Is it possible to close a sick leave in another city? Is it possible to close a sick leave in another city?

You can get sick anytime, anywhere. But a situation often occurs when doctors refuse to issue a sick leave certificate to a person who does not have at least temporary registration in their city. Many are confused, not knowing that they do not have the right to refuse applicants in clinics throughout Russia. This is enshrined in Federal legislation (Federal Laws No. 323-FZ and 326-FZ).

Is it possible to get sick leave at a location other than your place of registration?

What do you need to receive?

To receive a newsletter, a standard set of documents is required:

  • general civil identity card;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • medical card;
  • SNILS.

If a person does not yet have a medical card at the clinic where he went, it is opened. This usually requires writing an application for attachment. This measure is temporary and is needed only to comply with formalities.

It is important to remember that not all institutions have the right to issue sick leave. A ballot can be legally issued in:

  • clinic;
  • outpatient clinics;
  • hospital;
  • from a private doctor with an appropriate license;
  • anti-tuberculosis dispensary;
  • Research institutes with attending physicians with appropriate permission from the Ministry of Health.

Institution where sick leave is issued

Many people have to resort to emergency help. However, it should be remembered that ambulance representatives do not have the right to issue sick leave. All information is transferred to the local specialist, who decides whether it is necessary to open a disability certificate or not.

For a person who gets sick in a place other than his hometown, the procedure looks almost exactly the same as in his “home” clinic:

Step 1. Warn your superiors.

Step 2. Contact a medical facility.

Step 3. Submit an application for attachment;

Step 4. Be examined;

Step 5. Follow all recommendations of the treating specialist;

Step 6. On the appointed day, appear for the examination and, if necessary, close the sheet.

Step 7. Re-read the completed form again and make sure that there are no errors in it.

When do they open sick leave in a city other than their own?

Opening a ballot in a foreign city is possible if:

  • injury;
  • illness;
  • exacerbation of a chronic or occupational disease;
  • the need to care for a sick family member;
  • pregnancy at a specific stage;
  • hospital stay;
  • carrying out quarantine measures;
  • stay at sanatorium treatment.

If a person falls ill in another place, not where he is permanently registered, he must remember that he will be able to return only after closing the sheet. Otherwise, payment will be denied.

A person who falls ill in another city must close his sick leave before returning to his hometown

Can someone else’s clinic refuse to issue a certificate?

If the clinic refuses to accept and open the form, saying “you are not registered here”, this is clearly illegal. To cope with the situation, it is enough to refer to Federal Law No. 326-FZ, dedicated to compulsory health insurance and the willingness to complain to the supervisory authority. Usually, upon hearing that a person knows where to protect his rights and is ready for it, vigilantes change their tone.

When accepting a sick person, a specialist does not rely on the city where he is registered. What matters is what the applicant is sick with, what caused it, what is necessary for recovery, and whether this requires sending the person to a hospital.

The rights of the insured person to receive services in medical institutions throughout the Russian Federation

Onset of disability

The onset of disability and receipt of sick leave can be for various reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • prosthetics;
  • treatment of illness;
  • staying in sanatoriums to which the patient was sent on the recommendation of the attending physician;
  • operations;
  • injuries;
  • caring for sick relatives.

In all these cases, the answer to the question of whether a sick leave can be issued in another city will be in the affirmative.

In this case, it is only necessary to ensure the accuracy and accuracy of the information filled in, since obtaining duplicates can be difficult for an employee.

Registration at the place of residence

Most often, people go to the clinic at their place of residence to treat their illnesses.

This is explained by the fact that it is in these medical institutions that they can receive a more complete range of free services, including visiting all doctors, taking tests and conducting research using special equipment.

According to the law, medical assistance can be provided to citizens of the Russian Federation and other organizations involved in treating patients, but in some cases it may be limited only in emergency cases or for money.

It is for this reason that the majority of the population turns to the clinic to which they are assigned.

But, despite this fact, the receipt of sick leave is not limited only to the hospital to which the patient’s residential address belongs. He has the right to go to any private clinic or free hospital, both in his city and in other localities.

In general, it will not make any difference for a citizen which clinic issues him a certificate of temporary incapacity for work, but in some cases he may encounter additional problems.

He should be extremely careful when reporting information about himself and the employer, which is entered into the document by the doctor, so that in the future he will not have to go to another city and contact this medical institution to obtain the document.

If the slip was not issued in the employee’s hometown

For the employer, it should not matter where the sick leave was received if it is issued and closed according to all the rules. It must be paid in full. Refusal to compensate for days of absence is legal only if the form is filled out incorrectly or if the reason for absence is not valid.

The clinic is given as many sheets of work as required - one copy for each job. All copies are prepared on strict reporting forms in accordance with the requirements and are also paid for separately.

Attention! As already mentioned, the sick person will not be able to go home before recovery, since the ballot will have to be closed there. But if this was not possible due to some significant circumstances, the citizen has the right to close it after returning to work.

It’s another matter if a person from the city where he fell ill is sent to another hospital - in this case, the first sick leave is discharged, and a new one is opened by the clinic where he arrives.

Reference! Correct filling out is a guarantee of payment and no questions from the director. The employee should pay special attention when he tells the doctor the name of the company, because if the employing organization is indicated incorrectly, he will have to go back to the same clinic and waste time on corrections.

Part-time workers at the clinic are given one copy of a certificate of incapacity for work for each job.

Is it possible to take sick leave in another city?

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive sick leave in any city.

That is why they can go to the clinic at their place of residence, on a business trip or on vacation, because the disease can overtake a person at any time.

Is it valid?

A document drawn up in accordance with all the rules on a special form is considered valid. That is why for the social insurance fund it does not matter in which city it was issued.

Such a document can be issued during a period of sanatorium treatment, surgery, illness during a vacation or business trip.

Sick leave when an employee is laid off will be paid. Does the Social Insurance Fund pay for sick leave for individual entrepreneurs? Find out here.

How to open?

Is it possible to take sick leave in another city if a citizen cannot go to a medical institution at his place of residence at the time of illness.

Currently, this is allowed by law, so people can go to clinics and private medical institutions in other localities and not be afraid of losing benefits for a period of temporary disability.

To obtain this document, you must consult a doctor at the beginning of your illness so as not to have problems due to unjustified absences from work.

Citizens should take into account that obtaining a certificate of temporary incapacity for work is allowed only in cases where the patient was in a hospital or initially called a doctor at home.

After the first visit to the attending physician, the sick leave is considered open. During the course of the illness, it can be extended several times if necessary.

After the patient recovers, he is given a closed certificate of incapacity for work, which he must provide to the employer in order to receive benefits.

How to extend or close?

In order to extend any sick leave, the patient must visit a medical commission, which will determine the need for his further treatment and put a mark in the document on the continuation of the period of incapacity.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to close a sick leave in another city will also be positive.

If you get sick and go to a clinic in the locality where you are temporarily, then in this case the attending physician is obliged to open and close a temporary disability certificate.

If a patient is transferred to a hospital located in another city, then he is discharged from the first sick leave, and the new medical institution issues a new certificate of incapacity for work.

Possible difficulties

A citizen of the Russian Federation can take sick leave in any Russian clinic. However, the largest number of questions is related to another problem - is it possible to open and close a leaflet in different cities. After all, it often happens that it’s time to leave, but the sick person did not have time to recover at the time of departure.

On the issue of the possibility of opening and closing a ballot in different places, it is better to adhere to the guideline given by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 624n. In Art. 6 clearly states that whoever opens the sheet closes it, otherwise the form is considered incorrectly filled out. The latter is fraught with the refusal of the head of the company to pay compensation and the refusal will be absolutely legal.

The main components on which the amount of payment for sick leave depends

Will they accept such sick leave at work?

This question is complicated by the fact that legislators and the Social Insurance Fund do not have a single answer to it. So, according to lawyers, the answer is clear: where they opened a sick leave, they should close it, and if they have not recovered, let them close the existing one, and open a new one at home and continue to be treated as long as necessary.

The FSS of the Republic of Karelia expressed the following opinion: it is possible to close a bulletin in someone else’s clinic, but only with the consent of the treating specialist who opened it. In this case, the “Other” field on the form is left untouched - the information will be entered there later. A person who continues to be considered sick comes to his hometown, receives further treatment and closes the bulletin in his clinic.

In the FSS of the Republic of Karelia, it is possible to close a bulletin in someone else’s clinic, but only with the consent of the treating specialist who opened it

If the person has recovered and no further treatment is required, fill out the date of return to work line. Accordingly, from the specified date the person can return to performing his duties. In the document closed for compensation, indicate the number of the newly issued one, indicating that this is a continuation, put a second seal and the doctor’s signature.

However, this approach caused a lot of controversy. In such a situation, it is better to close the leaflet in the city where it was opened, and then, upon returning home, get a new one.

What a properly closed ballot should look like

The rules for all issued sheets are the same:

  • when filling out the form, they rely on the rules and standards enshrined in the Order;
  • it is necessary to clarify the correctness of the information entered right on the spot;
  • the date of return to work must be indicated on the closed sheet;
  • all sick leave must be registered in a special journal of the medical center;
  • on a correctly closed ballot, three seals are placed: with the coat of arms, triangular and personal - of the treating specialist;
  • must be filled out on a computer;
  • The signature of the attending physician with a transcript is required.

It happens that the illness drags on for a longer period than the law allotted for sick leave. In this case, the medical commission puts appropriate marks in the document.

Explanation of filling out sick leave

A correctly completed form is provided to the manager in all organizations where the recovered person works.


Typically, the first sick leave is issued for at least five days. After this, you should contact a specialist again for examination. If the latter shows that the person has not yet recovered, the sick leave will be extended by the same amount. — and in particularly difficult situations, they can last for a month.

This is what a correctly completed form looks like:

Correctly completed sick leave form completed by the attending physician

Important! Cover the sheet only on weekdays. If possible, it is allowed to do this on a day off - but he must be a worker and the specialist who opened the ballot must be at work on that date. This does not affect the closing of the ballot in any way.

Differences between a real closed sick leave and a fake one

From advertisements, any citizen knows that any medical certificate can be purchased if necessary. But this is strictly forbidden - and not only because a specialist will identify a fake at first sight. For such a trick, you can not only lose your job, but also fall under administrative and even criminal liability.

Fake sick leave can be purchased from advertisements

It is not difficult to distinguish a real ballot from a fake. The algorithm here is as follows:

Step 1. The number of the sheet and where it is located will tell you a lot - according to the rules, this is a white square field for the matrix code at the top left. When held up to light, the combination of numbers is clearly visible on it. In general, it is indicated in other places in the document.

Step 2. What color are the cells? Normally they are light yellow in color. On fakes they are most often white.

Step 3. Make sure there are security fibers in the document. There are three types of the latter involved in the bulletin. They are clearly visible throughout the form, especially in blue and pink. It’s better to make sure and check them under an ultraviolet lamp - all the fibers will glow, like on banknotes.

Step 4. What material is the form made of?

The original ballot is issued on thick, crisp paper. You can squeeze it slightly in your fist to make sure of this. If the paper does not crunch when touched, it is most likely fake.

Step 5. Take a magnifying glass and look at the microtext. Under the field where there are signatures of doctors, the general director of the company where the patient works, the chief accountant, the naked eye will see an unremarkable dark ruler. But with a magnifying glass the phrase “certificate of incapacity for work” is clearly visible.

Protective elements in sick leave

Step 6. Read everywhere the address and full name of the medical center. Normally they are the same everywhere. If somewhere, for example, on a print, the name is different, this should at least alert you. It’s easy to check who issued the slip, and whether the institution has the right to do it at all. Just go to the Roszdravnadzor website and request the necessary data there

Step 7. Check with specialists. Here they pay attention to the information on the prints and fields of the form. If a discrepancy is discovered, it makes sense to call the medical center and ask whether they have a person with the specified data on their staff or not.

Is it possible to obtain a sick leave certificate at a location other than your place of registration - what is needed for registration?

You can get sick anytime, anywhere. But a situation often occurs when doctors refuse to issue a sick leave certificate to a person who does not have at least temporary registration in their city. Many are confused, not knowing that they do not have the right to refuse applicants in clinics throughout Russia. This is enshrined in Federal legislation (Federal Laws No. 323-FZ and 326-FZ).

Is it possible to get sick leave at a location other than your place of registration?

Legal basis

Everything related to the calculation and issuance of compensation to workers for illness is regulated by the following standards:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law No. 255-FZ;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 624n.

According to the rules, the form is filled out by three participants: the doctor, the head of the company and the chief accountant.

What do you need to receive?

To receive a newsletter, a standard set of documents is required:

  • general civil identity card;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • medical card;
  • SNILS.

If a person does not yet have a medical card at the clinic where he went, it is opened. This usually requires writing an application for attachment. This measure is temporary and is needed only to comply with formalities.

It is important to remember that not all institutions have the right to issue sick leave. A ballot can be legally issued in:

  • clinic;
  • outpatient clinics;
  • hospital;
  • from a private doctor with an appropriate license;
  • anti-tuberculosis dispensary;
  • Research institutes with attending physicians with appropriate permission from the Ministry of Health.

Institution where sick leave is issued

Many people have to resort to emergency help. However, it should be remembered that ambulance representatives do not have the right to issue sick leave. All information is transferred to the local specialist, who decides whether it is necessary to open a disability certificate or not.

For a person who gets sick in a place other than his hometown, the procedure looks almost exactly the same as in his “home” clinic:

Step 1. Warn your superiors.

Step 2. Contact a medical facility.

Step 3. Submit an application for attachment;

Step 4. Be examined;

Step 5. Follow all recommendations of the treating specialist;

Step 6. On the appointed day, appear for the examination and, if necessary, close the sheet.

Step 7. Re-read the completed form again and make sure that there are no errors in it.

When do they open sick leave in a city other than their own?

Opening a ballot in a foreign city is possible if:

  • injury;
  • illness;
  • exacerbation of a chronic or occupational disease;
  • the need to care for a sick family member;
  • pregnancy at a specific stage;
  • hospital stay;
  • carrying out quarantine measures;
  • stay at sanatorium treatment.

If a person falls ill in another place, not where he is permanently registered, he must remember that he will be able to return only after closing the sheet. Otherwise, payment will be denied.

A person who falls ill in another city must close his sick leave before returning to his hometown

Can someone else’s clinic refuse to issue a certificate?

If the clinic refuses to accept and open the form, saying “you are not registered here”, this is clearly illegal.

To cope with the situation, it is enough to refer to Federal Law No. 326-FZ, dedicated to compulsory health insurance and the willingness to complain to the supervisory authority.

Usually, upon hearing that a person knows where to protect his rights and is ready for it, vigilantes change their tone.

When accepting a sick person, a specialist does not rely on the city where he is registered. What matters is what the applicant is sick with, what caused it, what is necessary for recovery, and whether this requires sending the person to a hospital.

The rights of the insured person to receive services in medical institutions throughout the Russian Federation

If the slip was not issued in the employee’s hometown

For the employer, it should not matter where the sick leave was received if it is issued and closed according to all the rules. It must be paid in full. Refusal to compensate for days of absence is legal only if the form is filled out incorrectly or if the reason for absence is not valid.

The clinic is given as many sheets of work as required - one copy for each job. All copies are prepared on strict reporting forms in accordance with the requirements and are also paid for separately.

Attention! As already mentioned, the sick person will not be able to go home before recovery, since the ballot will have to be closed there. But if this was not possible due to some significant circumstances, the citizen has the right to close it after returning to work.

It’s another matter if a person from the city where he fell ill is sent to another hospital - in this case, the first sick leave is discharged, and a new one is opened by the clinic where he arrives.

Reference! Correct filling out is a guarantee of payment and no questions from the director. The employee should pay special attention when he tells the doctor the name of the company, because if the employing organization is indicated incorrectly, he will have to go back to the same clinic and waste time on corrections.

Part-time workers at the clinic are given one copy of a certificate of incapacity for work for each job.

Possible difficulties

A citizen of the Russian Federation can take sick leave in any Russian clinic. However, the largest number of questions is related to another problem - is it possible to open and close a leaflet in different cities. After all, it often happens that it’s time to leave, but the sick person did not have time to recover at the time of departure.

On the issue of the possibility of opening and closing a ballot in different places, it is better to adhere to the guideline given by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 624n. In Art. 6 clearly states that whoever opens the sheet closes it, otherwise the form is considered incorrectly filled out. The latter is fraught with the refusal of the head of the company to pay compensation and the refusal will be absolutely legal.

The main components on which the amount of payment for sick leave depends

Will they accept such sick leave at work?

This question is complicated by the fact that legislators and the Social Insurance Fund do not have a single answer to it. So, according to lawyers, the answer is clear: where they opened a sick leave, they should close it, and if they have not recovered, let them close the existing one, and open a new one at home and continue to be treated as long as necessary.

The FSS of the Republic of Karelia expressed the following opinion: it is possible to close a bulletin in someone else’s clinic, but only with the consent of the treating specialist who opened it. In this case, the “Other” field on the form is left untouched - the information will be entered there later. A person who continues to be considered sick comes to his hometown, receives further treatment and closes the bulletin in his clinic.

In the FSS of the Republic of Karelia, it is possible to close a bulletin in someone else’s clinic, but only with the consent of the treating specialist who opened it

If the person has recovered and no further treatment is required, fill out the date of return to work line. Accordingly, from the specified date the person can return to performing his duties. In the document closed for compensation, indicate the number of the newly issued one, indicating that this is a continuation, put a second seal and the doctor’s signature.

However, this approach caused a lot of controversy. In such a situation, it is better to close the leaflet in the city where it was opened, and then, upon returning home, get a new one.

What a properly closed ballot should look like

The rules for all issued sheets are the same:

  • when filling out the form, they rely on the rules and standards enshrined in the Order;
  • it is necessary to clarify the correctness of the information entered right on the spot;
  • the date of return to work must be indicated on the closed sheet;
  • all sick leave must be registered in a special journal of the medical center;
  • on a correctly closed ballot, three seals are placed: with the coat of arms, triangular and personal - of the treating specialist;
  • must be filled out on a computer;
  • The signature of the attending physician with a transcript is required.

It happens that the illness drags on for a longer period than the law allotted for sick leave. In this case, the medical commission puts appropriate marks in the document.

Explanation of filling out sick leave

A correctly completed form is provided to the manager in all organizations where the recovered person works.


Typically, the first sick leave is issued for at least five days. After this, you should contact a specialist again for examination. If the latter shows that the person has not yet recovered, the sick leave will be extended by the same amount. — and in particularly difficult situations, they can last for a month.

This is what a correctly completed form looks like:

Correctly completed sick leave form completed by the attending physician

Important! Cover the sheet only on weekdays. If possible, it is allowed to do this on a day off - but he must be a worker and the specialist who opened the ballot must be at work on that date. This does not affect the closing of the ballot in any way.

Differences between a real closed sick leave and a fake one

From advertisements, any citizen knows that any medical certificate can be purchased if necessary. But this is strictly forbidden - and not only because a specialist will identify a fake at first sight. For such a trick, you can not only lose your job, but also fall under administrative and even criminal liability.

Fake sick leave can be purchased from advertisements

It is not difficult to distinguish a real ballot from a fake. The algorithm here is as follows:

Step 1. The number of the sheet and where it is located will tell you a lot - according to the rules, this is a white square field for the matrix code at the top left. When held up to light, the combination of numbers is clearly visible on it. In general, it is indicated in other places in the document.

Step 2. What color are the cells? Normally they are light yellow in color. On fakes they are most often white.

Step 3. Make sure there are security fibers in the document. There are three types of the latter involved in the bulletin. They are clearly visible throughout the form, especially in blue and pink. It’s better to make sure and check them under an ultraviolet lamp - all the fibers will glow, like on banknotes.

Step 4. What material is the form made of?

The original ballot is issued on thick, crisp paper. You can squeeze it slightly in your fist to make sure of this. If the paper does not crunch when touched, it is most likely fake.

Step 5. Take a magnifying glass and look at the microtext. Under the field where there are signatures of doctors, the general director of the company where the patient works, the chief accountant, the naked eye will see an unremarkable dark ruler. But with a magnifying glass the phrase “certificate of incapacity for work” is clearly visible.

Protective elements in sick leave

Step 6. Read everywhere the address and full name of the medical center. Normally they are the same everywhere. If somewhere, for example, on a print, the name is different, this should at least alert you. It’s easy to check who issued the slip, and whether the institution has the right to do it at all. Just go to the Roszdravnadzor website and request the necessary data there

Step 7. Check with specialists. Here they pay attention to the information on the prints and fields of the form. If a discrepancy is discovered, it makes sense to call the medical center and ask whether they have a person with the specified data on their staff or not.

Does the general director have the right not to accept a ballot from a subordinate received in another city?

Sometimes you can hear from dishonest employers that sick leave received in another city is not subject to compensation. This is not true.

The only possible reason for not accepting a document from an employee may be incorrect filling out of the form or lack of a return to work date.

A correctly completed and closed form is paid the same, no matter where it is issued - in the sick employee’s hometown or outside it. The accepted ballot is registered in a special journal.

What should a manager pay attention to?

It is important to observe several fundamental points:

  • the institution must have the right to issue documents of this kind;
  • sick leave is already closed.

When contacting a commercial medical center, ask if it has a license

The clinic may not necessarily be state-owned, but when contacting a commercial medical center, an employee should be concerned about whether he or she has a license. It is doubly offensive if the illness was real, the patient complied with all the rules, but will not receive compensation, since the bulletin was issued by an unauthorized institution.

The period of illness is paid based on:

  • billing period;
  • citizen's income;
  • average daily earnings;
  • insurance experience;
  • daily allowance.

This list is exhaustive. The reason for failure to show up for work, as well as the tax system in force in the company, are not taken into account.

Calculation of sick leave compensation

The principle of calculating compensation is clear from the diagram:

Insurance period Amount of sick leave

less than 5 years60% average income
from 5 to 8 years80% average income
8 years or more100% average income

Important! It should be remembered that from the beginning of 2021 a new minimum wage has been in force and is 11 thousand 280 rubles. Accordingly, the daily minimum indicator cannot fall below three hundred seventy rubles and eighty-five kopecks.

So, there are no difficulties in opening and closing a disability certificate, even if it happened in different cities. Especially if it is closed as planned, after the person has recovered.

But in some cases this is possible earlier or later than the deadline - if there are compelling reasons for this. Both the employer and the employee himself, as well as the doctor, should remember that only a correctly completed form guarantees receipt of compensation for days of absence.

Otherwise, the citizen will not receive benefits, even if his illness actually occurred.

Payment principle

Does the general director have the right not to accept a ballot from a subordinate received in another city?

Sometimes you can hear from dishonest employers that sick leave received in another city is not subject to compensation. This is not true. The only possible reason for not accepting a document from an employee may be incorrect filling out of the form or lack of a return to work date. A correctly completed and closed form is paid the same, no matter where it is issued - in the sick employee’s hometown or outside it. The accepted ballot is registered in a special journal.

What should a manager pay attention to?

It is important to observe several fundamental points:

  • the institution must have the right to issue documents of this kind;
  • sick leave is already closed.

When contacting a commercial medical center, ask if it has a license

The clinic may not necessarily be state-owned, but when contacting a commercial medical center, an employee should be concerned about whether he or she has a license. It is doubly offensive if the illness was real, the patient complied with all the rules, but will not receive compensation, since the bulletin was issued by an unauthorized institution.

The period of illness is paid based on:

  • billing period;
  • citizen's income;
  • average daily earnings;
  • insurance experience;
  • daily allowance.

This list is exhaustive. The reason for failure to show up for work, as well as the tax system in force in the company, are not taken into account.

Calculation of sick leave compensation

The principle of calculating compensation is clear from the diagram:

Insurance experienceSick leave amount
less than 5 years60% average income
from 5 to 8 years80% average income
8 years or more100% average income

Important! It should be remembered that from the beginning of 2021 a new minimum wage has been in force and is 11 thousand 280 rubles. Accordingly, the daily minimum indicator cannot fall below three hundred seventy rubles and eighty-five kopecks.

So, there are no difficulties in opening and closing a disability certificate, even if it happened in different cities. Especially if it is closed as planned, after the person has recovered. But in some cases this is possible earlier or later than the deadline - if there are compelling reasons for this. Both the employer and the employee himself, as well as the doctor, should remember that only a correctly completed form guarantees receipt of compensation for days of absence. Otherwise, the citizen will not receive benefits, even if his illness actually occurred.

Sick leave payment calculator

Go to calculations

How to apply for an extension of sick leave in 2021

Many patients have to think about how to extend their sick leave.

a sheet from a therapist or other doctor, if the law establishes
a specific period
of possible disability, and the body has not yet had time to recover.

This review will help you understand the main issues that arise in such situations.

The article also contains information about what awaits the patient if he missed an appointment at the clinic, and for what maximum period the ballot can be extended.

In what cases and for how long is a certificate of incapacity for work issued?

Before sending a patient on sick leave, doctors are guided by the provisions of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation


In particular, clauses 1 and 2 of Art. 59

This regulatory act lists cases when it is necessary to issue a certificate of incapacity for work, and indicates the maximum time limit.

So, sick leave opens in the following cases:

  • the presence of diseases, injuries, poisonings and other conditions associated with temporary disability;
  • after-care in sanatorium-resort organizations;
  • the need to care for a sick family member or due to quarantine;
  • for the duration of prosthetics in stationary conditions;
  • in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, as well as when adopting a child.

Depending on qualification

medical worker, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued:

  1. By a dentist or paramedic alone for a period of no more than 10 days.
  2. A therapist and other specialized specialists for a period not exceeding 15 days inclusive.

The duration of the period for which a patient can be granted sick leave is determined either by the specifics of the patient’s disease, or by another reason causing his disability. You can learn more about this from the text of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n “On approval of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work


Many uncured patients go to an appointment with the thought of what to tell the doctor in order to extend sick leave? In essence, test results and symptoms will speak for them.

The attending doctor does not take into account complaints about poor health and weakness without confirming these facts with compelling arguments in the form of external manifestations and laboratory tests.

Therefore, complaints based on words alone cannot contribute to either the opening or extension of a certificate of incapacity for work.

Period for extending sick leave after hospitalization in a clinic

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 624n

, which was mentioned above, specifies cases of extension of the period of temporary disability. After all, it is obvious that 10-15 days for the complete rehabilitation of the patient’s body after a difficult operation or difficult childbirth is clearly not enough.

To avoid any problems when filling out the form, it would be a good idea for patients to know how to extend their sick leave after surgery.


In this situation, all issues are resolved with the attending physician - the doctor in such cases personally determines the patient’s physical condition and can independently increase the period

disability (in this case, weekends and holidays are also included in this period). His competence extends to the following situations:

  1. The patient must attend additional treatment procedures
    at the clinic (an additional 15 days may be prescribed).
  2. Inpatient treatment
    in the hospital was not enough (plus 10 days to the due date).
  3. If the sick leave was issued by a paramedic or dentist, then in case of complications
    can add another 10 days for rehabilitation.

In private medical institutions, doctors are authorized, just like their “state” colleagues, to increase the period of incapacity for work by an additional 15 days.

Extension of a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of more than 1 month is carried out by a medical commission

In this case, the patient must agree to undergo a specialized examination
, which will prove the need for a longer period for satisfactory recovery of the body.

Maximum term

sick leave after a decision to extend it by the commission is 10 months. Doctors make this decision in the following cases:

  • carrying out major surgery;
  • experienced a heart attack or stroke;
  • the presence of complex fractures.

There is also an exceptional period

disability of 1 year. Such long-term sick leave is allowed for patients:

  • those suffering from an open form of tuberculosis;
  • having illnesses associated with oncology;
  • those experiencing severe physical trauma or complications after difficult operations.

Against the backdrop of such serious problems, many are worried about something else - whether they will extend their sick leave if the runny nose continues. In this case, the attending doctor will increase the period independently without the involvement of a commission. However, you should not count on a long renewal of the ballot. In such cases, no one gives more than 1-2 weeks for recovery.

Features of registration of a certificate of incapacity for labor for women in labor

In Art. 255 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

(hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) states that:

Women, upon their application and on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued in the prescribed manner, are granted maternity leave for a duration of 70 (in the case of multiple pregnancies - 84) calendar days before childbirth and 70 (in the case of complicated childbirth - 86, for the birth of two or more children - 110) calendar days after childbirth.

However, in Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 624n

There are cases when the hospital period may become longer. Such cases include:

  1. Childbirth performed by cesarean section, or the presence of complications during the birth of the child.
  2. If the ultrasound did not show the expectant mother the presence of a multiple pregnancy, and this circumstance became clear only during childbirth.
  3. Childbirth that began earlier than expected (before the 30th week), the birth of a stillborn child.
  4. If a woman has diseases of the cardiovascular system or other chronic illnesses.
  5. If in vitro fertilization was performed.

Calculation of the extension of sick leave after complicated childbirth or other cases is made by an obstetrician-gynecologist

. In all situations, a woman giving birth has the right to an additional 16 days of maternity leave. If a woman gives birth to triplets or more, the doctor may extend the period of incapacity for another 40 days.

If the illness occurred while on vacation

Sometimes a much-desired vacation can be ruined by a sudden deterioration in health. Trips to medical institutions do not add any color to your vacation, and citizens who are little familiar with the law assume that these days cannot be returned. A reliable and proven way to extend sick leave during vacation

, there is – this is knowledge of the laws.
124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that:

Annual paid leave must be extended or transferred to another period determined by the employer taking into account the wishes of the employee, in the event of temporary disability of the employee.

How to extend sick leave if you are not sick

Some would dream of not going to work longer, resting at the expense of their organization or the state. However, the attitude of doctors towards such scoundrels has never been favorable. Each issued certificate of incapacity for work is registered

, and unscrupulous patients may be added to the “
ignore list
”. Therefore, it will become more difficult for deceivers to get medical help in the future.

There is no way to extend sick leave if you have recovered while complying with Russian laws. However, a healthy person can apply for a certificate of temporary incapacity for work if supervision of a sick person

family member (in particular, a minor child). The period will vary depending on the age of the sick children:

  • For disabled children, the parent or guardian has the right not to go to work until the child has fully recovered;
  • sick children over 7 years of age but under 15 can “exempt” their legal guardians or parents from work for a maximum of 2 weeks;
  • 3 days is the period of sick leave if family members over 15 years of age need care (in exceptional cases, the commission may release an able-bodied citizen from work for a week so that he can look after loved ones).

Many illnesses are cured when the mark on the thermometer does not rise above 36.6, and patients worry about how long they can extend sick leave without a fever

Some patients mistakenly believe that if they do not have a fever, they will be considered healthy. This is not so - the doctor takes into account the general condition
of the patient who contacts him, and according to a single rule, he can increase the period of temporary disability to 15 days.

Sick leave in another city

Sometimes it happens that a person gets sick while traveling to other localities or during a business trip. When contacting a medical institution not at the place of residence, the patient may encounter some difficulties in obtaining a certificate of incapacity for work ( lack of a card

patient at the local clinic complicates the doctor's job).

However, in other cities it is possible to issue a certificate of incapacity for work.

However, is it possible to extend sick leave in another city if it was opened at the clinic at the place of registration of the citizen? There are no legislative obstacles to such a procedure, but doctors may have fair questions for a patient who seems to be sick, does not go to work, but for some reason travels around the country.

Unextended sick leave: consequences at work

At school or in universities, non-system truants are generally treated with loyalty, and the absence of a pupil or student from classes not confirmed by a doctor’s certificate can entail, at most, only a reprimand with the need to make up the hours missed without a good reason. It’s another matter when a person works under an employment contract. What happens if you don’t extend your sick leave


You can calm down: in practice, an employee who neglects his duties to visit a doctor is deprived of only part of the benefit

due to violation of the regimen prescribed by the doctor.
The benefit on the day of missing a visit to a medical institution and after it will be calculated according to the minimum wage, and not based on the employee’s salary. Doctors usually extend the certificate of incapacity for work retroactively

However, there are exceptions

, and this must be remembered.
No one will renew a ballot if they suspect that an absolutely healthy person is deliberately shirking work. Therefore, in order to avoid various disputes with the doctor and the accounting department of the company in which the patient works, it is recommended not to violate the deadlines for visiting
the doctor.

There is a category of patients who are late to see the doctor and who are concerned about whether their sick leave can be extended by 1 day. They don’t have to worry about this – there is such a possibility.

Medical staff for good reasons

can meet halfway.

At the same time, there is no need to pester doctors too intrusively so that they put an extra day on the sick leave list due to the negligent behavior of the patient who missed an appointment.


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