I filled out the sick note with a blue pen, what to do. If you signed with a blue pen on the sick leave sheet. A cell is not a field

Information provided by the doctor

The medical worker fills out the following sections of the certificate of incapacity for work:

– “To be completed by a doctor of a medical organization”;

– “To be filled out by a doctor and remains with the medical organization.”

This is stated in paragraphs 56–63 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

The doctor puts o in the following lines:

  • “primary” - if sick leave in relation to a given case of disability is issued for the first time (paragraph 2, paragraph 57 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n);
  • “duplicate” – if you have to re-issue a certificate of incapacity for work to replace a lost or damaged one.

The doctor fills out the line “continuation of certificate of incapacity for work No.” if he issues another bulletin in continuation of the previous one. Then in this field he puts the number of the previous certificate of incapacity for work. Such rules are established in paragraph 57 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n.


in this case there will be no consequences for your organization.

Since no corrections are expected in an already completed form, if there are no other errors in the sick leave registration. Territorial bodies of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia can accept for payment sick leave certificates with technical errors (including those filled out with a ballpoint pen), if such errors: – do not affect the amount of the benefit paid; – do not prevent their processing in manual mode (automated processing of sick leave certificates has not yet been introduced). Such clarifications are given in the letter of the FSS of Russia dated April 29, 2013 No. 14-15/10/5851.

In this case, there is no need to add another signature (by crossing out the old one).

The judges believe that such violations cannot be corrected by crossing out the erroneous entry and entering the correct one on the back of the certificate of incapacity for work (clause 65 of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work). After all, the signature will be the same.

The courts note that the signatures of the head or chief accountant of the organization are not independent details entered when filling out a sick leave. Their signatures only certify the correctness of the information indicated on the certificate of incapacity for work. Therefore, the courts have found that signatures by employer officials using an improper pen or prohibited color ink do not constitute a fundamental violation. This means that such a defect does not lead to a refusal to offset the amount of benefits paid to the employee (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated January 21, 2014 No. A27-8345/2013).

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System, a simplified version.

1. Situation: what to do if the sick leave form was filled out with a ballpoint pen

The answer to this question depends on which section of the sick leave form is filled out with a ballpoint pen: the one filled out by the doctor, or the one drawn up by the employer.*

If the section “To be completed by the employer” is filled in with a ballpoint pen, then two options are possible.

The first option, which is offered in private explanations by specialists from the FSS of Russia, is as follows. Notes made with a ballpoint pen should be carefully crossed out with one black line. On the back of the sick note, repeat these notes with a black gel (capillary, fountain) pen in block capitals. Make a certification entry “Believe the Corrected”, certify the corrections with the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization. Such conclusions follow from paragraph 4 of clause 65 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n.*

The second option does not involve any corrections in the already completed form, if there are no other errors in the sick leave registration. The fact is that the territorial bodies of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia can temporarily accept for payment certificates of incapacity for work with technical errors (including those filled out with a ballpoint pen), if such errors: * - do not affect the amount of the benefit paid; – do not prevent their processing in manual mode (automated processing of sick leave certificates has not yet been introduced). Such clarifications are given in the letter of the FSS of Russia dated April 29, 2013 No. 14-15/10/5851.

By whom and in what cases is a certificate of incapacity issued?

A sick leave certificate is usually issued by the medical institution where the employee was treated. This happens in the following cases:

  1. Outpatient treatment of employee illnesses (injuries, poisonings, other painful conditions):
      up to 15 calendar days issued by the responsible medical officer;
  2. beyond this period - by a medical commission.
  3. Maternity leave is received by an employee during the thirty-week period of pregnancy - the duration is 140 calendar days (70 before childbirth and 70 after it), given:
  4. family doctor or general practitioner;
  5. paramedic
  6. Caring for a sick family member - sick leave is issued by the sick person’s attending physician:
      for a period of up to 3 days – under outpatient treatment conditions;
  7. for a period of up to 7 days - according to the decision of the VKK, depending on the severity of the disease.

Since this document is issued mainly by a medical institution or its employee, the first part of it is filled out there, and the remaining parts of the form are already filled out either by the employer himself or by the person responsible for issuing sick leave.

If the manager signed with a blue ballpoint pen

1 tbsp. And invite him to write the same phrase and add a personal flourish with all these pens (for example, “All this is nonsense

  1. place this sheet on the window sill (preferably on the south side, where there is maximum sunlight); Additionally, you can periodically “torture” the sheet by photocopying;
  2. and then there are 2 ways: either at the first noticeable signs of “fading” of the handwritten text, show the experimental sample to the manager and then do this systematically once a quarter; or a year later, show the results of the experiment to the boss for the first time in order to create a sensation.

Attention The means of document preparation (text application) must be light-resistant, water-resistant, and wear-resistant.

Can doctors sign on sick leave with a blue pen?

48 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2001 N 5, it is explained that an act of a non-normative nature, which can be challenged in an arbitration court by presenting a demand for recognition of the act as invalid, is understood as a document of any name (demand, decision, decree, letter, etc.) , signed by the head (deputy head) of the body.

Question: Who has the right to issue certificates of incapacity for work? Answer: Medical workers licensed for medical activities (including work (services) for the examination of temporary disability), including attending physicians, paramedics and dentists, other workers with secondary medical education in some cases - by decision of the executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federations in the field of healthcare. In addition, in agreement with the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, certificates of incapacity for work can be issued by attending physicians at clinics of research institutes.

Is it possible to fill out a sick leave form using a computer?

Indeed, it will not be recognized as an error if the form of this document is filled out using a computer - letter No. 17-03-09/06-3841P FSS (dated October 23, 2014). It is also not a violation of the general rules for filling out a sick leave form and combining handwritten text with computer typing. For example, if the initial part of the form is filled out by hand by an employee of a medical institution using a capillary pen with black ink, and the subsequent columns are filled out by the employer using a computer.

The director signed the sick note with a ballpoint pen in blue pen

It says that the presence of technical deficiencies in the certificate of incapacity for work, filled out in handwriting, is not a basis for the employer to demand re-issuance of the certificate of incapacity for work and refuse to assign and pay benefits, if all entries in the certificate of incapacity for work are read. The court included the note made with a ballpoint pen as one of these shortcomings.

Ultimately, the court came to the conclusion that the Fund’s decision to refuse to offset the costs of paying insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability was unfounded. After all, the company confirmed the facts of loss of ability to work by employees and payment according to the issued certificates of incapacity for work, but the Fund did not dispute this.

Entries on the certificate of incapacity for work are made in Russian in printed capital letters in black ink or using printing devices.

Is it necessary to indicate the patient’s specific diagnosis on the form?

In the current year 2021, the diagnosis does not fit into the sick leave form. For this purpose there is a special column “Cause of disability”. It is filled out using a specially designed two-digit digital code. These digital codes must necessarily correspond to the basis on which this document is issued to the sick employee:

  • “01” – disease;
  • “02” – injury;
  • “03” – quarantine.

Such precautions and coding of the employee’s diagnosis are associated with guaranteed compliance with medical confidentiality.

The most common mistakes in sick leave

As practice shows, there are a number of errors that are especially common when filling out temporary disability forms. These include:

  • unclear seal of the organization;
  • incorrect name of the organization;
  • the name of the organization and the seal do not match;
  • the specialization of the attending physician is not indicated;
  • the use of Roman numerals rather than Arabic numerals;
  • lack of signature of a doctor or representatives of the medical commission;
  • the sheet contains unnecessary information;
  • The disease code or date of sick leave was entered incorrectly.

All these and some other errors are, as they say, critical and invariably lead to the issuance of a duplicate.

Important! There is no need to look for a detailed diagnosis in the sick leave certificate - it is not there. Instead, the bulletin contains a specific code, for example: 01 – disease, 02 – injury, etc. Likewise, in some cases, medical organizations have the right not to indicate their profile (in particular, drug treatment centers for the prevention and control of AIDS, psychiatric hospitals, etc.)

For your information! To clarify the significance of the mistake made, you can contact the regional Social Insurance Fund. This will allow you to promptly resolve problems related to inaccurate completion of the temporary disability certificate and avoid possible legal proceedings.

What to do if the CEO signed the sick leave certificate with a blue ballpoint pen?

An error in the corresponding section of the sick leave may also be made by the employee of the personnel service (accounting) when registering it.
Then carefully cross out the incorrect entry, and indicate the correct information on the back of the sick leave sheet and certify with the entry “corrected to believe”, the signature and seal of the employer. If an employee mistakenly filled in a line that does not need to be filled in, on the reverse side of the sheet, make a signature and seal certified entry stating that the line is considered blank (for example, “The line “Start Date” is considered blank”).

Errors may not be corrected by correction or other similar means.

Is the form always stamped?

The fact is that not all employing organizations have stamps in their use, so this point is insignificant, which is confirmed by Federal legislation:

  1. Federal Law, Law No. 208, Article No. 2, paragraph 7.
  2. Federal Law, Law No. 14, Article No. 2, paragraph 5.

As for the seals and stamps of a medical organization, they are mandatory. But due to the observance of medical confidentiality, there are seals that do not indicate the profile of the medical institution:

  • psychiatric;
  • drug treatment;
  • Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS.

But this absence of a medical institution’s profile on the seal, as indicated in the relevant documentation, is an exception to the generally accepted rules.

Can doctors sign on sick leave with a blue pen?

If you have changed jobs over the past two years, you will be paid sick leave for only one of them.

Double imprint of the seal of the medical institution

It’s not scary if a medical worker’s hand trembled when he put the stamp of a medical institution on a hospital document. If there are two prints on the sheet with a slight offset, but all the details can be read in the print, the sheet does not need to be redone. Also check that the names of the medical institution match in the seal and in the header of the sick leave sheet.

Courts have not previously considered double or unclear printing to be an error. This is confirmed by the decisions of the Seventh Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 03/09/17 in case No. A27-16536/2016 and the Arbitration Court of the West Siberian District dated 10/27/14 in case No. A27-7186/2014. But now the funds will no longer find fault with such a technical oversight.


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This story was told to me by an accountant friend who preferred to keep his name and place of work secret. You can understand him, because the case is semi-criminal. According to our interlocutor, the text from the sick leave certificate - by the way, a strict reporting form - disappears when heated. We conducted our own mini-investigation.

X-files At the beginning of March, one of the organization’s employees brought him sick leave for payment. Upon closer examination, it turned out that the form was not filled out: neither the name of the medical institution, nor the date of issue. All that remains is the clinic's seal. The girl swore that everything was in place until she ironed the accidentally wrinkled document. Under the influence of heat, they say, all the inscriptions disappeared. After hearing this story, the employer sent the employee back to the clinic for a duplicate. And he warned that the new ballot should be filled out without “spy tricks,” otherwise it would not be paid for. The unfortunate girl asked the clinic registrars to issue a certificate of incapacity for work in permanent ink, but she was refused, saying that after the reform (attention!) “that’s the only way they use it.” The girls examined the duplicate sick leave in the accounting department at their place of work meticulously. And, of course, after everything they heard, they tested it with an iron. The letters again disappeared without a trace: they did not smudge, did not leave blots, but simply dematerialized. It would be funny if it weren't so scary. For an accountant who can be fined a tidy sum if an empty paid sick leave form is found during an audit. After all, records can theoretically be lost even without an iron, but, for example, because they are stored in a closet next to the battery, or because they were carried on the dashboard of a car. It’s just that during the summer heat, the air conditioning in the office does not work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The accountant, covered in a cold sweat, decided to check all the sick leave presented for payment. With shaking hands, he ironed the seven blue sheets of paper. Five of them became empty. At this point he stopped the experiment. By the way, the documents were issued by different medical institutions in the city. The mystery of the blue piece of paper In complete confusion, my friend called the Moscow authorities. They just laughed at him there. It turns out that in the capital, every decent accounting department has had an iron for a long time. And Muscovites have been carrying out such a simple “examination” since the year before last - let us remind you that new sick leave forms began to be issued in July 2011. The Internet is also discussing this problem. Our hero received invaluable information on the Internet: to restore the lost text, you need to put the sick leave in the freezer. That's all! As if by magic, the letters return to their original places in the squares. On the forums they say that in hospitals they use “magic ink” deliberately, probably so as not to spoil strict reporting forms in case of an error. One blogger writes that they corrected an inaccuracy in the name of the organization right at the registry, after working on the document for just a couple of minutes. In short, the “secret” features of sick leave have long been declassified! Just imagine what kind of field this opens up for fraud: if you want, erase the dates and give yourself a week or two of paid vacation; if you want, change the name of the medical institution that issued the sick leave for the purpose of secrecy.

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