How to find your dream job: advice from consultants at the My Career Center

What do you need to get a job without experience?

Usually a person thinks about looking for a job after graduating from university. And immediately a problem arises - lack of experience. What to do when you have a specialist diploma in your hands, but have no experience at all in your chosen field. In this matter it is worth being persistent.

Nobody said it was easy. You will have to go around a dozen employers to get at least one or two positive decisions. Of course, at this stage the easiest way is to retreat and go to work where you are sure to be hired. But this is not a solution. Only perseverance and perseverance will help you achieve a job.

Sometimes an employer offers to complete a simple task to understand what kind of specialist you are. Don't be scared and refuse. This is a great chance to prove yourself. It is important that the phrases spoken by a potential employer sound as confident as possible. Under no circumstances should the use of the phrases “I don’t know” or “I haven’t decided” be allowed. In principle, you don’t want to see such a person at work.

Uncertainty has never helped anyone; the employer immediately understands that he definitely cannot rely on such a person. Therefore, when going for the first interview in your life, you need to think through absolutely all the details of your “image”, turn on your imagination and, with great confidence that everything will work out, go looking for a job!

How to avoid common mistakes?

Here's what you should do before you start looking for a job:

  • First of all, you need to determine the purpose of the activity (what job you would like to get)
  • Next, you need to collect data about the profession, place of work you would like to get
  • It is necessary to measure the upper and lower limits of the salary
  • Required level of education and work experience
  • Need to know expected job responsibilities and personality specifications
  • Find out what selection criteria are used by the employer

Employment at 14 years old - myth or reality

Many teenagers do not have enough pocket money. The law does not prohibit minors from working. It is not so easy to get a job as a minor. Firstly, there is a small variety of jobs that a teenager can get, and secondly, there is a lack of experience.

There is a way out of any situation. It is possible to stand in line at the employment center, where they will find a job for anyone who wants it. Here you will be 100 percent employed, and officially. But this process is not always quick. In addition, there are restrictions on the choice of work.

Thus, 14-year-olds are allowed to be janitors and administrators. It is important that the work does not harm your health, does not take up much time and does not interfere with your studies. Teenagers usually start working during the holidays. Therefore, they are looking for temporary work for the summer. So, you can try yourself as an administrator or waiter.

Thus, the legislation does not prohibit the employment of minors. Every teenager who wants to save some money can safely look for a part-time job for the summer.

Is it possible to work remotely from home?

Freelancing is popular among those who like to work for themselves and set their own schedule. There is work online for humanists and techies: linguists, translators, philologists, and teachers can work as tutors, teach courses, and provide editing and writing services. Programmers, web designers, and developers will find customers among those who want to create and promote websites.

Any skill can be converted into money. To get started, you need desire, stable access to the Internet, an electronic wallet or bank card to which payment will be received.

Advantages of remote employment:

  • you don't need a certificate of education. Only real knowledge and skills are important;
  • the amount of income is not limited by salary, but only by your capabilities;
  • independent management of your time;
  • professional growth.

It makes sense to try your hand at remote work on the Internet in parallel with your main job. This will allow you to understand whether it will be possible to move in the chosen direction. Plus there will always be a backup option and a financial cushion.

The advantage of working on the Internet is that no investment is required. If someone offers you to pay for guaranteed online employment, they are scammers.

Employment after maternity leave

Children are growing up, and after maternity leave women want to go to work. If a woman officially went on maternity leave, she will be able to return to her previous duties without any problems. But what to do if a woman was unemployed or did not work at all before pregnancy. This issue can be resolved, but you need to carefully prepare for the interview.

Typically, many employers are reluctant to hire women with small children who have small children. After all, everyone understands perfectly well that kindergarten is first and foremost a breeding ground for diseases. And accordingly, the newly hired employee will have to be constantly sent on sick leave. Accordingly, the amount of work that is assigned to the woman will not be completed on time.

Therefore, many employers simply refuse to hire such women. But this does not mean that a woman will not be able to find a decent job. Having experience in this matter will only be a plus. It is necessary to look at the work schedule so that you do not have to ask for time off if there is no one to pick up your child from kindergarten. In this situation, it is better to find a job with official employment. Having received full social. package, a woman has the right to count on long-term paid leave and paid sick leave.

How to avoid common interview mistakes?

Have you ever wondered why searching for a job turns into a record-breaking 100-meter race for some and a tedious, hopelessly long marathon for others? Surely among your relatives or friends there are both. And if career success can be easily explained by the presence of profitable acquaintances, “cool relatives” or simply luck, then unsuccessful attempts to get a job are depressing and cause deep bewilderment. It would seem that everyone is a good person: he has a higher education, he has work experience, and after sending out a resume, companies call and invite you for an interview... Only after the interviews they don’t hire you... So what is the reason for another refusal? What are the common mistakes applicants make during interviews? I will try to answer this question based on my own experience as a recruiter.

Many companies willingly use the services of recruitment agencies, trusting them to select the most suitable candidates for a vacant position. Therefore, remember: it is the results of the interview at the recruitment agency that determine whether you will get an interview with the employer, whether the agency employees will consider your candidacy for other vacant positions, or whether your resume will settle as ballast in the agency’s data bank with a bold “minus” mark. So let’s try to calculate the possible “cons”, since everyone knows their “pros”.

The first and most banal thing is the appearance of a business person coming for an interview. Unfortunately, women often “run” into the agency in search of work with loaded bags, packages, and boxes. Dear homemakers, in order not to spoil your impression of yourself, you should not combine a shopping trip with an interview. The same applies to the strong half of humanity, which for some reason tries to combine a visit to a recruitment agency with a visit to a car service center or car wash. It is absolutely unacceptable to appear at an interview in a tracksuit, T-shirt and shorts, with string bags. The words “I’m doing repairs”, etc. sound unconvincing. It is best to wear a business men's suit, even without a tie, or a jacket and strict classic jeans.

Some people prefer to come to the interview accompanied by relatives, and here, I assure you, it just comes down to jokes. For example, an active wife brings her klutz husband to an interview. She immediately seizes the initiative of the conversation and answers the agency consultant’s questions herself, without allowing her husband to open his mouth. It seems that he is mute. Two minutes later, everyone has already heard about the stupidity and worthlessness of her life partner. After such a visit, the agency employees unanimously recall Prince Igor’s aria “Oh, give me, give me freedom...” and feel sorry for the poor fellow, but the recruitment agency is not ready to take responsibility for introducing a sluggish and uninitiative employee to the employer.

University graduates are a special category of applicants; they often come to interviews accompanied by their mothers, fathers, and even grandmothers. Psychologically, this is justified, since for parents, a child’s first job is the same as going to first grade for the first time. However, do not forget that over the years of studying at the university, your child has acquired a huge amount of knowledge, so do not stop your child from proving himself at the interview.

If you have certain concerns before going to a recruitment agency, try to get preliminary information by phone (whether the agency has a license, under what conditions it works with applicants, etc.). Then your doubts will dissipate and you won’t have to lead a “moral support group.” When going for an interview, it is better to forget the children's rhyme “Tamara and I go as a couple” and trust your own knowledge and intuition.

Of course, you need to prepare for the interview in advance, it is advisable to think through possible questions and your answers to them, and write a resume. By the way, your task is to get as much information as possible about the vacancy and the company during the interview. It may very well be that the procedures established in the company, for example penalties for being late, limited smoking breaks or something else, will not suit you at all...

The main thing is that everything you say sounds correct. Imagine yourself in the shoes of an agency consultant who hears the following monologue: “I don’t remember exactly the name of the last company, but I’ve changed so many of them over the last year... Salary? Yes, I received it, but I don’t remember how much clearly...” Is it worth contacting a recruitment agency in this case or should I train my memory first?..

You should be prepared to be asked about the reason for leaving your previous job. The motivation for your departure is very important... Don’t be shy about saying that something didn’t suit you at your previous place of work. After all, you are not sentenced to work for the same company for the rest of your life! However, criticism is good in moderation

Imagine the situation: a female pharmacist who works in a prestigious pharmacy comes for an interview; she is quite satisfied with the salary level. However, from her story it follows that there are certain rules at the pharmacy that literally drive her crazy. For example: customers need to smile politely, keep an eye on the display case - place medicines neatly... and also... you can’t all drink tea together, only take turns...

In general, the management is abnormal, they only think about income and clients. What a horror! How unlucky a person is with his job! But we all sometimes go to pharmacies and, oddly enough, we want people to smile at us, and the employer hardly needs an employee who takes “animal”...

Here is another mistake made during the interview. A pretty girl applying for the position of assistant translator holds up well during the interview and, having almost received a job offer, suddenly says: “Is it possible to end the working day a little earlier, otherwise it will be difficult for me to catch up on “my favorite TV series.”

The result of such a statement, I think, is clear to you: another candidate was hired, and we no longer disturb the girl - let her watch TV calmly...

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to get a job?

It will be much more difficult to get a job for a pregnant woman. If you are employed officially, the employer will be obliged to pay the woman’s maternity leave. It is unlikely that anyone will want to take such a step consciously. Acting fraudulently is also not an option. Sooner or later, the presence of pregnancy will still become obvious, and then the woman will simply ruin her relationship with her employer.

It is worth building a trusting relationship from the beginning. If a pregnant woman plans to get a job, then for this she can choose institutions where she is employed unofficially. It turns out that the employer will not be obliged to pay maternity benefits to the woman in the future. Part-time work may be considered. Also a good option. A pregnant woman will be able to do some of her own business and at the same time carry out simple tasks, and without taking up her entire day.

It is important to remember that work is also a heavy burden, so a pregnant woman should be especially careful when choosing a profession.

For example, a pregnant woman can get a job as an administrator. The schedule will be flexible and you won’t have to work all day. This is convenient for a pregnant woman. You can do work at home if the pregnant woman is a creative person. Then she will be able to sell her products via the Internet.

How to get a job with a criminal record

Once having received a criminal record, even due to stupidity or not being guilty, a person has problems finding a job. Refusing to provide a job to a person who has previously been convicted is illegal. In this case, a person even has the right to go to court if he receives a refusal in writing. In addition, it is important to know that if the statute of limitations for the crime has expired, then the criminal record will also be annulled. In this situation, the employer does not have the right to refuse a potential employee who has a criminal record.

It is important to remember that a previously convicted person does not have the right to work in government agencies that deal with public order or provide educational services. The remaining positions can be safely chosen.

If a person nevertheless faces refusals to accept a position, it is important to remember that it is necessary to demand that the refusal be provided in writing. According to the law, a previously convicted person has the right to engage in any type of activity. If the employer provides a document indicating that he was denied employment due to a criminal record, then the person will be able to file a lawsuit based on this letter.

When applying for employment, it is possible to refer to articles on the labor code, which clearly stipulate the conditions for hiring people with previous convictions.

Job search

Our first step will naturally be to search for the very position for which we will apply (if you already have a place in mind, then you can skip this paragraph). The search should not be limited to simply looking at advertisements in a newspaper or magazine. Your search should consist of daily monitoring of Internet advertisements, newspaper offers, “calling” friends, visiting places of potential work, as well as through a reverse search - placing offers of your candidacy in newspaper advertisements or on relevant websites. Once the list of possible places is ready, we proceed to the most important thing - determining the chances of getting on the list of employees of a given organization or company.

If you have not yet decided what you want to do with your life, we recommend reading an article about how to find a job you like.

We strongly advise against contacting so-called “recruitment agencies”; they discredit both the seeker and the employer. Why? The answer is simple: a good employee will not sit without work, he will be hired instantly. It’s the same with a workplace - if it’s highly paid and legal, then it won’t be empty. Think about it... Also remember about matchmakers, they also match up very “insipid” guys with unattractive girls...

Additional income for people of retirement age

Pensioners are often unable to live on their pension, so they often have to look for additional income. Is it possible for an elderly person who is already receiving a pension to get a job? Perhaps, but there is one caveat. Pensioners who are looking for work may be officially employed, but in this situation their pension will not increase due to recalculation. Therefore, it is not always beneficial to seek official employment.

Of course, in addition to the lack of recalculation, another problem arises - difficulty in finding a job due to age. Many employers prefer younger and more promising employees who can work hard and possibly contribute to the development of the company. Therefore, most often the age is limited.

In addition, most retirees prefer to look for work informally. This is the most profitable way: you have the opportunity to receive a full salary and not lose additional pension accruals.

Not all employers are skeptical about older people. After all, older people do not aspire to higher salaries. First of all, this is due to the amount of work that a person has to perform. In old age, this becomes not so easy.

When choosing a job, you should not choose something new. It is enough to look for a job that does not require additional effort. A person who is already retired has quite a lot of experience behind him, so he can easily implement his acquired skills in a new workplace.

Tips and tricks from professionals

The advice or recommendations that we will consider a little further are not the product of the work of psychologists or recruitment agents. Rather, it is a set of rules formed based on the experience of ordinary people, which they share on forums and websites:

  • If, when analyzing vacancies, you react only to high earnings, you can not only fall into the clutches of scammers, but also choose the wrong type of activity, which over time will become torment and lead to additional complexes associated with dismissal.
  • Each proposed position is considered carefully and meticulously, considering what path of development the work can bring. Does the vacancy have a future or is it just a place where personnel are constantly changing due to its lack of demand.
  • The job search cannot be stopped on weekends and holidays. It is on these days that employers scan the mail themselves, eliminating intermediaries. Therefore, the likelihood that your resume will be rejected due to the secretary’s bad mood is much lower.
  • Work is a significant part of human life. By choosing an unacceptable profession, even if it is at least three times highly paid, you are dooming yourself and your loved ones to torment. The lack of opportunity to realize one’s own potential at work negatively affects aspects of one’s personal life and entails a number of negative consequences.
  • One resume is a common job seeker mistake. Adapt the text for each vacancy, remove unnecessary things, add useful ones. This approach will give results much faster, since when reading the document, the employer immediately sees a careful and competent approach to employment.
  • The results of an active search are higher than posting your resume on several large sites. Analyze vacancies yourself and write or call. Don’t ignore social networks, you can also write about yourself and your desired position there.
  • It is strictly forbidden to exaggerate possibilities in conversation or writing. Firstly, this is felt in the conversation, and secondly, the test task will reveal a lie and you will be ashamed.
  • Communicating on social networks can harm your job search. Analyze the posts, see which images are marked as liked, and see if there are any jokes about the laziness and insanity of the boss. About dreams of finishing the work week and the revival of the soul in the body of a cat. The employer will definitely notice these little things and the chances of success will go down, regardless of your track record.
  • Be careful in appearance, punctual and extremely polite during the interview, as well as on the stairs when going up for the interview, because you don’t know who is standing next to you, maybe it’s the director who came out to see the previous candidate off.
  • When talking on the phone or in person, speak beautifully, exclude filler words, and especially profanity. Do not allow inaccuracies and delays in speech, do not “moo” if you are thinking. If necessary, ask for a moment to think. Do not appropriate the merits of others; the employer can contact the previous place of work and clarify the specifics of the activity.
  • If your resume does not receive a response, and this happens often, you should call the company and check whether the letter was received and find out the reason for the refusal. So, by collecting reviews from real employers, you will be able to collect a picture of errors in your resume and correct it.

Employment of CIS citizens

Employment of non-residents of the Russian Federation will require a lot of effort to get a job. There are several ways to help you work officially:

  1. Obtaining a temporary residence permit. If a person is going to find a job in the Russian Federation and continue to live here in the future, then there is the opportunity to apply for a temporary residence permit. There are some difficulties with registration - registration is a prerequisite. To submit documents, you first need to find where you can register. 3 months after submitting documents to the FMS, the non-resident will receive a stamp in his passport, which will allow him to work officially.
  2. The next stage that follows after the temporary residence permit is a residence permit. This document gives the right to reside in the Russian Federation and work for 5 years with the right of extension. This document can be obtained only after the temporary residence permit;
  3. Patent for work. It is issued for people who do not plan to reside in the Russian Federation in the future, but want to officially work. For such a document you will have to pay a monthly tax to the state.

Thus, non-residents have every right to carry out work activities in the Russian Federation officially. The simplest and most time-consuming solution is to obtain a patent for your work. It is processed quite quickly.

Preparing for an interview

The first interview is always exciting. You need to prepare carefully to make a good impression. There are some rules that you should follow when going for an interview:

  1. Natural behavior. It is very important to behave naturally. This way the employer will be able to assess the human qualities of a potential employee;
  2. Professionalism. If you have work experience, then it is worth demonstrating your skills;
  3. Self confidence. The employer values ​​confident people who can stand up for themselves and clearly express their position;
  4. Willingness to solve difficulties. It is important not to be afraid or confused when an employer asks you to solve a certain task. This way he tests the potential candidate's ability to cope with difficult tasks.

Writing a resume and job application

A resume is rightfully considered the key to success in finding a job. It is very important to be able to compose it correctly so that it is informative and competent. The resume should contain the following points:

  1. Personal information. The first thing an employer sees is the potential employee’s first and last name, as well as his date of birth.
  2. Photo. Many employers ask you to attach your photo. For some professions, appearance matters, so it is worth attaching a photo to your resume.
  3. Information about education. It is necessary to clearly indicate which school you attended and which university you graduated from.
  4. Information about professional skills. Here it is worth indicating where and when the person worked and what position he held.

Personal information. This is perhaps the most important part of your resume. Here a person must reveal his qualities as much as possible so that the employer wants to call him.

The next step after writing a resume and passing an interview is writing an application. The application is written addressed to the director, in which the employee asks to be hired for the position he holds. Based on this application, an order for appointment to work is drawn up and an employment contract is signed.

The key to success in getting a job is a properly written resume.


  • Skills are the basis for career development and salary growth.
  • If you have certificates of completion of professional courses, your chances of being hired for a good job increase. In certain conditions, if the recruiter sees the candidate's determination, fresh, relevant skills can outweigh even bad previous career experience and the lack of a diploma from a good university.
  • To qualify for a good salary, you need to develop hard and soft skills, as well as become visible online.
  • Hard (professional) skills are honed in courses in the specialty, soft skills - in courses and through self-education, and visibility online is achieved by cleaning up social profiles, preparing a detailed resume and being active in a professional environment.

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See also: Career in crisis and after

Ivan Ilyin Chief Editor of the Russian School of Management

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