What pension is accrued to judges in Russia in 2021

In accordance with this law, a judge is considered an individual with a special status, who can preside over citizens of the state and holds the corresponding professional position.

Judges' pensions directly depend on their professional experience. This means that the longer he worked in this position, the greater the pension amount he can count on. Moreover, the same rule applies to salaries. Interest is added to the salary for a certain qualification class, additional payment for length of service, for a professorship, and so on.

For a particular qualified class, the additional payment is calculated as a percentage. So, 30% is awarded for the ninth grade, 40% for the eighth grade, 50% for the seventh grade, and so on. The same applies to salary supplements for length of service. Thus, a judge who has worked in his position from 2 to 5 years receives 15% in addition to his salary, who has worked from 5 to 10 years - 25%, from 10 to 15 years - 30%, from 15 to 20 - 40%, from 20 or more – 50%.

All these factors will further influence the size of the pension of judges in the Russian Federation.

What is the pension for judges in Russia in 2021: size

A judge who has retired receives a pension on a general basis. In addition, the work experience that a professional worker has also plays an important role. If a judge has 20 years of work experience or more than this figure, then he has the right to make a choice: a pension on a general basis or lifelong maintenance. The latter occurs monthly, is taxed and amounts to funds in the amount of 80% of the amount that the working specialist receives during each month.

Each option depends on whether the judge resigned, resigned, or was fired. It is impossible to receive lifelong maintenance if the former judge has little work experience (according to the legislation of the Russian Federation - less than 20 years). In this case, a pension will be issued for such a person, which is accrued to the majority of citizens of the country in accordance with the law on the calculation of pensions in the usual manner.

What types of judges are there in Russia, what does their salary depend on and how is it calculated?

In the Russian Federation, according to the law, there are judicial categories:

  • judge of the Constitutional Court;
  • Supreme Court judge;
  • arbitration;
  • federal;
  • world.

Of course, the salaries of the highest court judge and the one at the last step of the list are very different. The same cannot be said about the salary calculation algorithm.

To understand this issue in detail, you must first understand what factors influence the income level of a judge.

Main components of salary:

  • salary depending on position;
  • salary depending on qualification class;
  • monetary incentive.

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Additional payments for:

  • length of service;
  • academic degree;
  • title “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation”;
  • Foreign language skills.

To complete the picture, it’s worth going through each item separately, which will allow you to understand what impact they have on the final salary level.

If we talk about the base rate, on which other bonuses are then superimposed, then it depends as a percentage on the salary of the Chairman of the Supreme Court.

For example, the interest rate for a servant of Themis in a district or city court is only 67%, so a person can count on a bare salary of 21,504 rubles.

When calculating salaries, the accounting department must take into account the qualification class. Every three years, a court employee is required to confirm the level of his knowledge, and, if desired, can take additional professional courses.

They are usually conducted at various law schools, and then they are offered an additional internship. If a person has successfully completed the program, then he is assigned a new class, of which there are 10 in total, and each of them gives a certain percentage of accruals to wages.

Qualification classBonus amount, %

The third point, which forms the largest part of the salary, is monetary incentives. According to the law, the coefficient is set separately for each category of justice servants, but in most cases it is 2.2.

The exceptions are employees of the Constitutional Court with a coefficient of 10.1, as well as the Supreme Court - 5.9. The bare salary is multiplied by it, and the resulting amount is added to the salary.

Now it’s time for additional payments, which depend on the individual characteristics of the judge. Firstly, when registering a salary, length of service is taken into account. Depending on its size, a surcharge is applied:

  • 2-5 years – 15%;
  • 5-10 years – 25%;
  • 10-15 years – 30%;
  • more than 20 years – 50%.

Judges who have an academic degree also receive an increase. A candidate of legal sciences and an associate professor are entitled to 5%, and a doctor or professor – 10%. If a servant of Themis is awarded the title “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation,” then another 10% is added to the salary. Of course, the state rewards court employees for their knowledge of a foreign language in the form of a 20% bonus from the salary.

For proficiency in a foreign language, the judge is entitled to a 20% bonus

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What were the salaries in 2021?

The government does not hide information about how much money was allocated for the salaries of judges. Thus, in 2021, 77.3 billion rubles were allocated for salaries, and this year even more – 80.3 billion rubles.

If you wish, you can quickly find out how much judges earned over the past year, because they are required to annually file income declarations, which are available for public viewing.

For example, Valery Zorkin, Chairman of the Constitutional Court, increased his income in 2021 compared to 2021 and received 14.4 million rubles. If we talk about the Chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev, he declared 11.6 million rubles. But the income of Svetlana Tsvetkova, chairman of the arbitration court of the Sverdlovsk region, is a little more modest and amounts to 3.6 million rubles.

All about lifelong imprisonment for former judges

To obtain such a privilege, a legal professional will have to fulfill a number of conditions. This includes experience exceeding 20 years in this position.

There is an exception when it is possible to circumvent the law on a certain length of service. You can work for less than 20 years, but only if you reach retirement age. Or a judge who has reached retirement age and has worked in the position for at least 10 years, plus at least another 15 in any other position related to the legal field.

Types of pensions

Judges' pensions are established according to the type of pension provision. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the choice can be determined in favor of:

  • insurance pension (for length of service);
  • lifelong maintenance.

We will examine in more detail under what conditions a pension is assigned to judges.

Download so you don't lose! Federal Law “On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation” HERE.

Insurance pension on a general basis (for length of service)

A long-service pension for judges is granted under the condition that the employee retires before retirement age. The length of service in this case is less than 20 years of work in the judicial system, and the subsequent work activity of a retired law enforcement officer does not imply a legal orientation.

When determining length of service, the following indicators are taken into account:

  • compulsory service in the armed forces;
  • period of study in higher educational institutions;
  • Holiday to care for the child;
  • labor activity in executive authorities (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Moscow Region, State Civil Service).

Under conditions that exclude the possibility of accruing a lifetime allowance, former judicial employees can count on an insurance pension. The amount of old-age payments to former representatives of the judicial system is determined on a general basis and depends on the length of service and accumulated pension points.

The retirement period is 60 years (for men) and 55 years (for women). It is issued on a general basis at the Pension Fund of Russia.

Lifetime maintenance

Lifetime maintenance for retired judges is granted if they have more than 20 years of service. The legislation allows taking into account not only judicial experience, but also periods of work in other legal positions. That is, a total of 10 years of work in a judicial position and at least 15 years in other positions in the field of jurisprudence allows the guardian of the law to apply for lifelong maintenance.

The right to determine lifelong maintenance is revoked in the following circumstances:

  • recall of an employee from his position;
  • bringing to responsibility (criminal, civil);
  • obtaining citizenship of another state.

The procedure for paying lifelong maintenance is shown in the picture:

The question is: at what age do judges retire ? – has been considered over the past years. As a result, the deadline for employees of the judicial system to receive pensions is as follows:

  • if you have 20 years of judicial experience - 55 (for men) and 50 years (for women);
  • if you have 25 years of general legal experience (of which 10 years as a judge) – 60 (for men) and 55 years (for women);
  • if you have 10 years of judicial experience - 55 (for men) and 50 years (women).

The retirement age for law enforcers is 70 years.

Employees of the judicial system can only receive one type of pension payment. It is not possible to continue working and be supported for life (regardless of age).

Watch a video about the features of the “Judge” profession:

So how much do former judges get as a pension?

Four-fifths of the monthly salary are received by citizens who have worked for at least 20 years as a judge or up to 10 years plus 15 years in the legal field in another profession.

Citizens who have worked as a judge for less than 20 years, but have reached retirement age, are awarded a pension in direct proportion to the years during which they worked.

If a citizen has worked as a judge for more than 20 years, then in addition to four-fifths of his monthly salary, he will be paid one percent of the total amount for each additional year he worked.

Please note that it is impossible to work and receive lifelong maintenance. In addition, you cannot apply for and receive several types of pensions at once. But this does not include pensions paid due to disability.

Determining the size of the teaching staff

According to the Federal Law “On the Status of Judges”, the size of the teaching staff pension is determined based on the official salary and length of service of representatives of the judicial system. Subject to compliance with established legal norms, representatives of the system can apply for a lifetime pension in a certain amount.

The amount of lifelong support depends on the work activity of judges in courts of a certain competence:

  1. Constitutional Court. Provided that a judge has at least 15 years of service, monthly pension payments will be 80% of the established official salary.
  2. Courts of general jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Federal judges). Provided that a judge has at least 20 years of service, the monthly teaching staff amount will be 72-80% of the official salary.
  3. City and district courts of general jurisdiction. With at least 20 years of service as a judge, the monthly allowance will be 67-70% of the salary.
  4. Military courts. If a judge has at least 15 years of service, the monthly salary will be 85-100% of the salary.
  5. Garrison ships. If you have served as a judge for at least 20 years, the amount of maintenance will be 72-77% of the salary.
  6. Arbitration courts. For arbitrators, the judicial experience for assigning pension benefits is 20 years, and the size of the teaching staff is 82-90% of the salary.
  7. Justices of the peace. If you have served in office for at least 20 years, the pension of a magistrate will be 60-64% of the salary.
Amount of lifetime pension provision for judges in the Russian Federation
Experience% of salary
Constitutional Court1580
Subjects of the Russian Federation (Federal judges)2072-80
City and district courts2067-70
Military courts1585-100
Garrison ships2072-77
Arbitration courts2082-90
Justices of the peace2060-64

In addition to the indicated percentages, judicial employees are additionally charged 1% of the salary for each additional year of work (exceeding the established threshold of length of service).

The procedure for processing documents to obtain PSS

To apply for lifelong security, you must contact the competent authority that is tied to the place where you are employed.

The following documents will be required:

  • application for registration of life security;
  • passport (or other documents confirming the identity of a citizen);
  • documents that confirm work experience as a judge or other legal specialties (such documents primarily include a work book), various titles and assigned classes.

Required documents

The following documents are attached along with the application for lifelong maintenance:

  • a copy of the work book;
  • decision on the resignation of the qualification commission;
  • other documents that confirm the judge’s sufficient experience, if the department does not have such information.

Former judges receiving an insurance pension, an application with a desire to receive a monthly lifetime allowance must be accompanied by a certificate from social security about the amount of the current pension.

If a person has the right to additional payments for titles, academic degrees, or special skills, then copies of documents are attached that can confirm their assignment (availability).

How is it paid?

Payments are made from federal budget funds. The application is processed by the Judicial Department of the subject or the court within the time frame established by them. The act includes all recipients of payments in the relevant territory. A similar procedure is established for arbitration judges.

Payments to retired judges begin immediately upon termination of their pension. The transfer of funds during periods of temporary performance of judicial duties is not suspended.

The frequency of receiving money is once a month (on paydays). It is possible to transfer funds by mail or home delivery.

So, the type of payments received depends on the length of service and other places of work of the person. If it is possible to obtain a lifelong salary, the judge receives an amount that is almost or not at all inferior to the salary of a judge of the corresponding status during the period of work.

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