Research Institute of Occupational Medicine named after Academician N.F. Izmerova

Regulatory requirements

A medical examination is required by law.

List of regulatory documents on the basis of which the inspection is carried out:

  1. Labor legislation. The requirements of the law determine that every worker must undergo medical examination by specialists. The same document explains what the consequences will be if the event is not completed.
  2. The labor protection rules of any industry also require a medical examination.
  3. The order of the Ministry of Health specifies in what cases and under what factors a medical examination of employees is carried out.

These are the main documents according to which the inspection is carried out. Also regulating the passage will be a card for a special assessment of the conditions of the labor process. The map is drawn up by an expert commission, it sets out the reasons for the passage.

The procedure for undergoing examinations and special documents

All types of medical examinations must be carried out at the expense of the employer's company. The employer is obliged not only to compensate for the costs of providing medical services, but also to provide time for specialists to undergo treatment, and to maintain the employee’s salary and workplace for the duration of the event.

The main document in this case is a written referral from the employer’s administration to the medical institution at the place of the scheduled examination.

After passing the examination, the employee receives recommendations from specialists and a medical report on the current state of health.

Unscheduled, extraordinary

To maintain safety when performing work, the legislation provides for unscheduled and extraordinary inspections. The medical examination includes a set of measures aimed at identifying pathological abnormalities. Unscheduled medical examinations exist, and an employee can undergo them in advance, regardless of the schedule.

The right to referral is also granted to the employer.

A medical examination may be carried out unscheduled.

This happens in cases where:

  • the employee’s health has deteriorated and he is unable to work;
  • if there is a suspicion of an occupational disease;
  • there is a need to confirm your health status;
  • when extraordinary medical examinations are carried out;
  • for those working in the field of trade and food;
  • health workers;
  • employees of child care institutions;
  • drivers.

If there are no recommendations from management to undergo the examination, then the employer has the right to send the employee to undergo it himself.

Based on the completed examination, the enterprise administration decides whether to allow the employee to perform production tasks.

If health does not allow working under these conditions, then the company management may remove the employee from work.

Research Institute of Occupational Medicine named after Academician N.F. Izmerova

Marketing and Management Group

Regarding the conclusion of contracts (including for conducting medical examinations): Lemeleva Svetlana Evgenievna +7 [email protected]

The clinic of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of MT" has been successfully conducting preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations for more than 30 years.

Medical examinations are carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.”

    Stages of medical examination:
  • Help and advice in compiling a list of contingents is FREE!
  • Negotiating the price of medical examinations for company employees
  • Carrying out a medical examination
  • Preparation of the final report based on the results of the medical examination

The purpose of preventive examinations is to determine the health status of personnel and their suitability to perform specific job duties.

There are, according to Order No. 302n of the Ministry of Social Development, two types of medical examinations: preliminary and periodic.

A preliminary medical examination is necessary before hiring a specialist to ensure that his health meets the requirements of the profession. The company that hires the employee determines from a medical point of view whether the applicant is suitable for the position.

Periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out for the purpose of:

Dynamic monitoring of the health status of workers, timely detection of initial forms of occupational diseases, early signs of the impact of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors on the health status of workers, formation of risk groups;

Identification of common diseases that are medical contraindications for continuing work associated with exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

Timely implementation of preventive and rehabilitation measures aimed at maintaining the health and restoration of workers’ ability to work.

Conducting periodic medical examinations of employees is the responsibility of their employers; this measure helps to increase labor productivity and avoid the consequences of inspection by regulatory authorities.

Medical examination of employees is a convenient and inexpensive service, and all the necessary periodic medical examinations and tests are performed - in one place!

The procedure for conducting medical examinations consists of clear actions by the employer; a month, or better yet, two months in advance, the HR department or the person in charge compiles lists of employees for medical examinations and sends them to our manager.

A week before the medical examination, each employee must be notified with a referral for a periodic medical examination, against signature.

The regularity and composition of medical examinations is determined by the employee’s specialty. His duty is to come to the clinic on time with documents - a referral from the enterprise; passport or driver's license; outpatient card; an extract from an outpatient card with data from past examinations carried out at this or a previous place of work.

FGBNU "Research Institute of MT" Clinic offers companies the organization of quick and high-quality medical examinations. Specialist doctors will help carry out the planned event and identify a list of staff units subject to medical examination.

We will conduct medical examinations of patients in the comfortable environment of our clinic; we have doctors with significant experience on our staff, all tests are carried out by professionals in a modern laboratory, so that medical examinations will be completed on time and with high quality.


An important solution is preventive examination of citizens. If you undergo a medical examination in a timely manner, you can avoid many problems. When diseases are detected in the early stages, they can always be prevented.


  • detection of viral pathologies;
  • determination of health group;
  • providing advice on health issues;
  • consultation on serious abnormalities, including cardiovascular diseases;
  • An observation group for clinical examination is established, including for healthy people.

The event is held once every 2 years. If a citizen goes for a medical examination, then he does not need to go for a medical examination. If a special assessment of the conditions of the labor process identifies dangerous or harmful factors during a medical examination, then the management of the organization takes this information into account.

What is the frequency of inspections?

Conducting a medical examination is not necessary once a year; this requirement is interpreted by the regulations of the Ministry of Health.

Compulsory examinations are carried out according to:

  1. For those working with food products. Twice a year it is required to determine the presence of viral infections and conduct tests of biomaterial for staphylococcus. Once a year, an FLG, tests for helminths, and consultations with doctors are required.
  2. For employees of children's institutions, the presence of infectious diseases and testing for the presence of bacteria are determined. This event is performed once a quarter.
  3. If this is an employee from a pharmacy, then once a year it is required to undergo a dermatovenereologist, undergo FLG and submit biomaterial for analysis.
  4. Employees in the public utilities sector are required to undergo a routine medical examination twice a year. Diphtheria vaccination is given.

Periodic inspections

These events are carried out directly for working employees. The main goal of this type of examination is to identify the correspondence of a person’s health indicators to the work that he performs daily as part of his job duties.

During the periodic examination, not only pre-existing diseases are identified, but also preliminary diagnoses are made, and risks of deterioration in a person’s ability to work are identified.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor may issue a referral for additional tests and procedures, as well as recommend an unscheduled examination.

Registration of results

Based on the results of medical examinations, reports are drawn up. Information contained in the documents:

  1. The number of workers who must attend the event. The number of women is indicated separately.
  2. Who passed the medical examination and who did not? The number and information are indicated as a percentage.
  3. Employees who are and are not allowed to work, including those who require additional examination.
  4. Who has been diagnosed with occupational pathologies?
  5. Who needs treatment in dispensaries.

The act is signed by medical specialists and certified with seals. You have 30 days to complete the document. The act is executed in three copies: one is transferred to the employer, the second remains in the institution, and the third is sent to the Social Insurance Fund.

Who needs to undergo a medical examination?

A medical examination is required for those employees whose activities involve harmful factors. The presence of hazards is confirmed by a special assessment of the working conditions.

List of specialties for completing MO:

  • work at height;
  • if the work activity is carried out in the catering sector;
  • when raising children;
  • when caring for sick people;
  • if labor is carried out on farms;
  • hotel business;
  • in spas and hotels;
  • at pharmaceutical industry enterprises;
  • The event is held starting from the age of 21.

If the medical examination is not passed

When a medical examination is not passed, this can lead to negative consequences:

  1. The employee should not be allowed to perform tasks.
  2. If the employee has been allowed to work, then responsibility is transferred to the manager of the facility.
  3. If a violation is detected due to failure to pass a medical examination, the labor inspector will impose a fine.
  4. If an employee is diagnosed with an occupational disease and is still involved in work, then management will be responsible.
  5. Under any circumstances, failure to undergo medical examination is a violation of regulations, and this entails liability.

Extraordinary inspections

This type is applicable to already employed employees, and can be implemented at the initiative of the employee or employer. The most common reasons for conducting it are the testimony of a specialist or the deterioration of the employee’s health, noted by himself or third parties.

You can receive a referral for an unscheduled medical examination by providing a doctor’s recommendation or a privately obtained sick leave certificate.

The time for its implementation is scheduled in the intervals between scheduled examinations. Unscheduled performance checks of subordinates are also possible during outbreaks of regional epidemics.

Organization of medical examination

At enterprises, medical examination is organized as follows:

  1. Local regulations on the passage are being developed. The documents stipulate when the survey is carried out, including the time for submitting lists.
  2. An administrative document on the medical examination is being prepared.
  3. Control over the passage is assigned to the official.
  4. Directions are issued to each employee.
  5. A medical examination is organized on site or in a clinic.
  6. Specialists inspect workers. If a suspicion of an occupational disease is detected, the employee is examined thoroughly.
  7. An act of holding the event is being prepared.
  8. Employees are issued health passports.

Rehabilitation measures for employees are controlled by officials.

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