Accounting for bank expenses: postings, VAT accounting, example, reflection

Bank commission: grounds for its calculation

The basis for charging commissions are agreements for maintaining a current account, servicing a deposit or issuing a loan. Within the framework of these agreements, the terms of the relationship between the organization and the bank are stipulated.

The following list of services for which commissions are paid can be distinguished:

  1. Ongoing maintenance of the current account with subsequent installation and maintenance of the Client-Bank program.
  2. Cash collection.
  3. Transactions of purchase and sale of foreign currency.
  4. Providing and maintaining a credit line.
  5. Property management on a trust basis.
  6. Rent of deposit boxes.
  7. Use of leased property.

For each type of banking services provided to the client, a separate agreement is drawn up, which details the conditions for the provision of these services, the amount and procedure for paying the bank commission.

Accounting for collection costs when applying the simplified tax system

When applying the simplified tax system, take into account payment for collection services on the basis of subparagraph 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 346.16 of the Tax Code. The Ministry of Finance drew attention to this in letter dated April 14, 2021 No. 03-11-06/2/27898.

The costs of paying for the services of collectors are taken into account on the day of their payment (clause 1, clause 2, article 346.17 of the Tax Code). To document collection costs, you must have a banking service agreement and a bank statement confirming payment for services.

If you apply the simplified tax system with the taxable object “income”, payment for collection services will not be taken into account.

Previously on the topic:

Collection is taken into account in expenses under the simplified tax system

Accounting for interest on loans and borrowings under the simplified tax system

Reflection of bank commissions on accounting accounts

In accounting, bank commissions can be displayed in two ways:

  • The first method is based on the use of current accounts 60 or 76 with the corresponding sub-account “Settlements with the bank”. Both of these accounts are suitable for accounting for banking services - the procedure for their use can be regulated in the accounting policy of the enterprise.
  • The second method is more practical, since the commission is displayed without “intermediate” accounts, but directly to account 91.

Please note, according to the instructions for using the chart of accounts, correspondence of 91 accounts does not provide for payment for the services of credit institutions.

In practice, the second method of accounting for banking services is most often used.

Accounting for collection costs for income tax

Collection services are related to banking services (clause 5 of Article 5 of Law No. 395-1 dated December 2, 1990, letter of the Ministry of Finance dated April 14, 2021 No. 03-11-06/2/27898).
Payment for bank collection services can be taken into account:

  • or as part of other expenses associated with production and sales on the basis of subparagraph 25 of paragraph 1 of Article 264 of the Tax Code;
  • or as part of non-operating expenses on the basis of subparagraph 15 of paragraph 1 of Article 265 of the Tax Code.

The organization can decide for itself which group of expenses it will include the costs of paying for bank collection services.

The costs of paying for the bank's collection services can be included in the calculation of income tax on the date the parties sign the acceptance certificate for the services provided (clause 3, clause 7, article 272 of the Tax Code).

Also on topic:

The procedure for opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

What transactions reflect the receipt of revenue into the current account?

Accounting entries for bank commissions

Account DtKt accountTransaction amount, rub.Wiring DescriptionA document base
Postings to the bank when using an “interim” account 60/76
60 (76)511 450,00A bank commission has been debited from the company's current account (date of debit from the account)Bank agreement, bank statement
91-260 (76)1 450,00Bank commission is included in expensesBank agreement, bank statement
Bank commission is subject to VAT
60 (76)515 000,00Bank commission (including VAT) is written off for credit servicingBank agreement, bank statement, invoice
1960 (76)762,71VAT chargedCheck
6819762,71VAT displayedCheck
91-260 (76)4 237,29Bank commission is included in expenses (excluding VAT) 5000 – 762.71 = 4237.29Bank agreement, account
Bank commission – “direct” display method
91-2518 700,00Bank commission written offBank agreement, bank statement
Uniform write-off of bank commissions (within clearly defined time frames)
60 (76)519 450,00Bank commission paid (date of transfer)Bank agreement, bank statement
9760 (76)9 450,00Inclusion of paid commission into deferred expenses (by date of transfer or evenly)Banking agreement. Order on the accounting policy of the enterprise
91-2979 450,00Bank commission is included in expensesOrder on the accounting policy of the enterprise
If in tax accounting this commission is recognized as an expense at a time, and in accounting - evenly over a specified period, then a deferred tax liability arises
68771 890,00Deferred tax liability accrued9450 * 20% (income tax) = RUB 1890.Accounting certificate-calculation
77681 890,00Reducing deferred tax liability (we uniformly reduce the amount of bank commission accrued in the current period on account 91-2)Accounting certificate-calculation
Retention of bank proceeds credited through the POS terminal
60 (76)90-135 000,00Revenue deposited through the POS terminal is displayedPOS terminal control tape
90-368-VAT5 338,98VAT is charged on the sales transactionPOS terminal control tape
91-260 (76)630,00There is a fee charged for servicing the POS terminal.POS terminal control tape, agreement
5160 (76)34 370,00The proceeds received through the POS terminal (minus bank commission) 35,000 – 630 = 34,370 rubles are credited to the company’s current account.Electronic journal, bank statement

Bank commission write-off: postings

Bank commissions without VAT in accounting are reflected in account 91.2 - other expenses at the time of write-off. As a rule, banks independently write off the remuneration due to him from the client’s account, and the accountant remains to check the correspondence of the written-off funds with actual transactions and current tariffs.

Postings for accounting for remuneration without VAT are recorded using posting D 91.02 K 51 based on the extract, the write-off date corresponds to the date of the extract.

Type of bank commission Debit Credit Amount, rub.
For RKO ruble account - monthly amount 91.2 51 1000
For making one payment in rub. 91.2 51 200
For servicing RBS, monthly amount 91.2 51 1200
For cash withdrawal - 2.5% of the amount issued (10,000 rubles) 91.2 51 250
For acquiring transactions - 1.5% of the payment amount (100,000 rubles) 91.2 51 2500
For RKO of a foreign currency account 91.2 52 2350

If the bank returned the commission, the entries will be the opposite of those made when writing off: D 51 K 91.2.

When writing off bank fees for services subject to VAT, the transaction should be credited to the account of settlements with suppliers and contractors as payment for services rendered - D 60 (or 76.5) K 51 for the amount of funds written off.

Upon receipt of a document for a service provided by the bank, an entry will be made for the amount of services received D 91.02 K 60 (76) and VAT D 19.04 K 60 (76.5). Which account is used to account for settlements with the bank for services with VAT - 60 or 76 - must be fixed in the accounting policy.

Postings for accounting for bank commissions including VAT using account 76.5.

Operation Debit Credit Amount, rub.
Written off at the collection rate 76.05 51 2500
Charged at the rate for SMS notifications 76.05 51 1545
Written off for providing a credit history certificate at the bank 76.05 51 300
Written off at the rate for performing the functions of a currency control agent 76.05 51 350

For services subject to VAT, organizations must receive an invoice from the credit institution in order to present VAT and charge the services received as expenses.

Postings for accounting for bank commissions including VAT upon receipt of an invoice.

Operation Debit Credit Amount, rub.
Received an invoice for collection, amount of services 91.02 76.05 2119
VAT on the invoice for collection 19.04 76.05 391
Invoice for SMS notification, services without VAT 91.02 76.05 1309
Invoice for SMS notification of VAT 19.04 76.05 236
Invoice for providing a certificate of credit history at the bank, services without VAT 91.02 76.05 254
Invoice for providing a certificate of credit history at the bank, VAT 19.04 76.05 46
Invoice for performing the functions of a currency control agent, services without VAT 91.02 76.05 297
Invoice for performing the functions of a currency control agent, VAT 19.04 76.05 53

Bank services: transactions without VAT

Operations for opening and servicing a current account, cash transactions (except for collection), making payments, issuing a bank guarantee, servicing a bank client and others listed in clause 3 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not subject to taxation.

Services of credit institutions without VAT should be reflected in correspondence with the cash account:

Dt 91.02 Kt 51, 52, 55, 57.

Bank transactions for services without VAT:

Operation Debit Credit
Commission for execution of payment order 91.02 51
Commission for RKO in March 91.02 51
Fee for using a bank client 91.02 51
Commission for execution of payment in foreign currency 91.02 52.02
Acquiring fees 91.02 57.03
Refund of erroneously charged commission 51 91.01

If an organization deposits funds in excess of the cash limit to a bank for crediting to a current account independently, without involving collectors, then the service for receiving and recounting cash is not subject to VAT.

Delivery of proceeds to the bank, postings:

Operation Debit Credit
Cash deposit to current account (revenue) 51 50
Cash conversion fee 91.02 51
Cash acceptance fee 91.02 51

A banking offer called “salary project” has become quite popular, which allows organizations to save accounting time on issuing wages, shortens and simplifies the procedure for paying wages.

Many credit organizations charge a commission within the framework of a salary project for transferring funds to employee cards; this type of commission is not subject to VAT. The accounting entry when paying for servicing a salary project:

Dt 91.02 Kt 51.

Bank commission in accounting

The bank usually charges commissions for the execution of payment orders, for maintaining a current account, for servicing remote banking systems, for withdrawing funds by check, for recalculating cash when deposited into the organization's current account, etc.

Regardless of the type of bank commission, the costs of paying for bank services are reflected as part of the organization’s other expenses in account 91 “Other income and expenses” (clause 11 of PBU 10/99, Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n).

Moreover, if the bank commission is not subject to VAT, then it is more appropriate to make accounting entries for the commission directly from the cash account, and if it is subject to it, using the settlement account. Accordingly, bank transactions will be as follows:

OperationAccount debitAccount credit
The bank's commission for executing a payment order has been written off (VAT is not assessed)91, subaccount “Other expenses”51 “Currency accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”, etc.
The bank's commission for performing the function of a currency control agent has been written off (including VAT)60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”51, 52, etc.
The bank's commission for performing the function of a currency control agent is reflected91, subaccount “Other expenses”60
VAT on the bank commission for performing the function of a currency control agent is taken into account19 “VAT on purchased assets”60
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