maintenance. installations. If there is no agreement, terminate the employment contract due to inconsistency with the position held.
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