Development of regulatory documents on labor protection

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The state takes care of preserving the health and life of workers. Therefore, he has developed a system of standards that all employers are required to comply with. They also concern the rules for maintaining and storing occupational safety documentation. Failure to comply with such requirements threatens violators with significant fines and sometimes the removal of responsible persons from office.

To develop a set of documents on labor protection and internal control of office work, a separate staffing unit is allocated (for companies with more than 50 employees). In many small enterprises, this work is carried out by the manager. In some cases, it is more efficient to outsource it to specialized organizations.

Occupational safety documentation from 12,000 rubles

Occupational safety reports

Submission of labor safety reports is the responsibility of the employer, which is performed by a labor protection specialist or a person performing these duties. There are not many reports and filling them out is not difficult, even for beginners:

  1. 7-injury
  2. 1-T (working conditions)
  3. 4-FSS

To find out what reports an organization needs to submit, you can find out by visiting the regional statistics website and checking by TIN.

And if you forget to submit one of the reports on time, you will have to pay a fine.

Employer's liability

It just seems that statistical reporting on occupational safety and health is not so serious and if you forget about it nothing bad will happen, but alas, this is not so.

But the punishment is quite significant and for untimely submission or unreliable submission of information is (Article 13.19 of the Administrative Code):

  • for officials from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles.

The amounts are not small, especially for small organizations, so it is better to read the note to the end and do not skip submitting labor safety reports, especially since they are very easy and will not take much time to prepare.

Report 7-injuries

This form of reporting is the most famous and, probably, you have also already heard about it during occupational safety training and submit it on time, but nevertheless we will dwell on it in detail.

In addition to statistics, the 7-injury report must be provided when submitting an application for participation in a tender for the provision of services, and information is submitted for the previous 3 years. This is also why you should be concerned about submitting your labor safety report in a timely manner.

As the name suggests, the report contains information about the number of injury incidents over the previous year. All legal entities must provide it, with the exception of the following areas:

Even if no accidents occurred, it is necessary to submit, because it contains the lines:

  • costs of labor protection measures. This is all that you included in the action plan to improve working conditions and reduce risks; if you haven’t read this note yet, I recommend it;
  • average number of employees;
  • the presence of a medical office in the organization.

This information is requested from HR and Accounting. It is very often practiced that the 7-injury report is managed by the accounting department and the occupational safety specialist, only information is requested to clarify about accidents and occupational diseases.

Moreover, from June 2021, the 7-injury report is submitted in a modified form (Order No. 326 of June 22, 2020). You can download the order, the labor safety report form and the rules for filling it out here.

The deadline for submitting 7-injuries is until January 25 of the year following the reporting year and the frequency is annual.

But that's not all, there is an application to form 7-injury, which many people forget about

, because it is rarely rented out, once every 3 years. It provides a breakdown of the types of accidents, such as falling from a height or electric shock.

This is already a job purely for a labor protection specialist, download the form and submit it by January 25


Perhaps you just got a job and there is nowhere to get information, just open the register of industrial accidents and the questions should be answered.

Occupational safety and health at the enterprise: occupational safety service or specialist

The requirements for the presence of an occupational safety specialist or for the organization of a labor protection service are specified in Article 217 of the Labor Code. The current edition of the Labor Code requires the introduction of a staffing position for an occupational safety specialist when the number of employees in an enterprise is more than 50. This specialist must meet the qualification requirements specified in the professional standard “Occupational Safety and Health Specialist”, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Labor dated August 4, 2014 No. 524n. With a larger number of employees, as well as in the presence of remote units, the employer must create an OT service.

How to create an OT service in an enterprise: step-by-step algorithm

Step 1. Justify the creation of the service in the staffing table. To do this, you need to calculate the number of services.

Step 2. Include in the OSH regulations a section regulating the work of the OSH service, its structure, and the responsibilities of each employee of this service.

Step 3. Develop a job description for each occupational safety specialist, based on the individual tasks assigned to him.

The approximate structure of the labor protection service at a manufacturing enterprise with 300 employees can be presented in the form of a diagram:

In our diagram, each OT specialist performs his own functionality. If an employee goes on vacation, his duties are performed by one of the service employees, and who exactly is specified in the job description.

The service has 2 leading specialists (qualification level 7). One of them is a methodologist, and the other specializes in process safety.

The methodologist is responsible for the development of training tools, coordination of instructions and programs, drawing up plans, monitoring the occupational safety budget, reimbursement of funds from the Social Insurance Fund, submitting reports to Rosstat, conducting special assessments, developing and monitoring the implementation of the provisions of the occupational safety and health system

A specialist responsible for the safety of technological processes inspects electrical installations over 1 kV, checks occupational safety departments, engages in industrial sanitary control, investigates accidents and occupational diseases, and works with government supervisory authorities.

An occupational safety specialist with qualification level 6 is responsible for carrying out basic procedures: organizing medical examinations, issuing personal protective equipment, and conducting the contractual process.

The head of the service (7th qualification level), heads the work of the service; if one of the leading specialists goes on vacation, he takes upon himself the solution of his issues.

Standard standards for issuing PPE in 2019

The OT service, as a rule, reports to the chief engineer of the enterprise. It is impossible for the occupational safety service to report to the head of one of the departments (for example, the head of a workshop); in this case, it is impossible to organize effective control of such a department. If the enterprise does not have a chief engineer, the labor protection service can be supervised by one of the technical directors or deputy directors, or the general director himself.

A specialist who has been appointed responsible for labor protection at an enterprise must be trained in a 40-hour training program at a training center. This is the requirement of the second paragraph of paragraph 2.3.2 of the Procedure for training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of the organization dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29. You can take training in our center now >>>

The head of the occupational safety service is responsible for the fulfillment of all job responsibilities of employees, as well as for the timely implementation of the work plan developed annually, and for the execution of the occupational safety budget. To do this, he must set tasks for his subordinates in a timely manner and demand their implementation.

If there is only one occupational safety specialist at the enterprise, he is forced to solve all the tasks that the head of the occupational safety service is required to perform, listed in the professional standard “Occupational Safety and Health Specialist”. Such specialists in the future make good managers of the labor protection service, and in the resume for this position it is necessary to indicate that the work was carried out in the singular.

The number of service employees is determined taking into account the nature of working conditions, the severity and danger of the production process, the number of employees of the organization and Inter-industry standards for the number of employees of the labor protection service in organizations approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated January 22, 2001 No. 10. Please note that these standards have not been passed registration with the Ministry of Justice, and their execution by the employer is not mandatory. This is just a methodological recommendation.

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Labor safety report 1-T (working conditions)

Another labor safety report that every specialist should know about is 1-T (working conditions). It is taken by all legal entities, except small businesses, which are engaged in:

It is necessary to indicate in it, in addition to the average headcount, harmful and dangerous factors, guarantees and compensations, which are determined based on the results of the special labor safety assessment at the workplace.

The easiest way to make a sample is to use the report of a special assessment of working conditions, very clearly. Although the report is not complicated, it will take time.

I leave the report form 1-T (working conditions) here so as not to waste your time and instructions for filling it out.

Statistical reporting on labor protection is due by January 21

and is submitted annually.

Report 4-FSS

The 4-FSS report is no longer submitted to statistics, but to the Social Insurance Fund on a quarterly basis with increasing results:

  • January 20th;
  • 20 April;
  • July 20;
  • The 20th of October.

All organizations without exception rent it out. Moreover, it is usually prepared by accountants together with human resources, and the labor protection specialist provides additional information, and sometimes they even do without him and he is not in the know. :)

It is required for table No. 4, which records the number of accidents and occupational diseases, and No. 5, in which information is filled out on the carried out special safety assessment system and the identified harmful and dangerous production factors and on the medical examinations performed at these workplaces.

You can download the 4-FSS report form by clicking on the link.

Occupational safety 2021 new rules

In 2021, the procedure for introducing modern labor protection rules continues, which replaced the occupational safety rules issued in 1990-1999 and no longer meeting technical requirements. The new rules have been registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice and are therefore mandatory for employers.

  1. Rules on labor protection during the operation of industrial vehicles (came into force on April 9, 2021).

These rules were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 553n dated August 27, 2018. Employers who operate, maintain, and repair industrial in-plant transport are required to comply with them. Such transport includes: forklifts, electric forklifts, reach trucks, electric carts, trucks, electric cars, cargo carts, trolleys, conveyors of all types, conveyors, pipelines, pneumatic pipelines.

  1. Rules on labor protection in sea and river ports (come into force on July 3, 2021).

From the moment the new rules come into force, the employer needs to prepare and carry out extraordinary events - unscheduled briefings, extraordinary knowledge testing, replacement of occupational safety instructions and the development of new training and instruction programs.

Read all about conducting unscheduled briefings in the article

Enterprises that organize and perform loading and unloading operations in sea and river ports are required to comply with the new rules (Order of the Ministry of Labor dated January 21, 2019 No. 30n). The requirements also apply to employers who provide transshipment processes and transportation of workers across ports and waters by port fleet vessels.

Main conclusions

As you can see, there are few reports, they are all simple and are submitted rarely. The main thing is not to forget about them :)

And it’s also worth adding that if your organization has several separate divisions, then they submit labor safety reports independently at their location; the head office does not have to report for them. Otherwise, double information will be provided.

When an organization is on the verge of bankruptcy and activities are no longer carried out, nevertheless, even a zero report is submitted. Liability ends only after the liquidation of the legal entity.

Complete reports on time and work safely and efficiently!

If you have anything to add, have questions or find inaccuracies in the article, write in the comments, we will discuss. And if you need help, please contact us.

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