Labor veterans are a category of citizens who have served the country. This honorary title provides for the possibility of receiving government benefits and incentives. The legislative basis for the issue under consideration is Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”.

Let's find out whether the army is included in the total length of service using this link.

There are 5 categories of veterans:

  1. Combat operations on the territory of the USSR, the Russian Federation and other countries.
  2. WWII.
  3. Military service.
  4. Public service.
  5. Labor.

The title “Veteran of Labor” first appeared in the USSR in 1974. Previously, the veteran's length of service for women was 20 years, and the veteran's length of service for men was 25 years. At that time, the presence of this status was a hallmark of successful work. Gradually, the legislation affecting the assignment of titles changed, but some of the introduced material benefits remained.

The legislative framework

Quite a lot of citizens of the Russian Federation, upon retiring, receive the status and preferential benefits of a labor veteran. This is due to the fact that many people start officially working quite early and continue their work experience for quite a long time.

In addition to pension payments and preferential incentives of federal significance, some of them award an honorary badge, medal, gubernatorial certificate, or other awards to those citizens who are eligible to receive them.

It is precisely such people, with significant work experience, who receive the status of a veteran of labor activity.

Today, all questions about the procedure and conditions for obtaining the title, as well as all benefits provided, are regulated by the following legislative pact:

Federal Bill No. 5 “On Veterans” (Articles 7 and 22) clearly defines the required length of service to obtain status, as well as the provided local social support measures specific to this particular category of labor veterans.

Documentation for obtaining such status is considered exclusively from Russian citizens. To obtain status as a foreigner, he will need to obtain Russian citizenship.

Accounting for experience outside the territory of the Russian Federation will be taken into account only under the current agreement of the countries of the Union of Independent States.
If there is none, then becoming a veteran of labor activity is not allowed in Russia.

Who can be awarded the title and how many years must they serve?

To officially obtain the title of veteran of labor based on length of service, you must meet all the necessary criteria and collect all the required documents to obtain the title.

The criteria for awarding the title of labor veteran are:

  • An employee who has retired and has received awards from the state;
  • Pensioner with honorary titles of the Russian Federation/USSR;
  • A worker who has been marked with a departmental award for his work (gratitude from the ministry, medals, badges, a letter of gratitude from the Ministry, governor or president, having a government award for work);
  • The total amount of experience must be at least fifteen years. In addition, this length of service should not be interrupted; simply put, a person must work at one enterprise for at least fifteen years without being fired (only promotions are allowed).
  • The total experience must be at least twenty-five years for males, and at least twenty years for females. This work experience may include fifteen years of experience at one enterprise;
  • Insurance experience of at least five years.

On December 19, 2005, amendments were adopted to the new law indicating the establishment of eligibility conditions for obtaining the title in each individual region at the local government level.

The total amount of experience must be at least fifteen years.

Dependence of length of service on type of award

Speaking about when a veteran of labor is given to women, we should also talk about the peculiarities of calculating length of service depending on the type of awards.

The law establishes that in order to receive the title of labor veteran, an applicant must have federal or departmental awards or other distinctions.

If the award is federal, then there are no special requirements for length of service. The main thing is that its total duration is not less than that established by law.

If the insignia is departmental, then deciding when a labor veteran is given to women also depends on the length of service in a specific professional field. In this case, to obtain honorary status, it is necessary (as part of the total length of service) to work in the industry to which the award relates for at least 15 years.

Preferential benefits

Absolutely all citizens who have been awarded an honorary veteran of labor receive a variety of preferential benefits:

  • Providing treatment in city clinics without payment;
  • Traveling on city transport without paying for travel;
  • Fifty percent discount on housing and communal services;
  • For working pensioners with veteran status, vacation is expected at a time convenient for the veteran;
  • Compensation for the costs of laying gas pipes in housing;
  • Free production and installation of dental prostheses in state-owned dentistry;
  • Pension payments;
  • Relief from property tax;
  • Possibility to transfer personal income tax to another date;
  • Exemption from taxation for individuals.

In addition to the above-mentioned preferential benefits, which are state-owned, regional authorities can provide their own types of preferential privileges.

You can clarify the list of benefits provided by the city authorities by contacting the nearest regional social protection center.

In addition to the above, a pensioner with the status of a labor veteran can receive the following benefits:

  • Traveling by transport in suburban directions without paying for travel;
  • Supplement to pension, made monthly and recalculated upward every year;
  • Fifty percent discount on landline telephone fees;
  • Free visit to a sanatorium-resort holiday once a year with payment of travel in both directions.

Free entry to a sanatorium-resort holiday

Documents for obtaining a labor veteran

Before applying to the authorized bodies to obtain the status earned by length of service, veterans must collect the following documentation:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its photocopy;
  • Completed application;
  • Pensioner's ID;
  • A document indicating the amount of the pension and a photocopy of it;
  • Work book, with the specified work experience, and its photocopy;
  • The entire list of awards received during work (take a badge, certificate, letter of gratitude, as well as documentation of ownership of awards);
  • If the pensioner is still working - a certificate from the place of work;
  • If a pensioner applies for honorary status without having any awards - an archival extract about work during the Second World War;
  • Two 3x4 photographs.

When submitting a request to designate a labor veteran as an official representative of the candidate, an official power of attorney and a passport of the representative are required.

All of the above documentation is collected in a folder and submitted to the social security authorities at the place of registration for consideration. It is important that the necessary preferential payments are provided exclusively at the place of official residence.

That is why, in order to apply for benefits, it is necessary to have a residence permit exactly where the recipient lives, otherwise it is necessary to obtain a temporary or permanent registration before applying for a labor veteran.

After the documentation is accepted, the formation of a personal file begins, and the provided documents are transferred to a special commission, which is located in the regional Ministry.

The application is reviewed within two weeks (may vary depending on the region), after which a personal visit of the candidate (representative) is scheduled to notify the final result.

The veteran's badge and certificate are issued in person, upon appearance at the social security authorities, against the signature of the recipient.
If the commission's decision is negative, such candidate will receive a written notification of refusal. This document contains a list of reasons why a citizen is denied veteran status for labor services to his homeland.

The response period for refusal is up to five working days.

It often happens that veterans do not agree with the decision made. In this case, you can challenge the assignment in court.

If a citizen is confident that veteran status should be assigned and has all the supporting documentation, then a lawsuit makes sense.

What certificates are needed to obtain the title?

The main role for assigning honorary status to citizens is the certificates issued by certain structures:

  • Tax Service;
  • Ministry;
  • Scientific organizations that are equivalent to departments;
  • State Archive Service;
  • And other government services.

The certificates of the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" are not taken into account, but if you have railway certificates from the Soviet Union, there is a chance for a positive outcome.

What medal or award gives the right to receive the status of a labor veteran?

There is also a basis in the case when a citizen has an order or medal, which is issued by the following government bodies:

  • State Duma of the Federal Assembly;
  • Prosecutor General's Office;
  • Government of Russia;
  • State Administration of the President;
  • Chairman of the Constitutional Court;
  • Head of a department or ministry;
  • Russian honorary donor badge.

Medals and diplomas received for sports competitions, obtaining an academic degree or title, or for participating in national economic exhibitions do not allow you to claim honorary status.

Also, awards of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR are not listed.

Mandatory requirements for obtaining the title of labor veteran

Let us consider in more detail how to obtain this status, and when it is issued in accordance with established pension legislation in Russia. It would also be useful to find out what is taken into account when forming the general insurance record of a citizen who wishes to receive benefits in accordance with legal grounds.

General requirements

  • Photocopy and original passport;
  • Information about the total period of employment
  • Photo in 3x4 format;
  • Data on available state awards received for achievements in labor.

The order was also received by people who conscientiously performed their work duties for many years; collective farm workers; employees whose merits in their work have been recognized by the state. A citizen who was nominated for an award acquired not only the order, but also the corresponding document.

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Is it possible to receive an honorary title without awards?

In this case, only the citizen who began working during the Second World War before reaching the age of eighteen receives the honorary title.

However, there is a condition : their work experience must be at least forty years for males, and at least thirty-five years for females.

In order to qualify as a labor veteran, it is necessary to collect documents that will confirm that the citizen did not work in the occupied territory of the Soviet Union.

In all other cases, citizens will need awards, orders and other above-mentioned awards.

Other nuances when registering an honorary veteran

For people of retirement age, obtaining the title of labor veteran on their own is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that many simply do not know the rules and conditions for registering as a labor veteran.

Also, it is necessary to collect the necessary sufficiently voluminous package of documents, which is not always an easy task.

In addition, citizens do not know the legitimacy of their awards, since there are a great many departments, but the awards of not all of them are recognized by government bodies.

A communist drummer is equated to a veteran; this is precisely the opinion that exists among people of retirement age.

However, this is a misconception, although certain awards received in the Soviet Union give the right to apply for a veteran of labor award.

The Supreme Court of Russia published an explanation on this issue: “This award was envisaged in 1976 as a moral incentive for citizens to work, and is not awarded as an award for labor merit, which does not allow citizens who have the “Shock Worker of Communist Labor” to apply for the title of veteran labor.

Now regional departments are introducing their lists of awards, taking into account the local branches of the departments.

In Tatarstan, there is Order No. 481 of the Ministry of Labor, which describes the list of awards that are required from candidates to receive honorary status, as well as preferential benefits for veterans of this region.

The list of regional benefits varies.

In Moscow, preferential privileges will come into force immediately after receiving the title, and in St. Petersburg they come into force only when a citizen reaches retirement age (men can use benefits from the age of sixty, and women from fifty and not earlier).

Minimum length of service to obtain the title of labor veteran in the regions of the Russian Federation

The first type of tax is classified as federal, so the constituent entities of the Russian Federation cannot regulate them. As for property tax, almost all labor veterans already enjoy this benefit, since they are pensioners.

Labor veterans and benefits

There is one more nuance - letters of gratitude (certificates) must be departmental, that is, approved by government Decree No. 758, as well as other federal legislative acts.

  • insurance experience for men is at least 25 years, for women 20 years is enough;
  • for those who began their career during the Second World War: workers need 40 years, women workers – 35 years;
  • according to length of service, which allows you to retire earlier than expected, it is necessary to refer to the requirements of the relevant departmental legislation. For example, doctors need to work in their specialty for 30 years, and for doctors in rural areas, 25 years is enough.

The working population has the right to receive social support from the state in retirement, and, with significant work experience, to have special privileges. The length of service required to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor” differs significantly from the minimum. To obtain it, you will have to carefully collect all documents confirming your work time.

Basic Concepts

If they have the necessary insurance experience, then Russians who worked during the Great Patriotic War before reaching adulthood can receive a high rank. The work experience for a “Veteran of Labor” must be at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

At least 1 month is allocated for consideration of the application and the full package of submitted documents. Local branches have the right to follow their own regulations for the provision of services. Thus, in the Vologda region, papers are processed no more than 85 days. This time is spent checking the information provided, recording the information in the appropriate register and issuing a certificate. Another 5 days are allotted to notify a citizen about the assignment of a title or refusal.

The applicant must have a certain accumulated experience. For women this figure must be at least 20 years, and for men 5 years more. Fulfilling this requirement allows you to apply for this status. Since 2021, the presentation of internal awards from government agencies and corporations makes it possible to apply for the status of a labor veteran on an equal basis with other categories of workers.

Let's summarize

In such a situation, the only way is to restore documents. The difficulty is the fact that in the Soviet Union archives were kept only in paper form, and it is sometimes impossible to find them. The presentation of indirect evidence in the form of photographs or unsupported documents, as a rule, is accepted as evidence extremely rarely.

27 Apr 2021 semeiadvo 402

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