Preparation of business trips for executives within Russia

One of the most popular tasks is organizing business trips for the manager and his employees.

Business trip service

  • Search, purchase of tickets, transfer for executives, escorts
  • Drawing up the optimal route for a business trip
  • Visa processing
  • Hotel reservations for leaders and groups
  • Cost management, reducing travel budget, saving money
  • Support in emergency situations for corporate clients (managers and employees of companies)
  • Ensuring business travel security


First of all, this means organizing all the necessary processes and preparing documents. The priority is to save the time of top managers and the budget of the business structure. This is facilitated by a clear business trip plan and control of its implementation at all stages. A business trip for a manager will not require much effort from the organizers if they have relevant experience.

Negotiations, conferences, business meetings with foreign partners, opening new branches are an important part of big business. For a manager, a business trip involves new opportunities; you need to prepare for it in advance.

Traveling abroad will require a business visa. For the manager and his accompanying persons - collect and prepare the necessary papers. The package of documents and the visa processing time depend on the place and purpose of the executives’ departure. To obtain permission to some countries, the personal presence of the manager will be required.

Having accreditation in 15 embassies and a special structural unit, Aeroclub Group of Companies will provide assistance and comprehensive visa support to the directors and employees of companies.

The manager's trip may be private; in this case, confidentiality is guaranteed.

Travel purposes

Official purposes are reflected in the current Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 749.
The purpose of the business trip of the general director is to perform official duties in accordance with his position to improve the work of the organization.

The documentary basis for the trip is the manager’s order in the form of a formal memo.

Examples of the purposes of a director’s business trip abroad and within the country may include:

  • starting a new project, conducting negotiations with contractors and other counterparties, concluding long-term cooperation agreements with them;
  • carrying out an audit of a branch when serious violations are identified during inspections of regulatory government bodies at enterprise divisions located in another city or region. This requires the presence of a manager to resolve all controversial issues;
  • searching for new opportunities for business development, holding meetings with potential partners of the enterprise, creating and implementing new business projects;
  • opening new structural units, branches or branches in other cities and countries.

The purposes of business trips are not recorded in regulatory or personnel documents. They must always be indicated either in a memo from the manager or in a business trip order.


Aeroclub Group of Companies' proposals are aimed at the constructive implementation of all the manager's requests. Using our software product solves the issue of organizing and finding optimal offers for air and train tickets.

As an official representative of BCD Travel, we have access to special rates at thousands of hotels around the world. For managers and employees of companies that are our clients, discounts of up to 30% from official prices are provided. This comprehensively helps control travel expenses and save money.

Interaction with large international companies allows us to realize the individual needs of clients, including VIP trips.

  • Rent of airplanes, helicopters
  • Serving executives in airport VIP lounges
  • Organization of private transport and luxury car rental
  • Rent and preparation of villas
  • Concierge service on a business trip

An important aspect for a manager is a high level of security and customer support in emergency situations.

Registration of a business trip for a manager (director) in 2021

Rules and requirements

According to Art. 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a business trip is recognized as a trip by an employee by order of the employer for a specific period to carry out official assignments outside the permanent workplace.

A business trip meets the following conditions:

  • travel of an employee on behalf of the employer;
  • the assignment is not related to a permanent workplace;
  • the trip is limited in time;
  • an employee on the road does not perform his work, and his work is not related to travel.

How many days can the trip last?

The duration of the business trip is set taking into account the specifics of the official assignment.

Today, there is no maximum travel period for a manager. Therefore, a trip can be arranged for any period necessary to fulfill an official assignment.

During a business trip, the employee retains his permanent place of work and basic job functions. Therefore, the duration of the trip must be clearly established.

In such situations, we talk about “reasonable” periods, although this is a relative concept.

You will find a sample order for a director’s business trip in our article.

Read about the designation of a business trip in the timesheet.

Registration of replacement

The manager’s responsibility is to sign employment contracts with employees, dismissal orders, bring employees to disciplinary liability, and others. These powers may be temporarily or permanently transferred to another person.

By delegating his powers, the manager transfers additional new responsibilities to the employee, which must be agreed upon with him. New responsibilities must be provided for in the employment contract.

The transfer of the right to sign must be secured by a power of attorney (Article 185 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

It is issued for a period of no more than 3 years, however, when the manager is on a business trip, the minimum terms are established.

The power of attorney can specify a limitation on the period of its validity. Notarization is not required.

According to Art. 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney is issued to represent the employer before third parties. The document specifies all the actions that the employer’s representative will perform.

If it is necessary to transfer the authority of a manager during his business trip, in addition to the order assigning duties to the employee, an additional agreement is concluded to the employment contract with him with the conditions for performing additional work and paying for it.

It is also mandatory to obtain the employee's written consent.

After this, an order is issued to personnel assigning additional tasks.

In addition, it is recommended to issue an order for the main activity on the transfer of powers of the manager for a certain period.

Example of a power of attorney:

Example of drawing up a power of attorney

Example of an order for the transfer of powers:

Example of an order

Example of an additional agreement:

Additional agreement to the employment contract


The documents used for business trips in 2021 depend on the type of transport in which the manager made the trip.

The actual period of stay on the trip is determined:

  • when using any type of transport in the absence of travel documents - on the basis of an official note;
  • in other cases - on the basis of travel documents.

The manager, within 3 working days after returning from the trip, submits an advance report on the funds spent with supporting documents:

  • expenses related to the trip (payment for housing, travel, etc.);
  • use of transport (invoices, checks, receipts, waybills and others);
  • memo about the travel period.


The basis for a manager’s business trip is the employer’s decision.

To complete this, a travel order is drawn up. There is no mandatory form for it, so you can develop it yourself or use the unified form T-9 or T-9a.

The purpose is indicated in the business trip order, which is issued in personnel records in the above form, as well as in a free version.

Form T-9

Form T-9a

This rule is recommended to be followed in accordance with Resolution No. 749. The main thing is the presence of a memo and the employee’s consent to go on a business trip, confirmed by an application.

The number of copies is not established by regulatory documents, therefore, at each enterprise, such orders can be multiplied exactly as much as is necessary for personnel records management.

Service memo

According to the new legislation, a memo from the manager about being sent on a business trip is drawn up instead of an official assignment, travel certificate, or report on the performance of work. An order is issued based on the memo.

Let's look at how to properly format a memo:

  • In the upper right corner of the document the position, surname and initials of the superior manager are indicated.
  • In the center is written the title of the document “Office Memo”.
  • Under the heading is written an appeal requesting that the employee be sent on a business trip. The purpose of the trip and the period for performing official tasks are indicated.
  • The date and signature of the originator of the memo are placed under the text. The text can reflect the expected financial costs and the specifics of the trip.

It is recommended to include in the memo not only the date, but also the start and end time of the business trip.

This is necessary for the correct calculation of the daily allowance amount.

Example of a memo:

An example of drawing up an official (report) memo

Purpose of the business trip for the manager

Any actions of management are aimed at development, increasing the efficiency and profit of the enterprise. The purposes of the trip, which are indicated in orders or memos, may be:

  • participation in conferences;
  • presence when checking the work of branches by regulatory authorities;
  • search for new areas of work;
  • opening branches in other cities and countries;
  • concluding cooperation agreements;
  • exchange of successful experiences.

How to arrange a business trip for a manager?

The order for the director is issued on the basis of an official assignment or without it. It depends on what order is established in the organization.

In 2021, it is compiled according to standard form 10-a, or free. It indicates the purpose of the trip and briefly describes what tasks the director must solve during it. Then an order is issued, for which you can use the traditional T-9 form or a custom one.

The organization of business trips and business trips for the manager is usually entrusted to the secretary. He develops draft orders and an action plan as directed by his superior. The assistant secretary prepares materials on the topics of upcoming reports and speeches. The accounting department calculates the amount of the advance payment taking into account the amount of daily allowance, transportation and hospitality expenses.

The boss is supplied with stationery, souvenirs with logos, promotional products, and memorable gifts from the company for presentation at exhibitions and negotiations.

Manager's business trip plan - sample

The manager’s travel program includes a detailed list of events scheduled by time, which includes:

  • organizations to visit, indicating the exact address, telephone numbers for contact;
  • Full name, positions of the persons with whom meetings are scheduled, as well as additional information;
  • the goals for which the activities are planned;
  • receptions that you must attend.

The secretary provides information to the receiving party about the boss's arrival time. It is more convenient to use the plan if it is formatted properly, in the form of a table. It is necessary so as not to miss something important in a busy work schedule, for reporting.

It is made in two copies: for the manager and his secretary. Based on it and the official assignment, a route is developed, tickets, meeting cars, hotel rooms are ordered, and costs are preliminarily calculated.

The trip can be local, around the city, or abroad. If the manager travels abroad, the need for a translator is decided and visas are issued.

Order on a business trip for a manager - sample

Since 2013, you can use the free or standard T-9 form for orders. It indicates the name of the organization, city, date, number. Items are included on behalf of the boss stating that he is leaving on a business trip, to whom he assigns his responsibilities, and an order is given to the accounting department to accrue the required funds. Be sure to include the destination and travel dates. At the end the boss’s signature is placed.

Registration of a replacement during a business trip for a manager

When leaving on a business trip, the manager is obliged to delegate his powers to the deputy, namely:

  • conclusion of employment contracts;
  • Negotiation;
  • signing orders;
  • dismissal of employees and others.

The right to sign is transferred by power of attorney, the longest period of its validity is three years, the authorized person has the right to refuse it at any time.

The employee who will be the deputy must provide consent in writing. Orders are issued:

  • on assigning additional tasks to the substitute;
  • on the transfer of powers to him during the absence of the director.

During this period, the accounting department must accrue the difference in salaries to this employee.

The seconded person can choose a deputy himself or in agreement with the founders, regulatory documents, which may contain special instructions, then a reference to them is given in the order.

A director who is on a trip retains his place of work and salary.

Who should sign travel documents if a manager is going on a business trip?

Preparing a manager for a business trip differs from preparing it for an ordinary employee in that he gives orders for his trip and signs documents. They are prepared by the secretary or human resources department and endorsed by the chief accountant. The director himself determines the duration of the trip, unless there are special orders from the owner in this regard.

In conclusion, it must be said that in 2021 the procedure for organizing business trips has been simplified. The travel certificate was cancelled, and the following became optional:

  • official assignment;
  • log of those leaving on a business trip.

In addition to the T-9 form, the order can be written in any form, with the obligatory indication of the necessary details.

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