Personal files of employees: maintenance, registration, accounting

Employee's personal file: procedure for formation and maintenance

The personal file occupies the main place in the employee accounting system. All enterprises are required to create personal files for all employees. Both original documents and copies are placed in the personal file. In this case, all copies must be properly certified. Documents that have a permanent or temporary (over 10 years) storage period should be placed in your personal file. The storage periods for documents are established by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558. However, in practice, almost all documents related to the employee are stored in the files, as this is convenient.

It must be remembered that an entrepreneur must create a personal card for each of his employees using the unified T-2 form. The form was approved by Resolution No. 1 of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004. Formation of an employee’s personal file Employees of the HR department carry out the formation of personal files at the enterprise.

First of all, this is a set of documentation that characterizes the employee’s activities at a specific workplace. The case is considered initiated from the moment the first document appears in it. Management is usually carried out by the HR department, less often by the accounting department.

Any parent organization can also establish such an obligation in relation to its subordinate enterprises. Private commercial enterprises have the right to independently determine the need to maintain and store personal files. Despite the lack of direct responsibility, personal files are opened for employees in most commercial organizations. But due to the fact that the procedure for conducting them is not regulated in any way, difficulties often arise. In the article we will look at the composition of a personal file, the process of its formation and storage, as well as the procedure for preparing for submission to the archive.

This is primarily due to the fact that thanks to the information contained in one folder, you can quickly obtain objective information about the employee. It is advisable for personnel officers to have a special form and make a note on it every year about the fact of familiarization. Personal files have the right to be requested by law enforcement or other regulatory authorities, as determined by law. Heads of structures (except for the civil service) have the opportunity to independently decide whether to develop a system for creating personal files. When they come to such a decision, it is advisable to carry out preparatory measures in order to avoid mistakes and mistakes in their management. To do this, they develop point-by-point rules for their compilation, execution and storage. They train employees who will perform the duties entrusted to them regarding personal matters and monitor their activities.

Put your signature, the name of the compiler and the date of compilation. To simplify the provision of information, make an inventory in tabular form. 4 Once all the documents are collected, arrange them in chronological order, then number them, starting with the inventory (page No. 1).

This may also be an employee specially appointed to maintain personnel documentation, if the size of the enterprise is not large. The procedure for conducting personal affairs concerning persons holding federal government positions is regulated by such a document as Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 640 of June 1, 1998. Another document, namely Decree No. 609, dated May 30, 2005, approves the provisions on personal data of civil servants and explains the procedure by which their personal affairs should be conducted.

It is mandatory to maintain personal files for those employed in the state civil service. This is required by Russian legislation. Entrepreneurs can regulate this issue by local regulations. This means that HR department employees can only open personal files for key employees. Let us recall that a file is a document or a set of documents related to one issue or area of ​​activity, placed in a separate cover (subclause 95, clause 3.2.2 of GOST R 7.0.8-2013, approved by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 17, 2013 No. 1185-st).

To simplify personnel document flow, many companies refuse to maintain personal files, but this does not always pay off. It is a file of documents grouped for each employee and stapled into a single folder with an inventory.

Over time, in the process of work, the personal file is replenished with new documents reflecting the employee’s business qualities, improvement of his qualifications, change of place of residence or marital status. We often come across the concept of “Personal file”, which accompanies us everywhere - at work, in the office, on duty. Not every manager or employee of the personnel service exactly follows the existing rules and instructions in the field of formation, preservation and access to this “package of documents”.

Design rules

To make an inventory of the personal file of an enterprise employee, the person in charge must have a good understanding of the basic rules of personnel records management.

Therefore, the following points are taken into account:

  • You can make an inventory by hand or on a computer;
  • Usually a computer is used for these purposes, since it can be used to print the required number of copies;
  • To fill out documentation, you can use a standard sheet or company letterhead;
  • one inventory is compiled for one case, but if the employee insists on receiving a copy, the employer cannot refuse to compile it;
  • the documentation may have several sheets if the personal file contains many different documents;
  • if there are many pages, then they must be numbered correctly;
  • Various errors, inaccuracies or corrections are not permitted;
  • the employer must ensure that the inventory contains only reliable information, since if false information is entered, this may lead to disciplinary action against the culprit and the director of the company.

Personal file of the employee.
Photo You can store documentation using a variety of methods. To do this, the inventory can be included in a personal file or the document can be glued to the title page of the folder.

The legislation does not contain any unified form of inventory that must be used by all companies. Therefore, organizations can develop their own unique form, and this information is included in the constituent documentation of the enterprise.

The following options are used by companies:

  • when compiling each inventory, a free form is used, but this method is convenient only if the company has few employees;
  • We develop our own unique form, which is recorded in the company’s constituent documentation, after which employees use it when compiling an inventory.

If the organization has many employees, then it is advisable to use the second option. If you have a carefully designed form, there will be no difficulties in compiling the next inventory.

What information is included?

When creating an inventory, some mandatory details are certainly included in this document. Without this information, the documentation has no value.

This required information includes:

  • Company name;
  • information about the employee, including his full name, position held in the company, date of entry to work and other data;
  • a list of documentation included in the specialist’s personal file;
  • The number of copies of each paper is indicated.

Form for listing the employee's personal file.
Photo Various papers are described, which include the employee’s work book, documents related to the citizen’s education, as well as award certificates or other similar documentation.

If during the process of employment an employee improves his qualifications, then the certificate he received is recorded in the inventory. During cooperation, the manager regularly issues various orders regarding any employee, so these documents must be recorded in the inventory.

If you really need to include a lot of information in the documentation, then a convenient table is usually compiled. Since the personal file is constantly expanding, new information has to be added to the inventory.

How to conclude a student agreement with an employee? Read more here.

Not only the papers included in this case are indicated, but also the documentation removed from the folder. The reasons for the seizure of documents, as well as the date of their return, are given.

How the document is described

To correctly describe any documentation, the following points are taken into account:

  • the header contains the name of the inventory, as well as personal information about the employee;
  • the name of the company where the citizen works is given;
  • the table includes all documents available in the personal file;
  • the description of any documentation must include the following information: document number, its index, date of formation, date of signature by the manager, name of the paper, number of sheets, as well as notes with which you can understand the content of this documentation;
  • if the document was withdrawn from the personal file for various reasons, then information about the date and reason for the withdrawal is provided.

How are employees’ personal files formed? Watch the video:

Under the table, the responsible person of the company must indicate the exact number of different documents contained in the personal file of the company employee.

At the end, the signature of the appointed specialist is affixed, who must deal not only with the preparation, but also with the proper storage of this documentation. His position is indicated, and a transcript of the signature is also required.

About assigning numbers to personal files

Therefore, personal files should be stored in places where access to unauthorized employees of the enterprise is limited. And requests for information contained in a personal file must be controlled and recorded in special registers. Unauthorized disclosure of personal information entails bringing the company to administrative liability. Each company has the right to develop rules for registering and maintaining personal files of employees, taking into account the specifics of its activities. But at the same time, one should take into account the general principles in accordance with which the personal affairs of employees are maintained.

Not all categories of employers are required to maintain personal files of their employees. But for the effectiveness of team management, it is advisable to form them. Today we will discuss how to do it correctly. Leave also a field indicating the end date of the employment contract. Also, after dismissal, you will need to indicate the number of pages in the file. 5 Do not forget to indicate the title of the case - the employee’s full last name, first name and patronymic. You can also write the position of the employee being employed. After dismissal, the file is filed and archived.


Answer: How to index (number) documents received by the personnel department

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare, Ministry of Health of Russia

When documents are registered, they are indexed. That is, each document must be assigned a specific number and symbol (index).


Indexes are necessary when searching, recording and systematizing documents. The registration index is not repeated during the year.

The registration index consists of:

Adopted and put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated March 3, 2003 No. 65-st;

  • in the Rules approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated March 31, 2015 No. 526. Commercial organizations do not have to comply with all the requirements given in this document (clause
  • The employer has the right to independently decide on the need for this package of documents for employees.

    In the previous article, we already said that personnel officers of enterprises and organizations whose work is not related to public service are not required to maintain personal files of employees.

Personal file: we form and formalize

Often a personal file is placed on the same level as a work record book, although this is wrong. The work book does not contain any information other than the past and present place of work, unlike the dossier. Nowadays, most archives no longer practice filling out the indicated lines by hand - they simply put a stamp identical to the previously accepted records. So it is considered advisable to set aside an empty space for it at the top.

However, all enterprises are subject to the provisions of the Personal Data Law, according to which the employer is recognized as the data processor, and therefore he must ensure the protection of the personal information of his employees and prevent its disclosure. So, a Personal File is a set of documents containing certain information about an employee or employee, including his biography, information about education, work experience, professional skills and categories of a particular specialty.

The main regulatory rules are GOST 51141-98 and 17914-72, as well as federal laws on public service. But their requirements are mandatory for establishments and institutions. Initially, the personal file includes only those documents that are necessary for hiring a specific employee (they will be discussed below).

Since the procedure for maintaining personal files of employees for organizations and entrepreneurs is not regulated in any way, it would be advisable to develop and approve a regulation on the procedure for creating and maintaining personal files. It can reflect the composition of personal files, the procedure for its formation and maintenance, the circle of employees for whom it is necessary to maintain files, the storage mode and the procedure for accessing files, etc. Since the personal files of employees relate to long-term storage documents, when forming them those documents whose storage period does not exceed five years are not included.

Work competently and quickly

It won't work. Each company has its own list, and each secretary can compile it without difficulty.

All these headings will be in the case list.

But whether the file “Correspondence with Positive LLC” will appear in the section is unknown.

Even if negotiations with this company are actively underway, one cannot be absolutely sure of this.

If you do not take into account all these subtleties when registering personal files of company employees, then the document management system will be quite difficult to use. Only archivists with appropriate professional knowledge will be able to perform this difficult work competently and quickly. Contact us and the personal affairs of your employees will always be in perfect order!

How to correctly formulate an employee’s personal file

The formation of any LD begins at the moment of employment. A candidate for a vacancy sends his resume to the employer, and then, when a decision is made to conclude an employment contract with him, he writes an application and fills out a form (required only for civil servants; other companies can do without it).

Personal files are mandatorily maintained only for civil servants (Federal Law No. 79-FZ dated July 27, 2004, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 609 dated May 30, 2005), while other organizations or individual entrepreneurs can conduct them at will. But despite this, personal affairs are conducted almost everywhere. This is due to the fact that having a personal file simplifies access to the necessary information about employees and helps to systematize all data about their work activities.

In the center of the title, after the space allocated for the stamp, there is the full name (if any, also abbreviated) of the structure that issued the personal file.

Such cases allow for an individual approach and planning work with personnel, taking into account the capabilities of each employee.

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